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Friends & Foes

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by ReShonda Tate Billingsley

  Storytelling that evokes laughter, tears, and renewed spirit—that’s the powerful result when two Essence bestselling authors join forces to create Sinners & Saints and its must-read sequel, Friends & Foes!



  “Emotionally compelling . . . . Full of palpable joy, grief, and soulful characters.”

  —The Jacksonville Free Press

  “Her community of very human saints will win readers over with their humor and verve.”


  “Steamy, sassy, sexy . . . . An entertaining dramedy.”


  “Faith-based fiction doesn’t get any better than Billingsley’s . . . .”

  —Publishers Weekly


  “Murray [makes] her characters come alive with each turning page.”

  —Indianapolis Recorder

  “Prompts you to elbow disbelief aside and flip the pages in horrified enjoyment.”

  —The Washington Post

  “Murray creates believable women to whom readers will easily relate.”

  —Library Journal

  “I’ve found a new author to add to my list of favorites.”

  —New Pittsburgh Courier

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  A Note from ReShonda

  A Note from Victoria

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Readers Group Guide

  Forever an Ex Excerpt

  About ReShonda Tate Billingsley and Victoria Christopher Murray

  A Note from


  It’s amazing that when I sat down to read over this book—months after we turned it in—I found myself going, “Okay, who wrote that? Me or Victoria?” That’s how seamless this story was to me. When you lose track of your own writing, you know you’re writing a cohesive story.

  I always tease Victoria that she’s the writing yin to my yang. But I think it’s because we both are committed to bringing the reader the best story ever. Plus, I know Jasmine, just like she knows Rachel. So when we’re writing, we just let the characters take over. Sometimes that means Jasmine will one-up Rachel (not often, but every now and then ) . . . and other times Rachel will come out on top. I have to say it again: This is the most fun I’ve ever had writing a book. It also challenged me creatively. I’m not sure if readers know, but I don’t change one single word that Victoria writes. She doesn’t change any of mine. She writes a chapter, sends it to me, I feed off it to craft my own . . . and so it goes. It’s a talent, I know, but your girl’s got skills! (That was such a Rachel comment, wasn’t it?)

  I’ve said all that to say a big thanks to my writing partner for helping me step up my game to bring the readers what I hope will be yet another enjoyable story.

  There are so many other people I have to thank as well who have made the entire literary journey possible—my family (my ever-supportive husband and my three wonderful children), my mom, my sister, extended family and friends, my sister circle, my colleagues, and all of the book clubs, libraries, and readers. And to my agent, editor, publicist, and everyone else at Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books—a thousand thanks! To Reina King and Regina King: We did it! Thank you for your commitment to giving Rachel life on the screen. To crystal Garrett, Shelby Stone, Queen Latifah, Shakim Compere and Flava Unit, Roger Bobb and your crew, everyone at BET, and the fabulous cast and crew of Let the Church Say Amen. I could go on and on thanking all of you who worked so hard to make my movie dream come true. I can’t wait for the world to see it!

  That’s it for now. I didn’t call names, so I should be safe in the I-can’t-believe-you-left-me-out argument! Until next time, enjoy!

  Join me on Twitter @ReShondaT and on Facebook

  A Note from


  I have procrastinated enough. I have to write this note and I can’t come up with any more excuses not to do this. So, I guess I’ll get started. It’s not that I don’t want to thank everyone. My heart is filled with gratitude because I could never do what I do without the help of so many. It’s just that I know because I’m a woman of a certain age, I’ll forget someone, and that brings along a whole lot of drama. (Sometimes, even more drama than Jasmine and Rachel can conjure up.) So since I prefer my drama on the pages of my novels, I’ll just say a short prayer and then get to typing . . . .

  First, once again, I have to say how much fun I had writing this novel with ReShonda. She keeps me laughing and on my toes writing because I have to work so hard to save poor Rachel from every kind of situation. I love writing with ReShonda, and I wish this blessing of a great friendship and partnership on everyone.

  I have been part of the Simon & Schuster team since 2004, and for a couple of those years I’ve had the opportunity to work with the team at Gallery Books. And this has been another great experience. Thank you, Brigitte Smith, for believing in this partnership and for being our champion. Looking forward to a few more stories with Rachel and Jasmine. Melissa Gramstad, you have worked so hard on our tour. Thank you so much for that.

  And of course, what can we say about our readers? TeamJasmine or TeamRachel, it doesn’t matter. You have been in our corner. Thank each and every one of you for always being excited about what we do.

  Finally, I have to end where this all begins for me. I feel so blessed that God uses my fingers to do this. I would never be able to write a word without Him. The stories, the discipline, the inspiration all comes from Him and I’m so grateful to God for this gift, this life.

  Before she was First Lady Jasmine Cox Larson Bush, before she had children, before she met Hosea, Jasmine was . . . Scandalous. This is the story of Jasmine before Temptation and how Jasmine became Jasmine.

  Join me on Twitter @VictoriaECM and on Facebook—Fans of Victoria Christopher Murray



  God has a great sense of humor.

  Rachel Jackson Adams could remember her mother’s words as if she’d just uttered them yesterday. When Rachel was growing up, it was one of the sayings Loretta Jackson loved most.

  Well, God must be some kind of comedian because this had to be the biggest joke of all.

  “Why are you sitting there with your mouth wide open?”

  Rachel jumped at the sound of Lester’s voice. She’d been so engrossed in the email she’d just read, she hadn’t even heard her husband come in the house.

  Rachel didn’t bother to spe
ak as she shook her head in disbelief. “This is unbelievable,” she muttered, more to herself than to him as she leaned back in the leather office chair.

  Lester set down his briefcase, walked over, and kissed his wife on the head. “What’s unbelievable? Macy’s is having a going-out-of-business sale? Dillard’s is closing early?” he joked.

  The evil eye she flashed at him wiped the smile right off his face. After nine years of marriage, Lester knew when his wife was about to lose it and she was definitely on the verge right now.

  “Okay, babe, what’s going on? You look like you’re about to explode,” Lester asked, all traces of laughter gone.

  “I am,” Rachel snapped. She spun her laptop around to face him. “Look at this mess.”

  Lester peered at the screen. “Okay, it’s an email.”

  “No kidding.” She jabbed a manicured nail at the screen. “It’s an email from Yvette.”

  “Who is Yvette?”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Good grief, Lester, the publicist for the American Baptist Coalition. You know, the woman we hired.”

  “Okay, calm down,” Lester said as he continued reading. “I just didn’t immediately realize who you were talking about.” When he got to the end of the email, a huge grin spread across Lester’s face. “That is phenomenal.”

  Rachel popped her husband upside the back of his head.

  “Wow, what did you do that for?”

  “What do you mean, it’s phenomenal?”

  He looked at her, confused. “Oprah isn’t phenomenal?” She didn’t answer, just kept glaring at him like he’d done something wrong. “Sweetheart, I don’t understand,” he continued. “The American Baptist Coalition is about to be represented on Oprah and you’re upset about that?”

  “You doggone right, I’m upset,” Rachel said, slamming the laptop shut. “Why in the world is she going on Oprah?”

  “Lady Jasmine?” he asked, still bewildered.

  “Her name ain’t no damn Lady Jasmine!” Rachel yelled. “I told you to stop calling her that. Call her Shady Jasmine, Jas, Jazzy, shoot, call her Pepper Pulaski after the name she used to use when she was a stripper for all I care, but stop calling her that like she’s some type of royalty!”

  Lester took a deep breath, trying to stay calm in order to keep her calm. “Okay, let’s back up because I really don’t understand your anger.”

  Her husband really and truly could work her nerves sometimes. He could be so naïve. Granted, over the years he’d gotten a little backbone and since he’d become a popular preacher, his confidence had soared. It had gone to even new heights when he’d won the election for the presidency of the American Baptist Coalition six months ago. That had been a brutal fight—not between Lester and the man he was running against, Pastor Hosea Bush, but between Rachel and Pastor Bush’s wife, Jasmine. Things had gotten downright ugly between the two of them, but at the end of the day, Rachel had emerged victorious. Just like she knew she would.

  And for the first four months, Rachel had been the shining star of the ABC. She’d increased their visibility, convinced them to hire the publicist, streamlined some of their programs, introduced a few others, and had worked around the clock to make the ABC even more powerful than it already was.

  So why in the world was Jasmine the one going on Oprah?

  “I’m the first lady of the American Baptist Coalition,” Rachel slowly said. “If O is gonna be talking to anybody, she needs to be talking to me.”

  Lester pointed at the email. “But Yvette said Jasmine will be talking about the new community center she’s starting, Jacqueline’s Hope.”

  “I don’t care what she’s talking about. It’s. Oprah. The only person that should be talking to Oprah on behalf of the ABC is me! I’m in the driver’s seat. Jasmine is back in the bed of the pickup truck. So why is it that every time I turn around, Jasmine don’t-nobody-wanna-say-all-them-dang-last-names is getting all the attention?”

  That brought a small smile to Lester’s face. “Bush. Her name is Jasmine Bush.” He chuckled. “As if you didn’t know.”

  Rachel waved him off. “She’s been married thirty times so I can’t keep up. Why are you taking up for her, anyway?” The disdain Rachel held for Jasmine was no secret. The bourgie, over-the-top troll had caused her enough headaches to last a lifetime.

  “Rachel, you get your fair share of press, too,” he said, soothingly. “You just did a TV appearance last week.”

  “Yeah, on Fox 26 News. That’s local. I’m a global type of woman and I’m resigned to local press? That’s unacceptable.”

  “Oh, you’re global now.” He laughed.

  Rachel stood, her hands plastered on her hips. Sure, this type of thing didn’t used to be her forte, particularly since she had been a reluctant first lady. But after some rough patches, she’d come to like the power that came along with being an esteemed first lady. “Lester Eugene Adams, I don’t see anything funny.”

  He immediately wiped the smile off his face. “Sweetheart,” he said gently, “this really is good news.”

  Rachel relaxed a bit, even though her anger didn’t subside. “Why is she always trying to steal my thunder? We won this election fair and square, yet she has been the bane of my existence for the past few months. She thinks because she has Moses’ mama on her side, she can just take over.”

  Lester sighed. “You promised to stop talking about Mae Frances like that.”

  Rachel didn’t even want to get into a debate with Lester about that crazy old woman who walked around in a matted full-length mink coat that she probably got at an estate sale in 1967. The Bushes claimed that Mae Frances was just a family friend, but something about that old woman turned Rachel’s stomach.

  “Lester, I don’t care about that old hag—or Mae Frances,” Rachel quipped.

  “I thought you and Jasmine were getting along,” Lester replied.

  “No, Jasmine recognized that she lost the election fair and square. And I thought not hearing from her for four months meant that she was gracious in defeat. But she was just plotting to see how she could steal my shine.”

  After the election, Jasmine had all but disappeared—thankfully. She’d hadn’t even bothered to reply to the email Rachel sent asking if Jasmine wanted to be her assistant. Then last month, out of the blue, she’d sent the board a press release talking about the center she was opening in honor of her little girl who’d been kidnapped. As a mother, Rachel could sympathize with not knowing where your child was. But they’d found the little girl, and still Jasmine milked sympathy every chance she could.

  Rachel felt disrespected because Jasmine hadn’t even bothered to talk to her about the center. Then, she’d gone over Rachel’s head and contacted the ABC ladies’ auxiliary about hosting a fund-raiser. Now, she thought she was about to give the ultimate disrespect and go on Oprah? By herself? Oh, hell no. Not if Rachel had anything to say about it!

  “You do realize this is not the first time they’ve done something like this,” Rachel replied. “Do I need to remind you of the article about Hosea on last week?”

  “That was about his TV show getting syndicated.”

  “And did they or did they not mention his role in the ABC? Yet, they didn’t bother to mention your name, Mr. President, at all.”

  “Honey, this isn’t about me. Or you. This is about the ABC. One of the things we promised to do was bring more positive coverage. I think it’s wonderful that Jasmine is helping us do that.”

  He stepped toward her and tried to take her hand. Rachel snatched it away. Sometimes she wished she could jump into her husband’s body and take it over. He could be so doggone passive-aggressive. But that was okay, she thought to herself. That’s why he had her. Because she was anything but passive.

  “Fine, Lester. I’m going to start dinner. My dad will be back with the kids any minute now.”

  Lester grabbed her hand and stopped her. “Are you good?”

  “I’m great,” she s
aid, feigning a smile. Rachel left the room and instead of going right into their oversized kitchen, she went left, up the spiral staircase and into her bedroom. She grabbed her purse, pulled her credit card out of her wallet, and snatched her cell phone off the nightstand. She punched in the number she knew by heart.

  “United Airlines, may I help you?” the voice said.

  “Yes . . . I need a ticket to Chicago . . .” Rachel smiled as she leaned back against her headboard. She thought Jasmine had learned that she wasn’t the one to be played with, but it looked like ol’ Jazzy needed to be reminded of that. So, let the games begin!



  Jasmine swung her bare legs out of the Escalade SUV and right away, she felt the sting of the October air. New York may have been setting record temperatures with an Indian summer heat wave, but it was clear that Chicago knew what was up. The chill of the Windy City reminded everyone that it was closer to winter than summer, and even though Jasmine stood in the indoor parking lot of Harpo Studios, that reminder made her tug on the collar of her leather coat, wrapping it a bit more snugly around her neck.

  “Are you ready for this?” Yvette Holloway, the PR representative for the American Baptist Coalition, whispered as she jumped out of the SUV behind Jasmine.

  Jasmine couldn’t hide her grin from the woman who was responsible for getting her this gig on Oprah. Yvette may have been hired by Lester and the board of the ABC, but from the moment she came on, Jasmine felt as if the public relations guru had been working for her.

  It had started three months ago when, at Lester’s suggestion, Yvette had flown to New York to meet the runner-up. According to Lester, he may have won the election to become president of the ABC, but he was sure that there was much the esteemed Pastor Hosea Bush could bring to the Coalition. He wanted Yvette to spend a little time with Pastor and First Lady Bush to see how the two might be able to assist in the organization’s growth.

  After sitting down with Jasmine and Hosea for three days, Yvette agreed that indeed, the Bushes had much to offer. During lunch on Yvette’s final day in town, she’d confided in Jasmine.


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