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Regale, Rhea - Wild Hunts [Blood Moon Legacy 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Rhea Regale

  She swallowed, fighting the lump in her throat. Averting her eyes, she turned to Slade. A knowing glimmer lit the back of his dark gaze. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. He folded his hands over his plate and rested his chin on his knuckles. Kasa shifted, her traitorous body aching with a need to be touched by these men.

  In a vain attempt to keep her arousal under wraps, she cleared her throat and shrugged. “So, you’re saying that one, possibly two, women are responsible for this massive underground operation of kidnapping weres, mentally breaking them down and reprogramming them, then setting them free in the world to hunt us down?”

  “Doll, you’re smelling so sweet. And your lovely face is such a delightful shade of pink. Are we making you hot in that seat?” Slade’s smile grew as she burned beneath his silent observation. Aloud, he said, “Don’t underestimate the power of determined weres, male or female.” “Are you thinking about my cock sliding into your tight, wet pussy right now? You’re coiled so tight I’m sure with a long, slow lick of my tongue through your cunt, you’d explode. And to taste you as you cream—”

  “Stop it,” Kasa scolded. She didn’t need Slade feeding fuel to her untamed fire. Her gaze dropped from his, avoiding the carnal hunger glowing like dark obsidian in his gorgeous face. A stubborn wave of hair fell over his eye, but nothing could soften the hard man she knew lay below the surface.

  The memory of his thick erection gliding between her wet nether lips, his glistening bulbous head appearing over her mons, the hard ridges of his dick creating enough friction against her clit…

  Kasa blinked. Fuck, she was hot as hell turned over twice. Standing abruptly, drawing both men’s attention, she tugged her fingers through her hair, mussing it from the clip that held it up.

  “Um, I’m going to change into something for the night. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She glanced pointedly at each man. “Give me a few minutes of privacy, okay?”

  “As you wish.” Slade chuckled, sliding the chair back enough to recline comfortably. He made a show of adjusting the bulge in his jeans with a groan. Kasa rolled her eyes and hurried to the safety of her room before she could make an absolute fool out of her wanton self.

  I need the cold. A dip in the storm.

  A romp in the forest during this blizzard would do wonders for her lack of dignity around her mates. Tonight wasn’t the night to start playing in bed. Not until she was certain Jordan was safe. Capturing a Dark Moon madwoman wouldn’t be so bad, either.

  Closing the bedroom door behind her, Kasa clamored around her room, throwing open her closet doors, opening her chest lid and letting it drop with a loud crack. She growled and kicked a sneaker against the wall. Anything to cause more of a ruckus that would ultimately cover her reason for escaping to her room.

  She hurried to the window next to her nightstand, opening the drawer and slamming it shut as she stepped by.

  “You okay in there?” Slade asked.

  “Yeah. Burning off some excess irritation, thank you,” she snarled back. His honey-rich chuckle filled her head and a shudder of pure pleasure shot down to her crotch. Damn him! Hell, damn them both. She ignored the rush of blood that pulsed straight down to her pussy and flicked the locks open on the window. Holding her breath, she reached down to the sneaker she had kicked and heaved it across the room. She tugged open the window as the sneaker bounced off the door, covering the slight squeak of resistance from unused tracks.

  Cold air blasted her. A smile came to her mouth, and she slid through the opening without a second to waste. By the time they discovered her gone, she’d be deep in the hunt. She’d be so far out that the thick swells of snow pummeling the forest would hide her, scent and sight.

  She dropped to the ground on hands and feet, absorbing the cold winter storm like a breath of fresh air. Flakes instantly clung to her lashes, clothes, hair. Almost an inch of white already blanketed the ground.

  A quiet giggle lodged in her throat. She turned toward the front of her cabin and lurched forward—

  And came to a slippery halt, nearly landing on her ass.

  “I had a feeling you’d try something like that,” Micah said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Didn’t help your case that you and your friend decided passing notes back and forth like schoolgirls would cover your plan.”

  No degree of cold could match the frozen temperature that paralyzed her. The snow gusts slowed, mocking her failure. Micah stood, formidable as always, a few feet in front of her. Nothing could shield the dangerous glow behind his eyes or the hard cut of his face. His wolf growled against her mind, a subtle warning.

  She shifted slightly, placing her left foot behind her, and lowered close to the ground. All she had to do was change in mid-leap and blend in with the snow. She’d be free in a matter of heartbeats…

  But her heart beat a different tune at the moment. Anxiety, danger, hunt. Chase.

  “Don’t think about it, Kasa.”

  She didn’t need to think.

  She sprang to her left, away from Micah and her cabin. Her clothing tore away from her body as she fluidly transformed from human to wolf. Fur sprouted up through her skin, the thick undercoat protecting her from the blustery winds that picked up with a vengeance. Her bones and joints stretched, shortened, lengthened, and molded into her sub-natural being.

  Kasa landed on paws, her pads providing traction against the slick snow. She bounded forward again, not hesitating to put as much distance between her and Micah as possible. She barreled through the forest, accustomed to its geography. Not even the dense storm could trip her up. On a sharp look over her shoulder, there was no sign of Micah. Only squalls of white, the crisp scent of the storm, and a sense of impending excitement.

  Leaping over a boulder, she landed just as a black blur slid in front of her, kicking up an arc of soft snow. She skidded to a stop, claws biting into the hard ground. Micah pulled back his black jowls, baring his lethal fangs.

  “I warned you.”

  “You can’t stop me.”

  “Oh, I can stop you, little love. Go ahead and try my patience.”

  Kasa growled. She hopped to the right, feigned a duck to the left, then bolted back to the right. She made it three leaps before Micah caught her shoulders and knocked her to the ground with his imposing weight. His teeth dug into her scruff, stilling her without harm. He adjusted himself on top of her, forcing her belly-down, her back legs splayed out.

  Trapped. She was stuck with her brute mate on top of her, covering her, infiltrating her entire body with his scent, heat, and heady desire. He was so close to her, hind legs wedged up against her rear, her tail shoved to the side.

  Something thick brushed against her vulva. She shuddered, her traitorous body tipping her hips into Micah’s belly.

  “You wanted a chase that landed you beneath me?” Micah growled softly against her neck. Kasa stilled as he brushed his penis over her sensitive opening. She wiggled back, but he shifted just out of reach. “Nice try, naughty girl. You’re not getting me that easily.”

  “Damn you, Micah! Damn you!” She seethed beneath the intensity of her own churning arousal, her frustration, and the realization that she had been outsmarted. Again. And that Micah was teasing her as both her mates had done since the night before. “Either finish what you’re starting, or get off me.”

  “Slade wasn’t kidding when he said you were wound up like a toy about to explode. Turn back, Kasa. I want you facing me.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  Kasa didn’t know what to make of his casual response until the thick paws pinning her shoulders to the ground changed, elongating and thinning. Fingers pressed into her fur. Micah’s hold on her scruff disappeared, as did his penis and his hind legs from her rear. Within moments, she found herself beneath her man, his mouth close to her triangular ear.

  “No biting. My teeth are far more painful, and surely you wouldn’t care for a pinch tonight,” he whispered. The
menacing undertone lit her thoughts on fire and drew her into the raging inferno.

  Micah rolled her onto her side and caught both her front legs and hind legs in his grip before she could kick out. She snapped her teeth at him, receiving a dark smile in return. Her anger simmered for only a moment before the sight of his naked body stole her breath. She had imagined, vividly, what he looked like beneath all his clothing, but this…He was sin on two legs. No man should’ve been graced with such splendid cords of muscle that flexed with the slightest movement. No man should’ve honed such perfection in the form of articulately cut pecs, an enviable board of abs, and powerful thighs.

  Fuck, no man should’ve been endowed with a thick, jutting erection that made her wonder how he would ever fit inside her.

  Even in her wolf coat, her mouth watered to taste him, explore him, learn every inch of this flesh-and-blood phenomenon. If Slade was anything like him, she would certainly end up in a sex-addiction coma.

  So entranced by the man crouching beside her, she barely had time to register the moment he ducked his head and tossed her around his shoulders. She weighed more in this form, that she knew, but the ease Micah exhibited lifting her made her wonder how much her extra weight strained him.

  “You can change any time you wish, little love. The walk back to the cabin might be more comfortable for you as a woman.”

  “I wouldn’t give you the pleasure of seeing me naked.” What a weak retort, but it was all she could think of.

  “I believe you were quite naked last night. If I recall correctly, we were exploring your pussy together, were we not? You were guiding my fingers inside your wet heat, stroking—”

  “Enough! You don’t need to keep bringing up last night.”

  “Torturing you, am I? Ahh, you haven’t seen the beginning of torture.”

  Chapter Nine

  Micah fought every fucking instinct to throw Kasa to the ground and pound into her. Their mating games had gone on long enough. Even Slade was over the teasing. If keeping her inside the cabin meant turning up the heat in the bedroom, then so be it. Jordan would have to wait until he was through placating his rebellious sister, taming her enough to keep her out of harm’s way, and curing the painful ache in his cock.

  His plan wouldn’t be immediately gratifying, however.

  Kasa had changed back into her woman form by the time they reached the cabin. He stormed into the warm interior, slamming the door shut behind him, and made the short distance to the bedroom in a matter of strides. Slade looked up from the bed, a mischievous grin on his face. He picked up a small box from the comforter, attached to a wire that led to a vibrating egg, and swung it gently through the air.

  “Look what our doll hides. Think we should experiment a bit, don’t you?” Slade asked.

  That wicked glimmer in his eyes matched the wicked thoughts rolling through Micah’s own mind. Kasa pressed up off his back and twisted to see what they were surveying. Micah stepped up to the side of the bed and tossed her onto the plush mattress. Her face took on a deep shade of rose, her amber eyes following the pendulum ticking back and forth feet from her face. Her lips pursed but her arousal intensified. The scent of woman’s musk filled his lungs and he grasped his cock to ease his growing pain. Pre-cum seeped from his slit, moistening his fingers. Kasa’s gaze dropped to his fisted penis then roamed over to the bulge at the front of his brother’s unbuttoned jeans.

  “I discovered a little treasure trove of goodies,” Slade continued. Micah moved to the opposite side of the bed, trapping the frisky white between them as his brother rifled through the open nightstand drawer. He drew out a package of massage oils, some almost empty, some barely touched. He deposited them on the bed beside the egg. Kasa’s jaw worked, her teeth grinding as a container of lube came out next, followed by the offending blue vibrating dildo.

  “That’s it. Stop going through my stuff,” she said between clenched teeth. The deep husk in her voice gave her away. Whether she would admit it or not, Micah took notice of how she kept eyeing the egg and lubes, then his cock, and licked her lips before returning to sour Kasa. Her nipples were pert and hard, deep rosebuds that made his mouth water with a dire need to suckle them.

  Slade straightened up, surveying his findings. Then his gaze landed on her, and Micah watched a subtle shudder roll just below her surface. More arousal, more heat, filled the room. Her breaths had become shallow. He stroked his cock at the sight of her. Desires as deep as his own licked at her eyes, darkening them. The tension in her jaw eased, as did her knees.

  Micah climbed onto the bed, drawing her attention back to him. Once again, she moistened her lips, her eyes dropping to his dick.

  “If you keep looking at it like you’re going to devour it, you’d better plan to do so. I’ve been patient enough since last night,” Micah said.

  Slade nodded toward her. “She’s been a naughty one. Tricking us. Lying to us. Running away from us.”

  Slade slipped out of his shirt, dropping it to the floor. He dropped his jeans and stepped out of them. Kasa gasped, and Micah couldn’t help but growl. He was so heated with carnal lust, he wanted her sole attention on him. Slade had his taste last night. He, on the other hand, barely had a chance to explore her.

  Kasa dug her heels into the bed and pressed her back to the headboard. She covered the heavy swells of her breasts. Micah settled onto the center of the bed, releasing his cock. He crooked his finger at her.

  “Come here, Kasa.” His voice deepened beneath the gravelly rumble. Kasa arched a brow at him. “You told me to finish what I started. Come here. I think we need to start it first.”

  “Woman, games are done for the night. We’ve been holding out on you, but you’ve been doing the same,” Slade said. He swept a hand over the props he’d pulled from the drawer. “You’ve obviously got a wild side. How ‘bout you try using the real things, hmm?”

  “Those are for my private use, not for you to go dig out.” Kasa defended herself even as she moved onto her hands and knees. She crept forward, each step closer a sensual motion of seduction. Her breasts swayed. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders, framing her face. Micah’s cock pulsed at the erotic sight of his woman crawling up to him, her head so close to his moist crown. Her attention lowered once more to his dick. He reached forward, grabbed her under the chin, and crushed his mouth to hers. Somewhere in the distance, Slade whistled long and low.

  He plundered her mouth, kissing her deep, sweeping his tongue against hers, filling him with her delightful taste. She met each demanding stroke, each starved probe with equal power. He raked his fingers into her hair, holding her closer. Teeth scraped. Breath came from each other’s lungs. Soft moans filled the room.

  When her hand wrapped around his cock, he jerked. The cool touch of her soft skin around his hot shaft nearly undid him. She climbed closer to him, her legs straddling his, and slowly began to pump him.

  The kiss broke abruptly. Micah dipped his head and drew one of her pebbled nipples between his teeth. He lashed his tongue across the hardened flesh, sucked her into his mouth, and laved her areola. Her body arched into him, feeding more of her soft flesh between his lips. Her fisted hand began to move faster along his cock, threatening to bring him release…

  Hot wetness slid over his shaft and he drew back from her breast. Kasa undulated her hips over his cock, her slick folds running along the tip of his penis. Micah grabbed her hips, stilled her, and shook his head.

  “Not that easy. You’ve been a bad wolf.” He spoke so low it sounded more like a rumble than a tease. Kasa’s eyes were half-closed, that deep pleasure pink that touched her skin creeping down to her chest. Slade had climbed onto the bed behind her at some point. Micah caught a quick glance as his brother lathered his dick with lube.

  Kasa frowned. “You haven’t been an angel yourself.”

  “I never claimed to be an angel.”

  Slade’s hands slipped around her waist. Kasa’s frown loosened, and her head dropped back onto hi
s shoulder. His hands came up and cupped her breasts, squeezing them together.

  “Neither of us are angels,” Slade murmured. He kneaded her breasts again, the full mounds so inviting that Micah leaned up and licked the nipple he hadn’t tended. Slade held her breast for him, an offering he couldn’t refuse. “Micah’s going to give you a sample of what we’re going to do to you. You will return the favor, or you’re going to get nothing but a vibrating egg in that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Micah nibbled her pearled nipple, drawing moan after moan. He ran his fingers down her flat stomach and over the small thatch of moist curls. Her skin, so smooth, so soft, left his wolf pacing and panting beneath the surface of his being. Slowly, he separated her slick folds and traced her slit.

  “So fucking wet,” he groaned against her breast. He sucked in flesh then pulled back, tugging her nipple until it slipped from his lips. He lifted his eyes to hers, circling her opening but never pressing inside her. He ached, he burned, he wanted to fuck her, and yet he couldn’t help himself when it came to watching her wriggle against their touches. “You’ve been wet for us since last night, but never once asked us to stave your hunger. I don’t imagine you’d want us to do that now, would you?”

  “Oh God, yes,” she hissed. Micah lifted a brow. His woman was maddened with lust. Her eyes darkened to storm gray with the slightest hint of amber. Her chest rose and fell with shallow gasps. Slade rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. She purred.

  Micah allowed her an ounce of relief. He gently slid one finger into her hot pussy and watched her forehead pinch.

  “Damn it. Harder.”

  “Harder? Darling, I’m damn fucking hard as a rock.”

  “I want you inside me. I want to feel you inside me, pounding…pounding…”

  “Oh?” Micah chuckled. He pulled his finger out and slowly pressed in again. Kasa tried to sit on his hand, gyrating her hips. She reached down, grabbed his wrist, and tugged him deeper inside her. He instantly pulled out, trailing his moist appendage over her belly. “Naughty, naughty wolf. You won’t tell me what to do.”


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