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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 11

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Do you sense anything amiss Megan?’ Zacharias asked, before they dismounted. They’d entered the yard at the back of a large sprawling single story house. The house and outbuildings cast black shadows in the moonlight. His words halted the others from just jumping down, assuming all to be safe and well.

  ‘Let me down Zach,’ Megan said wearily. Since she still shared his horse, she was trapped in place. He got off and reached up to lift her down.

  ‘Thank you. Now stay here so I can feel beyond your glowing immortal presences.’ She limped painfully all the way around the yard they stood in, checking the other buildings for life. ‘What lives in here?’

  ‘Chickens,’ Schubert responded.

  ‘Ah,’ Megan murmured feeling the auras inside. Now given the clue she could identify that there were about a dozen separate but similar type creatures and that said creatures were at peace, probably sleeping. Reassured the outbuildings held nothing dangerous, she went to the house and walked slowly and awkwardly along the whole outer side of the house until her progress was halted by a wall. ‘I don’t sense anything lying in wait for us. It should be safe to go inside.’

  ‘Come and sit on a bale with Yolanda while we see to the horses,’ Zacharias told her, going to wrap an arm around her. ‘We can then go inside together.’

  ‘Ok,’ Megan said easily and sat down. She supposed Zacharias didn’t like them being separated after the last time they had been and the subsequent abduction. She wondered how the others felt. Certainly they seemed to prefer to be within sight of one another. ‘I think we could all use a chance to clean up,’ Megan said when Schubert reappeared. ‘Zach and I do at least have our packs with a clean change of clothes inside.’

  Schubert glanced at each of his companions and had to agree. Julius had been injured, and whilst his wounds would have mostly healed by now, he’d be as covered in dry blood as his clothes. Zacharias had bled and also been dropped amidst the excrement layering the cave floor. Poor Yolanda was caked in stuff that didn’t bear looking at too closely. Her clothes needed burning; certainly they’d been shredded in places. He would need to find clothing for them. He was probably the cleanest, although looking down he realised carrying Yolanda had transferred filth to him too.

  ‘I’ll need to light the stove for the water,’ Schubert said. ‘Megan’s right, we all stink. We could wait turns for the little bath tub in the house,’ he suggested, ‘or I’ve a large shower room,’ he said leading them into the building nearest the house.

  ‘This is better,’ Zacharias said glancing around him in approval. It wasn’t a large room but the five of them could share the available hot water. ‘We can clean up quickly here and then get the ladies tucked up. I’ll light this shall I?’ he asked Schubert, indicating the stove in the partly separated raised dressing area of the shower room.

  ‘Please. I’ll get us towels and clothes,’ Schubert said, bringing Zach and Megan’s packs inside. He then turned to assess Julius who was his height but slimly built. Yolanda was a little shorter and boyishly shaped for a woman. He recalled she’d been able to borrow his clothes in the past, although they’d been baggy. Julius went with him in case they came across anything unexpected and ended up carrying everything.

  ‘You were friends with Yolanda or lovers?’ Julius asked, since they were alone.

  ‘We once thought of marrying,’ Schubert said. ‘But she was far too young. We both wanted to explore the world and meet lots of people. Well, she did. It was right that we went our separate ways for a while. I don’t know how it happened, but I lost track of her. I think she must have gone abroad or retreated for a while. You know how it is trying to reinvent yourself every few years, moving around to stop the mortals noticing we are different. I never even thought something like this might happen to either of us though; that our time could actually be short. She might of course never truly recover as the person she was.’

  ‘She’s been making sense so far and has you to help and protect her. She has every chance now,’ Julius remarked gently.

  ‘Yes and it’s all down to Zacharias’s Megan. She is one remarkable woman. Did you see how burned her hands are and her legs were bitten. Yet even though she’d got Zacharias to safety, she risked everything again just to check if anyone else was trapped in there. She could just have easily walked away. We all tried to convince her to do just that. Thankfully she didn’t listen.’

  ‘Absolutely,’ Julius agreed and they left the bedroom. ‘Do you have anything to wash us with; shampoo, disinfectant?’ Julius added wrinkling his nose.

  Schubert laughed and went off to collect appropriate jars.

  ‘The shower’s about ready,’ Zacharias announced once everyone was back. ‘Let me help you with your clothes Meg,’ he added.

  ‘All five of us are showering together?’

  ‘There’s space under the water and it’s certainly nice and warm in here now the fire’s going well. Oh, is it modesty you’re worried about? I think we’re all too tired and smelly to be thinking about anything other than getting clean.’

  Megan nodded knowing that was certainly how she felt. She could feel by the uninterrupted glow of their auras that Schubert and Julius were already naked and they were gently assisting Yolanda with her clothes. Zacharias’s movements told her that he was undressing. She vividly remembered sight of him, he’d been amused, but also delighted she liked his body. It was a pity she was going to miss it this time.

  ‘Ok, help would make this easier. My hands are really sore,’ she conceded trying to quash her shyness and he immediately turned to tug at her shirt tucked in her trousers. ‘Just undo all the buttons please. Then you can turn your back.’

  ‘Why must I turn my back? They can see you,’ Zacharias complained aware both Schubert and Julius were listening and seemed amused.

  ‘They aren’t interested in me,’ she told him quietly whilst shimmying out of her trousers and then wriggling out from her partly unbuttoned shirt. She kicked her clothes to the side with everyone else’s. ‘Schubert, Zach can be first to test the water temperature.’

  ‘Why? It’s likely to be cold to start with, certainly until I can get it adjusted.’

  ‘Exactly. He appears to need it,’ Megan commented.

  ‘Megan,’ Zacharias objected.

  ‘I told you, no peeking. In the water,’ Megan said a little sternly, but she was embarrassed and not entirely sure what to do.

  Schubert chuckled, ‘Zach she’s right, you do need a cold shower. I know she’s worth looking at, but honestly, now’s not the time and she’s not in any shape to appreciate that kind of attention.’

  Megan glanced at Schubert sharply but his aura wasn’t upset in any way. Zacharias’s was however. His blood was flooding his face now too and he’d turned his back to them, obediently facing in to the cold water. ‘What the hell am I to do with him?’ Megan sighed softly to herself. She didn’t have the strength to deal with anything at all right now, even though she sensed she’d embarrassed him in front of his friends. A misty spray flowed from several concentric rings of holes in the ceiling at the centre of the room with about a six foot spread. The fine holes at the outer edge became a little larger at the centre allowing a heavier spray. Schubert had quickly adjusted the temperature and now it was warm they moved into the water. She watched Schubert lift Yolanda, still seated on a stool, into the middle under the heaviest spray. Megan watched him begin the task of washing Yolanda’s skin with a soapy cloth. There was nothing sexual in his touch, nor revulsion from the toxic smells briefly rising from her skin. He was caring for her with thoroughness and maintaining an impressive impersonal dignity.

  Megan turned her face up to the water, relishing the clean gentle spray. It felt like being outside in the rain but comfortably warm rain. She sensed Julius go over to a miserably hunched over Zacharias and guessed he was talking to him. The water hissing down and splashing on the stone flagged floor covered their quiet words. She found a warm jet and sat on the floor, her a
rms around her knees, despite the fact the tiled floor was cold and hard. Her feet and legs hurt from bites and so did her arm; standing was painful. Her hands and face were speckled with burns too. Added to those injuries, she was bone weary. Knowing she was covered in filth and the ash of burnt insect corpses, meant she would not have slept peacefully until she’d scrubbed herself of it. Unfortunately, she hadn’t any strength. The spray was doing the job, albeit slowly and imperfectly. She was very relieved Schubert was taking care of Yolanda; she certainly didn’t have the strength to have done it for her. The caring and considerate way he moved about Yolanda, spoke of his affection despite the fact they’d been apart longer than Megan had been alive.

  ‘Can I help you with your hair?’

  Megan glanced up in surprise, ‘Julius! Ah, I could do with a little assistance, yes. Thank you.’ His strong fingers massaged a sweet scented shampoo into her wet hair while she remained seated and she closed her eyes in relief. This was not her man though and his touch made her uneasy.

  Julius noticed she kept glancing in Zacharias’s direction. What her blind eyes could determine of Zach he had no idea but she clearly knew where he was. As he suspected, as soon as he began working suds into her hair Zacharias turned to watch more obviously. It was clear he was unhappy and he slowly came closer.

  ‘Zach.’ Megan held out her hand to him. He took her hand and she drew him closer and kissed it.

  ‘Thanks Julius. I’ll take it from here.’

  ‘About time you came to your senses,’ Julius told him and moved off to continue his own ablutions.

  Zach pulled her to her feet off the cold floor, only then seeing how she winced. ‘Hold on to me,’ he told her wrapping her hands around his neck. ‘I’ll get us cleaned up.’ He finished washing her hair, rinsing thoroughly until it was clean of the gritty ash. Then he began with fresh suds over the rest of her body. He knew his body was betraying his desire but he couldn’t help it when touching her naked skin. Schubert was right; she was injured and in pain and it was inappropriate to reveal his yearning now. She needed to know caring for her was his strongest need. He could at least prove he had control over his actions. Washing her he discovered so many injuries he knew she must be in considerable discomfort. He washed each wound thoroughly but as gently as possible, fervently hoping none would become infected.

  ‘I’m sorry I embarrassed you,’ Megan said quietly into his chest. Once he had finished soaping her she could let her body lean against his, soaking up his heat and strength. The warm water sluicing over them felt good, as did his attentive care of her. She was relieved he wasn’t holding her earlier words against her.

  ‘I’m sorry I seem to have no control around you and showed it at an inappropriate time,’ he said in her ear. ‘But we are alive when it could so easily have been different.’

  ‘I understand. Can we get out of here yet?’

  Zacharias immediately took her out of the spray and around the partition to the fire and where their fresh clothes were keeping dry. While he got towels she moved closer to the fire and he realised her skin was appreciably cooler than his own although she hadn’t mentioned being cold. Zacharias tucked a towel about his waist, wrapped up her dripping hair then knelt to dry her carefully. Keeping her warmly wrapped up, he set to work applying a fiery disinfectant to her wounds that made her grit her teeth, but it needed to be done.

  Schubert came out and turned off the water. It was a subdued party that dried off and dressed in the clean clothes Schubert had found for them before heading into the house.

  Megan and Yolanda were soon warmly dressed and seated in huge armchairs in the lounge before the roaring fire Schubert had created. He’d brought the hot coals from the shower room fire to kick start the lounge fire and soon had it blazing. With the ladies sitting warm and as comfortable as their injuries allowed, the men hurried about, cooking and rearranging furniture in the bedrooms to cater for everyone. Megan was relieved to doze and knew Yolanda was too, although the smells beginning to drift through from the kitchen reminded her she was ravenous. It really didn’t matter that it was the middle of the night; they were all too keyed up and hungry to sleep yet.

  ‘Who is cooking?’ Megan asked Schubert when he next popped in to check on them.

  ‘Zacharias. Smells good doesn’t it? You’re a lucky girl.’

  ‘I think we’re lucky he’s trying to impress her,’ Julius commented from the doorway, breathing appreciatively at the smells wafting through.

  Zacharias came into the room. ‘Ah good, you’re awake,’ he said kneeling by Megan’s chair. ‘How are you feeling?’

  ‘Hungry. We’ve all been sniffing appreciatively,’ she told him and was sure he was pleased.

  ‘I won’t be a minute then,’ Zacharias said and returned to the kitchen with the men to dish up.

  ‘Megan,’ Yolanda said and the girl turned towards her. ‘I just wanted to thank you for what you did.’ She reached out and took Megan’s hand gently. She noticed the wince and looked at the hand more closely; it was red and painful looking. ‘I’m sorry; I forget you wouldn’t have started recovering from your injuries yet. They look sore.’

  ‘They are. I will heal, though not as quickly as one of you of course. I’m quite envious.’

  ‘What are you envious of?’ Zacharias asked coming back into the room and noticing the two women held hands.

  ‘Healing quickly,’ Megan said simply. ‘Hope that tastes as good as it smells,’ she added changing back to a less awkward subject.

  ‘Open up and you can find out,’ Zacharias said and popped a spoonful into her mouth.

  ‘Mm delicious,’ Megan said honestly and smiled at him. His colours shifted away from anxious yellow to the blue green spectrum of contentment. ‘Are you eating too? Don’t let yours get cold.’

  ‘I just wanted to be sure you ate properly before you fall asleep again.’

  ‘It’s nice to be able to breathe between mouthfuls you know,’ she added aware she’d barely swallowed each time before more was proffered in rapid succession.

  ‘Ok, I’ll eat,’ he said settling her in his lap and alternating between them with the spoon until she’d had enough.

  ‘Damn, did I fall asleep again?’ Megan asked aware of being lifted and carried in Zach’s arms.

  ‘You certainly did,’ Zacharias agreed. ‘Let’s get you tucked up so you can sleep properly.’

  He set her down on the bed then closed the door before approaching again. ‘What is it Zach? You seem apprehensive.’

  ‘I want to give you some more of my blood. It’ll help you heal properly won’t it?’

  ‘You mean quicker than I would alone? Probably, but you know it knocked me out for a full day last time and affected me strangely. Who knows what it might do this time.’

  ‘Meg, you’ve got real wounds this time. I’m sure it’ll help. I can’t bear to see you in pain.’

  ‘You have a point. Ok then, let’s give it a go,’ she conceded and felt him jump up and rummage in a bag. ‘Half the jar this time is probably best. You need your strength too.’

  ‘Don’t be worrying about me. I’m fine, but that’s only because of you. Let me do this sweetheart,’ he added sitting down on the bed beside her.

  ‘Sweetheart?’ she queried lightly.

  ‘You are,’ he said watching her reaction.

  ‘So are you,’ she whispered and lay back limply on the bed. He caught his breath softly but said nothing. Instead she heard him picking up the transfusion implements. He gave a quiet hiss and she saw the weird vision of his living blood flowing out of his body and into the small jar. ‘That’s plenty,’ she murmured. He pulled out the needle and kept his finger over the puncture until it had ceased bleeding. Almost as soon as he’d pulled the needle from her arm and bound it she fell asleep. She was unaware of Zacharias tenderly tucking the covers around her, undressing and climbing in beside her.


  Megan woke feeling markedly better. ‘How long have I
slept this time?’ she asked feeling Zacharias in the room.

  ‘It’s about lunch time. How are you?’

  Megan sat up, felt a draught and clutched the covers up. ‘Better, but where are my clothes?’

  ‘You don’t need clothes in bed,’ he told her. ‘I already got some out for you. I’m putting them at the foot of the bed. Let me see your arm; that was a nasty bite. Mm, it’s closed over and looks no end better. How are the wounds on your legs?’ He threw back the covers, scooped her out and set her down on top of them, ignoring her protest.

  ‘Zach, I’m naked,’ she protested.

  ‘It’s a view I’m very partial to,’ he admitted nonchalantly but handed her a blouse. ‘That’s not how you wear that garment,’ he observed since she’d simply snatched and held the fabric in front of her to block his view. He plucked it out of her hands, took her arm and threaded it into one sleeve then the other. He buttoned her shirt from the bottom leaving it buttoned rather low and sexy and not providing underwear.

  ‘Thank you Zach,’ she said drily. ‘Knickers would be good too.’

  ‘That’s definitely a matter of opinion,’ he responded but handed them over. She laughed as she put them on, obviously amused by his light flirtation. ‘Your legs seem much improved today too,’ he told her checking them carefully in proper daylight. He watched her applying her salve to her wounds as she had last night. It was sobering to see evidence of what she’d endured on his behalf.

  ‘What’s the matter Zach?’

  ‘Just remembering yesterday.’

  She got up since he was standing and wrapped her arms around him. His answering hug was rather tight and she felt he was preoccupied with dark thoughts.

  ‘Zach, you can thank me now,’ she told him tilting her face up. It took him a few moments to realise what she meant but then she felt the lightest of kisses. He quickly withdrew, probably not entirely sure what she wanted or perhaps he was still lost in his grim memories.


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