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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 27

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Certainly,’ Tarquin responded simply.

  ‘Thank you sir,’ she responded and headed for her seat as the bell rang, signalling the start of breakfast.

  ‘Eat up. You skinny pair need all the calories you can get,’ Schubert told them. ‘I’m going to miss someone putting such a good hearty breakfast before me.’ He helped himself to another couple of rashers of bacon and spooned more scrambled egg onto his plate, prompting Zacharias to follow suit, whilst Megan took an extra slice of toast. Most of the others sharing their table ate quickly and left as soon as they were finished; however Megan, Zach and Brendon needed to remain until breakfast officially ended, so it was less obvious if they seemed to still be eating.

  ‘Julius should have everything loaded by now and be ready to pick us up. Let’s go and say our goodbyes to Tarquin,’ Zacharias said briskly as the last few diners around them left, with breakfast officially ending. Brendon took the handles of his chair and they left Schubert sitting at the table to wait for them. The bell rang and the remaining crowds in the dining hall quickly dispersed. Tarquin and Alistair remained in their seats and now turned to watch them approach.

  ‘So, what is it you’d like to talk about?’ Tarquin asked eyeing the sombre trio.

  ‘The trial publicised the attack on Zacharias,’ Megan began. ‘Indirectly, it also reminded everyone that Immortals still exist. We are concerned that some in the wizard community may feel aggrieved at the public shaming and punishment of those students. Their families are going to have to live with that for years to come. They might consider that Zacharias, as an Immortal, was granted preferential treatment in having a high profile trial and that the Magister showed favouritism in the severity of their verdict.’

  ‘You believe the trial came down too hard on them?’

  ‘Not at all. I actually believe justice has been served. However, I am concerned that someone’s out there so determined to get him they are prepared to coerce youngsters into committing murder. Zach has not fully recovered his strength or mobility yet; he is vulnerable. Whilst I know he has many friends here, particularly amongst the animus, Brendon was attacked for aiding him and his name was prominent in the trial as a result. He is now linked to us. Brendon overheard a disturbing conversation between one of the wizard parents and another during the trial. They were outraged and threatened retaliation that Brendon’s dog dared bite a couple of his wizard attackers. I would hate for anything to happen to him should we leave him behind and unprotected. Indeed, should we remain, another attack might take place and someone else could get badly hurt in any crossfire. In short, we feel we have no choice but to leave.’

  ‘I hadn’t heard that specifically about Brendon, but I think I know who is must have been.’ He sighed glancing at each of their faces. ‘I understand you have valid concerns and that you feel you have to go. That this may be a prudent decision saddens me more than I can say,’ Tarquin admitted. ‘I’d like to think you don’t have any cause for worrying about your future safety here, but nothing is certain when dealing with wizard compulsions. No offense Alistair.’

  ‘None taken. I was just as appalled as you.’

  ‘I never thought such a serious crime was even possible under my roof,’ Tarquin continued. ‘It feels wrong and infuriating that you are the ones forced to leave.’

  ‘I know, but there it is. I’d rather take steps to minimise the risks, rather than be proved wrong,’ she added. Tarquin’s lips thinned unhappily and then he gave a sharp nod of acceptance.

  ‘Megan, I have a message from Wizard Physician Tomas,’ Alistair said, as the silence grew. ‘He was very impressed by the treatments outlined in your testimony and thinks you have a real future in advanced medicine. He wished you to know that you would be welcome to join his medical students at the Santoi hospital, as and when you’ve finished your studies here. He also said he would be happy to be your sponsor, should you need one.’

  ‘Oh! That was very kind of him,’ Megan managed, shocked by the unexpected offer. Wizard Tomas barely knew her. Deciding to sponsor someone was a big commitment and responsibility, usually to aid a particularly gifted but poor student. It was not something that was offered lightly. The sponsor was often expected to foot the bill of admittance too, if the student couldn’t cover it. ‘It’s a pity he’s already gone; I’d have liked to thank him,’ she murmured then looked back at Alistair. ‘I will certainly keep it in mind.’

  ‘Maybe something good is going to come out of that attack after all,’ Zacharias suggested gazing up at her from his wheelchair.

  ‘What about you Brendon?’ Tarquin asked, turning his attention to the silent young man. ‘Do you really feel you need to leave? You haven’t finished your studies yet. You’ll be only partially qualified.’

  ‘I know, but the threats felt real enough to worry me. I have my first and second year’s qualifications already. Perhaps, I will be able to return to complete the final year. I don’t know yet. In the meantime Schubert has agreed to continue some of my training,’ he admitted, glancing across at the big immortal who had moved to a nearby table to listen. ‘Between him, Megan and of course once Zach is better, I have no doubt I’ll be learning many useful life skills.’

  ‘Well, you may be right. It certainly relieves my mind to know you’ve actually thought this through. You’ve been a good student; I’m sure you’ll be missed. I’m also sure you’ll do well whatever path you choose.’

  ‘Thank you sir,’ Brendon said.

  ‘We’ll look after him,’ Schubert assured.

  ‘Thank you,’ Tarquin said. ‘Schubert, it was an honour to meet Sunnydale Academy’s founding father. I just want you to know that it remains your school and you are welcome to return any time you wish. You could even join our teaching staff if that appeals to you. I heard you’ve certainly been putting our staff on their toes. Your knowledge has already corrected a number of long held misconceptions too.’

  ‘Being around a long time does have its uses occasionally,’ Schubert conceded wryly. ‘Thank you for your offer, I will seriously consider it. Although I think it would be prudent to wait for the fallout from the trial to settle down before I return.’

  ‘You have a point, although we’ve kept your name out of it as much as possible.’

  ‘Thank you for that consideration, but the whole school learned who and what I am when I came to Zacharias’s aid. People talk and the pupils have not been asked to keep it secret.’ He shrugged irritably, ‘they shouldn’t have to either. They each have magic as I do. My being immortal is simply a different form that the magic takes, like wizards and animus are different from one another. Immortality in itself does not make me more important than a wizard or an animus. I would rather earn the respect of others through deeds or actions, like everyone else does.’

  ‘I understand your annoyance, but people will always be curious of what you have seen and done over such a long life. Besides, from what I’ve heard and of course my own impressions are that you already earn respect for who you are, long before anyone learns what you are.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Schubert said simply.

  ‘Julius is here,’ Megan advised, sensing his presence just outside in the courtyard.

  They said their final farewells quickly, eager to be gone. Schubert and Brendon lifted Zach out of the chair between them, taking the majority of his weight. They carried him outside and settled him onto a mattress covered by a nest of blankets spread out in the back of a covered wagon. Megan, Schubert and Brendon mounted their horses, now waiting for them alongside the wagon and only a few minutes later the party trotted briskly for the gates.


  ‘Zach, have you had any children?’

  ‘What? Why would you ask that?’ They were currently alone in a wayside Inn, seated on a bed with a lumpy mattress and featuring a rather threadbare cover.

  ‘Just tell me. Do you know for certain if you’ve fathered any?’

  ‘None that I know of. I’ve always been lucky. N
ow tell me why you want to know.’

  ‘I want to know why I’m not pregnant.’

  ‘Maybe we need to practice more,’ he said with a leer.

  ‘We’ve practiced plenty.’

  ‘What brought this on?’

  ‘Schubert gave me some of his blood the other day because he thought I was looking tired. Apparently it made me glow the next morning. Brendon asked if I was pregnant and it just got me thinking. You do recall I was worried about it happening immediately. Well now I’m worried something is wrong.’

  ‘You think one of us is barren?’

  ‘I’m thinking about Yolanda. That parasite was designed to stop her having children. Someone mentioned Immortals were getting rare and very seldom had children anymore. What if they designed something to make a man infertile?’

  ‘You think treating Yolanda you might have discovered a bigger problem? Check me out then, please. I don’t want some bug inside me.’

  ‘Lie back sweetheart, and let me check,’ she said. She started with his neck where Yolanda’s parasite had been, but there was nothing there. There was nothing in his head either. She’d had to extensively heal his torso, arms and legs so knew nothing could be hiding there, which really only left his groin. He reacted to her touch, but she was not going to be distracted. How could he not have noticed someone tampering here?

  ‘You’ve found something wrong with me?’ he asked in a small voice and cupped his balls with nervous protectiveness.

  ‘I need to see a sample,’ she told him and handed him a clean glass beaker. She left the room and crumpled in the Inn’s corridor just outside. His expression had been as mixed up and wild as his emotions. She knew what she had just asked of him was going to be difficult; he didn’t need the added humiliation of her watching presence. ‘I love you Zach. We will beat this,’ she whispered in his mind and felt his panic calm and that he latched on to her reassurance. Determination coloured his emotions. They’d been through so much together. They would overcome this affront too. Finally the door opened and he looked at her. She knew he really didn’t want confirmation, but did have to know. He tugged her gently to her feet and brought her back inside, glancing once at the beaker on the table.

  Megan took a breath, steeling herself and Zacharias turned away in humiliation as she took up the beaker. She closed down her new vision and reverted to her unusual “blind” sight. Zacharias glowed brightly, and her hand holding the beaker glowed, but the contents of the beaker did not. She expected fresh sperm would be an obvious living presence, but she may as well be looking at water. Unable to speak she let Zach share her mind and thus see what she could.

  ‘I’m shooting blanks?’ He began swearing long and imaginatively.

  ‘Zach, you’ve definitely been touched by magic. It’s a very faint signature, but it feels like Yolanda’s problem.’

  ‘So if it is a parasite that’s doing this to me, you’ll be able to kill it?’ he demanded, hope colouring his tone.

  ‘I sincerely hope so. I want to check and compare the others first, verify that my findings are right before I try anything.’

  Zacharias merely nodded, took her hand and led her downstairs to the bar where the others were.

  ‘Ah, there you are. Come and have a drink, you both look like you need it,’ Julius said genially.

  ‘What’s happened?’ Schubert asked.

  ‘We need to talk to you all, privately,’ Megan told him, but took the glass Julius handed her and drained it. Zacharias did the same and looked like he felt the need to get blind drunk. Megan put her empty glass down on the bar however, turned and walked back out. The men exchanged puzzled frowns but immediately followed, helping Zach walk up the stairs after her.

  ‘You’ve got us all the hell worried,’ Schubert announced as soon as the door closed and they were all gathered in Zach and Megan’s bedroom.

  ‘You remember Yolanda’s medical problem?’ Megan began. ‘Well, I think Zach has been infected too. I need to check each of you.’

  ‘Ah, shall I wait outside?’ Brendon asked.

  ‘No. I need to compare them with you. I’m fairly certain you’ll be unaffected,’ Megan told him and then bit her lip nervously. ‘I don’t think you need to undress,’ she muttered.

  ‘I take it the problem was not located in Zach’s neck then?’ Schubert asked and noticed her shake her head and glance meaningfully at his crotch. ‘Ah, our male places are to be scrutinised?’ he remarked and she nodded.

  ‘Can you all lie down on the bed, please? Yes, that makes it easier,’ she added as Schubert sat on the edge and then fell back so his feet were still on the floor. Brendon’s balls glowed with life, but neither Schubert’s nor Julius’s did.

  ‘Ah hell,’ she muttered and sat down, her head in her hands.

  ‘Tell us,’ Schubert said a little sharply, ‘you’re scaring the hell out of us.’

  ‘Let me show you,’ she said. ‘There; Brendon’s balls compared to yours. Zach and Julius are just the same. You’ve been made infertile.’

  ‘Infertile? Permanently, or is there a way to reverse it?’ Schubert demanded.

  ‘I don’t know. I’m going to have to experiment on someone to answer that. Of course I’m hoping I’ll be able to cure each of you. But at this moment I can’t promise anything. I have no idea how long it’s been there for either. It can’t be a coincidence that each of you is infertile. It’s got to be something that’s been secretly done to each of you, as it was to Yolanda.’

  ‘Treachery of a most cruel and basic nature,’ Schubert snarled. ‘Experiment on me. Everyone else, out,’ he ordered.

  ‘You want me to start now?’

  ‘Yes. Now I know, I want my body to be put right,’ he declared. ‘Bring her some food up,’ he added to Julius, eyeing her pale upset features. Taking control of his fury he sought to put her at ease enough that she’d be able to concentrate on the problem at hand. ‘How did you find out?’

  ‘You remember when you last gave me blood? At breakfast the next morning Brendon asked if I was pregnant because I was apparently glowing. Well, I just got to thinking about it and wondered why it hadn’t happened. With such a powerful life force, an Immortal is the very definition of health and vitality. It follows that you all ought to be particularly virile too. Yet none of you have children, which struck me as odd. And whilst Zach has been out of action for a little while, there were enough opportunities beforehand, yet it hasn’t happened.’

  ‘You want children now?’

  ‘If he’s right that I might bear an Immortal, then he will have someone to cherish and live for beyond my life span. He’s truly still young by Immortal standards; it would be a tragedy for him to give up when I die. Have you been married?’

  ‘Yes, when I was still young. She too was Immortal so we thought we had all the time in the world. She and my son were murdered for what we are.’

  ‘Oh, Schubert, I’m so sorry.’

  He shrugged, ‘it was almost five hundred years ago, but I still miss her.’

  Megan bit her lip; she could feel his pain rising to the surface. She wrapped her arms around him, easing his pain away and spread a soothing mental balm over the still raw memories. Being a healer had its uses and he leaned in to the comfort she was silently offering.

  His arms tightened into a closer embrace for a moment. He turned his head and kissed her cheek before releasing her entirely. ‘No more talk of you dying. I don’t want to think about it. We have an immediate problem to solve remember.’

  ‘Yes. How to begin,’ she muttered moving away from the bed. ‘You’ll have to take off your trousers. I trust you haven’t got two hundred year old underpants on?’

  ‘Certainly not,’ he affirmed.

  ‘Schubert!’ she complained. He certainly didn’t have disgustingly moth eaten underpants on; he had just removed his trousers to reveal he wore nothing underneath at all and was now bare from the waist down. He was also sporting an erection that seemed to be growing before h
er eyes. His long legs were sculptured in muscle but covered in soft blond hair that grew thickly to guard his privates. ‘You’re not helping me concentrate,’ she chided and noticed his satisfied grin, but that he was also nervous. He sat back down and she hastily pulled a blanket loose and draped it over his erection. ‘I’m going to have to touch you.’

  ‘You think I’m going to object?’ he laughed softly then fell back as small fingers felt all around his balls and the root of his penis. Her touch alternately prodded gently but deeply and then seemed to stroke, exploring the whole area thoroughly. He had to bite his lip to keep from begging her to grasp hold and truly pleasure him. Just a little more and he’d gain relief, but it would also be embarrassing to admit what her touch was doing to him and how close he was.

  ‘I’m sorry Schubert. Do you need me to stop?’

  ‘I need alright. Just give me a minute. Tell me what you’ve found so far.’

  Megan assessed him critically; his eyes were dark, his breathing fast and the muscles of his belly taut. His erection kept jumping, fairly begging for attention. Should she bring him off so he could relax and calm down, or would he be further embarrassed by that?

  ‘You have a parasite, just here at the root. I suspect your magic is what keeps it and the spell alive.’

  ‘Surely if you can see it you can get rid of it?’

  ‘Yolanda’s parasite had a defence mechanism, in that when it felt threatened, it revealed a false presence. I don’t know if this is what I’m seeing or if this is a far simpler spell. As soon as I start working on it it’s likely to go on the defensive and I’ve no idea what it might do.’

  A knock sounded at the door and Schubert dropped his legs hastily, letting the blanket cover him fully.

  ‘Come in,’ Megan called having checked Schubert was covered.

  ‘Here’s some food for you Megan,’ Julius announced bearing a tray.

  ‘Ah, thank you very much Julius,’ she said warmly. Schubert had sat up and now leaned against the headboard, the blanket rucked-up and pooled around his lap to try to disguise a body that hadn’t yet calmed down.


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