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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 46

by John MacArthur

  15And he made the poles of acacia wood to bear the table, and overlaid them with gold.

  16He made of pure gold the utensils which were on the table: its fdishes, its cups, its bowls, and its pitchers for pouring.

  Making the Gold Lampstand

  (Ex. 25:31–40)

  17He also made the glampstand of pure gold; of hammered work he made the lampstand. Its shaft, its branches, its bowls, its ornamental knobs, and its flowers were of the same piece.

  18And six branches came out of its sides: three branches of the lampstand out of one side, and three branches of the lampstand out of the other side.

  19There were three bowls made like almond blossoms on one branch, with an ornamental knob and a flower, and three bowls made like almond blossoms on the other branch, with an ornamental knob and a flower—and so for the six branches coming out of the lampstand.

  20And on the lampstand itself were four bowls made like almond blossoms, each with its ornamental knob and flower.

  21There was a knob under the first two branches of the same, a knob under the second two branches of the same, and a knob under the third two branches of the same, according to the six branches extending from it.

  22Their knobs and their branches were of one piece; all of it was one hammered piece of pure gold.

  23And he made its seven lamps, its hwick-trimmers, and its trays of pure gold.

  24Of a talent of pure gold he made it, with all its utensils.

  Making the Altar of Incense

  (Ex. 30:1–5)

  25iHe made the incense altar of acacia wood. Its length was a cubit and its width a cubit—it was square—and two cubits was its height. Its horns were of one piece with it.

  26And he overlaid it with pure gold: its top, its sides all around, and its horns. He also made for it a molding of gold all around it.

  27He made two rings of gold for it under its molding, by its two corners on both sides, as holders for the poles with which to bear it.

  28And he jmade the poles of acacia wood, and overlaid them with gold.

  Making the Anointing Oil and the Incense

  (Ex. 30:22–38)

  29He also made kthe holy anointing oil and the pure incense of sweet spices, according to the work of the perfumer.

  Exodus 38

  Making the Altar of Burnt Offering

  (Ex. 27:1–8)

  1He made athe altar of burnt offering of acacia wood; five cubits was its length and five cubits its width—it was square—and its height was three cubits.

  2He made its horns on its four corners; the horns were of one piece with it. And he overlaid it with bronze.

  3He made all the utensils for the altar: the pans, the shovels, the basins, the forks, and the firepans; all its utensils he made of bronze.

  4And he made a grate of bronze network for the altar, under its rim, midway from the bottom.

  5He cast four rings for the four corners of the bronze grating, as holders for the poles.

  6And he made the poles of acacia wood, and overlaid them with bronze.

  7Then he put the poles into the rings on the sides of the altar, with which to bear it. He made the altar hollow with boards.

  Making the Bronze Laver

  8He made bthe laver of bronze and its base of bronze, from the bronze mirrors of the serving women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

  Making the Court of the Tabernacle

  (Ex. 27:9–19)

  9Then he made cthe court on the south side; the hangings of the court were of fine woven linen, one hundred cubits long.

  10There were twenty pillars for them, with twenty bronze sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver.

  11On the north side the hangings were one hundred cubits long, with twenty pillars and their twenty bronze sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver.

  12And on the west side there were hangings of fifty cubits, with ten pillars and their ten sockets. The hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver.

  13For the east side the hangings were fifty cubits.

  14The hangings of one side of the gate were fifteen cubits long, with their three pillars and their three sockets,

  15and the same for the other side of the court gate; on this side and that were hangings of fifteen cubits, with their three pillars and their three sockets.

  16All the hangings of the court all around were of fine woven linen.

  17The sockets for the pillars were bronze, the hooks of the pillars and their bands were silver, and the overlay of their capitals was silver; and all the pillars of the court had bands of silver.

  18The screen for the gate of the court was woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen. The length was twenty cubits, and the height along its width was five cubits, corresponding to the hangings of the court.

  19And there were four pillars with their four sockets of bronze; their hooks were silver, and the overlay of their capitals and their bands was silver.

  20All the dpegs of the tabernacle, and of the court all around, were bronze.

  Materials of the Tabernacle

  211This is the inventory of the tabernacle, ethe tabernacle of the Testimony, which was counted according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, fby the hand of gIthamar, son of Aaron the priest.

  22hBezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LORD had commanded Moses.

  23And with him was iAholiab the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and 2designer, a weaver of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine linen.

  24All the gold that was used in all the work of the holy place, that is, the gold of the joffering, was twenty-nine talents and seven hundred and thirty shekels, according to kthe shekel of the sanctuary.

  25And the silver from those who were lnumbered of the congregation was one hundred talents and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary:

  26ma bekah for 3each man (that is, half a shekel, according to the shekel of the sanctuary), for everyone included in the numbering from twenty years old and above, for nsix hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty men.

  27And from the hundred talents of silver were cast othe sockets of the sanctuary and the bases of the veil: one hundred sockets from the hundred talents, one talent for each socket.

  28Then from the one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, overlaid their capitals, and pmade bands for them.

  29The offering of bronze was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels.

  30And with it he made the sockets for the door of the tabernacle of meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze grating for it, and all the utensils for the altar,

  31the sockets for the court all around, the bases for the court gate, all the pegs for the tabernacle, and all the pegs for the court all around.

  Exodus 39

  Making the Garments of the Priesthood

  (Ex. 28:1–43)

  1Of the ablue, purple, and scarlet thread they made bgarments1 of ministry, for ministering in the 2holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron, cas the LORD had commanded Moses.

  Making the Ephod

  2dHe made the eephod of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen.

  3And they beat the gold into thin sheets and cut it into threads, to work it in with the blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and the fine linen, into artistic designs.

  4They made shoulder straps for it to couple it together; it was coupled together at its two edges.

  5And the intricately woven band of his ephod that was on it was of the same workmanship, woven of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  6fAnd they set onyx stones, enclosed in 3settings of gold; they were engraved, as signets are engraved, with the names of the sons of Israel.

7He put them on the shoulders of the ephod as gmemorial stones for the sons of Israel, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  Making the Breastplate

  8hAnd he made the breastplate, artistically woven like the workmanship of the ephod, of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and of fine woven linen.

  9They made the breastplate square by doubling it; a span was its length and a span its width when doubled.

  10iAnd they set in it four rows of stones: a row with a sardius, a topaz, and an emerald was the first row;

  11the second row, a turquoise, a sapphire, and a diamond;

  12the third row, a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;

  13the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper. They were enclosed in settings of gold in their mountings.

  14There were jtwelve stones according to the names of the sons of Israel: according to their names, engraved like a signet, each one with its own name according to the twelve tribes.

  15And they made chains for the breastplate at the ends, like braided cords of pure gold.

  16They also made two settings of gold and two gold rings, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate.

  17And they put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breastplate.

  18The two ends of the two braided chains they fastened in the two settings, and put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod in the front.

  19And they made two rings of gold and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, on the edge of it, which was on the inward side of the ephod.

  20They made two other gold rings and put them on the two shoulder straps, underneath the ephod toward its front, right at the seam above the intricately woven band of the ephod.

  21And they bound the breastplate by means of its rings to the rings of the ephod with a blue cord, so that it would be above the intricately woven band of the ephod, and that the breastplate would not come loose from the ephod, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  Making the Other Priestly Garments

  22kHe made the lrobe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue.

  23And there was an opening in the middle of the robe, like the opening in a coat of mail, with a woven binding all around the opening, so that it would not tear.

  24They made on the hem of the robe pomegranates of blue, purple, and scarlet, and of fine woven linen.

  25And they made mbells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates on the hem of the robe all around between the pomegranates:

  26a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, all around the hem of the robe to 4minister in, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  27nThey made tunics, artistically woven of fine linen, for Aaron and his sons,

  28oa turban of fine linen, exquisite hats of fine linen, pshort trousers of fine woven linen,

  29qand a sash of fine woven linen with blue, purple, and scarlet thread, made by a weaver, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  30rThen they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription like the engraving of a signet:


  31And they tied to it a blue cord, to fasten it above on the turban, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  The Work Completed

  (Ex. 35:10–19)

  32Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting was tfinished. And the children of Israel did uaccording to all that the LORD had commanded Moses; so they did.

  33And they brought the tabernacle to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings: its clasps, its boards, its bars, its pillars, and its sockets;

  34the covering of ram skins dyed red, the covering of badger skins, and the veil of the covering;

  35the ark of the Testimony with its poles, and the mercy seat;

  36the table, all its utensils, and the vshowbread;

  37the pure gold lampstand with its lamps (the lamps set in order), all its utensils, and the oil for light;

  38the gold altar, the anointing oil, and the sweet incense; the screen for the tabernacle door;

  39the bronze altar, its grate of bronze, its poles, and all its utensils; the laver with its base;

  40the hangings of the court, its pillars and its sockets, the screen for the court gate, its cords, and its pegs; all the utensils for the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of meeting;

  41and the 5garments of ministry, to 6minister in the holy place: the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and his sons’ garments, to minister as priests.

  42According to all that the LORD had commanded Moses, so the children of Israel wdid all the work.

  43Then Moses looked over all the work, and indeed they had done it; as the LORD had commanded, just so they had done it. And Moses xblessed them.

  Exodus 40

  The Tabernacle Erected and Arranged

  1Then the LORD aspoke to Moses, saying:

  2“On the first day of the bfirst month you shall set up cthe tabernacle of the tent of meeting.

  3d“You shall put in it the ark of the Testimony, and 1partition off the ark with the veil.

  4e“You shall bring in the table and farrange the things that are to be set in order on it; gand you shall bring in the lampstand and 2light its lamps.

  5h“You shall also set the altar of gold for the incense before the ark of the Testimony, and put up the screen for the door of the tabernacle.

  6“Then you shall set the ialtar of the burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting.

  7“And jyou shall set the laver between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar, and put water in it.

  8“You shall set up the court all around, and hang up the screen at the court gate.

  9“And you shall take the anointing oil, and kanoint the tabernacle and all that is in it; and you shall hallow it and all its utensils, and it shall be holy.

  10“You shall lanoint the altar of the burnt offering and all its utensils, and consecrate the altar. mThe altar shall be most holy.

  11“And you shall anoint the laver and its base, and consecrate it.

  12n“Then you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the door of the tabernacle of meeting and wash them with water.

  13“You shall put the holy ogarments on Aaron, pand anoint him and consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as priest.

  14“And you shall bring his sons and clothe them with tunics.

  15“You shall anoint them, as you anointed their father, that they may minister to Me as priests; for their anointing shall surely be qan everlasting priesthood throughout their generations.”

  16Thus Moses did; according to all that the LORD had commanded him, so he did.

  17And it came to pass in the first month of the second year, on the first day of the month, that the rtabernacle was 3raised up.

  18So Moses raised up the tabernacle, fastened its sockets, set up its boards, put in its bars, and raised up its pillars.

  19And he spread out the tent over the tabernacle and put the covering of the tent on top of it, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  20He took sthe Testimony and put it into the ark, inserted the poles through the rings of the ark, and put the mercy seat on top of the ark.

  21And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, thung up the veil of the covering, and partitioned off the ark of the Testimony, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  22uHe put the table in the tabernacle of meeting, on the north side of the tabernacle, outside the veil;

  23vand he set the bread in order upon it before the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  24wHe put the lampstand in the tabernacle of meeting, across from the table, on the south side of the tabernacle;

  25and xhe lit the lamps before the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  26yHe put the gold altar in the tabernacle of meeting in front of the veil;

  27zand he burned sweet incense on it, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  28aHe hung up the screen at the door of the taber

  29bAnd he put the altar of burnt offering before the door of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, and coffered upon it the burnt offering and the grain offering, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

  30dHe set the laver between the tabernacle of meeting and the altar, and put water there for washing;

  31and Moses, Aaron, and his sons would ewash their hands and their feet with water from it.

  32Whenever they went into the tabernacle of meeting, and when they came near the altar, they washed, fas the LORD had commanded Moses.

  33gAnd he raised up the court all around the tabernacle and the altar, and hung up the screen of the court gate. So Moses hfinished the work.

  The Cloud and the Glory

  (Ex. 13:21, 22; Num. 9:15–23)

  34iThen the jcloud covered the tabernacle of meeting, and the kglory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

  35And Moses lwas not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting, because the cloud rested above it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

  36mWhenever the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would 4go onward in all their journeys.

  37But nif the cloud was not taken up, then they did not journey till the day that it was taken up.

  38For othe cloud of the LORD was above the tabernacle by day, and fire was over it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.

  Exodus Commentaries

  Exodus 1

  1:1—12:36 This section recounts Israel’s final years in Egypt before the Exodus.

  1:1–5 Genesis also reported the names and the number of Jacob’s descendants who came to Egypt (Gen. 35:23; 46:8–27).

  1:5 seventy persons. Cf. Gen. 46:8–27. Acts 7:14 reports 75 with the addition of 5 relatives of Joseph included in the LXX, but not the Heb. text.

  1:6–8 This summary of a lengthy period of time moves the record from the death of Joseph (ca. 1804 B.C.), the last recorded event in Genesis, to the radical change in Israel’s history, i.e., from favor before Egypt’s pharaoh to disfavor and enslavement (ca. 1525–1445 B.C.).

  1:7 The growth of the nation (cf. 12:37) was phenomenal! It grew from 70 men to 603,000 males, 20 years of age and older, thus allowing for a total population of about 2 million (Num. 1:46) departing from Egypt. The seed of Abraham was no longer an extended family, but a nation. The promise that his descendants would be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 35:11, 12) had indeed been fulfilled in Egypt.


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