The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV
Page 645
13:7 In addition to the roll of the faithful in chap. 11, the writer reminds the Hebrews of their own faithful leaders within the church. In so doing, he outlines the duties of pastors: 1) rule; 2) speak the Word of God; and 3) establish the pattern of faith for the people to follow. Cf. Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 3:1–7; Titus 1:5–9.
13:9 various and strange doctrines. These would include any teaching contrary to God’s Word. The NT contains countless warnings against false teaching and false teachers (cf. Acts 20:29, 30; Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 10:4, 5; Gal. 1:6–9; Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 3:16). established by grace. Those who are experiencing God’s grace in Christ have hearts and minds that remain stable. foods. The Mosaic law had regulations for everything, including food (Lev. 11). But for Christians, those laws have been abrogated (Acts 10:9–16; cf. 1 Cor. 8:8; Rom. 14:17; 1 Tim. 4:1–5).
13:10–13 See notes on 11:26; 12:2. The writer presents an analogy for the believers’ identification with Christ in His rejection by Jews. The bodies of animals offered on the Day of Atonement were not eaten but burned “outside the camp” (Lev. 4:21; 16:27). Jesus, who was the ultimate atoning sacrifice, was similarly crucified outside the gates of Jerusalem (John 19:17). Figuratively, believers must join Him outside the camp of the world, no longer being a part of its unholy systems and practices (cf. 2 Tim. 2:4). By extension, this would also depict the departure from the Levitical system. The uncommitted Hebrews needed to take the bold step of leaving that system and being outside the camp of Old Covenant Israel.
13:10 an altar. The altar, the offerer, and the sacrifice are all closely related. Association with an altar identifies the offerer with the sacrifice. With certain offerings, the individual further identified himself with the altar and sacrifice by eating some of the sacrifice. The Apostle Paul referred to this relationship to an altar when giving instruction to the Corinthians regarding eating meat offered to idols (1 Cor. 9:13) and regarding the observation of the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 10:18). Here, the altar is equivalent to the sacrifice of Christ, especially as seen in the comparison to the Day of Atonement.
13:15 praise…thanks. As seen throughout the book of Hebrews, sacrifices were extremely important under the Old Covenant. Under the New Covenant, God desires the praise and thanksgiving of His people rather than offerings of animals or grain. Since NT believers are all priests (1 Pet. 2:5, 9), they have offerings of praise and thanks to God (cf. Rom. 12:1). The “sacrifice of praise” is also mentioned in Lev. 7:12; Ps. 54:6. For “fruit of the lips” see Is. 57:19; Hos. 14:2.
13:16 do good…share. The sacrifices of praise coming from the lips of God’s people please Him only when accompanied by loving action (cf. Is. 58:6, 7; James 1:27; 1 John 3:18).
13:17 rule over you. See note on v. 7. The pastors/elders of the church exercise the very authority of Christ when they preach, teach, and apply Scripture (see notes on Acts 20:28; 1 Thess. 5:12, 13). They serve the church on behalf of Christ and must give Him an account of their faithfulness. See notes on 1 Cor. 4:1–5; 1 Pet. 5:1–4. These may include both secular and spiritual rulers. Even those who do not acknowledge God are nevertheless ordained and used by Him (cf. Rom. 13:1, 4). joy. The church is responsible to help its leaders do their work with satisfaction and delight. See notes on 1 Thess. 5:12, 13.
13:19 restored. The author had been with these Hebrews and was anxious to once again be in their fellowship.
13:20, 21 This benediction is among the most beautiful in Scripture (cf. Num. 6:24–26; 2 Cor. 13:14; Jude 24, 25). It is an example of how grace can be manifested in mutual blessing and prayer.
13:20 God of peace. Paul uses this title 6 times in his epistles (cf. 1 Thess. 5:23). great Shepherd of the sheep. See Is. 63:11. The figure of the Messiah as a Shepherd is found frequently in Scripture (cf. Ps. 23; Is. 40:11; Ezek. 34:23; John 10:11; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4). through the blood of the everlasting covenant. This must refer, in the context of Hebrews, to the New Covenant that is eternal (in a future sense) compared to the Mosaic Covenant that was temporary and had been abrogated (see notes on 8:6–13; 9:15).
13:21 make you complete. This is not the Gr. word for “perfect” or “perfection” used throughout Hebrews to indicate salvation (see note on 5:14) but is a word which is translated “prepared” in 10:5 and “framed” in 11:3. It refers to believers being edified. The verb has the idea of equipping by means of adjusting, shaping, mending, restoring, or preparing (see note on 11:3; cf. 1 Cor. 1:10; 2 Cor. 13:11; 2 Tim. 3:17).
13:22 bear with. Readers are encouraged to receive this message with open minds and warm hearts, in contrast to those who “will not endure sound doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:3). word of exhortation. Cf. 3:13. This is the writer’s own description of his epistle (see Introduction: Historical and Theological Themes).
13:23 set free. The details of Timothy’s imprisonment are unknown (cf. 2 Tim. 4:11, 21).
13:24 Those from Italy. The group to which the author wrote may have been in Italy, or the meaning might be that Italian Christians who were with him sent their greetings (see Introduction: Author and Date). The use of similar phrases elsewhere is ambiguous since some are clearly referring to people still in their location (Acts 10:23; 17:13) and those who were away from their homes (Acts 21:27).
Hebrews 1
1:1 a Num. 12:6, 8; Joel 2:28
1:1 1 Or in many portions
1:2 2 Or ages, Gr. aiones, aeons
1:3 b John 1:14
1:3 c 2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1:15
1:3 d Col. 1:17
1:3 e (Heb. 7:27)
1:3 f Ps. 110:1
1:3 3 NU omits by Himself
1:3 4 cleansed
1:3 5 NU omits our
1:4 g Is. 9:6, 7; Luke 1:32, 33; (Phil. 2:9, 10)
1:5 h Ps. 2:7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 5:5
1:5 i 2 Sam. 7:14
1:6 j Ps. 89:27; (Rom. 8:29)
1:6 k Deut. 32:43, LXX, DSS; Ps. 97:7; 1 Pet. 3:22; Rev. 5:11–13
1:7 l Ps. 104:4
1:8 m Ps. 45:6, 7
1:8 6 A ruler’s staff
1:9 n Is. 61:1, 3
1:10 o Ps. 102:25–27
1:11 p (Is. 34:4)
1:11 q Is. 50:9; 51:6; Heb. 8:13
1:12 r Heb. 13:8
1:13 s Ps. 110:1; Matt. 22:44; Heb. 1:3
1:14 t Ps. 103:20; Dan. 7:10
1:14 u Rom. 8:17
Hebrews 2
2:1 1 all the more careful attention
2:2 a Deut. 33:2; Acts 7:53; Gal. 3:19
2:2 b Num. 15:30
2:2 2 retribution or penalty
2:3 c Heb. 10:28
2:3 d Matt. 4:17
2:3 e Mark 16:20; Luke 1:2; 1 John 1:1
2:4 f Mark 16:20
2:4 g Acts 2:22, 43; 2 Cor. 12:2
2:4 h 1 Cor. 12:4, 7, 11; Eph. 4:7
2:4 i Eph. 1:5, 9
2:4 3 distributions
2:5 j (2 Pet. 3:13)
2:6 k Job 7:17; Ps. 8:4–6
2:7 4 Or for a little while
2:7 5 NU, M omit the rest of v. 7.
2:8 l Matt. 28:18
2:8 m Ps. 8:6; 1 Cor. 15:25, 27
2:9 n Phil. 2:7–9; Heb. 1:9
2:9 o Acts 2:33; 3:13; 1 Pet. 1:21
2:9 p Is. 53:12; (John 3:16)
2:9 6 Or for a little while
2:10 q Col. 1:16
2:10 r Heb. 5:8, 9; 7:28
2:11 s Heb. 10:10
2:11 t Acts 17:26
2:11 u Matt. 28:10
2:11 7 sets apart
2:12 v Ps. 22:22
2:13 w 2 Sam. 22:3; Is. 8:17
2:13 x Is. 8:18
2:14 y John 1:14
2:14 z Col. 2:15
2:14 a (1 Cor. 15:54–57); 2 Tim. 1:10
2:15 b Ps. 68:18; Is. 42:7; 45:13; 49:9; 61:1; (Luke 1:74)
2:16 8 Or take on the nature of
2:16 9 Or take on
2:17 c Phil. 2:7; Heb. 2:14
2:17 d (Heb. 4:15; 5:1–10)
2:18 e (Heb. 4:15, 16)
2:18 10 tested
; Hebrews 3
3:2 a Ex. 40:16; Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:5
3:3 b Zech. 6:12, 13
3:4 c (Eph. 2:10)
3:5 d Ex. 40:16; Num. 12:7; Heb. 3:2
3:5 e Ex. 14:31; Num. 12:7
3:5 f Deut. 18:15, 18, 19
3:6 g Ps. 2:7; 110:4; Heb. 1:2
3:6 h (1 Cor. 3:16); 1 Tim. 3:15
3:6 i (Matt. 10:22)
3:6 1 NU omits firm to the end
3:7 j Acts 1:16
3:7 k Ps. 95:7–11; Heb. 3:15; 4:7
3:13 2 encourage
3:15 l Ps. 95:7, 8
3:16 m Num. 14:2, 11, 30; Deut. 1:35, 36, 38
3:17 n Num. 14:22, 23
3:18 o Num. 14:30
3:19 p Num. 14:1–39; 1 Cor. 10:11, 12
Hebrews 4
4:1 a 2 Cor. 6:1; (Gal. 5:4); Heb. 12:15
4:2 1 NU, M since they were not united by faith with those who heeded it
4:3 b Ps. 95:11; Heb. 3:11
4:4 c Gen. 2:2; Ex. 20:11; 31:17
4:5 d Ps. 95:11
4:7 e Ps. 95:7, 8
4:8 f Josh. 22:4
4:8 2 Gr. Jesus, same as Heb. Joshua
4:11 g 2 Pet. 1:10
4:12 h Ps. 147:15
4:12 i Is. 49:2
4:12 j Eph. 6:17; Rev. 2:12
4:12 k (John 12:48); 1 Cor. 14:24, 25
4:13 l 2 Chr. 16:9; Ps. 33:13–15; 90:8
4:13 m Job 26:6; Prov. 15:11
4:14 n Heb. 2:17; 7:26
4:14 o Heb. 10:23
4:15 p Is. 53:3–5
4:15 q Luke 22:28
4:15 r 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 7:26
4:16 s (Eph. 2:18; Heb. 10:19, 22)
Hebrews 5
5:1 a Heb. 2:17; 8:3
5:2 b Heb. 7:28
5:2 1 deal gently with
5:3 c Lev. 9:7; 16:6; (Heb. 7:27; 9:7)
5:4 d Ex. 28:1; Num. 16:40; 1 Chr. 23:13
5:5 e John 8:54
5:5 f Ps. 2:7
5:6 g Ps. 110:4; Heb. 7:17
5:7 h Matt. 26:39, 42, 44; Mark 14:36, 39; Luke 22:41, 44
5:7 i Ps. 22:1
5:7 j Matt. 26:53
5:7 k Matt. 26:39
5:8 l Phil. 2:8
5:9 m Heb. 2:10
5:10 n Ps. 110:4
5:11 o (John 16:12); Heb. 7:1–22
5:11 p (Matt. 13:15)
5:12 q 1 Cor. 3:1–3; 1 Pet. 2:2
5:12 2 sayings, Scriptures
5:13 r Eph. 4:14
5:14 s Is. 7:15; Phil. 1:9
5:14 3 mature
5:14 4 practice
Hebrews 6
6:1 a Heb. 5:12
6:1 b (Heb. 9:14)
6:1 1 maturity
6:2 c John 3:25; Acts 19:3–5
6:2 d (Acts 8:17)
6:2 e Acts 17:31
6:2 f Acts 24:25
6:3 2 M let us do
6:4 g (John 4:10); Eph. 2:8
6:4 h (Gal. 3:2, 5); Heb. 2:4
6:6 i Heb. 10:29
6:6 3 Or and have fallen away
6:7 j Ps. 65:10
6:8 k Is. 5:6
6:10 l Rom. 3:4
6:10 m 1 Thess. 1:3
6:10 n Rom. 15:25; Heb. 10:32–34
6:10 4 NU omits labor of
6:11 o Col. 2:2
6:12 p Heb. 10:36
6:12 5 lazy
6:13 q Gen. 22:16, 17; Luke 1:73
6:14 r Gen. 22:16, 17
6:15 s Gen. 12:4; 21:5
6:16 t Ex. 22:11
6:17 u Rom. 8:17; Heb. 11:9
6:17 v Rom. 11:29
6:17 6 unchangeableness of His purpose
6:17 7 guaranteed
6:18 w Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29; Titus 1:2
6:18 x (Col. 1:5); Heb. 3:6; 7:19; 12:1
6:18 8 unchangeable
6:18 9 M omits might
6:19 y Lev. 16:2, 15; Heb. 9:3, 7
6:20 z (John 14:2; Heb. 4:14)
6:20 a Gen. 14:17–19; Ps. 110:4; Heb. 3:1; 5:10, 11
Hebrews 7
7:1 a Gen. 14:18–20; Heb. 7:6
7:4 1 plunder
7:5 b Num. 18:21–26; 2 Chr. 31:4
7:6 c Gen. 14:19, 20
7:6 d (Rom. 4:13)
7:8 e Heb. 5:6; 6:20; (Rev. 1:18)
7:11 f (Rom. 7:7–14); Gal. 2:21; Heb. 7:18; 8:7
7:13 2 served
7:14 g Gen. 49:8–10; Num. 24:17; Is. 1:1; Mic. 5:2; Matt. 1:3; 2:6; Rev. 5:5
7:14 h Matt. 1:2
7:14 3 NU priests
7:17 i Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6; 6:20; 7:21
7:17 4 NU it is testified
7:18 j (Rom. 8:3); Gal. 3:21; Heb. 7:11
7:19 k (Acts 13:39); Rom. 3:20; 7:7; Gal. 2:16; 3:21; Heb. 9:9; 10:1
7:19 l Heb. 6:18, 19
7:19 m Lam. 3:57; Rom. 5:2; (Eph. 2:18); Heb. 4:16; James 4:8
7:19 5 complete
7:21 n Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6; 7:17
7:21 6 NU ends the quotation after forever.
7:22 o Heb. 8:6
7:22 7 guarantee
7:25 p Jude 24
7:25 q Rom. 8:34; 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 9:24; 1 John 2:1
7:25 8 completely or forever
7:26 r (2 Cor. 5:21); Heb. 4:15
7:26 s Eph. 1:20
7:26 9 innocent
7:27 t Lev. 9:7; 16:6; Heb. 5:3
Hebrews 8
8:1 a Ps. 68:18; 110:1; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:1; Heb. 2:17; 3:1; 10:12
8:2 b Heb. 9:8, 12
8:2 c Heb. 9:11, 24
8:2 1 Lit. holies
8:3 d (Rom. 4:25; 5:6, 8; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 5:2); Heb. 5:1; 8:4
8:3 e (Eph. 5:2; Heb. 9:14)
8:5 f Heb. 9:23, 24
8:5 g Col. 2:17; Heb. 10:1
8:5 h Ex. 25:40
8:6 i (2 Cor. 3:6–8)
8:6 j (Luke 22:20); Heb. 7:22
8:7 k Ex. 3:8; 19:5
8:8 l Jer. 31:31–34
8:10 m Jer. 31:33; Rom. 11:27; Heb. 10:16
8:10 n Zech. 8:8
8:11 o Is. 54:13; John 6:45; (1 John 2:27)
8:11 p Jer. 31:34
8:12 q Rom. 11:27
8:12 2 NU omits and their lawless deeds
8:13 r (2 Cor. 5:17); Heb. 1:11
Hebrews 9
9:1 a Ex. 25:8; (Heb. 8:2; 9:11, 24)
9:2 1 holy place, lit. holies
9:3 b Ex. 26:31–35; 40:3
9:4 c Lev. 16:12
9:4 d Ex. 25:10
9:4 e Ex. 16:33
9:4 f Num. 17:1–10
9:4 g Ex. 25:16; 34:29; Deut. 10:2–5
9:5 h Ex. 25:17, 20; Lev. 16:2; 1 Kin. 8:7
9:6 i Num. 18:2–6; 28:3
9:7 j Ex. 30:10; Lev. 16:34; Heb. 10:3
9:7 k Heb. 5:3
9:8 l (John 14:6; Heb. 10:20)
9:9 m (Gal. 3:21); Heb. 7:19
9:10 n Lev. 11:2; Col. 2:16
9:10 o Num. 19:7
9:10 p Eph. 2:15
9:10 2 Lit. baptisms
9:11 q (Eph. 1:3–11); Heb. 10:1
9:11 3 NU that have come
9:12 r Heb. 10:4
9:12 s Is. 53:12; Eph. 1:7
9:12 t Zech. 3:9
9:12 u (Dan. 9:24)
9:13 v Lev. 16:14, 15; Heb. 9:19; 10:4
9:13 w Num. 19:2
9:13 4 sets apart
9:13 5 cleansing
9:14 x 1 John 1:7
9:14 y Heb. 6:1
9:14 z Luke 1:74
9:14 6 blemish
9:15 a Rom. 3:25
9:15 b Heb. 3:1
9:17 c Gal. 3:15
9:18 d Ex. 24:6
9:19 e Ex. 24:5, 6
9:19 f Lev. 14:4, 7; Num. 19:6, 18
9:19 7 command
9:20 g (Matt. 26:28)
9:20 h Ex. 24:3–8
9:21 i Ex. 29:12, 36
9:22 j Lev. 17:11
9:22 8 cleansed
9:22 9 forgiveness
9:23 k Heb. 8:5
9:23 10 cleansed
9:24 l Heb. 6:20
9:24 m Heb. 8:2
9:24 n Rom. 8:34
9:24 11 representations
9:25 o Heb. 9:7
9:27 p Gen. 3:19; Eccl. 3:20
9:27 q (2 Cor. 5:10); 1 John 4:17
9:28 r Rom. 6:10
9:28 s Is. 53:12; 1 Pet. 2:24
9:28 t Matt. 26:28
9:28 u 1 Cor. 1:7; Titus 2:13
Hebrews 10
10:1 a Heb. 8:5
10:1 b Heb. 7:19; 9:9
10:2 1 cleansed
10:4 c Mic. 6:6, 7
10:5 d Ps. 40:6–8
10:9 2 NU, M omit O God
10:10 e John 17:19; (Eph. 5:26; Heb. 2:11; 10:14, 29; 13:12)
10:10 f (Heb. 9:12)
10:10 3 set apart
10:11 g Num. 28:3
10:12 h Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:3
10:12 i Ps. 110:1
10:13 j Ps. 110:1; Heb. 1:13
10:14 4 set apart
10:16 k Jer. 31:33, 34; Heb. 8:10
10:17 l Jer. 31:34
10:18 5 forgiveness
10:19 m (Eph. 2:18); Heb. 4:16
10:19 n Heb. 9:8, 12
10:19 6 confidence
10:20 o John 14:6; (Heb. 7:24, 25)
10:22 p Heb. 7:19; 10:1
10:22 q Eph. 3:12
10:23 r 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; 1 Thess. 5:24; Heb. 11:11
10:25 s Acts 2:42
10:25 t Rom. 13:11
10:25 u Phil. 4:5
10:26 v Num. 15:30
10:26 w 2 Pet. 2:20
10:26 x Heb. 6:6
10:27 y Zeph. 1:18
10:28 z Deut. 17:2–6; 19:15; Matt. 18:16; Heb. 2:2
10:29 a (Heb. 2:3)
10:29 b 1 Cor. 11:29
10:29 c (Matt. 12:31)
10:30 d Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19
10:30 e Deut. 32:36
10:30 7 NU omits says the Lord
10:31 f (Luke 12:5)
10:32 g Gal. 3:4; Heb. 6:9, 10
10:32 8 enlightened
10:33 h 1 Cor. 4:9; Heb. 12:4
10:33 i Phil. 1:7
10:34 j 2 Tim. 1:16
10:34 k Matt. 5:12
10:34 l Matt. 6:20
10:34 9 NU the prisoners instead of me in my chains
10:34 10 possessions
10:34 11 NU omits in heaven
10:35 m Matt. 5:12
10:36 n Luke 21:19; Heb. 12:1
10:36 o (Col. 3:24)
10:37 p Luke 18:8
10:37 q Hab. 2:3, 4; Heb. 10:25; Rev. 22:20
10:37 12 Or that which
10:37 13 delay
10:38 r Hab. 2:3, 4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11
10:38 14 NU My just one
10:39 s 2 Pet. 2:20
10:39 t Acts 16:31
10:39 15 destruction
Hebrews 11
11:1 a Rom. 8:24; (2 Cor. 4:18; 5:7); Heb. 11:7, 27
11:1 1 realization
11:1 2 Or confidence