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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 692

by John MacArthur

  Hypocritical. Is. 29:13; 2 Tim. 3:5.

  Ignorant of God. Hos. 4:1; 2 Thess. 1:8.

  Impudent. Ezek. 2:4.

  Infidel. Ps. 10:4; 14:1.

  Loathsome. Prov. 13:5.

  Lovers of pleasure more than of God. 2 Tim. 3:4.

  Lying. Ps. 58:3; 62:4; Is. 59:4.

  Mischievous. Prov. 24:8; Mic. 7:3.

  Murderous. Ps. 10:8; 94:6; Rom. 1:29.

  Prayerless. Job 21:15; Ps. 53:4.

  Persecuting. Ps. 69:26; 109:16.

  Perverse. Deut. 32:5; Prov. 21:8; Is. 57:17; Acts 2:40.

  Proud. Ps. 59:12; Obad. 1:3; 2 Tim. 3:2.

  Rejoicing in the affliction of saints. Ps. 35:15.

  Reprobate. 2 Cor. 13:5; 2 Tim. 3:8; Titus 1:16.

  Selfish. 2 Tim. 3:2.

  Sensual. Phil. 3:19; Jude 19.

  Sold under sin. 1 Kin. 21:20; 2 Kin. 17:17.

  Stiff-necked. Ex. 33:5; Acts 7:51.

  Uncircumcised in heart. Jer. 9:26; Acts 7:51.

  Unjust. Prov. 11:7; Is. 26:10.

  Unmerciful. Rom. 1:31.

  Ungodly. Prov. 16:27.

  Unholy. 2 Tim. 3:2.

  Unprofitable. Matt. 25:30; Rom. 3:12.

  Unruly. Titus 1:10.

  Unthankful. Luke 6:35; 2 Tim. 3:2.

  Unwise. Deut. 32:6.

  Without self-control. 2 Tim. 3:3.

  Ignorance of God

  Ignorance of Christ is. John 8:19.

  Darkness symbolizes. Ps. 82:5.

  Evidenced by

  Lack of love. 1 John 4:8.

  Not keeping His commands. 1 John 2:4.

  Living in sin. Titus 1:16; 1 John 3:6.

  Leads to

  Error. Matt. 22:29.

  Idolatry. Is. 44:19; Acts 17:29, 30.

  Alienation from God. Eph. 4:18.

  Sinful lusts. 1 Thess. 4:5; 1 Pet. 1:14.

  Persecution of believers. John 15:21; 16:3.

  Is no excuse for sin. Lev. 4:2; Luke 12:48.

  The wicked, in a state of. Jer. 9:3; John 15:21; 17:25; Acts 17:30; Rom. 3:11.

  The wicked choose. Job 21:14; Rom. 1:28.

  Punishment of. Ps. 79:6; 2 Thess. 1:8.

  Ministers should

  Be compassionate to those in. Heb. 5:2; 2 Tim. 2:24, 25.

  Labor to remove. Acts 17:23.

  Illustrated by

  Pharaoh. Ex. 5:2.

  The Israelites. Ps. 95:10; Is. 1:3.

  The false prophets. Is. 56:10, 11.

  The Jews. Luke 23:34; Rom. 10:3.

  Nicodemus. John 3:10.

  The Gentiles. Gal. 4:8.

  Paul. 1 Tim. 1:13.

  Nature of Sin

  Is the transgression of the law. 1 John 3:4.

  Is of the devil. John 8:44; 1 John 3:8.

  All unrighteousness is. 1 John 5:17.

  Is the omission of what we know to be good. James 4:17.

  Whatever is not of faith is. Rom. 14:23.

  The thought of foolishness is. Prov. 24:9.

  All the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are. Gen. 6:5; 8:21.

  Described as

  An abomination to God. Prov. 15:9; Jer. 44:4, 11.

  Besetting. Heb. 12:1.

  Coming from the heart. Matt. 15:19.

  Dead works. Heb. 6:1; 9:14.

  Defiling. Prov. 30:12; Is. 59:3.

  Deceitful. Heb. 3:13.

  The fruit of lust. James 1:15.

  Often manifold. Amos 5:12.

  Often mighty. Amos 5:12.

  Often presumptuous. Ps. 19:13.

  Often very great. Ex. 32:20; 1 Sam. 2:17.

  Reaching to heaven. Rev. 18:5.

  Rebellion against God. Deut. 9:7; Josh. 1:18.

  A reproach. Prov. 14:34.

  Reproaching the Lord. Num. 15:30; Ps. 74:18.

  Like scarlet and crimson. Is. 1:18.

  Sometimes open and manifest. 1 Tim. 5:24.

  Sometimes secret. Ps. 90:8; 1 Tim. 5:24.

  The sting of death. 1 Cor. 15:56.

  Works of darkness. Eph. 5:11.

  Entered into the world by Adam. Gen. 3:6, 7; Rom. 5:12.

  All men are conceived and born in. Gen. 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps. 51:5.

  Scripture concludes all under. Gal. 3:22.

  No man is without. 1 Kin. 8:46; Eccl. 7:20.

  Christ alone is without. 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15; 7:26; 1 John 3:5.


  Abominates. Deut. 25:16; Prov. 6:16-19.

  Marks. Job 10:14.

  Remembers. Rev. 18:5.

  Is provoked to jealousy by. 1 Kin. 14:22.

  Is provoked to anger by. 1 Kin. 16:2.

  Alone can forgive. Ex. 34:7; Dan. 9:9; Mic. 7:18; Mark 2:7.

  Recompenses those who live in. Jer. 16:18; Rev. 18:6.

  Punishes. Is. 13:11; Amos 3:2.

  The Law

  Is transgressed by every act of. James 2:10, 11; 1 John 3:4.

  Gives knowledge of. Rom. 3:20; 7:7.

  Shows exceeding sinfulness of. Rom. 7:13.

  Made to restrain. 1 Tim. 1:9, 10.

  Arouses tendency toward. Rom. 7:5, 8, 11.

  Is the strength of. 1 Cor. 15:56.

  Curses those guilty of. Gal. 3:10.

  No man can cleanse himself from. Job 9:30, 31; Prov. 20:9; Jer. 2:22.

  No man can atone for. Mic. 6:7.

  God has opened a fountain for cleansing from. Zech. 13:1.

  Christ was manifested to take away. John 1:29; 1 John 3:5.

  Christ’s blood redeems from. Eph. 1:7; 1 John 1:7.


  Made free from. Rom. 6:18.

  Dead to. Rom. 6:2, 11; 1 Pet. 2:24.

  Profess to have ceased from. 1 Pet. 4:1.

  Cannot live in. 1 John 3:9; 5:18.

  Resolve against. Job 34:32.

  Ashamed of having committed. Rom. 6:21.

  Abhor themselves because of. Job 42:6; Ezek. 20:43.

  Have yet the remains of, in them. Rom. 7:17, 23; Gal. 5:17.

  The fear of God restrains. Ex. 20:20; Ps. 4:4; Prov. 16:6.

  The word of God keeps people from. Ps. 17:4; 119:11.

  The Holy Spirit convinces of. John 16:8, 9.

  If we say that we have no, we make God a liar. 1 John 1:10.

  Shame belongs to those guilty of. Dan. 9:7, 8.

  Should be

  Confessed. Job 33:27; Prov. 28:13.

  Mourned over. Ps. 38:18; Jer. 3:21.

  Hated. Ps. 97:10; Prov. 8:13; Amos 5:15; Rom. 12:9.

  Put away. Job 11:14.

  Departed from. Ps. 34:14; 2 Tim. 2:19.

  Avoided even in appearance. 1 Thess. 5:22.

  Guarded against. Ps. 4:4; 39:1.

  Striven against. Heb. 12:4.

  Put to death. Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5; Rom. 6:6.

  Especially strive against besetting. Heb. 12:1.

  Aggravated by neglecting advantages. Luke 12:47; John 15:22.

  Guilt concerning. Job 31:33; Prov. 28:13.

  We should pray to God

  To search for, in our hearts. Ps. 139:23, 24.

  To make us know our. Job 13:23.

  To forgive our. Ex. 34:9; Luke 11:4.

  To keep us from. Ps. 19:13.

  To deliver us from. Matt. 6:13.

  To cleanse us from. Ps. 51:2.

  Prayer hindered by. Ps. 66:18; Is. 59:2.

  Blessings withheld on account of. Jer. 5:25.

  The wicked

  Are servants to. John 8:34; Rom. 6:16.

  Are dead in. Eph. 2:1.

  Are guilty of, in everything they do. Prov. 21:4; Ezek. 21:24.

  Plead necessity for. 1 Sam. 13:11, 12.

  Excuse. Gen. 3:12, 13; 1 Sam. 15:13-15.

  Encourage themselves in. Ps. 64:5.

  Defy God in committing. Is. 5:18, 19.

  Boast of. Is. 3:9.

  Mock. Prov. 14:9.

  Expect impunity in. Ps. 10:11; 50:21; 94:7.

  Cannot cease from. 2 Pet. 2:14.

  Commit more and more. Ps. 78:17; Is. 30:1.

  Are en
couraged in, by prosperity. Job 21:7-15; Prov. 10:16.

  Are led by despair to continue in. Jer. 2:25; 18:12.

  Try to conceal, from God. Gen. 3:8, 10; Job 31:33.

  Throw the blame of, on God. Gen. 3:12; Jer. 7:10.

  Throw the blame of, on others. Gen. 3:12, 13; Ex. 32:22-24.

  Tempt others to. Gen. 3:6; 1 Kin. 16:2; 21:25; Prov. 1:10-14.

  Delight in those who commit. Ps. 10:3; Hos. 7:3; Rom. 1:32.

  Shall bear the shame of. Ezek. 16:52.

  Shall find out the wicked. Num. 32:23.

  Ministers should warn the wicked to forsake. Ezek. 33:9; Dan. 4:27.

  Leads to

  Shame. Rom. 6:21.

  Disquiet. Ps. 38:3.

  Disease. Job 20:11.

  The ground was cursed on account of. Gen. 3:17, 18.

  Toil and sorrow originated in. Gen. 3:16, 17, 19; Job 14:1.

  Excludes from heaven. 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5; Rev. 21:27.

  When finished brings forth death. James 1:15.


  The wages of. Rom. 6:23.

  The punishment of. Gen. 2:17; Ezek. 18:4.

  Rebellion Against God

  Forbidden. Num. 14:9; Josh. 22:19.

  Provokes Him. Num. 16:30; Neh. 9:26.

  Provokes Christ. Ex. 23:20, 21; 1 Cor. 10:9.

  Grieves the Holy Spirit. Is. 63:10.

  Exhibited in

  Unbelief. Deut. 9:23; Ps. 106:24, 25.

  Rejecting His government. Josh. 1:18; 1 Sam. 8:7; 15:23.

  Revolting from Him. Is. 1:5; 31:6.

  Despising His law. Neh. 9:26.

  Despising His counsel. Ps. 107:11.

  Distrusting His power. Ezek. 17:15.

  Murmuring against Him. Num. 20:3, 10.

  Refusing to listen to Him. Deut. 9:23; Ezek. 20:8; Zech. 7:11.

  Departing from Him. Is. 59:13; Dan. 9:5.

  Departing from His instituted worship. Ex. 32:8, 9; Josh. 22:16-19.

  Sinning against spiritual light. Job 24:13; John 15:22; Acts 13:41.

  Walking after our own thoughts. Is. 65:2.

  Stubbornness. Deut. 31:27.

  Injustice and corruption. Is. 1:23.

  Contempt of God. Ps. 107:11.

  Man is prone to. Deut. 31:27; Rom. 7:14-18.

  The heart is the seat of. Jer. 5:23; Matt. 15:18, 19; Heb. 3:12.

  They who are guilty of

  Aggravate their sin by it. Job 34:27.

  Practice hypocrisy to hide it. Hos. 7:14.

  Persevere in it. Deut. 9:7, 24.

  Increase in it, though chastised. Is. 1:5.

  Warned not to exalt themselves. Ps. 66:7.

  Denounced. Is. 30:1.

  Have God as their enemy. 1 Sam. 12:15; Ps. 106:26, 27; Is. 63:10

  Impoverished for it. Ps. 68:6.

  Brought low because of it. Ps. 107:11, 12.

  Delivered into the hands of enemies because of if. Neh. 9:26, 27.

  Cast out because of it. Ps. 5:10; Ezek. 20:38.

  Restored through Christ alone. Ps. 68:18.

  Heinousness of. 1 Sam. 15:23.

  Guilt of

  Aggravated by God’s fatherly care and concern. Is. 1:2; 65:2.

  To be avoided. Josh. 22:29.

  To be confessed. Lam. 1:18, 20; Dan. 9:5.

  God alone can forgive. Neh. 9:17; Dan. 9:9.

  Religious instruction designed to prevent. Ps. 78:5, 8.

  Promises to those who avoid. 1 Sam. 12:14. Cf. Deut. 28:1-13.

  Forgiven upon repentance. Neh. 9:26, 27.


  Cautioned against it. Ezek. 2:8.

  Often sent to people guilty of it. Ezek. 2:3-7; 3:4-9; Mark 12:4-8.

  Should testify against it. Num. 14:9; Is. 30:8, 9; Ezek. 17:12; 44:6.

  Should remind their people of past occurrences. Deut. 9:7; 31:27.

  Punishment for. 1 Sam. 12:15; Is. 1:20; Jer. 4:16-18; Ezek. 20:8, 38.

  Punishment for teaching. Jer. 28:16.

  Ingratitude of, illustrated. Is. 1:2, 3.

  Illustrated by

  Pharaoh. Ex. 5:1, 2.

  Korah, etc. Num. 16:11.

  Moses and Aaron. Num. 20:12, 24.

  The Israelites. Deut. 9:23, 24.

  Saul. 1 Sam. 15:9, 23.

  Jeroboam. 1 Kin. 12:28-33.

  Zedekiah. 2 Chr. 36:13.

  The kingdom of Israel. Hos. 7:14; 13:16.

  Spiritual Blindness

  Explained. 1 Cor. 2:14.

  The effect of sin. Is. 29:10; Matt. 6:23; John 3:19, 20.

  The effect of unbelief. Rom. 11:8; 2 Cor. 4:3, 4.

  A proof of lack of love. 1 John 2:9, 11.

  A work of the devil. 2 Cor. 4:4.

  Leads to all evil. Eph. 4:17-19.

  Is inconsistent with communion with God. 1 John 1:6, 7.

  Of ministers, fatal to themselves and to the people. Matt. 15:14.

  The wicked are in. Ps. 82:5; Is. 26:11; Jer. 5:21; Rom. 1:19-24.

  The self-righteous are in. Matt. 23:19, 26; Rev. 3:17.

  Judicially inflicted. Ps. 69:23; Is. 29:10; 44:18; Matt. 13:13, 14; John 12:40.

  Pray for the removal of. Ps. 13:3; 119:18.

  Christ appointed to remove. Is. 42:7; Luke 4:18; John 8:12; 9:39; 2 Cor. 4:6.

  Christ’s ministers are lights to remove. Matt. 5:14; Acts 26:18.

  Saints are delivered from. John 8:12; Eph. 5:8; Col. 1:13; 1 Thess. 5:4, 5; 1 Pet. 2:9.

  Removal of, illustrated. John 9:7, 11, 25; Acts 9:18; Rev. 3:18.

  Examples of

  Israel. Rom. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:15.

  Scribes and Pharisees. Matt. 23:16, 24.

  Churches of Laodicea. Rev. 3:17.

  Spiritual Bondage

  Is to the devil. 2 Tim. 2:26.

  Is to the fear of death. Heb. 2:14, 15.

  Is to sin. John 8:34; Acts 8:23; Rom. 6:16; 7:23; Gal. 4:3; 2 Pet. 2:19.

  Deliverance from, promised. Is. 42:6, 7.

  Christ delivers from. Luke 4:18, 21; John 8:36; Rom. 7:24, 25; Eph. 4:8.

  The gospel, the instrument of deliverance from. John 8:32; Rom. 8:2.

  Believers are delivered from. Deut. 4:20; Rom. 6:18, 22.

  Typified by Israel in Egypt. Ex. 1:13, 14.


  Does not come from God. James 1:13.

  Comes from

  Lusts. James 1:14.

  Covetousness. Prov. 28:20; 1 Tim. 6:9, 10.

  The devil is the author of. 1 Chr. 21:1; Matt. 4:1; John 13:2; 1 Thess. 3:5.

  Evil associates, the instruments of. Prov. 1:10; 7:6; 16:29.

  Often arises through

  Poverty. Prov. 30:9; Matt. 4:2, 3.

  Prosperity. Prov. 30:9; Matt. 4:8.

  Worldly glory. Num. 22:17; Dan. 4:30; 5:2; Matt. 4:8.

  Objectives of

  To distrust God’s providence. Matt. 4:3.

  Presumption. Matt. 4:6.

  Worshiping Satan. Matt. 4:9.

  Often strengthened by the perversion of God’s Word. Matt. 4:6.

  Permitted as a trial of

  Faith. 1 Pet. 1:7; James 1:2, 3.

  Dedication. Job 1:9-12.

  Always conformable to human nature. 1 Cor. 10:13.

  Often ends in sin and death. 1 Tim. 6:9; James 1:15.


  Endured, from the devil. Mark 1:13.

  Endured, from the wicked. Matt. 16:1; 22:18; Luke 10:25.

  Resisted it by the Word of God. Matt. 4:4, 7, 10.

  Overcame it. Matt. 4:11.

  Sympathizes with those under. Heb. 4:15.

  Is able to help those under. Heb. 2:18.

  Intercedes for His people under. Luke 22:31, 32; John 17:15.

  Will not be greater than believers can endure. 1 Cor. 10:13.

  God delivers believers from. 2 Pet. 2:9.


  May be in heaviness through. 1 Pet. 1:6.

  Should resist, in faith. Eph. 6:16; 1 Pet. 5:9.

  Should watch against. Matt. 26:41; 1 Pet. 5:8.
  Should pray to be kept from. Matt. 6:13; 26:41.

  Should not cause, for others. Rom. 14:13.

  Should restore those overcome by. Gal. 6:1.

  Should avoid. Prov. 4:14, 15.

  The devil will renew. Luke 4:13.

  Weakness of the flesh makes it stronger. Matt. 26:41.

  Nominal Christians fall away in time of. Luke 8:13.

  Blessedness of those who meet and overcome. James 1:2-4, 12.

  Those who encountered

  Eve. Gen. 3:1, 4, 5.

  Joseph. Gen. 39:7.

  Balaam. Num. 22:17.

  Achan. Josh. 7:21.

  David. 2 Sam. 11:2.

  Jeroboam. 1 Kin. 15:30.

  Peter. Mark 14:67-71.

  Paul. 2 Cor. 12:7; Gal. 4:14.


  Is defined as sin. John 16:9.

  Defilement inseparable from. Titus 1:15.

  All, by nature, committed to. Rom. 11:32.

  Proceeds from

  An evil heart. Heb. 3:12.

  Slowness of heart. Luke 24:25.

  Hardness of heart. Mark 16:14; Acts 19:9.

  Not listening to the truth. John 8:45, 46.

  Judicial blindness. John 12:39, 40.

  Not being Christ’s sheep. John 10:26.

  The devil blinding the mind. 2 Cor. 4:4.

  The devil stealing the word out of the heart. Luke 8:12.

  Seeking honor from men. John 5:44.

  Makes God a liar. 1 John 5:10.

  Exhibited in

  Rejecting Christ. John 16:9.

  Rejecting the word of God. Ps. 106:24.

  Rejecting the gospel. Is. 53:1; John 12:38.

  Rejecting evidence of miracles. John 12:37.

  Departing from God. Heb. 3:12.

  Questioning the power of God. 2 Kin. 7:2; Ps. 78:19, 20.

  Not believing the works of God. Ps. 78:32.

  Wavering at the promise of God. Rom. 4:20.

  Rebuked by Christ. Matt. 17:17; John 20:27.

  Was an impediment to the performance of miracles. Matt. 17:20; Mark 6:5.

  Miracles designed to convince those in. John 10:37, 38; 1 Cor. 14:22.

  The Jews rejected because of. Rom. 11:20.

  Believers should have no fellowship with those in. 2 Cor. 6:14.

  They who are guilty of

  Do not have the word of God in them. John 5:38.

  Cannot please God. Heb. 11:6.

  Malign the gospel. Acts 19:9.

  Persecute the ministers of God. Rom. 15:31.

  Excite others against believers. Acts 14:2.

  Persevere in it. John 12:37.

  Stiffen their necks. 2 Kin. 17:14.

  Are condemned already. John 3:18.

  Have the wrath of God abiding upon them. John 3:36.

  Shall not be established. Is. 7:9.

  Shall die in their sins. John 8:24.

  Shall not enter rest. Heb. 3:19; 4:11.

  Shall be condemned. Mark 16:16; 2 Thess. 2:12.


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