The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 705

by John MacArthur

  learning and never a 2 Tim 3:7

  being tempted, He is a Heb 2:18

  that God was a to Heb 11:19

  to Him who is a Jude 24

  has come, and who is a Rev 6:17


  Saul’s cousin; commander of his army, 1 Sam 14:50, 51

  Rebuked by David, 1 Sam 26:5, 14–16

  Supports Ishbosheth; defeated by David’s men; kills Asahel, 2 Sam 2:8–32

  Makes covenant with David, 2 Sam 3:6–21

  Killed by Joab; mourned by David, 2 Sam 3:22–39


  but left their own a Jude 6


  your works may be a Ezek 6:6

  having a in His flesh Eph 2:15

  Christ, who has a 2 Tim 1:10


  not make yourselves a Lev 11:43

  They have done a Ps 14:1

  your grave like an a Is 14:19

  Oh, do not do this a Jer 44:4

  they deny Him, being a Titus 1:16

  and a idolatries 1 Pet 4:3

  unbelieving, a Rev 21:8


  every shepherd is an a Gen 46:34

  If we sacrifice the a Ex 8:26

  You have made me an a Ps 88:8

  yes, seven are an a Prov 6:16

  wickedness is an a Prov 8:7

  Dishonest scales are an a Prov 11:1

  the scoffer is an a Prov 24:9

  prayer is an a Prov 28:9

  An unjust man is an a Prov 29:27

  incense is an a Is 1:13

  and place there the a Dan 11:31

  the a of desolation Dan 12:11

  the ‘a of desolation,’Matt 24:15

  among men is an a Luke 16:15


  to follow the a Deut 18:9

  delights in their a Is 66:3

  will put away your a Jer 4:1

  your harlotry, your a Jer 13:27

  will see greater a Ezek 8:6

  a which they commit Ezek 8:17

  you, throw away the a Ezek 20:7

  show her all her a Ezek 22:2

  a golden cup full of a Rev 17:4

  of the a of the earth Rev 17:5


  lawlessness will a Matt 24:12

  the offense might a Rom 5:20

  sin that grace may a Rom 6:1

  thanksgiving to a 2 Cor 4:15

  to make all grace a 2 Cor 9:8

  and I know how to a Phil 4:12

  that you should a 1 Thess 4:1

  things are yours and a 2 Pet 1:8


  But where sin a Rom 5:20


  and a in mercy Ps 103:8

  immovable, always a 1 Cor 15:58


  that is in heaven a Ex 20:4

  “He sent from a 2 Sam 22:17

  A it stood seraphim Is 6:2

  nor a servant a his master Matt 10:24

  He who comes from a John 3:31

  I am from a John 8:23

  been given you from a John 19:11

  who is a all Eph 4:6

  the name which is a Phil 2:9

  things which are a Col 3:1

  perfect gift is from a James 1:17


  Ancestry and family, Gen 11:26–31

  Receives God’s call; enters Canaan, Gen 12:1–6

  Promised Canaan by God; pitched tent near Bethel, Gen 12:7, 8

  Deceives Egyptians concerning Sarai, Gen 12:11–20

  Separates from Lot; inherits Canaan, Gen 13

  Rescues Lot from captivity, Gen 14:11–16

  Gives a tithe to Melchizedek; refuses spoil, Gen 14:18–24

  Covenant renewed; promised a son, Gen 15

  Takes Hagar as concubine; Ishmael born, Gen 16

  Name changed from Abram; circumcision commanded, Gen 17

  Entertains Lord and angels, Gen 18:1–15

  Intercedes for Sodom, Gen 18:16–33

  Deceives Abimelech concerning Sarah, Gen 20

  Birth of Isaac, Gen 21:1–7

  Sends Hagar and Ishmael away, Gen 21:9–14

  Offers Isaac in obedience to God, Gen 22:1–19

  Finds wife for Isaac, Gen 24

  Marries Keturah; fathers other children; dies, Gen 25:1–10

  Friend of God, 2 Chr 20:7

  Justified by faith, Rom 4:1–12

  Father of true believers, Rom 4:11–25

  In the line of faith, Heb 11:8–10

  Eternal home of, in heaven, Luke 16:19–25




  Son of David, 2 Sam 3:3

  Kills Amnon for raping Tamar; flees from David, 2 Sam 13:20–39

  Returns through Joab’s intrigue; reconciled to David, 2 Sam 14

  Attempts to usurp throne, 2 Sam 15:1–18:8

  Caught and killed by Joab, 2 Sam 18:9–18

  Mourned by David, 2 Sam 18:19–19:8


  For I indeed, as a 1 Cor 5:3

  in the body we are a 2 Cor 5:6


  we write to them to a Acts 15:20

  A from every form 1 Thess 5:22

  and commanding to a 1 Tim 4:3

  a from fleshly lusts 1 Pet 2:11


  is the sound of a 1 Kin 18:41

  workmen with you in a 1 Chr 22:15

  and a of peace Ps 72:7

  nor he who loves a Eccl 5:10

  delight itself in a Is 55:2

  For out of the a Matt 12:34

  put in out of their a Mark 12:44

  not consist in the a Luke 12:15

  of affliction the a 2 Cor 8:2

  above measure by the a 2 Cor 12:7

  rich through the a Rev 18:3


  Longsuffering and a Ps 86:15

  slow to anger and a Jon 4:2

  in labors more a 2 Cor 11:23

  Lord was exceedingly a 1 Tim 1:14

  a mercy has begotten 1 Pet 1:3


  a satisfied with the Ps 36:8

  may have it more a John 10:10

  to do exceedingly a Eph 3:20

  to show more a to the Heb 6:17


  Spies sent from, Josh 2:1

  Israel’s last camp before crossing the Jordan, Josh 3:1


  For I will a him Job 42:8

  a your burnt sacrifice Ps 20:3

  offering, I will not a Jer 14:12

  Should I a this from Mal 1:13


  sought to find a Eccl 12:10

  a time I have heard Is 49:8

  proclaim the a year Is 61:2

  proclaim the a year Luke 4:19

  is that good and a Rom 12:2

  finding out what is a Eph 5:10

  For this is good and a 1 Tim 2:3

  spiritual sacrifices a 1 Pet 2:5


  we may serve God a Heb 12:28


  Behold, now is the a 2 Cor 6:2

  by which He made us a Eph 1:6


  we have a by faith Rom 5:2

  we have boldness and a Eph 3:12


  today the LORD has a 1 Sam 11:13

  A desire a is sweet to Prov 13:19

  must still be a Luke 22:37

  all things were now a John 19:28


  and Israel with one a Josh 9:2

  serve Him with one a Zeph 3:9

  continued with one a Acts 1:14

  daily with one a Acts 2:46

  what a has Christ with 2 Cor 6:15

  love, being of one a Phil 2:2


  they will give a Matt 12:36

  The former a I made Acts 1:1

  each of us shall give a Rom 14:12

  put that on my a Philem 18

  those who must give a Heb 13:17

br />   and He a it to him Gen 15:6

  And that was a to him Ps 106:31

  his faith is a Rom 4:5

  a as sheep for the Rom 8:36

  and it was a to him Gal 3:6

  and it was a to him James 2:23


  he who is hanged is a Deut 21:23

  regarding the a things Josh 7:1

  years old shall be a Is 65:20

  not know the law is a John 7:49

  that I myself were a Rom 9:3

  calls Jesus a, and no one 1 Cor 12:3

  let him be a Gal 1:8


  they wrote an a against Ezra 4:6

  over His head the a Matt 27:37

  they might find an a Luke 6:7

  Do not receive an a 1 Tim 5:19

  not bring a reviling a 2 Pet 2:11


  anyone or a falsely Luke 3:14

  they began to a Him Luke 23:2

  think that I shall a John 5:45


  forward and a the Jews Dan 3:8

  while He was being a Matt 27:12


  a of our brethren Rev 12:10


  their thoughts a or else Rom 2:15


  Visited by Paul, Acts 18:1, 12

  Apollos preaches in, Acts 18:24–28

  Gospel proclaimed throughout, 1 Thess 1:7, 8

  ACHAN (or Achar)

  Sin of, caused Israel’s defeat, Josh 7:1–15

  Stoned to death, Josh 7:16–25

  Sin of, recalled, Josh 22:20

  Also called Achar, 1 Chr 2:7


  A king of Gath, 1 Sam 21:10–15

  David seeks refuge with, 1 Sam 27:1–12

  Forced by Philistine lords to expel David, 1 Sam 29:1–11

  Receives Shimei’s servants, 1 Kin 2:39, 40


  Site of Achan’s stoning, Josh 7:24–26

  On Judah’s boundary, Josh 15:7

  Promises concerning, Is 65:10


  A daughter of Caleb, 1 Chr 2:49

  Given to Othniel, Josh 15:16–19

  Given springs of water, Judg 1:12–15


  did he a his brothers Deut 33:9

  a my transgressions Ps 51:3

  in all your ways a Prov 3:6

  and Israel does not a Is 63:16

  a your iniquity Jer 3:13

  let him a that the things 1 Cor 14:37


  of Israel, and God a them Ex 2:25

  a my sin to You Ps 32:5


  there is no one who a Ps 142:4

  he who a the Son has 1 John 2:23


  a yourself with Him Job 22:21


  All my a watched for Jer 20:10

  But all His a Luke 23:49


  and are a with all my ways Ps 139:3

  a Man of sorrows and a Is 53:3


  at all a the wicked Nah 1:3


  seen every great a Deut 11:7

  is time for You to a Ps 119:126

  His a, His unusual a Is 28:21

  in the very a John 8:4


  by Him a are weighed 1 Sam 2:3


  LORD, the righteous a Judg 5:11

  His a to the children Ps 103:7

  declare Your mighty a Ps 145:4

  of Your awesome a Ps 145:6


  Creation of, Gen 1:26, 27; 2:7

  Given dominion over the earth, Gen 1:28–30

  Given a wife, Gen 2:18–25

  Temptation, fall, and exile from Eden, Gen 3

  Children of, Gen 4:1, 2; 5:3, 4

  Transgression results in sin and death, Rom 5:12–14

  ———Last or second Adam, an appellation of Christ, Rom 5:14, 15; 1 Cor 15:20–24, 45–48


  You shall not a Deut 4:2

  Do not a to His words Prov 30:6


  things shall be a Matt 6:33

  And the Lord a to the Acts 2:47

  many people were a Acts 11:24

  It was a because of Gal 3:19


  a justice for the Deut 10:18


  also to a one another Rom 15:14

  a him as a brother 2 Thess 3:15


  further, my son, be a Eccl 12:12

  Angel of the LORD a Zech 3:6


  a one another in Col 3:16


  were written for our a 1 Cor 10:11

  in the training and a Eph 6:4


  David’s fourth son, 2 Sam 3:2, 4

  Attempts to usurp throne, 1 Kin 1:5–53

  Desires Abishag as wife, 1 Kin 2:13–18

  Executed by Solomon, 1 Kin 2:19–25

  ADONIRAM (or Adoram)

  Official under David, Solomon, and Rehoboam, 2 Sam 20:24; 1 Kin 5:14; 12:18

  Stoned by angry Israelites, 1 Kin 12:18

  Called Hadoram, 2 Chr 10:18


  the Spirit of a Rom 8:15

  waiting for the a Rom 8:23

  to whom pertain the a Rom 9:4

  we might receive the a Gal 4:5

  a as sons by Jesus Eph 1:5


  a the monuments Matt 23:29

  also, that the women a 1 Tim 2:9


  By His Spirit He a Job 26:13

  You shall again be a Jer 31:4

  temple, how it was a Luke 21:5

  also a themselves 1 Pet 3:5

  prepared as a bride a Rev 21:2


  A among the dead Ps 88:5


  the a and the adulteress Lev 20:10

  The eye of the a Job 24:15


  the land is full of a Jer 23:10

  nor idolaters, nor a 1 Cor 6:9

  a God will judge Heb 13:4

  A and adulteresses James 4:4


  I have seen your a Jer 13:27

  her sight, and her a Hos 2:2

  evil thoughts, a Mark 7:21


  evil and a generation Matt 12:39


  You shall not commit a Ex 20:14

  Whoever commits a Prov 6:32

  Israel had committed a Jer 3:8

  already committed a Matt 5:28

  is divorced commits a Matt 5:32

  another commits a Mark 10:11

  a woman caught in a John 8:3

  those who commit a Rev 2:22


  a will it be to You Job 35:3

  man has no a over Eccl 3:19

  a that I go away John 16:7

  What a then has the Rom 3:1

  Satan should take a 2 Cor 2:11

  no one should take a 1 Thess 4:6

  people to gain a Jude 16


  The a of the LORD 1 Sam 2:10

  rid Myself of My a Is 1:24

  a will not be able Luke 21:15

  and there are many a 1 Cor 16:9

  terrified by your a Phil 1:28

  will devour the a Heb 10:27


  in the way as an a Num 22:22

  battle he become our a 1 Sam 29:4

  how long will the a Ps 74:10

  a has spread his hand Lam 1:10

  Agree with your a Matt 5:25

  justice for me from my a Luke 18:3

  opportunity to the a 1 Tim 5:14

  your a the devil walks 1 Pet 5:8


  you from all your a 1 Sam 10:19

  known my soul in a Ps 31:7


  them with every a 2 Chr 15:6

  I shall never be
in a Ps 10:6

  from the days of a Ps 94:13

  brother is born for a Prov 17:17

  faint in the day of a Prov 24:10

  the day of a consider Eccl 7:14

  you the bread of a Is 30:20


  And blessed is your a 1 Sam 25:33

  in this I give my a 2 Cor 8:10


  we have an A with the 1 John 2:1


  and worship from a Ex 24:1

  sons shall come from a Is 60:4

  and not a God a Jer 23:23

  and saw Abraham a Luke 16:23

  to all who are a Acts 2:39

  to you who were a Eph 2:17

  but having seen them a Heb 11:13


  he will guide his a Ps 112:5

  I may hear of your a Phil 1:27

  himself with the a 2 Tim 2:4


  to his wife the a 1 Cor 7:3

  for you all with the a Phil 1:8

  if any a and mercy Phil 2:1


  Be kindly a to one Rom 12:10


  you to a constantly Titus 3:8


  a them with their Ex 1:11

  oath to a her soul Num 30:13

  may be bound to a you Judg 16:6

  a the descendants 1 Kin 11:39

  will hear, and a them Ps 55:19

  a Your heritage Ps 94:5

  a man to a his soul Is 58:5

  to destroy, and to a Jer 31:28

  For He does not a Lam 3:33

  deal with all who a Zeph 3:19


  “Why have You a Num 11:11

  and the Almighty has a Ruth 1:21

  To him who is a Job 6:14

  hears the cry of the a Job 34:28

  You a the peoples Ps 44:2

  Before I was a Ps 119:67

  I am a very much Ps 119:107

  Many a time they have a Ps 129:1

  the cause of the a Ps 140:12

  days of the a are evil Prov 15:15

  Smitten by God, and a Is 53:4

  oppressed and He was a Is 53:7

  “O you a one Is 54:11

  Why have we a our Is 58:3

  and satisfy the a Is 58:10

  her virgins are a Lam 1:4

  she has relieved the a 1 Tim 5:10

  being destitute, a Heb 11:37


  A the just and taking Amos 5:12


  in the land of my a Gen 41:52

  the bread of a Deut 16:3

  indeed look on the a 1 Sam 1:11

  LORD saw that the a 2 Kin 14:26

  a take hold of me Job 30:16

  days of a confront me Job 30:27

  held in the cords of a Job 36:8

  of death, bound in a Ps 107:10

  is my comfort in my a Ps 119:50

  and it is an evil a Eccl 6:2

  a He was afflicted Is 63:9

  refuge in the day of a Jer 16:19

  “O LORD, behold my a Lam 1:9

  not grieved for the a Amos 6:6

  For our light a 2 Cor 4:17

  supposing to add a Phil 1:16

  the word in much a 1 Thess 1:6


  garden, and I was a Gen 3:10

  saying, “Do not be a Gen 15:1

  his face, for he was a Ex 3:6


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