The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 706

by John MacArthur

none will make you a Lev 26:6

  of whom you are a Deut 7:19

  I will not be a Ps 3:6

  ungodliness made me a Ps 18:4

  Do not be a when one Ps 49:16

  Whenever I am a Ps 56:3

  farthest parts are a Ps 65:8

  nor be a of their threats Is 8:12

  no one will make them a Is 17:2

  that you should be a Is 51:12

  dream which made me a Dan 4:5

  do not be a Matt 14:27

  if you do evil, be a Rom 13:4

  do good and are not a 1 Pet 3:6


  A he will let you go Ex 11:1

  a we will speak Job 18:2

  a receive me to glory Ps 73:24

  you shall follow Me a John 13:36

  the firstfruits, a 1 Cor 15:23


  A king of Amalek in Balaam’s prophecy, Num 24:7

  ———Amalekite king spared by Saul, but slain by Samuel, 1 Sam 15:8, 9, 20–24, 32, 33


  day He will rise a Matt 20:19

  ‘You must be born a John 3:7

  to renew them a Heb 6:6

  having been born a 1 Pet 1:23


  his hand shall be a Gen 16:12

  I will set My face a Lev 20:3

  come to ‘set a man a Matt 10:35

  or house divided a Matt 12:25

  not with Me is a Me Matt 12:30

  blasphemy a the Spirit Matt 12:31

  For nation will rise a Matt 24:7

  out, as a a robber Matt 26:55

  I have sinned a Luke 15:18

  lifted up his heel a John 13:18

  LORD and a His Christ Acts 4:26

  to kick a the goads Acts 9:5

  all men everywhere a Acts 21:28

  let us not fight a Acts 23:9

  a the promises of God Gal 3:21

  we do not wrestle a Eph 6:12

  I have a few things a Rev 2:20


  well advanced in a Gen 18:11

  Israel were dim with a Gen 48:10

  the flower of their a 1 Sam 2:33

  the grave at a full a Job 5:26

  a is as nothing Ps 39:5

  and in the a to come Mark 10:30

  “The sons of this a Luke 20:34

  He is of a John 9:21

  who are of full a Heb 5:14

  the powers of the a Heb 6:5


  Wisdom is with a Job 12:12

  a one as Paul, the a Philem 9


  ordained before the a 1 Cor 2:7

  in other a was not Eph 3:5

  at the end of the a Heb 9:26


  And being in a Luke 22:44


  A with your adversary Matt 5:25

  that if two of you a Matt 18:19

  testimonies did not a Mark 14:56

  and these three a 1 John 5:8


  unless they are a Amos 3:3

  they were glad, and a Luke 22:5


  with Sheol we are in a Is 28:15

  the North to make an a Dan 11:6

  what a has the temple 2 Cor 6:16


  A wicked king of Israel, 1 Kin 16:29

  Marries Jezebel; promotes Baal worship, 1 Kin 16:31–33; 18:17–46

  Denounced by Elijah, 1 Kin 17:1

  Wars against Ben-Hadad, 1 Kin 20:1–43

  Covets Naboth’s vineyard, 1 Kin 21:1–16

  Death predicted; repentance delays judgment, 1 Kin 21:17–29

  Goes to war in spite of Micaiah’s warning; killed in battle, 1 Kin. 22:1–37

  Prophecy concerning, fulfilled, 1 Kin 22:38

  ———Lying prophet, Jer 29:21–23


  The father of Darius the Mede, Dan 9:1

  ———Persian king, probably Xerxes I, 486–465 B.C., Ezra 4:6; Esth 1:1

  Makes Esther queen, Esth 2:16, 17

  Orders Jews annihilated, by Haman’s advice, Esth 3:8–15

  Reverses decree at Esther’s request, Esth 7; 8

  Exalts Mordecai, Esth 10:1–3


  King of Judah; pursues idolatry; submits to Assyrian rule; desecrates the temple, 2 Kin 16

  Defeated by Syria and Israel, 2 Chr 28:5–15

  Comforted by Isaiah; refuses to ask a sign, Is 7:1–17


  King of Israel; son of Ahab and Jezebel; worships Baal, 1 Kin 22:51–53

  Falls through lattice; calls on Baal-Zebub; dies according to Elijah’s word, 2 Kin 1:2–18

  ———King of Judah; Ahab’s son-in-law; reigns wickedly, 2 Kin 8:25–29; 2 Chr 22:1–6

  Killed by Jehu, 2 Kin 9:27–29; 2 Chr 22:7–9


  A prophet of Shiloh who foretells division of Solomon’s kingdom, 1 Kin 11:29–39

  Foretells elimination of Jeroboam’s line, 1 Kin 14:1–18

  A writer of prophecy, 2 Chr 9:29


  Sent in Josiah’s mission to Huldah, 2 Kin 22:12–14

  Protects Jeremiah, Jer 26:24

  The father of Gedaliah, governor under Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kin 25:22; Jer 39:14


  A son of Zadok the high priest, 1 Chr 6:8, 9

  Warns David of Absalom’s plans, 2 Sam 15:27, 36

  First to tell David of Absalom’s defeat, 2 Sam 18:19–30


  High priest in Saul’s reign; helps David, 1 Sam 21:1–9

  Betrayed and killed by Doeg; son Abiathar escapes, 1 Sam 22:9–20

  David writes concerning, Ps 52


  Wife of David, 1 Sam 25:43; 27:3; 30:5, 18

  Mother of Amnon, 2 Sam 3:2


  David’s counselor, 2 Sam 15:12

  Joins Absalom’s insurrection; counsels him, 2 Sam 15:31; 16:20–23

  His counsel rejected; commits suicide, 2 Sam 17:1–23


  Israel defeated at, Josh 7:2–5

  Israel destroys completely, Josh 8:1–28


  the king’s personal a Acts 12:20


  Amorites not driven from, Judg 1:35

  Miracle there, Josh 10:12, 13

  City of refuge, 1 Chr 6:66–69

  Fortified by Rehoboam, 2 Chr 11:5, 10

  Captured by Philistines, 2 Chr 28:18


  the birds of the a Gen 1:26

  of the a have nests Luke 9:58

  as one who beats the a 1 Cor 9:26

  be speaking into the a 1 Cor 14:9

  of the power of the a Eph 2:2

  meet the Lord in the a 1 Thess 4:17

  his bowl into the a Rev 16:17


  Field called “Field of Blood,” Acts 1:19


  to sound the a against 2 Chr 13:12

  A day of trumpet and a Zeph 1:16


  A member of the high-priestly family, Acts 4:6

  ———A Jew in Ephesus, Acts 19:33, 34

  ———An apostate condemned by Paul, 1 Tim 1:19, 20


  Men of, persecute Stephen, Acts 6:9

  Paul sails in ship of, Acts 27:6


  because you were an a Deut 23:7

  I am an a in their Job 19:15

  who turn away an a Mal 3:5


  a herself from them Ezek 23:17

  darkened, being a Eph 4:18

  you, who once were a Col 1:21


  For we are a and 1 Chr 29:15

  For I have loved a Jer 2:25

  A have devoured his Hos 7:9

  without Christ, being a Eph 2:12

  the armies of the a Heb 11:34


  All things come a Eccl 9:2

  esteems every day a Rom 14:5


  in th
e ark remained a Gen 7:23

  with them went down a Num 16:33

  LORD your God are a Deut 4:4

  I kill and I make a Deut 32:39

  Let them go down a Ps 55:15

  he preserves himself a Ezek 18:27

  heard that He was a Mark 16:11

  son was dead and is a Luke 15:24

  presented Himself a Acts 1:3

  dead indeed to sin, but a Rom 6:11

  I was a once without Rom 7:9

  all shall be made a 1 Cor 15:22

  trespasses, made us a Eph 2:5

  flesh, He has made a Col 2:13

  that we who are a 1 Thess 4:15

  the flesh but made a 1 Pet 3:18

  and behold, I am a Rev 1:18

  a name that you are a Rev 3:1

  These two were cast a Rev 19:20


  for this is man’s a Eccl 12:13


  Again they said, “A Rev 19:3


  a Your Holy One Ps 16:10

  a My faithfulness Ps 89:33

  nor do you a those Matt 23:13

  a Your Holy One Acts 2:27

  who will not a 1 Cor 10:13


  bygone generations a Acts 14:16


  behold, I will a Hos 2:14

  they a through the lusts 2 Pet 2:18


  a blossoms on one Ex 25:33

  a tree blossoms Eccl 12:5


  for me, my feet had a Ps 73:2

  a persuade me to Acts 26:28

  a all things are Heb 9:22


  But rather give a Luke 11:41

  you have and give a Luke 12:33

  I came to bring a Acts 24:17


  with myrrh and a Ps 45:8

  my bed with myrrh, a Prov 7:17

  mixture of myrrh and a John 19:39


  I am the A and the Rev 1:8

  I am the A and the Rev 22:13


  Then Noah built an a Gen 8:20

  An a of earth you Ex 20:24

  a shall be kept Lev 6:9

  it to you upon the a Lev 17:11

  offering for the a Num 7:84

  called the a Witness Josh 22:34

  and tear down the a Judg 6:25

  “Go up, erect an a 2 Sam 24:18

  cried out against the a 1 Kin 13:2

  I will go to the a Ps 43:4

  there will be an a Is 19:19

  Lord has spurned His a Lam 2:7

  you cover the a Mal 2:13

  your gift to the a Matt 5:23

  swears by the a Matt 23:18

  I even found an a Acts 17:23

  the offerings of the a 1 Cor 9:13

  partakers of the a 1 Cor 10:18

  We have an a from Heb 13:10

  Isaac his son on the a James 2:21

  and stood at the a Rev 8:3


  a Hezekiah has taken 2 Kin 18:22

  Even Your a, O LORD Ps 84:3

  on the horns of your a Jer 17:1

  a shall be broken Ezek 6:4

  has made many a Hos 8:11

  a shall be heaps Hos 12:11

  destruction on the a Amos 3:14

  and torn down Your a Rom 11:3


  of His face was a Luke 9:29


  delight, rejoicing a Prov 8:30

  the poor with you a Matt 26:11

  Me you do not have a Matt 26:11

  lo, I am with you a Matt 28:20

  ‘Son, you are a Luke 15:31

  men a ought to pray Luke 18:1

  immovable, a abounding 1 Cor 15:58

  Rejoice in the Lord a Phil 4:4

  thus we shall a 1 Thess 4:17

  a be ready to give a 1 Pet 3:15


  to Moses, “I A WHO I A Ex 3:14

  First and I a the Last Is 44:6

  in My name, I a there Matt 18:20

  I a the bread of life John 6:35

  I a the light of the John 8:12

  I a from above John 8:23

  Abraham was, I A John 8:58

  I a the door John 10:9

  I a the good shepherd John 10:11

  I a the resurrection John 11:25

  to him, “I a the way John 14:6

  of God I a what I a 1 Cor 15:10


  Grandson of Esau, Gen 36:11, 12

  A chief of Edom, Gen 36:16

  First among nations, Num 24:20


  Destruction predicted, Ex 17:14; Deut 25:17–19

  Defeated by Israel, Ex 17:8–13; Judg 7:12–25; 1 Sam 14:47, 48; 27:8, 9; 1 Chr 4:42, 43

  Overcome Israel, Num 14:39–45; Judg 3:13


  Commands Absalom’s rebels, 2 Sam 17:25

  Made David’s commander, 2 Sam 19:13

  Treacherously killed by Joab, 2 Sam 20:9–12

  Death avenged, 1 Kin 2:28–34


  trembled and were a Mark 16:8


  King of Judah; kills his father’s assassinators, 2 Kin 14:1–6; 2 Chr 25:1–4

  Hires troops from Israel; is rebuked by a man of God; sends troops home, 2 Chr 25:5–10

  Defeats Edomites; worships their gods, 2 Chr 25:11–16

  Wars with Israel, 2 Kin 14:8–14; 2 Chr 25:17–24

  Killed by conspirators, 2 Chr 25:25–28


  but a faithful a Prov 13:17

  for which I am an a Eph 6:20


  cry outside, the a Is 33:7

  we are a for Christ 2 Cor 5:20


  Christ from selfish a Phil 1:16

  through selfish a Phil 2:3


  uninformed say “A 1 Cor 14:16

  are Yes, and in Him A 2 Cor 1:20

  creatures said, “A Rev 5:14


  A your ways and your Jer 7:3

  from his evil way, a Jer 35:15


  A nation fathered by Lot, Gen 19:36, 38


  Excluded from assembly for hostility to Israel, Deut 23:3–6

  Propose cruel treaty; conquered by Saul, 1 Sam 11:1–3, 11

  Abuse David’s ambassadors; conquered by his army, 2 Sam 10:1–14

  Harass postexilic Jews, Neh 4:3, 7, 8

  Defeated by Israel and Judah, Judg 11:4–33; 2 Chr 20:1–25; 27:5, 6

  Prophecies concerning, Ps 83:1–18; Jer 25:9–21; Ezek 25:1–7; Amos 1:13–15; Zeph 2:9–11


  A son of David, 2 Sam 3:2

  Rapes his half sister, 2 Sam 13:1–18

  Killed by Absalom, 2 Sam 13:19–29


  King of Judah, 2 Kin 21:18, 19

  Follows evil, 2 Chr 33:22, 23

  Killed by conspiracy, 2 Kin 21:23, 24

  ———A governor of Samaria, 1 Kin 22:10, 26


  Defeated by Joshua, Josh 10:1–43

  Not driven out of Canaan, Judg 1:34–36

  Put to forced labor under Solomon, 1 Kin 9:20, 21


  A prophet of Israel, Amos 1:1

  Pronounces judgment against nations, Amos 1:1–3, 15

  Denounces Israel’s sins, Amos 4:1–7:9

  Condemns Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, Amos 7:10–17

  Predicts Israel’s downfall, Amos 9:1–10

  Foretells great blessings, Amos 9:11–15


  Son of Kohath, Num 3:17–19

  The father of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam, Ex 6:18–20; 1 Chr 6:3


  A race of giants; very strong, Num 13:28–33; Deut 2:10, 11, 21


  by Joshua, Josh 10:36–39; 11:21

  by Caleb, Josh 14:6–15


  Disciple at Jerusalem; slain for lying to God, Ac
ts 5:1–11

  ———A Christian disciple at Damascus, Acts 9:10–19; 22:12–16

  ———A Jewish high priest, Acts 23:1–5


  A Levitical city in Benjamin, Josh 21:18

  Jeremiah’s birthplace; he buys property there, Jer 1:1; 32:6–15

  To be invaded by Assyria, Is 10:30


  hope we have as an a Heb 6:19


  Do not remove the a Prov 23:10

  a times that I Is 37:26

  until the A of Days Dan 7:22


  A disciple of John the Baptist, then of Christ, Matt 4:18, 19; John 1:40–42

  Enrolled among the Twelve, Matt 10:2

  Mentioned, Mark 13:3, 4; John 6:8, 9; 12:20–22; Acts 1:13


  Now the A of the LORD Gen 16:7

  A who has redeemed me Gen 48:16

  “Behold, I send an A Ex 23:20

  the donkey saw the A Num 22:23

  For I have seen the A Judg 6:22

  Manoah said to the A Judg 13:17

  in my sight as an a 1 Sam 29:9

  a who was destroying 2 Sam 24:16

  night that the a 2 Kin 19:35

  the A of His Presence Is 63:9

  struggled with the A Hos 12:4

  standing before the A Zech 3:3

  like God, like the A Zech 12:8

  things, behold, an a Matt 1:20

  for an a of the Lord Matt 28:2

  Then an a of the Lord Luke 1:11

  And behold, an a Luke 2:9

  a appeared to Him from Luke 22:43

  For an a went down at John 5:4

  a has spoken to Him John 12:29

  But at night an a Acts 5:19

  A who appeared to him Acts 7:35

  Then immediately an a Acts 12:23

  and no a or spirit Acts 23:8

  a has spoken to him Acts 23:9

  by me this night an a Acts 27:23

  himself into an a 2 Cor 11:14

  even if we, or an a Gal 1:8

  Then I saw a strong a Rev 5:2

  over them the a Rev 9:11

  Then I saw an a Rev 19:17

  Jesus, have sent My a Rev 22:16


  If He charges His a Job 4:18

  lower than the a Ps 8:5

  He shall give His a Ps 91:11

  Praise Him, all His a Ps 148:2

  He shall give His a Matt 4:6

  a will come forth Matt 13:49

  a always see the face Matt 18:10

  but are like a Matt 22:30

  not even the a Matt 24:36

  and all the holy a Matt 25:31

  twelve legions of a Matt 26:53

  the presence of the a Luke 15:10

  was carried by the a Luke 16:22

  are equal to the a Luke 20:36

  And she saw two a John 20:12

  that we shall judge a 1 Cor 6:3

  head, because of the a 1 Cor 11:10

  and worship of a Col 2:18

  with His mighty a 2 Thess 1:7

  the Spirit, seen by a 1 Tim 3:16

  much better than the a Heb 1:4

  does not give aid to a Heb 2:16

  company of a Heb 12:22

  entertained a Heb 13:2

  things which a desire 1 Pet 1:12


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