The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 710

by John MacArthur

  ———Ben-Hadad II, king of Damascus; makes war on Ahab, king of Israel, 1 Kin 20

  Falls in siege against Samaria, 2 Kin 6:24–33; 7:6–20

  Killed by Hazael, 2 Kin 8:7–15

  ———Ben-Hadad III, king of Damascus; loses all Israelite conquests made by Hazael, his father, 2 Kin 13:3–25


  Rachel’s name for Benjamin, Gen 35:16–18


  The son of Jehoiada; a mighty man, 2 Sam 23:20–23

  Faithful to David, 2 Sam 15:18; 20:23

  Escorts Solomon to the throne, 1 Kin 1:38–40

  Executes Adonijah, Joab and Shimei, 1 Kin 2:25, 29–34, 46

  ———A Pirathonite; another of David’s mighty men, 2 Sam 23:30

  Divisional commander, 1 Chr 27:14


  The wicked b their bow Ps 11:2


  and on the earth b Deut 4:39

  “You are from b John 8:23


  them are called ‘b Luke 22:25


  That I may see the b Ps 106:5

  people who could not b Is 30:5

  might have a second b 2 Cor 1:15


  Jacob’s youngest son, Gen 35:16–20

  Taken to Egypt against Jacob’s wishes, Gen 42–45

  Jacob’s prophecy concerning, Gen 49:27

  ———Tribe of:

  Families of, Num 26:38–41

  Territory allotted to, Josh 18:11–28

  Attacked by remaining tribes for condoning sin of Gibeah, Judg 20:12–48

  Wives provided for remnant of, Judg 21:1–23

  Tribe of Saul, 1 Sam 9:1, 2

  of Paul, Phil 3:5


  behold, this vine b Ezek 17:7


  A city of Macedonia; visited by Paul, Acts 17:10–15


  I will b them of Jer 15:7

  no more shall you b Ezek 36:12

  children, yet I will b Hos 9:12


  Sister of Herod Agrippa II, Acts 25:13, 23

  Hears Paul’s defense, Acts 26:1–30



  A king of Babylon, 2 Kin 20:12–19


  Return, we b You Ps 80:14

  b you therefore Rom 12:1

  of the Lord, b you to Eph 4:1


  He leads me b the Ps 23:2

  “Paul, you are b Acts 26:24

  For if we are b 2 Cor 5:13


  with the b ointments Amos 6:6

  ‘Bring out the b Luke 15:22

  earnestly desire the b 1 Cor 12:31


  LORD, that He may b Ex 32:29

  b greater honor 1 Cor 12:23


  love the Father has b 1 John 3:1


  Twin towns of Ephraim, Josh 16:3, 5

  Fortified by Solomon, 2 Chr 8:3–5

  Prominent in battles, Josh 10:10–14; 1 Sam 13:18


  Town near Pisgah, Deut 3:29

  Moses buried near, Deut 34:6

  Assigned to Reubenites, Josh 13:15, 20

  BETH SHAN (or Beth Shean)

  A town in Issachar, Josh 17:11–16

  Saul’s corpse hung up at, 1 Sam 31:10–13; 2 Sam 21:12–14


  Ark brought to, 1 Sam 6:12–19

  Joash defeats Amaziah at, 2 Kin 14:11

  Taken by Philistines, 2 Chr 28:18


  A place beyond the Jordan where John baptized, John 1:28


  A town on the Mt. of Olives, Luke 19:29

  Home of Lazarus, John 11:1

  Home of Simon, the leper, Matt 26:6

  Jesus visits there, Mark 11:1, 11, 12

  Scene of the Ascension, Luke 24:50, 51


  Abram settles near, Gen 12:7, 8

  Site of Abram’s altar, Gen 13:3, 4

  Site of Jacob’s vision of the ladder, Gen 28:10–19

  Jacob returns to, Gen 35:1–15

  Samuel judges there, 1 Sam 7:15, 16

  Site of worship and sacrifice, 1 Sam 10:3

  Center of idolatry, 1 Kin 12:28–33

  Josiah destroys altars of, 2 Kin 23:4, 15–20

  Denounced by prophets, 1 Kin 13:1–10; Amos 7:10–13; Jer 48:13; Hos 10:15


  Jerusalem pool, John 5:2–4


  Originally called Ephrath, Gen 35:16

  Rachel buried there, Gen 35:19

  Home of Naomi and Boaz, Ruth 1:1, 19; 4:9–11

  Home of David, 1 Sam 16:1–18

  Predicted place of Messiah’s birth, Mic 5:2

  Christ born there, Matt 2:1; Luke 2:4–7; John 7:42

  Infants of, killed by Herod, Matt 2:16–18


  Village near Bethany, Mark 11:1

  Near Mt. of Olives, Matt 21:1


  A city of Galilee, Mark 6:45

  Home of Andrew, Peter and Philip, John 1:44; 12:21

  Blind man healed there, Mark 8:22, 23

  5,000 fed nearby, Luke 9:10–17

  Unbelief of, denounced, Matt 11:21; Luke 10:13


  the outcasts, do not b Is 16:3

  you, one of you will b Matt 26:21

  Now brother will b Mark 13:12


  Man is about to be b Matt 17:22

  in which He was b 1 Cor 11:23


  See, My b is at Matt 26:46


  “Judas, are you b Luke 22:48


  who is the one who b John 21:20


  “You shall b a wife Deut 28:30

  “I will b you to Me Hos 2:19


  to a virgin b to a man Luke 1:27

  For I have b you to 2 Cor 11:2


  b than sacrifice 1 Sam 15:22

  It is b to trust in Ps 118:8

  B is a little with the Prov 15:16

  B is a dry morsel Prov 17:1

  B is the poor who Prov 19:1

  B to dwell in Prov 21:19

  b is a neighbor Prov 27:10

  B a handful with Eccl 4:6

  Two are b than one Eccl 4:9

  B a poor and wise Eccl 4:13

  were the former days b Eccl 7:10

  features appeared b Dan 1:15

  For it is b to marry 1 Cor 7:9

  Christ, which is far b Phil 1:23

  b than the angels Heb 1:4

  b things concerning Heb 6:9

  b things than that Heb 12:24


  A symbol of true Israel, Is 62:4, 5


  “B of false prophets Matt 7:15

  b of evil workers Phil 3:2

  B lest anyone cheat Col 2:8


  b you that you should Gal 3:1


  b what is written 1 Cor 4:6

  b their ability 2 Cor 8:3

  advanced in Judaism b Gal 1:14


  Hur’s grandson, 1 Chr 2:20

  Tabernacle builder, Ex 31:1–11; 35:30–35


  One of Job’s friends, Job 2:11

  Makes three speeches, Job 8:1–22; 18:1–21; 25:1–6


  Rachel’s maid, Gen 29:29

  The mother of Dan and Naphtali, Gen 30:1–8

  Commits incest with Reuben, Gen 35:22


  b have gone over me Ps 42:7

  all Your b and Your Jon 2:3


  b the cluster of the Job 38:31

  b the wild ox in the Job 39:10

  b them around your Prov 3:3

  B them on your fingers Prov 7:3
  B up the testimony Is 8:16

  but He will b us up Hos 6:1

  and whatever you b Matt 16:19

  ‘B him hand and foot Matt 22:13

  b heavy burdens Matt 23:4


  the blood of the b Lev 14:52

  with him as with a b Job 41:5

  soul, “Flee as a b Ps 11:1

  has escaped as a b Ps 124:7

  b hastens to the snare Prov 7:23

  for a b of the air may Eccl 10:20

  fly away like a b Hos 9:11

  unclean and hated b Rev 18:2


  b will eat your flesh Gen 40:19

  b make their nests Ps 104:17

  b caught in a snare Eccl 9:12

  Look at the b Matt 6:26

  “Foxes have holes and b Matt 8:20


  heaven, who gives it b Job 38:29

  makes the deer give b Ps 29:9

  the day of one’s b Eccl 7:1

  bring to the time of b Is 66:9

  the deer also gave b Jer 14:5

  Now the b of Jesus Matt 1:18

  will rejoice at his b Luke 1:14

  who was blind from b John 9:1

  conceived, it gives b James 1:15


  which was Pharaoh’s b Gen 40:20

  b gave a feast for his Mark 6:21


  “Sell me your b Gen 25:31

  Esau despised his b Gen 25:34

  according to his b Gen 43:33

  of food sold his b Heb 12:16


  the position of a b 1 Tim 3:1

  b must be blameless Titus 1:7


  and they b the people Num 21:6

  be harnessed with b Ps 32:9


  A serpent may b Eccl 10:11

  But if you b and Gal 5:15


  The Spirit keeps Paul from, Acts 16:7

  Peter writes to Christians of, 1 Pet 1:1


  the great house into b Amos 6:11

  Indeed, we put b James 3:3


  made their lives b Ex 1:14

  b herbs they Ex 12:8

  to those who are b Prov 31:6

  who put b for sweet Is 5:20

  and do not be b Col 3:19

  But if you have b James 3:14

  make your stomach b Rev 10:9


  has dealt very b Ruth 1:20

  And Hezekiah wept b 2 Kin 20:3

  he went out and wept b Matt 26:75


  man dies in the b Job 21:25

  heart knows its own b Prov 14:10

  all my years in the b Is 38:15

  you are poisoned by b Acts 8:23

  b springing up cause Heb 12:15


  My skin grows b Job 30:30

  wavy, and b as a raven Song 5:11

  one hair white or b Matt 5:36

  a b horse Rev 6:5

  and the sun became b Rev 6:12


  the heavens with b Is 50:3

  whom is reserved the b Jude 13


  The b with the tongs Is 44:12

  I have created the b Is 54:16


  went in after the b Judg 3:22

  first the b Mark 4:28


  that anyone should b 2 Cor 8:20

  be holy and without b Eph 1:4


  You shall be b Deut 18:13

  and that man was b Job 1:1

  when You speak, and b Ps 51:4

  Let my heart be b Ps 119:80

  end, that you may be b 1 Cor 1:8

  which is in the law, b Phil 3:6

  you holy, and b Col 1:22

  your hearts b in 1 Thess 3:13

  body be preserved b 1 Thess 5:23

  bishop then must be b 1 Tim 3:2

  deacons, being found b 1 Tim 3:10

  without spot and b 2 Pet 3:14


  b we behaved 1 Thess 2:10


  b Your name forever Ps 74:10

  compelled them to b Acts 26:11

  may learn not to b 1 Tim 1:20

  b that noble name James 2:7

  God, to b His name Rev 13:6


  a foolish people has b Ps 74:18

  b continually every Is 52:5

  who passed by b Him Matt 27:39

  who were hanged b Luke 23:39

  The name of God is b Rom 2:24

  doctrine may not be b 1 Tim 6:1

  On their part He is b 1 Pet 4:14

  great heat, and they b Rev 16:9


  I was formerly a b 1 Tim 1:13


  boasters, proud, b 2 Tim 3:2


  b the name of the LORD Lev 24:16

  “This Man b Matt 9:3


  false witness, b Matt 15:19

  is this who speaks b Luke 5:21

  great things and b Rev 13:5


  but the b against Matt 12:31

  “He has spoken b Matt 26:65

  was full of names of b Rev 17:3


  By the b of God they Job 4:9

  for the b of the Is 25:4


  “I b you with blight Amos 4:9


  “What then is this b 1 Sam 15:14


  shall be without b Ex 12:5

  LORD, a ram without b Lev 6:6

  be holy and without b Eph 5:27

  as of a lamb without b 1 Pet 1:19


  to the Lord what is b Mal 1:14


  b those who b you Gen 12:3

  You go unless You b Gen 32:26

  “The LORD b you and Num 6:24

  b the LORD at all Ps 34:1

  b You while I live Ps 63:4

  b His holy name Ps 103:1

  b the house of Israel Ps 115:12

  b those who fear the Ps 115:13

  b you in the name of Ps 129:8

  I will abundantly b Ps 132:15

  b those who curse Luke 6:28

  B those who persecute Rom 12:14

  Being reviled, we b 1 Cor 4:12

  With it we b our God James 3:9


  And God b them Gen 1:22

  the earth shall be b Gen 12:3

  b be those who Gen 27:29

  indeed he shall be b Gen 27:33

  B is he who Num 24:9

  B shall be the Deut 28:4

  You have b the work of Job 1:10

  B is the man who walks Ps 1:1

  B is the man to whom Ps 32:2

  B is the nation whose Ps 33:12

  B is he who considers Ps 41:1

  B are those who keep Ps 106:3

  B is he who comes Ps 118:26

  b who fears the LORD Ps 128:4

  rise up and call her b Prov 31:28

  will call you b Mal 3:12

  B are the poor in Matt 5:3

  B are those who mourn Matt 5:4

  B are the meek Matt 5:5

  B are those who hunger Matt 5:6

  B are the merciful Matt 5:7

  B are the pure in Matt 5:8

  B are the peacemakers Matt 5:9

  B are those who are Matt 5:10

  B are you when they Matt 5:11

  b is he who is Matt 11:6

  b are your eyes Matt 13:16

  B is He who comes Matt 21:9

  hand, ‘Come, you b Matt 25:34

  Jesus took bread, b Matt 26:26

  b are you among women Luke 1:28

  know these things, b John 13:17

  B are those who have John 20:29

  ‘It is more b to give Acts 20:35

  the Creator, who is b Rom 1:25

  all, the eternally b Rom 9:5

  B be the God and Eph 1:3

  b God which was 1 Tim 1:11

  the lesser is b Heb 7:7

  this one will be b James 1:25

  B is he who reads Rev 1:3

  ‘B are the dead who Rev 14:13

  B is he who watches Rev 16:15

  B are those who are Rev 19:9

  B and holy is he who Rev 20:6

  B is he who keeps the Rev 22:7

  B are those who do His Rev 22:14


  and you shall be a b Gen 12:2

  I will command My b Lev 25:21

  before you today a b Deut 11:26

  The b of a perishing Job 29:13

  Your b is upon Your Ps 3:8

  The b of the LORD Prov 10:22

  shall be showers of b Ezek 34:26

  relent, and leave a b Joel 2:14

  and you shall be a b Zech 8:13

  the fullness of the b Rom 15:29

  b which we bless 1 Cor 10:16

  that the b of Abraham Gal 3:14

  with every spiritual b Eph 1:3

  cultivated, receives b Heb 6:7

  to inherit the b Heb 12:17

  honor and glory and b Rev 5:12


  of the law, the b Josh 8:34

  B are on the head of Prov 10:6


  “I blasted you with b Amos 4:9

  I struck you with b Hag 2:17


  I was eyes to the b Job 29:15

  B yourselves and be Is 29:9

  To open b eyes Is 42:7

  I will bring the b Is 42:16

  b people who have eyes Is 43:8

  His watchmen are b Is 56:10

  They wandered b Lam 4:14

  when you offer the b Mal 1:8

  The b see Matt 11:5

  b leads the b Matt 15:14

  of sight to the b Luke 4:18

  to Him, “Are we b John 9:40

  miserable, poor, b Rev 3:17


  b their eyes and John 12:40

  and the rest were b Rom 11:7

  of this age has b 2 Cor 4:4

  the darkness has b 1 John 2:11


  a bribe, for a bribe b Deut 16:19


  of your brother’s b Gen 4:10

  b shall be shed Gen 9:6

  you are a husband of b Ex 4:25

  b that makes atonement Lev 17:11

  b sustains its life Lev 17:14

  do not cover my b Job 16:18

  is there in my b Ps 30:9

  And condemn innocent b Ps 94:21

  hands are full of b Is 1:15

  also disclose her b Is 26:21

  And the moon into b Joel 2:31

  For this is My b Matt 26:28

  called the Field of B Matt 27:8

  “His b be on us and Matt 27:25

  new covenant in My b Luke 22:20

  were born, not of b John 1:13

  b has eternal life John 6:54

  b every nation of men Acts 17:26

  with His own b Acts 20:28

  propitiation by His b Rom 3:25

  justified by His b Rom 5:9

  through His b Eph 1:7

  brought near by the b Eph 2:13

  against flesh and b Eph 6:12

  peace through the b Col 1:20

  “This is the b Heb 9:20


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