The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 709

by John MacArthur


  kindles it and b bread Is 44:15


  Sent by Balak to curse Israel, Num 22:5–7; Josh 24:9

  Hindered by talking donkey, Num 22:22–35; 2 Pet 2:16

  Curse becomes a blessing, Deut 23:4, 5; Josh 24:10

  Prophecies of, Num 23:7–10, 18–24; 24:3–9, 15–24

  NT references to, 2 Pet 2:15, 16; Jude 11; Rev 2:14


  A Moabite king, Num 22:4

  Hires Balaam to curse Israel, Num 22–24


  b is an abomination Prov 11:1

  small dust on the b Is 40:15


  falsifying the b Amos 8:5


  shall not make any b Lev 21:5

  every head shall be b Jer 48:37

  completely b because Ezek 27:31


  Go up, you b 2 Kin 2:23


  a little b and a Gen 43:11

  no b in Gilead Jer 8:22


  A b of robbers takes Hos 7:1

  with a golden b Rev 1:13


  him, and b his wounds Luke 10:34


  my money with the b Matt 25:27


  we will set up our b Ps 20:5

  They set up their b Ps 74:4

  as an army with b Song 6:4


  b that I have prepared Esth 5:4

  companions make a b Job 41:6

  lords, came to the b Dan 5:10


  He brought me to the b Song 2:4


  b shall be removed Amos 6:7


  coming to his b Matt 3:7

  b that I am baptized Matt 20:22

  The b of John Matt 21:25

  But I have a b Luke 12:50

  said, “Into John’s b Acts 19:3

  with Him through b Rom 6:4

  Lord, one faith, one b Eph 4:5

  buried with Him in b Col 2:12

  now saves us—b 1 Pet 3:21


  of the doctrine of b Heb 6:2


  I indeed b you with Matt 3:11

  “Why then do you b John 1:25

  Himself did not b John 4:2

  did not send me to b 1 Cor 1:17


  “I need to be b Matt 3:14

  b will be saved Mark 16:16

  b more disciples John 4:1

  be b with the Holy Spirit Acts 1:5

  every one of you be b Acts 2:38

  all his family were b Acts 16:33

  believed and were b Acts 18:8

  Arise and be b Acts 22:16

  were b into Christ Rom 6:3

  I thank God that I b 1 Cor 1:14

  b the household 1 Cor 1:16

  all were b into Moses 1 Cor 10:2

  Spirit we were all b 1 Cor 12:13

  who are b for the dead 1 Cor 15:29

  as many of you as were b Gal 3:27


  b them in the name of Matt 28:19

  therefore I came b John 1:31

  BAR-JESUS (or Elymas)

  A Jewish false prophet, Acts 13:6–12


  Surname of Simon (Peter), Matt 16:17


  A murderer released in place of Jesus, Matt 27:16–26; Acts 3:14, 15


  Defeats Jabin, Judg 4:1–24

  A man of faith, Heb 11:32


  nor uncircumcised, b Col 3:11


  make yourselves b Is 32:11

  The LORD has made b Is 52:10


  a land of wheat and b Deut 8:8

  loaf of b bread tumbled Judg 7:13

  beginning of b harvest Ruth 1:22

  who has five b loaves John 6:9

  and three quarts of b Rev 6:6


  seed still in the b Hag 2:19

  the wheat into my b Matt 13:30

  storehouse nor b Luke 12:24


  A disciple from Cyprus; gives property, Acts 4:36, 37

  Supports Paul, Acts 9:27

  Ministers in Antioch, Acts 11:22–30

  Travels with Paul, Acts 12:25; 13–15

  Breaks with Paul over John Mark, Acts 15:36–39


  b will be filled Prov 3:10

  b are broken down Joel 1:17

  reap nor gather into b Matt 6:26

  I will pull down my b Luke 12:18


  But Sarai was b Gen 11:30

  b has borne seven 1 Sam 2:5

  He grants the b Ps 113:9

  “Sing, O b Is 54:1

  ‘Blessed are the b Luke 23:29

  “Rejoice, O b Gal 4:27

  you will be neither b 2 Pet 1:8


  A fruitful land into b Ps 107:34


  has strengthened the b Ps 147:13

  bronze and cut the b Is 45:2

  the earth with its b Jon 2:6


  Nominated to replace Judas, Acts 1:23

  Sent to Antioch, Acts 15:22


  Called Nathanael, John 1:45, 46

  One of the twelve apostles, Matt 10:3; Acts 1:13


  Blind beggar healed by Jesus, Mark 10:46–52


  Son of Neriah, Jer 32:12, 13

  Jeremiah’s faithful friend and scribe, Jer 36:4–32


  Supplies David with food, 2 Sam 17:27–29

  Age restrains him from following David, 2 Sam 19:31–39


  the elder, and the b Is 3:5

  and the b things of 1 Cor 1:28


  Conquered by Israel, Num 21:33–35

  Assigned to Manasseh, Deut 3:13

  Conquered by Hazael, king of Syria, 2 Kin 10:32, 33


  poured water into a b John 13:5


  Cursed shall be your b Deut 28:17

  b had very good figs Jer 24:2

  and put it under a b Matt 5:15

  I was let down in a b 2 Cor 11:33


  there were three white b Gen 40:16

  and there were two b Jer 24:1

  they took up twelve b Matt 14:20

  took up seven large b Matt 15:37


  My sword shall be b Is 34:5

  to him, “He who is b John 13:10


  Wife of Uriah, taken by David, 2 Sam 11

  Her first child dies, 2 Sam 12:14–19

  Bears Solomon, 2 Sam 12:24

  Secures throne for Solomon, 1 Kin 1:15–31

  Deceived by Adonijah, 1 Kin 2:13–25


  To the moles and b Is 2:20


  b is the LORD’s 1 Sam 17:47

  out to God in the b 1 Chr 5:20

  strength for the b Ps 18:39

  The LORD mighty in b Ps 24:8

  for the day of b Prov 21:31

  the b to the strong Eccl 9:11

  who turn back the b Is 28:6

  A sound of b is in the Jer 50:22

  prepare for b 1 Cor 14:8

  became valiant in b Heb 11:34

  gather them to the b Rev 16:14


  greater than I can b Gen 4:13

  whom Sarah shall b Gen 17:21

  not b false witness Ex 20:16

  from the paw of the b 1 Sam 17:37

  they shall b you up in Ps 91:12

  b a broken spirit Prov 18:14

  be clean, you who b Is 52:11

  b their iniquities Is 53:11

  LORD could no longer b Jer 44:22

  b deprived of her cubs Hos 13:8

  lion, and a b met him Amos 5:19

  He shall b
the glory Zech 6:13

  child, and b a Son Matt 1:23

  A good tree cannot b Matt 7:18

  how long shall I b Matt 17:17

  by, to b His cross Mark 15:21

  wife Elizabeth will b Luke 1:13

  And whoever does not b Luke 14:27

  in Me that does not b John 15:2

  for he does not b Rom 13:4

  are strong ought to b Rom 15:1

  you may be able to b 1 Cor 10:13

  B one another’s Gal 6:2

  I b in my body the Gal 6:17

  b the sins of many Heb 9:28

  like the feet of a b Rev 13:2


  the edges of your b Lev 19:27

  I caught it by its b 1 Sam 17:35

  took Amasa by the b 2 Sam 20:9

  Running down on the b Ps 133:2


  goes forth weeping, b Ps 126:6

  And He, b His cross John 19:17

  b with one another Col 3:13

  the camp, b His reproach Heb 13:13


  Every branch that b John 15:2

  b all things 1 Cor 13:7

  it is the Spirit who b 1 John 5:6


  b has devoured him Gen 37:20

  You preserve man and b Ps 36:6

  I was like a b before Ps 73:22

  to the b its food Ps 147:9

  b touches the mountain Heb 12:20

  And I saw a b rising Rev 13:1

  Then I saw another b Rev 13:11

  the mark of the b Rev 19:20


  are we counted as b Job 18:3

  The b go into dens Job 37:8

  like the b that perish Ps 49:12

  I have fought with b 1 Cor 15:32

  like brute b Jude 10


  I will b down his foes Ps 89:23

  You shall b him with a Prov 23:14

  b their swords into Is 2:4

  you shall b in pieces Mic 4:13

  spat in His face and b Matt 26:67

  but b his breast Luke 18:13


  and you will be b Mark 13:9

  his will, shall be b Luke 12:47

  Three times I was b 2 Cor 11:25

  when you are b for your 1 Pet 2:20


  but Rachel was b Gen 29:17

  B in elevation Ps 48:2

  has made everything b Eccl 3:11

  my love, you are as b Song 6:4

  of the LORD shall be b Is 4:2

  How b upon the Is 52:7

  indeed appear b Matt 23:27

  begging alms at the B Acts 3:10

  they saw he was a b Heb 11:23


  b the humble with Ps 149:4

  b the place of My Is 60:13


  for glory and for b Ex 28:2

  “The b of Israel is 2 Sam 1:19

  To behold the b Ps 27:4

  and b is passing Prov 31:30

  see the King in His b Is 33:17

  no b that we should Is 53:2

  the one I called B Zech 11:7

  Do not let your b 1 Pet 3:3

  the incorruptible b 1 Pet 3:4


  b a living being Gen 2:7

  to the Jews I b 1 Cor 9:20

  for I b like you Gal 4:12


  house, if I make my b Job 17:13

  I remember You on my b Ps 63:6

  if I make my b in hell Ps 139:8

  Also our b is green Song 1:16

  b is too short to stretch Is 28:20

  you have set your b Is 57:7

  “Arise, take up your b Matt 9:6

  be two men in one b Luke 17:34

  and the b undefiled Heb 13:4


  sing aloud on their b Ps 149:5

  shall rest in their b Is 57:2

  who lie on b of ivory Amos 6:4


  Egypt, and for the b Is 7:18


  Jesus accused of serving, Matt 10:25; 12:24–27


  Angel meets Hagar there, Gen 16:7–14

  Isaac dwells in, Gen 24:62


  God appears there to Hagar, Gen 21:14–19

  to Isaac, Gen 26:23–25

  to Jacob, Gen 46:1–5

  to Elijah, 1 Kin 19:3–7

  Oaths sworn there by Abraham, Gen 21:31–33

  by Isaac, Gen 26:26–33


  do not worry b Mark 13:11

  told you all things b Mark 13:23

  not to meditate b Luke 21:14

  when He testified b 1 Pet 1:11


  I would b mercy of my Job 9:15

  I am ashamed to b Luke 16:3

  b you as sojourners 1 Pet 2:11


  Then men b to call on Gen 4:26

  since the world b Luke 1:70


  b a scoffer does Prov 17:21

  b a wise child will Prov 23:24

  b a hundred children Eccl 6:3


  and lifts the b 1 Sam 2:8

  there was a certain b Luke 16:20


  weak and b elements Gal 4:9


  b God created the Gen 1:1

  Though your b was Job 8:7

  of the LORD is the b Ps 111:10

  that God does from b Eccl 3:11

  who made them at the b Matt 19:4

  In the b was the Word John 1:1

  This b of signs Jesus John 2:11

  a murderer from the b John 8:44

  with Me from the b John 15:27

  the b, the firstborn Col 1:18

  having neither b Heb 7:3

  True Witness, the B Rev 3:14

  and the Omega, the B Rev 21:6


  I have b You Ps 2:7

  heart, ‘Who has b Is 49:21

  glory as of the only b John 1:14

  Christ Jesus I have b 1 Cor 4:15

  abundant mercy has b 1 Pet 1:3

  loves him who is b 1 John 5:1


  b unstable souls 2 Pet 2:14


  Having b in the Spirit Gal 3:3

  that He who has b Phil 1:6


  to speak on God’s b Job 36:2

  you on Christ’s b 2 Cor 5:20

  has been granted on b Phil 1:29


  I will b wisely in a Ps 101:2

  does not b rudely 1 Cor 13:5


  sent him, and b wisely 1 Sam 18:5

  and blamelessly we b 1 Thess 2:10


  of good b, hospitable 1 Tim 3:2

  they be reverent in b Titus 2:3


  he sent and had John b Matt 14:10

  those who had been b Rev 20:4


  Described, Job 40:15–24


  the eyes to b the sun Eccl 11:7

  B, you are fair Song 1:15

  B, the virgin shall Is 7:14

  Judah, “B your God Is 40:9

  B the Lamb of God John 1:36

  I am, that they may b John 17:24

  to them, “B the Man John 19:5

  B what manner of love 1 John 3:1


  with unveiled face, b 2 Cor 3:18


  man became a living b Gen 2:7

  God while I have my b Ps 104:33

  move and have our b Acts 17:28

  who, b in the form of Phil 2:6


  Patron god of Babylon, Is 46:1; Jer 50:2; 51:44


  by the Spirit and b 2 Thess 2:13


  B in the LORD your God 2 Chr 20:20

  tears, “Lord, I b Mark 9:24

  b that you receive Mark 11:24

  because they did not b Mark 16:14 />
  have no root, who b Luke 8:13

  and slow of heart to b Luke 24:25

  to those who b John 1:12

  how will you b John 3:12

  sent, Him you do not b John 5:38

  we may see it and b John 6:30

  to him, “Do you b John 9:35

  this, that they may b John 11:42

  you b in God John 14:1

  written that you may b John 20:31

  King Agrippa, do you b Acts 26:27

  the Lord Jesus and b Rom 10:9

  And how shall they b Rom 10:14

  a wife who does not b 1 Cor 7:12

  I spoke,” we also b 2 Cor 4:13

  given to those who b Gal 3:22

  Christ, not only to b Phil 1:29

  comes to God must b Heb 11:6

  b that there is one James 2:19

  Even the demons b James 2:19

  Beloved, do not b 1 John 4:1


  And he b in the LORD Gen 15:6

  b that I would see the Ps 27:13

  Who has b our report Is 53:1

  of that city b in Him John 4:39

  seen Me, you have b John 20:29

  who heard the word b Acts 4:4

  of those who b were of Acts 4:32

  Holy Spirit when you b Acts 19:2

  “Abraham b God Rom 4:3

  I know whom I have b 2 Tim 1:12


  be an example to the b 1 Tim 4:12

  are benefited are b 1 Tim 6:2


  The simple b every Prov 14:15

  He who b and is Mark 16:16

  that whoever b in Him John 3:16

  He who b in the Son John 3:36

  with the heart one b Rom 10:10

  b all things 1 Cor 13:7


  you ask in prayer, b Matt 21:22

  blessed with b Abraham Gal 3:9


  On your b you shall go Gen 3:14

  And Jonah was in the b Jon 1:17

  three nights in the b Matt 12:40

  whose god is their b Phil 3:19


  To the Lord our God b Dan 9:9

  My name, because you b Mark 9:41


  “The b of the LORD Deut 33:12

  so He gives His b Ps 127:2

  of myrrh is my b Song 1:13

  My b is mine Song 2:16

  b more than another Song 5:9

  Where has your b Song 6:1

  leaning upon her b Song 8:5

  a song of my B Is 5:1

  for you are greatly b Dan 9:23

  “This is My b Matt 3:17

  election they are b Rom 11:28

  us accepted in the B Eph 1:6

  Luke the b physician Col 4:14

  than a slave as a b Philem 16

  “This is My b 2 Pet 1:17

  our b brother Paul 2 Pet 3:15

  the saints and the b Rev 20:9


  King of Babylon; Daniel interprets his dream, Dan 5


  with a leather b Matt 3:4

  us, he took Paul’s b Acts 21:11


  Daniel’s Babylonian name, Dan 1:7


  Or who will b you Jer 15:5

  for the dead, nor b Jer 22:10


  Son of Lot; father of the Ammonites, Gen 19:38


  Ben-Hadad I, king of Damascus; hired by Asa, king of Judah, to attack Baasha, king of Israel, 1 Kin 15:18–21


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