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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 764

by John MacArthur

  w kills a foolish Job 5:2

  speak to them in His w Ps 2:5

  living and burning w Ps 58:9

  Surely the w of man Ps 76:10

  Your fierce w has gone Ps 88:16

  Will Your w burn like Ps 89:46

  w we are terrified Ps 90:7

  So I swore in My w Ps 95:11

  in the day of His w Ps 110:5

  death is the king’s w Prov 16:14

  The king’s w is like Prov 19:12

  of great w will suffer Prov 19:19

  w is heavier than Prov 27:3

  W is cruel and anger a Prov 27:4

  w I will give him Is 10:6

  With a little w Is 54:8

  in My w I struck you Is 60:10

  I will pour out my w Hos 5:10

  w remember mercy Hab 3:2

  you to flee from the w Matt 3:7

  see life, but the w John 3:36

  For the w of God is Rom 1:18

  up for yourself w Rom 2:5

  the law brings about w Rom 4:15

  wanting to show His w Rom 9:22

  rather give place to w Rom 12:19

  not only because of w Rom 13:5

  outbursts of w 2 Cor 12:20

  nature children of w Eph 2:3

  sun go down on your w Eph 4:26

  Let all bitterness, w Eph 4:31

  delivers us from the w 1 Thess 1:10

  w has come upon them 1 Thess 2:16

  holy hands, without w 1 Tim 2:8

  So I swore in My w Heb 3:11

  not fearing the w Heb 11:27

  for the w of man does James 1:20

  throne and from the w Rev 6:16

  to you, having great w Rev 12:12

  of the wine of the w Rev 14:8

  winepress of the w Rev 14:19

  for in them the w Rev 15:1

  fierceness of His w Rev 16:19


  w man stirs up strife Prov 15:18


  For we do not w Eph 6:12


  w man that I am Rom 7:24

  know that you are w Rev 3:17


  do not let me see my w Num 11:15


  not having spot or w Eph 5:27


  “W these words Ex 34:27

  w bitter things Job 13:26

  w them on the tablet Prov 7:3

  ‘W this man down as Jer 22:30

  “W the vision Hab 2:2

  w them on their hearts Heb 8:10

  their minds I will w Heb 10:16

  I had many things to w 3 John 13


  the w was the w Ex 32:16


  do not believe his w John 5:47


  tablets of stone, w Ex 31:18

  Have I not w to you Prov 22:20

  your names are w Luke 10:20

  “What I have w John 19:22

  ministered by us, w 2 Cor 3:3

  the stone a new name w Rev 2:17

  the plagues that are w Rev 22:18


  sinned, we have done w 2 Chr 6:37

  I cry out concerning w Job 19:7

  not charge them with w Job 24:12

  no one to do them w Ps 105:14

  Do no w and do no Jer 22:3

  I am doing you no w Matt 20:13

  Man has done nothing w Luke 23:41

  Jews I have done no w Acts 25:10

  Forgive me this w 2 Cor 12:13

  But he who does w Col 3:25


  then that God has w Job 19:6

  We have w no one 2 Cor 7:2


  me w his own soul Prov 8:36


  of the hand that w Dan 5:5

  stooped down and w John 8:6


  And skillfully w Ps 139:15


  first month of the y Ex 12:2

  In the Y of Jubilee Lev 27:24

  the acceptable y Is 61:2

  be his until the y Ezek 46:17

  to Jerusalem every y Luke 2:41

  went alone once a y Heb 9:7

  of sins every y Heb 10:3


  Are Your y like the Job 10:5

  y should teach Job 32:7

  I will remember the y Ps 77:10

  For a thousand y Ps 90:4

  lives are seventy y Ps 90:10

  y will have no end Ps 102:27

  when He was twelve y Luke 2:42

  are not yet fifty y John 8:57

  y will not fail Heb 1:12

  with Him a thousand y Rev 20:6


  let your ‘Y’ be ‘Y,’Matt 5:37

  No, but in Him was Y 2 Cor 1:19


  For we were born y Job 8:9


  you shall break his y Gen 27:40

  and He will put a y Deut 28:48

  Your father made our y 1 Kin 12:4

  You have broken the y Is 9:4

  y will be destroyed Is 10:27

  Take My y upon you Matt 11:29


  Do not be unequally y 2 Cor 6:14


  His flesh shall be y Job 33:25

  I have been y Ps 37:25

  she may lay her y Ps 84:3

  y ones shall lie Is 11:7

  dream dreams, your y Joel 2:28

  y man followed Him Mark 14:51

  I write to you, y 1 John 2:13


  they mock at me, men y Job 30:1

  y son gathered all Luke 15:13

  let him be as the y Luke 22:26

  y women as sisters 1 Tim 5:2

  Likewise you y people 1 Pet 5:5


  all that I have are y 1 Kin 20:4

  the battle is not y 2 Chr 20:15

  I am Y, save me Ps 119:94

  Y is the kingdom Matt 6:13

  Take what is y Matt 20:14

  y is the kingdom Luke 6:20

  And all Mine are Y John 17:10

  For all things are y 1 Cor 3:21

  for I do not seek y 2 Cor 12:14


  for he was only a y 1 Sam 17:42

  the LORD from my y 1 Kin 18:12

  the sins of my y Ps 25:7

  the companion of her y Prov 2:17

  in the days of your y Eccl 11:9

  the shame of your y Is 54:4

  speak, for I am a y Jer 1:6

  I have kept from my y Matt 19:20

  no one despise your y 1 Tim 4:12


  Flee also y lusts 2 Tim 2:22


  Wealthy tax collector converted to Christ, Luke 19:1–10


  Father of John the Baptist, Luke 1:5–17


  Co-priest with Abiathar; remains loyal to David, 2 Sam 15:24–29; 20:25

  Rebuked by David, 2 Sam 19:11, 12

  Does not follow Adonijah; anoints Solomon, 1 Kin 1:8–45

  Takes Abiathar’s place, 1 Kin 2:35


  Town of Sidon where Elijah revives widow’s son, 1 Kin 17:8–24; Luke 4:26


  The z of the LORD of 2 Kin 19:31

  z has consumed me Ps 119:139

  He shall stir up His z Is 42:13

  have spoken it in My z Ezek 5:13

  for Zion with great z Zech 8:2

  “Z for Your house has John 2:17

  that they have a z Rom 10:2

  z has stirred up the 2 Cor 9:2


  “I have been very z 1 Kin 19:10

  ‘I am z for Zion with Zech 8:2

  since you are z 1 Cor 14:12

  But it is good to be z Gal 4:18

  z for good works Titus 2:14


  Galilean fisherman; father of James and John, Matt 4:21, 22


  Sixth son of Jacob and Leah, Gen 30:19
, 20

  Prophecy concerning, Gen 49:13

  ———Tribe of:

  Numbered, Num 1:30, 31; 26:27

  Territory assigned to, Josh 19:10–16

  Joins Gideon in battle, Judg 6:34, 35

  Some respond to Hezekiah’s reforms, 2 Chr 30:10–18

  Christ visits territory of, Matt 4:13–16


  King of Israel; last ruler of Jehu’s dynasty, 2 Kin 15:8–12

  ———Postexilic prophet and priest, Ezra 5:1; Zech 1:1, 7


  Last king of Judah; uncle and successor of Jehoiachin; reigns wickedly, 2 Kin 24:17–19; 2 Chr 36:10

  Rebels against Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Chr 36:11–13

  Denounced by Jeremiah, Jer 34:1–22

  Consults Jeremiah, Jer 37; 38

  Captured and taken to Babylon, 2 Kin 25:1–7; Jer 39:1–7


  Manassite whose five daughters secure female rights, Num 27:1–7


  Author of Zephaniah, Zeph 1:1

  ———Priest and friend of Jeremiah during Zedekiah’s reign, Jer 21:1


  Descendant of David, 1 Chr 3:1–19

  Leader of Jewish exiles, Neh 7:6, 7; Hag 2:21–23

  Rebuilds the temple, Ezra 3:1–10; Zech 4:1–14


  Saul’s servant, 2 Sam 9:9

  Befriends David, 2 Sam 16:1–4

  Accused of deception by Mephibosheth, 2 Sam 19:17–30


  City on the border of Judah, Josh 15:1, 31

  Held by David, 1 Sam 27:6

  Overthrown by Amalekites, 1 Sam 30:1–31


  Leah’s maid, Gen 29:24

  Mother of Gad and Asher, Gen 30:9–13


  Simeonite prince slain by Phinehas, Num 25:6–14

  ———King of Israel for seven days, 1 Kin 16:8–20


  Wilderness through which the Israelites passed, Num 20:1

  Border between Judah and Edom, Josh 15:1–3


  Literally, an area in Jerusalem; called the City of David, 2 Sam 5:6–9; 2 Chr 5:2

  Used figuratively of God’s kingdom, Ps 125:1; Heb 12:22; Rev 14:1


  Daughter of Jethro; wife of Moses, Ex 18:1, 2


  Ancient city of Canaan originally named Bela, Gen 14:2, 8

  Spared destruction at Lot’s request, Gen 19:20–23


  Naamathite; friend of Job, Job 2:11


  * * *

  Map 1 - The World of the Patriarchs

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  Map 2 - The Exodus from Egypt

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  Map 3 - The Conquest of Canaan

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  Map 4 - The Twelve Tribes

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  Map 5 - David and Solomon's Jerusalem

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  Map 6 - Jerusalem in New Testament Times

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  Map 7 - The Holy Land in the Time of Jesus

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  Map 8 - Paul's First Missionary Journey and His Journey to Rome

  * * *

  Map 9 - Paul's Second and Third Missionary Journeys




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