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Marrying The Bear (Gray Bears 1)

Page 3

by Natalie Kristen

  “Alisa!” Glynda and Neveah yelled together. “Oh, we were so worried! Thank God you're okay!”

  “Yes, I'm okay. I...I'm sorry I made you worry,” Alisa said, blinking quickly as her vision clouded over. Their concern touched her deeply. They really cared for her. They were not just her bosses. They felt more like family to her.

  “We're just so happy you're fine...”

  “Tell Tristan to drive carefully.”

  “We made pumpkin pie for you…

  “...and creamy soup!”

  “...and some chocolate chip cookies!”

  Alisa dabbed at her eyes discreetly as Glynda and Neveah interrupted each other and hollered into the phone. She wished they were her Gramma and Ne-ma. She'd never had a grandmother. She'd only met the father of her adoptive mother briefly before he passed away.

  “Alisa, are you there?” Neveah asked.

  “Y-yes,” she sniffed.

  “Are you...crying, dear?” Glynda asked.

  “No,” she lied and let out a sudden, wrenching sob.

  “Oh sweetheart, you must have had a terrible fright. Just put the accident out of your mind. You're safe now,” Glynda said. “Hush now.”

  “I wish you're my Gramma!” Alisa blurted out between sobs.

  To her utter amazement, Glynda and Neveah starting chuckling delightedly. “Oh, you've made us so happy!”

  “What?” Alisa sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't...”

  “You are to call me Gramma from now on, Alisa.”

  “And call me Ne-ma!”

  Alisa blinked and sputtered, “Really? You mean it? I can call you Gramma and Ne-ma?”

  “Yes!” Gramma and Ne-ma shouted happily. “Oh yes!”

  Tristan grinned at her when she handed the phone back to him. It was obvious that he had heard everything Gramma and Ne-ma said. He spoke briefly to them and clicked off.

  As he drove, he chatted amiably, telling her about Shadow Point, his family, his work crew, and funny little tidbits and stories about their friends and neighbors.

  The good thing was that he made her feel more and more comfortable and relaxed.

  The bad thing was that she found herself getting more and more attracted to him. From the way he spoke about his family, she could tell that he was very proud and protective of them. She smiled wistfully, wishing that she belonged to such a strong, loving family.

  “Okay, here we are,” Tristan announced with a flourish. “Welcome to Shadow Point.”


  Tristan went into the kitchen and found Ne-ma washing up some plates and cups. He had left Gramma sitting with Alisa in the dining area of the inn. Tristan had driven her to Broomstick Inn and brought her into the dining hall where Gramma and Ne-ma were waiting for her with a table full of warm, comfort food.

  Alisa had finished two slices of pumpkin pie, a bowl of soup and was currently nibbling a large chocolate chip cookie. Gramma was telling her stories of Tristan and his brothers when they were little, and making Alisa laugh.

  “The vampire who attacked her was one of Rosalina's,” Tristan told Ne-ma somberly.

  Ne-ma slanted him a look. “Are you sure? Rosalina is one of our oldest friends. And she is a great Master. She keeps all her vamps in check.” Ne-ma dried her hands and huffed. “You must be mistaken, Tristan.”

  “No. There's no mistake. I saw her mark on him.”

  “Looks like we'll have to pay Rosalina a visit then,” Gramma said, coming into the kitchen.

  Tristan started. “How's Alisa?”

  “Better. You always feel better after a chocolate chip cookie.”

  Ne-ma pursed her lips. “You shouldn't leave her alone out there.”

  “No. Tristan should go out and keep her company,” Gramma said.


  “Yes. You.”


  Ne-ma and Gramma practically pushed him out of the kitchen. “Go! We don't need you. Alisa does. We'll go talk to Rosalina tomorrow night,” Ne-ma said.

  “And you should sleep with her tonight, Tristan,” Gramma added sternly.


  “Alisa said that vampire bit her. He tasted her blood and he will come back for more. Rosalina said that most vamps will drink from the same person at least twice before they are satisfied. Only the most disciplined vampire can walk away after just one drop. It's like chocolate, she says.” Gramma gave a shrug.

  “Chocolate?” Ne-ma turned and frowned at her best friend.

  “Can you stop at just one piece?” Gramma challenged.

  “No. Can you?”

  “No. No way!” Gramma winced, aghast at the thought. “Who can?”

  Ne-ma smirked and turned to Tristan. “Why are you still here? Go to bed.”

  Tristan stared at the two silver-haired ladies before him, unable to formulate a coherent reply.

  “For cryin' out loud, just sleep in her room,” Ne-ma said in exasperation. “You have to protect her, in case that vampire comes a-misting to her. You can sleep on the couch, on the floor, wherever.”

  “Or in her bed,” Gramma said, giving her grandson her best wide-eyed, innocent look.

  “In her bed, definitely,” Ne-ma agreed.

  “Now, don't say we put any naughty thoughts in your head. All you'll be doing is sleeping, right?”

  “And protecting her.”

  “Now go! Go to bed. And take Alisa with you!”

  With that, they hustled him right out of the kitchen and kicked the door shut in his face.

  Tristan staggered out into the hallway to find Alisa walking around the cozy inn and looking at the pictures hanging on the wall. Some of the pictures showed Gramma and Ne-ma when they were younger, laughing and making silly faces at the camera.

  She turned around and smiled when she heard his footstep. “Hi.”

  “H-hi,” he stammered.

  She smiled and pointed at one of the framed photographs. “I recognize Gramma and Ne-ma, but who is this?”

  Tristan peered at the old photograph which showed three grinning young ladies with mud-smeared faces and said, “Oh, that's Rosalina. This photo was taken before she was Turned.”


  “Yeah. Rosalina is now a vampire. A Master Vampire.”

  “Master Vampire,” she repeated, her eyes widening a fraction.

  “Master Vampire is just a title. It's gender neutral,” he babbled, feeling the need to spew out some accurate but useless fact. He just had to fill his mind with facts, information, trivia, anything but the image of her in bed with him.

  It wasn't working.

  “I see.”

  Alisa looked back at the photographs and stifled a yawn. “I'm sorry. I'm just really tired. Shall we go to bed? Gramma said that I should sleep with you tonight.”

  “She said that? To you!”

  His voice must have sounded unnaturally loud and harsh because she grimaced and jumped back, almost knocking into a shelf.

  “You don't have to,” she squeaked. “It's okay if you don't want to.”

  “I want to!” Tristan roared. “Damn it, I want to sleep with you!”

  The echo of his roar filled the room as they stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Finally, Alisa blinked and squeaked, “That's good.”

  Tristan closed his eyes, feeling like a bloody fool. Gramma, Ne-ma and his bear were ganging up on him. They were messing with his head, short-circuiting his brain so that his cock was now doing the thinking for him. He was getting hard just standing in the same room as this human woman, who was so vulnerable and strong at the same time. She was scared and confused, but trying her best to put on a brave front.

  The woman had driven herself all the way out of the city, taking with her just her phone, a map and two bags. She had fought tooth and nail against a vicious vampire and survived. This little human was by no means weak and feeble.
The fear and fatigue showed in her eyes, but she refused to fall apart. Alisa Perez was strong, vulnerable and so achingly sweet. The scent and heat of her was driving him crazy.

  “Come on. I'll show you to your room,” Tristan said gruffly.

  When she hesitated, he took her hand and tugged her to him. “I won't bite.”

  Liar liar, pants on fire!

  He wanted to bite her all over. Bite, lick, suck and taste every inch of her...

  Alisa nodded and followed him up the stairs. And from the look on her face, she didn't really believe him either.


  Alisa sat down on the edge of the bed and stared around the room. Gramma and Ne-ma had told her that lodgings would be provided and she could stay in one of the rooms at the inn. She had expected to have just a small corner room, but the room Tristan had parked her in was huge.

  Tristan had left the room to collect her bags from his car. She pressed her palm to her lap and tried to steady her breathing and her heartbeat. Her hand still tingled from Tristan's touch. She liked the way he held her hand, firm, possessive and secure. She liked being around him, and she liked Gramma and Ne-ma a lot. She knew she was going to love it here at Broomstick Inn, and she couldn't wait to get started. She'd wanted to explore the kitchen right away but Gramma and Ne-ma wouldn't hear of it. They told her there was plenty of time for that in the morning. For tonight, all she had to do was eat, relax and sleep.

  Her room door was ajar and she heard Tristan's approaching footsteps. The thought that he was going to be here in the room with her the whole night made her nervous, excited and...horny. There, she admitted it. She was all nerves and hormones around Tristan. Good-looking, hunky men like Tristan made her jittery, but Tristan seemed unaware of his smoldering looks. He could melt the panties right off any female with that killer smile but he hadn't made any smooth moves on her. He wasn't a peacock or a player. He didn't preen and strut and flirt. From what she could tell, Tristan was open and honest with his feelings. He loved his Gramma and Ne-ma, his brothers, his family. He was fiercely protective, loyal and he was a powerful bear shifter. She had seen his lethal, razor sharp fangs and claws but he didn't scare her. In fact, when he was around her, he seemed kind of confused and jumpy.

  But one thing was clear to her. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. That big bulge in his pants didn't lie. Oh yes, she'd looked. She had eyes, and she would use them.

  Tristan burst into the room with her two bags and kicked the door shut behind him. He engaged the locks and put the bags at the foot of the bed.

  A low growl rumbled from his throat as he stared at her. The sound sent heat unfurling low in her belly to pool between her thighs. Tristan inhaled sharply and his eyes darkened with unmistakable desire. “I'll sleep on the couch,” he snarled and turned away.

  Alisa stared at the small couch at the corner of the room. His long legs would be hanging off the side and there was no way he could be comfortable in that. She couldn't let him sleep on the couch. He was here to protect her, and he was her boss's grandson.

  Right. She wasn't going to jump his bones.

  “Tristan,” she called out. His burning gaze fixed on her and she almost forgot what she was going to say.

  “T-the bed,” she stammered. “It's big enough for the both of us. We can sleep together...without touching.” She balled her fists to steel her resolve. Her twitchy, treacherous hands wanted to touch and feel him all over.

  “You sure?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  Tristan came over and loomed over her. He was like a magnet, powerful and irresistible. She found herself gravitating towards him and her rebellious, traitorous hands reached out and pressed against the wall of his chest. They both gasped and jerked at the contact, as though an electric current had sparked through their bodies.

  She could feel his muscles tense under her fingers, and his hot breath on her neck made her shiver in anticipation and want. She moved closer to him, her hands traveling up his chest to his shoulders. Tristan held himself absolutely still. Only his chest rose and fell with his harsh, ragged breaths.

  She should move away from him. Her brain repeated the command, but her body was in mutiny.

  Fuck off, her body snapped at her brain.

  You just want to fuck, her brain accused.

  So what if I do?

  You have to stop now.

  Oh yeah? Make me!

  Her brain had no chance to respond because at that instant, Tristan's mouth closed over hers. Her brain gave up and surrendered completely. It knew when it was beaten. There was no way to fight this.

  Alisa moaned and her lips parted for him. His kiss ignited every nerve in her body, and she felt herself melting against him as everything fell away. All her fears and worries, insecurities and doubts disappeared as she lost herself in his embrace.

  She felt herself falling as the back of her knees knocked against the mattress and she tumbled into the big bed with Tristan.


  Tristan broke the kiss and came up for air. God, she was so exquisite! The taste, the scent, the feel of her undid him completely. He wanted more, needed more. He wanted to make her his.


  His bear roared its claim at the first taste of its mate. Tristan looked down at Alisa's beautiful, flushed face. She had her arms around his neck, and she was panting and writhing deliciously beneath him.

  “I want you, Alisa.” His words could hardly be heard through his growl. He knew his eyes were glowing with the heat and power of his beast, but Alisa didn't look afraid. He scented her arousal and desire as she blinked up at him.

  “You want to sleep with me,” she rasped.

  “Sleep is the last thing on my mind,” he answered.

  “So what is on your mind, Tristan?” she teased.

  “Mating sex.”

  Her lips curved in a seductive smile. “Is mating sex hard and fast, or slow and tender?”


  She sucked in a shuddering breath and he scented the rush of moisture between her legs.

  “I want...” she whispered, biting down hard on her trembling lip. “I...I know I shouldn't want you, but I do.”

  “There's nothing wrong with...”

  “I can't have you.” She swallowed and turned away.

  “But you already do, Alisa,” Tristan said. “You do have me.”

  She quirked a lopsided smile. “For tonight?”

  “For always.”

  She smiled and pulled him down to her. “Oh Tristan, I do want you so much.”

  He kissed her again, and the heat and passion spiraled and blazed between them. Their need and hunger burned away all their inhibitions and he felt Alisa's hands clawing greedily at his clothes.

  “Tristan,” she panted, trying to strip him so she could feel his hot, bare skin against hers.

  Tristan ripped her clothes right off her body before she could murmur his name again. He shed his own clothes in a heartbeat and grabbed her. She was so wet and ripe and ready.

  Tristan parted her legs and went down on her, hungry and desperate to taste her juices on his tongue. Alisa let out a cry of ecstasy as he fucked her with his tongue. Her juices squirted down his throat as he licked and sucked her pussy. Tristan growled as he devoured and savored the most intimate part of his female.

  Laving his tongue up her body, he reached her erect nipples and locked his lips over her breast. He took her pebbled nipple between his teeth and nipped, making Alisa gasp and beg. She was so responsive and so sensitive to his touch.

  He covered both her breasts with his large hands and rubbed her sensitive, throbbing nipples against his calloused palms. She arched her back and gasped his name.

  Tristan spread her legs wider and bent down to kiss her on the mouth. His tongue slipped past her lips at the same time that his cock pierced her hot, wet pussy. He was going to fill his female completely, pe
netrate her body and claim her.

  Tristan began to thrust. He pushed deep into her body, feeling her sheath tighten around his cock as he fucked her. She felt so good, so amazing.

  Tristan forced himself to slow his pace. He bent down and took her mouth in a slow, lingering kiss as he slid in and out of her. Alisa was so beautiful, so perfect and he wanted to prolong the pleasure and fully enjoy her.

  He kissed her eyelids and stroked her cheek as he made love to her. Alisa sighed and cupped his face with both hands, gazing deeply into his eyes.

  “Tristan,” she whispered and smiled. “I can't believe this is happening.”

  He frowned. “You...”

  “No, silly.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “I'm not regretting this. I want you. You—are a wet dream come true!” Her eyes rounded and she blushed suddenly. “My wish...I did wish for you...” she muttered.

  “What are you talking about?”



  “Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but I wished for my very own Prince Charming. And since I feel like a princess tonight...” Her blush deepened. “That makes you my prince.”

  Tristan held her chin and tilted her face back to him.

  “You are my princess, Alisa,” he said softly.

  He kissed her slowly, lovingly. He rocked into her and kept kissing her, touching her.

  When she orgasmed, he surged deep into her and took her harder. As he pounded into her, he felt her come again, and again. She was coming so hard, so beautifully for him.

  The headboard hammered against the wall in time to his thrusts.

  As Alisa screamed her pleasure, Tristan hurtled over the edge with her, roaring his release. His teeth clamped down on her shoulder, as he held her tightly to him.

  Tristan caressed her arms and back until her breathing quietened down.

  Sated and exhausted, Alisa finally drifted into a deep sleep.

  In the dark, Tristan threw his arm behind his head and listened to Alisa's gentle snores.


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