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The Sexy Series: The COMPLETE SERIES Box Set

Page 25

by Z. L. Arkadie

  “Humph. I’m don’t think it works that way,” I say.

  She looks at Aiden. “It has to work that way, unless you want to make your new nephew a winebibber.”

  I chuckle, and it feels damn good. I haven’t wanted to do that since the morning I kissed Abby before hearing that my father had taken a turn for the worse. I head to the kitchen to take a brandy snifter out of the cabinet. When I make it back to the den, Aiden is still asleep in the carry seat, and Liza is staring listlessly out the window. It’s apparent that she’s here because we’ve both been left awfully lonely and heartbroken by Bill’s death.

  She feels my presence and quickly turns her gaze on me. I half smile as I sit on the sofa beside her and pull the diamond-shaped glass cork off the cognac. I pour myself a healthy dose, cup my hand around the base of the glass to warm the liquid, and make myself comfortable.

  “How the hell did this happen?” I ask.

  “You mean Dad dying?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t even know he was that sick.”

  “That’s because he didn’t want us to know,” Liza says.

  I shake my head. “No shit.”

  Liza looks at me then at my glass. “Are you going to drink that?”

  I take a sip and let the flavors coat my tongue. “Whoa.”

  She lifts her eyebrows curiously. “Is it good?”

  “It’s good.”

  “Great. It’s just that he should’ve said something. Don’t you think he should’ve said something?”

  I sigh and put my glass in my left hand then put my right arm around Liza’s shoulders. After a moment, she’s crying into my armpit. I want to bawl, too, but this is the part where I’m supposed to stay strong for her.

  Finally, Liza stops the tears, and I go get a box of tissue so that she can dry her face. We end up talking about how Bill made sure we remained close no matter what.

  “Our mothers abhor each other.” Liza smiles. “But we love each other, and that’s all because of Dad.” Her sigh is tinted with a whimper.

  “Yeah. He wanted us to be close.”

  I can feel Liza thinking during this moment of silence. “My mother’s still alive, but why do I feel as though you’re all I have left?”

  I scoff. “Because our mothers are our mothers.”

  Liza’s scoff mirrors mine as she shifts in her seat. “Boy, did Dad have bad taste in women.”

  We laugh at the absurdity that is our mothers. They both married our father for his money. Liza and I were merely pawns in their quest to keep dollars in their pockets long after Bill divorced them.

  “Listen, Lizzie. We’re growing our family. We’ve got Aiden there.”

  Right on cue, Aiden squirms and whines but doesn’t wake up.

  Liza gazes at her child with stars in her eyes. “Yes… he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

  I finish my cognac and have another.

  “So when are you going to start seriously working on making a family of your own?” Liza asks.

  I cough to keep myself from choking. That question always jumbles my thoughts. It’s not the first time Liza has asked me about my plans to start my own family. She used to try to convince me that having a baby would make Kelsey and me happier. She said that a baby would give us both something to love about each other again. I always believed bringing a child into a messed-up situation would compound the problem, but I never said that to Liza. I don’t like making her unhappy, which is why I haven’t told her all the shit I know about John.

  “You know I was at my cabin the week before last,” I say.

  “Oh, yeah. What for? Isn’t it buried in snow?”

  “I, um, brought someone with me.”

  Liza’s eyes shine as she makes herself even more comfortable. “Really? Who?”

  I hesitate, wondering if I should tell her. “Abby.”

  She feigns shivering, which was caused by being hit by shocking news. “My assistant? Your assistant?”

  I shrug.

  “Now that I think about it, she’s totally your type,” she says.

  I tilt my head and press my lips together. “Why do you say that?”

  The baby squirms and moans again, but this time, he opens his eyes and starts crying. Liza takes him out of the seat and unbuttons her shirt.

  “Abby has a subtlety to her that you can appreciate,” she says.

  I watch her unclamp the middle of her bra cup as if she were a speeding car racing out of control and the only thing left to do is crash and burn.

  Liza snaps her finger. “Nolan, don’t worry. It’s almost over.” The baby latches on to her nipple. “There… see. You survived.”

  I chuckle. “Sorry, I’ve never seen it up close like this. It’s effortless, though. Take tit out. Baby drinks.”

  “Well, big brother…” Liza shifts so that she can feed Aiden more comfortably. “This is what the breasts were designed for—feeding babies, not for men to lust after and suck on.”

  I think about how I delighted in the taste and suppleness of Abby’s nipples. “I beg to differ. I think the female breasts are multifunctional.”

  Liza rolls her eyes and sighs. “Whatever. Let’s not voyage too far off subject. So you and Abby, huh?”

  I fidget. “I don’t know. I like her. I like her a lot.”

  “Nolan and Abby…” She nods thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, I like her, too. She’d make a far better sister-in-law than Kelsey. Humph…”

  “What do you mean by ‘humph’?”

  “Now Kelsey’s behavior at the funeral makes sense. She was all over you, and I wondered why. Now that I think about it, she was all touchy-feely in front of Abby!”

  My frown deepens. “I didn’t notice. Do you think Abby thinks I was with Kelsey?” I’m confused about how she could ever come to that conclusion. Kelsey is not the kind of woman that anyone would go back to get a double dose of.

  “I did see Abby nearly run out of the church. I was going to run after her and ask if she would like to come to the private gathering.” Liza squints.

  “Shit,” I say under my breath.


  “Abby hasn’t been taking my calls. Maybe she thinks I’m back with Kelsey?” I tilt my head curiously, waiting to hear a female’s perspective.

  Liza takes Aiden off the nipple. “I don’t know, Nolan. If you’re referring to Abby’s calls going straight to voicemail, that used to happen when she worked for me. She has one of those old cell phones, and her service provider sucks.”

  I sigh with relief. “I’ll try her again.”

  Liza winks at me. “I think you should.”

  Having her blessing feels good. Abby and I don’t have something serious between us, but I can see us getting closer. I have another drink, then Liza insists that I hold Aiden for a little while. She wants me to get used to having a baby in my arms because some psychic at a Tupperware party she went to said that her brother, which would be me, is going to get remarried and have a baby within the next two years.

  “You know that’s hogwash,” I say.

  She rolls her eyes. “Whatever. Just get used to having a baby in your arms.”

  Despite wanting to give Aiden back to her, I hold him. He’s my first real nephew, and what I feel for him is instant love. Two hours later, we’ve shared some great memories of our dad, I’ve put down a couple glasses of Bill’s fine cognac, and there is plenty left for when Liza is no longer breastfeeding. She packs up Aiden, we hug, and she leaves. Less than five minutes after Liza’s gone, my doorbell rings. I shuffle to the foyer, thinking it’s probably Liza. Maybe she left something.

  I open the door, and I’m surprised to see Pete Johnson, the family attorney. It’s not like him to show up without calling. “Hey, Pete. What’s going on?”

  His expression is grave. “Do you have a minute? We have to talk.”

  3:23 p.m.

  Pete and I are in my study. He’s sitting across from me. “Do you know anything about Bi
ll deeding certain properties to Liza and John?” he asks.

  I narrow my eyes and look at him. “Highly unlikely. You were there when the will was read. Bill left half of everything he’s given to me to Kelsey, but nothing he gave Liza to John. That’s pretty telling, don’t you think? My father knew John was a snake in the grass.”

  “That’s a great point, Nolan. Maybe that’s something we can use.”

  I frown so hard that my brain aches. “What do you mean ‘something we can use’?”

  “John’s lawyer presented me with documents.”

  “What sort of documents?”

  “Supposedly, Bill had submitted warranty deed documents, signing ownership over to John for a number of Liza’s land assets.”

  I scoff. “That’s fucking nonsense.” I shake my head as I remember something. “So that’s why he took the acquisition files out of the basement. Dad kept personal and business deeds at the office. He was a one-place-for-everything kind of guy.”

  “Right…” Pete lifts a finger pointedly. “But wait, are you telling me John had files taken out of the basement?”

  “Yes. He did.”

  “Can you prove it?”

  I nod. “I think so.”

  Pete’s lips are clenched just as tight as mine are when he nods. He stands. “Then do it, and do it quickly. One more thing.”

  “What is it?” I work hard to maintain a controlled voice.

  “There’s one property that was purchased recently.” Pete takes a copy of the warranty deed application out of his briefcase and sets the pages on top of my desk. “This.”

  I read the pages. “Pompeii Residential Suites? What the hell is that?”

  “You never heard of it?”

  “No.” I check the date on the form. “It was only purchased a month ago?”

  “Look at the purchase price.”

  I flip a couple of pages and am taken aback by the purchase price. “You think Bill would’ve purchased this for John without telling you?”

  “No way.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “Have you tried following the money and the paper trail?” I ask.

  “I have.”


  “We’re still investigating.”

  I think I’ve just lost it. All I see is red… “How did my father pay for the property?”

  “Wire transfer.”

  I shake my head. If you want to make shady business, then pay for it with a wire transfer. I contemplate the fastest way to trap a rat. There’s no way in hell John is going to get away with this. “I’ll do some investigating and see what I find,” I say.

  Pete nods. “Okay. And I’ll continue to look for any discrepancies or holes.”

  We shake hands.

  “Thank you for stopping by to give me the news in person,” I say.

  I walk Pete to the foyer and open the front door for him.

  He turns before setting foot on the porch. “By the way, have you heard from Kelsey?”

  I sigh sharply. “She wants to have dinner on Wednesday to talk about something important. Do you have any idea what that is?”

  He shakes his head. “No, but she says after she talks to you, she wants to sit down with me.”

  The thought of dealing with Kelsey is exhausting, so I wave a hand dismissively. “It’s probably nothing. She just came into a lot of money. Maybe she’s seeking some advisement or something.”

  Pete nods. “Perhaps… okay, well, just keep me in the loop,” he says on his way out.

  “I will.” I close the door behind him.

  I check the time on my watch. It’s 4:35 p.m. I grab my keys off the hook on the wall. If I leave now, I can make it to where I need to go before the building closes.

  4:48 p.m.

  Joe, a heavy-set guy with dark hair and a chipped front tooth, blows a hard breath. He’s the security monitor and is part of the holiday skeleton crew. He’s frustrated that I arrived ten minutes before closing. Little does John know, when I purchased our building within this business complex, I was promised a top-of-the-line security package. That’s why our building doesn’t have visible cameras in the entrance or the parking lot. There are, however, cameras visible on both sides of the loading dock and at the main street exit. I’m positive that’s what threw John off. He had no idea that the master security system existed because it was designed to be inconspicuous. He must’ve thought that if he went through the front entrance, then he wouldn’t get caught. But the nodule-sized cameras are very well concealed.

  “That’s a Saturday, and not much goes on around here on the weekend,” Joe says as he searches the frames of video from the day John was to pick up a key at the receptionist desk.

  Just for a second, I doubt whether or not the information Abby gave me is accurate. However, I keep my focus on the screen and cross my arms. “Right,” I say. I’m sure of one thing: John had something to do with taking those files out of our building. I need proof. Come hell or high water, Joe, even though he’s impatient and probably wants to get home to his family, is going to search through video until I catch John in the act.

  “That’s all Saturday,” Joe says. He looks up at me as if what I’m looking for isn’t likely to exist.

  “Then go to Sunday,” I say.


  I avoid looking at his grimace.

  “You heard what I said.”

  Joe sighs then plays the video until I ask him to stop. We call it quits when we reach the day I discovered the files missing. Shit! I’m beginning to suspect that John is a little smarter than I thought. I pat Joe on the shoulder to thank him for humoring me.

  I stomp across the pathway and past the North Star Holdings building. Right now, John is winning, and it causes my blood to boil so hot that I don’t feel the cold on my skin. I make it to my car, get in, and slam the door.

  “Fuck!” I shout as I pound the steering wheel.

  It’s time to figure out what to do next. I think of Abby. So much bad is going on right now that I don’t want to call her, although I would love to see her face tonight and, better yet, make love to her.

  I turn on the engine and back out of the parking space. A call comes through my car speaker system. I hit answer. “Hello?”

  “Hello, Mr. Patrick?”

  I stop the car. “Joe?”

  “Yeah, it’s me. I think I’ve found what you were looking for. Are you still in the area?”

  I slam my vehicle into park. “I’m still here, and I’ll be in in a second.”

  7:48 p.m.

  Joe replays the footage in slow motion. John unlocks the door and walks into the building by himself. Eleven minutes later, he exits. When he returns, three men in gray khaki shirts and pants are with him. It takes the men several trips to carry the boxes out the door. John shuffles back into the building. I’ve got him.

  “I think there’s something else you’ve got to see,” Joe says.

  A few minutes later, Misty shows up. She’s wearing tight stretch pants and a puffy jacket trimmed with fur.

  “That’s that Misty woman,” Tyler, the other guy who’s in the room with us, says.

  “She’s hot.” Joe glances at me for corroboration.

  My frown deepens. There’s no way I’m going to encourage this conversation. I lean over Joe to confirm what I think I’m seeing. John and Misty have just left the building together.

  “Can you get me video of those two going all the way to their cars?” I ask.

  “You bet,” Tyler says.

  Every muscle in my body is tense. Tyler presses a few buttons and types in a date and time. A new camera view pops onto the screen. It shows John walking Misty to her car. He opens the door for her. They stand close to talk. She plays with her hair in the way that she does when she’s trying to flirt. I’m amazed how sharp the images are. I can even see her bat her eyelashes. John leans in closer to her. My heart is beating as though a drummer in a rock band is pounding it. Misty pulls he
r hair across one shoulder. John glances over one shoulder then the other, and then he goes in for the kiss. My heart sinks, but at the same time, I can’t help but crack a little smile.

  I pat both of them on the back. “Good work. Very good work.” My smile just won’t fade. “Could you get me a download of all the video we just watched?”

  “Sure!” Joe says.

  When I walk out of the building, my feet feel as if they’re walking on air, and I’m not so hot under the collar that I can’t feel the stinging cold air.



  Tuesday, December 29

  6:34 a.m.

  I roll to the side of the bed and sit on the edge. I barely got any sleep last night. There’s too much on my mind. First, I won’t be able to rest until John’s goose is cooked. Second, I can’t get Abby off my mind. I haven’t seen or spoken to her in almost a week. I can’t believe how much I think about her. Last night, I actually considered driving to the cabin just to sleep in the bed where we made love. Smelling her again would be like a shot of espresso. The only thing that stopped me is that I think it’s insane to want her that badly—I only met her five weeks ago.

  I shake off the longing for Abby and jump into the shower. Today’s going to be another long one. Once I’m nice and clean, I head to my office to watch that beautiful footage I obtained yesterday.

  “Nice,” I mutter. My eyes shine as I watch John kiss Misty dead on the mouth. They’ve got tongue action, too. There’s no doubt in my mind that they’re fucking. It’s just like John to use a woman and discard her when he’s done with her. Misty isn’t the first woman in our company he’s carried on an affair with. Of course it’s all hearsay, but this is the first time that I can prove it.

  Yesterday when I got home, I watched the video about five times before saving the file to my hard drive and on two flash drives. I pick up one of the flash drives and roll it between my fingers. This one, I made for Liza. I hate to be the one who has to break her heart, but I can’t let her stay with a man like John without her knowing the truth. Damn Liza. Why did she have to choose this loser to marry and have a child with?


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