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Primal Heat: Wolf Shifter Romance (Wild Lake Wolves Book 3)

Page 9

by Kimber White

  “You’re pulling punches,” he finally said. “That’s not what I hired you to do.”

  “I’m what? You asked for a memo. Not an advocacy piece. Or am I mistaken?” I probably should have tried that softer. But, something felt different now that I was alone in a room with him again. Though he’d done nothing overt to bring it on, every cell in my body felt hostile toward him.

  Dale was smooth. Sometimes, it was hard to remember he was a werewolf too. He couldn’t be more physically different from Bas. Where Bas was hard lines and chiseled strength, Dale was thick and lumbering. But as he moved out from behind his desk and sat on the edge of it, hovering over me, the hairs rose on the back of my neck, sensing primal threat and coiled power.

  “You’ve been with him.”

  It was a statement, not a question. I tried to take deep, measured breaths. Six days. It had been six days since I’d seen Bas. Surely, Thorp couldn’t still sense him on me. I wanted to tell him I didn’t know what he was talking about. But, it would be a lie. Instead, I stayed silent and stared straight ahead.

  “That’s good. I like that. Mr. Lanier is very important to the senator. Networking will only help you. I know you’re interested in furthering your career. That’s smart, Miss Winslow. Well done.”

  Sweat began to bead at the base of my neck. Dale’s breath blew hot against my temple as he leaned even closer.

  “Would you like me to go over my research again? See if there’s any angle I’ve missed?”

  “Do you think you’ve missed any angles?”

  I looked at him, keeping my gaze just as hard as his, refusing to blink. “No. I haven’t. But, you seem to think so.”

  He laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “You know what I am, Abby. I’ve never tried to hide or pretend. And you know what Lanier is. Or, if you didn’t before you definitely know now. He’s a big deal around here. No denying that. Powerful. Persuasive. I can see why you’re drawn to him.”

  Still, I kept my gaze locked with his in an unspoken battle of wills.

  “And I like you, Abby. A lot more than I thought I would. You’ve surprised me. So, in light of that, I’m going to do you a favor. I’m going to give you some advice that you’d be smart to take. Remember what I said. Sebastian Lanier is a big deal around here. Do you understand? Just here. But, his influence outside of Wild Lake is tenuous at best. There’s a bigger world out there. Wild Lake is the backwoods as far as real power players are concerned. Like one big trailer park.”

  When he emphasized the last two words, heat speared through me. I wanted to scratch his eyes out or slap him to wipe the smirk off his face. It was a dig. Dale knew who I was and what I came from. He couldn’t hurt me with it in the way he wanted. But, it didn’t mean I had to like someone trying to throw it in my face.

  “So. Have your fun with Lanier. You wouldn’t be the first. You won’t be the last. Take what you can from him. But, be smart and don’t forget where your bread is buttered. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “You like toast?” I raised a brow.

  “Cute. Cute is good. But don’t be too cute. You know exactly what I’m saying. But, in case you don’t, let me make it simple. Your loyalties better stay with me.”

  I let out a breath. “You mean the congressman.”

  His touch burned like acid when he placed a finger under my chin. “The congressman is where he is because I want him there. And you are where you are because I want you there. You and Bas both need to remember that. I can help you. Or I can ruin you. If you don’t believe me, think about what happened to the last intern who sat in that chair. Mr. Morris, I think his name was. Lud? How’s he doing in school these days?”

  He knew full well the answer to that question. This was not the second time someone insinuated that Lud’s breakdown and departure from school had something to do with this office. A smug half-smile settled on Dale’s face. “That’s right. You don’t need to know the why of it, but let Mr. Morris be a lesson to you about what happens when things don’t go according to my plans. Mr. Morris tried to take sensitive knowledge away from this office. It didn’t work out well for him. Then he realized he wasn’t cut out for a career in the legal field. He’s managing a gas station last I heard. So remember, Bas can’t protect you from everything.”

  So there it was. He’d danced around it long enough; now it was out there. A blatant threat. Do what he said, or he’d try to mess with me.

  “Oh, I would never hurt you.” Dale curled a strand of my hair between his fingers. I pulled away. “But, you flat out aren’t going to be able to get a job anywhere that matters if I don’t want you to. Are we clear?”

  “Mr. Thorp, we are not clear. I’ve done everything you’ve asked and then some. The work I’ve turned in for you has been top notch. I don’t know why you think that’s going to change.”

  He moved fast. My heart thundered in my ears. Dale hovered over me, one hand on each armrest of my chair. He bared his teeth and growled, his eyes pure wolf. Weaker than Bas, but he was still a werewolf. If he wanted to hurt me, he could do it faster than a blink. His nose twitched and he inhaled deeply, then moved away from me, sitting back on the desk.

  “I can smell him all over you, and he knows it. I’m sorry to tell you this, sweetheart, but you’ve been played. I hope you at least had fun while it was happening. But, he sent you back here with his scent on you. You know enough about what we are to realize that wasn’t an accident. So, I’m going to tell you again. Remember where your loyalties need to lie if you want any hope of a legal career after you graduate. If you graduate, that is. I don’t suppose your dean would think too highly of you if he found out you started a relationship with one of the congressman’s adversaries.”

  My blood boiled. A hot blush rose, coloring my cheeks. Dale was a liar. I couldn’t believe Bas would use me like that. He’d opened his heart to me, shown me something deep inside of him. I couldn’t say his intentions were pure, but they had nothing to do with Dale and everything to do with the two of us.

  Maybe something flickered in my eyes like a window to at least part of my thoughts. Because, Dale leaned back and crossed his arms, that smug look back in place.

  “I’m glad we got to talk. I’m going to trust that we’ve come to an understanding. Now, why don’t you take the rest of the weekend off? Isn’t it just about time for your final exams?”

  “Y-yes. Monday.”

  Dale chewed his lip and rose. He moved around the desk and sat in his leather chair, giving me a dismissive wave. “See you in a week, then. Congressman Foster is going to take a series of meetings, and we’d like you to sit in and take notes. In the meantime, yes. I do have another angle I want you to look at with this little project.”

  Dread filled me. I wanted nothing more than to get as much distance as I could from Dale. My skin flamed hot like I’d just spiked a fever. My stomach rolled, and for a moment I thought I was going to lose my lunch. Something was happening to me. This was more than just revulsion at who he was and what he’d said. I was having a distinct, physical reaction to being this close to him.

  Dale cleared a stack of papers from his desk and pulled out a large map of northern Michigan. He circled a section about thirty miles west of us and handed the map to me. I took a breath and focused on keeping my hands steady as I took it from him, careful not to let his fingers brush mine.

  “I want you to look into that property I’ve marked. It’s owned by the Bonner family. But I want to know more. Pull deeds. Trace the ownership and zoning as far back as you can. You can take a few days. No more than a week. It’s priority one as soon as you finish your exams.”

  I nodded, but his words barely registered. My head pounded and bile rose in my throat. The air grew thicker and the room started to spin. If I didn’t get the hell out of here and fast, I was afraid I might pass out. I needed to get the hell away from Dale Thorp. I rose and lifted my messenger bag off the floor. I kept my back straight and strong as I turned on my h
eel and left his office.

  Grace said something to me, but I couldn’t hear her past the thundering pulse in my ears. With each step I took away from his office, the better I felt. My physical symptoms had all but vanished when I turned the corner, but his words replayed in my head and caused a new fluttering in my heart. I didn’t want to believe anything Dale had said. Still, he was right about one thing. Bas had to know that even nearly a week later, another werewolf would know I’d been with him. Why did he send me back here like that? I didn’t want to even let the words form as thoughts. But, I couldn’t escape it.

  My fingers trembled when I reached up to hit the down button on the elevator. Bas knew. He made me a walking, breathing message right under Dale’s nose. Was Bas using me? Or was Dale?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kendra Fletcher had the kind of scream that could curdle blood and shatter glass. When she let loose in the courtyard after our last exam, I swear I heard tires screech and cars crash. She threw her Con Law casebook in the air and planted a slobbering kiss on Darby’s cheek as he caught it.

  “I think I could fuck you right here, my love. I’m that excited.”

  Darby laughed and kissed her back. Then, Kendra stepped in front of me and tried to kiss me too.

  “Oh no. Back off, banshee. We’re strictly platonic.”

  She hugged me anyway. It was hard not to let her enthusiasm seep in. Except, I was just plain exhausted more than elated. But, we’d done it. No matter what happened when grades were posted next week, we’d all survived our first year of law school together. It was cause for celebration no matter how tired I was.

  “You sure you’re okay to drive?” Darby asked. “I’m late for a job interview. I don’t have Daddy’s money like you do, Miss Fletcher, or a cushy congressional internship like Abby. I still have some pavement to pound.”

  Kendra squeezed Darby’s cheeks. “You better have some energy to pound something else later.”

  “Man! Gross, could you not?” I held up two fingers and made a cross with them to ward Kendra off. She laughed and smacked Darby on the rear end as he raised a hand and darted across the quad to his car.

  “Ugh. I’m going to miss him,” she said as she blew him one last kiss when he turned and waved.

  “When do you have to be back home?” Home for Kendra was just outside of Atlanta. She was going to spend the summer clerking at her father’s patent law firm. Darby was right; as long as she actually graduated, Kendra had it made.

  “Tomorrow morning, I’m afraid. Dad’s gearing up to go to trial on a major infringement case. He wants me jumping in to help right away. I’m kind of excited.”

  “That’s fantastic. You’re going to learn so much.”

  Kendra put her arm around me. “What about you? You’ve been awfully quiet for the last few days. Everything okay with Foster’s office?”

  She drew out the syllables of her last sentence. It wasn’t hard to read what she really wanted to know. The same thing she’d been asking ever since the scene at the Stacks. She’d left me alone once exams started, but now that we were clear, her nose was back on the scent about Bas. The truth was, I didn’t know what to tell her. It had been a week and a half, and I hadn’t heard from him. On the one hand, it was a good thing. It gave me a chance to come up for air and try to think logically about everything that had happened between us. Dale’s words and threats still nagged at me. On the other hand, I couldn’t stop thinking about Bas. His touch. His whispered words. The power of his wolf and the brutal beauty of his shift. I missed him. At night, I still craved his touch.

  “Come on, Abs. Give me something. I’ve been good for a week. I haven’t pressed. But anyone can see how miserable you are. Did something happen with Bas Lanier? Did you hook up? You have to tell me now.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” But, as soon as I started talking, even that little bit, a dam burst inside of me. We’d made it to the stone benches overlooking the apple orchard on the north side of campus. We picked a shaded spot and Kendra put a hand on my arm. When I looked back up at her, she had me completely figured out.

  “I don’t know,” I finally said. “We had an amazing time together. And I haven’t heard from him since. And it’s complicated as hell. I met him through work, and there’s some . . . I don’t know . . . stuff between him and the congressman. It could get messy.”

  Kendra whistled low. “Wow. You never do anything the easy way, do you?”

  I had to laugh. “Apparently not.”

  “Well, I don’t know what to tell you. But I know you. Whatever’s going on, this guy’s got you spinning, hasn’t he?”

  My breath hitched as I tried to figure out what to tell her. It was hard not to let her in on what Bas and I shared. But how could I? How could I explain how quickly it seemed I understood that I belonged with him? It barely made sense to me.

  “I don’t know. Yes. Of course he does. But, God. Maybe this is just like every bad relationship my mother has ever been in. She’s all hot and heavy and thinks these guys are the moon and the sun. And then they aren’t. I can’t be like her. I can’t afford it.”

  Kendra had her chin in her hands, and I swear stars filled her eyes. “Negative. You can’t compare Bas Lanier with any of Lori Winslow’s losers. I’m sorry to be so harsh, but you know I’m right. This guy might still end up being an epic douche, but he’s in a different league. That doesn’t mean he’s worthy of you. Because, you’re pretty fucking incredible, Abby. You know that, right?”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Yeah. I do, actually. Still doesn’t mean epically bad taste in men isn’t part of my birthright.”

  “Well, let’s give the guy a couple more days. If he doesn’t call, then cross him off the list. His loss. If he does call, then you immediately call me and give me every single detail. I mean it. I’m going to need something to distract me from the mountains of discovery materials I get to sift through and engineering schematics. I’m counting on you.”

  I laughed in earnest and we walked toward the parking lot together. It killed me that I wasn’t going to see Kendra for four whole months. I’d met her less than a year ago, but we’d just survived one of the hardest years either of us had ever lived through. I knew she’d be my friend for life.

  Later that evening, we said our goodbyes at the airport and Kendra took off for home. She gave me the keys to her apartment and told me I could crash there whenever I needed to. Her lease ran through the end of the year and she hadn’t wanted to sublet it while she was home for the summer. I didn’t know if I’d need it, but having the option of a hideout sounded more than a little appealing. I tried to give her money, but she said she’d take her payment in the form of spying. It was my job to keep tabs on Darby through the spring and summer to make sure he didn’t get into any trouble while she was away. It was more than a fair trade. I swallowed past a lump in my throat as I watched her plane pull away from the gate.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next morning, I headed into the office. Grace was waiting for me with a worried look on her face as soon as I stepped off the elevator.

  “Thank God you got here in time,” she said through gritted teeth. Her eyes darted sideways toward the conference rooms.

  “In time for what?” I tapped my phone screen. It was only eight thirty. I wasn’t technically supposed to be here until nine.

  “They moved the congressman’s meeting up to eight forty-five. Dale just stormed through here asking for you. He wants you in on it.”

  “Well, he could have told me.” Shit. Little things like this had been going on ever since our meeting a few days ago. He’d moved up deadlines with no warning, changed assignments mid-stream. I think it was his version of hazing and making sure I knew just how much power he had over me. So far, I’d been able to bob and weave and keep up with his demands.

  “Conference room A,” Grace said. “Hurry.”

  She took my messenger bag from me and handed me my laptop. I’d been issued a sec
ure one on the government server. I gave Grace a two-fingered salute, mouthed thank you, and headed into the room. Foster already sat at the head of the table with Dale on his right. Dale gave me scowl as I walked in and tapped his non-existent watch.

  “Cutting it a little close there, Miss Winslow.”

  Fucker. He was trying to make me look bad in front of Foster. I smiled and slid into the seat across from him. Foster looked up from his newspaper; the guy still liked the traditional paper kind with his morning coffee. He didn’t seem to register Dale’s dig at me. I fired up my laptop as Grace walked in with a pot of coffee. I put up a hand to stop her when she offered to pour it. It irked me to no end that Dale made her serve him like that. I poured my own coffee.

  I wanted desperately to figure out what this meeting was about. I looked for an email from Dale but found nothing, not that that surprised me. Then, I heard the elevator doors open down the hall, and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end as it always did when he first came near.


  I didn’t have to see him or hear him to know he was near. Gooseflesh covered me and my heart seemed to flare to life anew. Dale stared hard at me over the monitor of his own laptop. I spread my hands flat on the table and focused on keeping my breathing steady. God, he planned this. The corner of Dale’s mouth twitched as he watched me struggle to get a hold of myself. I felt like a bug under a microscope with Dale’s cold eyes penetrating mine. Bas’s presence loomed behind me, and the air in the room seemed to crackle as I felt him grow closer. I didn’t have to turn my head to know how quickly he approached.

  Grace came back into the room. “Congressman, Mr. Lanier and the others are here. Are you ready for them?”

  Foster smiled and crumpled his newspaper, setting it on the credenza behind him. He flicked two fingers at Grace, gesturing for her to let the men in. I let out a breath and tried to keep my composure as the air shifted behind me and they filed into the room.


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