Page 23
Doug entered on direction from the secretary to where the general wait. He stood immediately and moved around the flank of the desk to greet him. “Good to see you. Mr McIlwraith, and congratulations on your successful task.”
“It wasn’t as successful as I would have liked. My team took a hell of a beaten and it was only down to pure luck that success was the outcome. We should have dropped or planted a nuclear bomb.”
“That’s against Mildratawa law.”
“And the ruptured plutonium compartments aboard the tanks?”
“Not our doing. It was the Nicaraguans who forced such a reaction to occur. I’d have to suggest that they knew of the device and its position on the hover tanks. But any way, Mr McIlwraith, you shouldn’t be so modest with your success. Please, take a seat and help yourself to the coffee.”
“Thank you, General, and please, call me Doug.”
“By all means, Doug.”
They took to the seats and the coffee was poured, the aroma rising to Doug’s nose and tantalising his taste buds. “I haven’t had a good drink of coffee for nearly eight years now. I hope my body doesn’t reject it.”
“Advantages like this comes with the job. My new position here is quite rewarding and this is only my first day.”
“New job?”
“Yes. I’ve thrown in the towel, so to speak, as general to the Mildratawa and now, well; just a general I’m afraid. Taking care of government things.” Doug let out a burst of unrelenting laughter that Carramar soon joined in on. It soon settled when the papers a-flow his desk were indicated. “The evacuation seems to head the list as priority at the moment. The move against Basbi Triad will be run by other heads of the Mildratawa and I shall have no complaints.”
“Well, that’s why I’m here, General.”
“Oh. Can you explain?”
“Your promise to me before I took up the mission into the channel with Brother Anthony.”
“Of course. I’m sorry, Doug. I’d completely forgotten.” He searched his desk draws frantically. “Here it is. Of course. I’ll get onto it right away.”
“Come General. You’re more than busy. If you give me the paperwork I’ll take it with me.”
“You don’t trust me, do you?”
“Trust has nothing to do with it really. A promise to move the Tibetan Monks, as a priority, was given. I just want to see to it that that occurs, that’s all.”
“Yes; well.” He handed the paperwork over “You just take those to the—”
“Yes, General, I know.” He stood. “Thank you for the coffee, but I must be getting along. I’m sure you understand. I’ve got the monks to see off and my own wife and kid to worry about, not to mention my work. Well, I’ll be off. Thanks again.”
“No, Doug. Thank you.” They shook hands and Doug departed without a further word.
Warlord Benai had entered the Darkside of Basbi, and plans were drawn up for the deployment of his forces into the Twilight and then into the borders of the Brightside.
At this point in time he was unsure on whether or not he could completely trust in Pasnadinko, but then again, he wasn’t really in a position to argue. The forces of El Pasadora upon the planet’s surface didn’t outnumber the legion, although they did have the distinct measure of being more accustomed to the cold and in possession of equipment and clothing for a more prolonged survival, not to mention the Ziggurat.
He was escorted by a guard of ten legions and had insisted on constant communications with his battle cruiser that rest in wait. If a message wasn’t received every hour then they were to attack the Darkside and take all matters into their own hands. As for Warlord Newtwon, he had remained on Irshstup with his small force to maintain martial law on the surface and to gather the regional scientists for the construction of more robots – quite the cowardly task.
Insistence on seeing El Pasadora had been refused as it was said that he was away conducting a firsthand appraisal as to the progress of his troops. In any case, his presence wasn’t required for the deployment of troops to the surface as Pasnadinko had all the information necessary for such a task.
The Darkside forces had been split into two. Half remained on Darkside territory to engage any type of infiltration and the other was deployed around the vast outskirts of the Twilight Zone itself. Within a few short hours of negotiations it was decided on the best way to deploy all allies. A small protection force was to remain with the battle cruisers, along with the Ziggurat, and all other ground forces were to be flown to the surface.
1,000 logical thought processing robots were to be deployed to the area known as Sector Three, along with some Legion Millennium. Reinforcements from the Brightside had just been received into the area and although relatively strong in number, were rather weak in terms of defence. The robots would lead the assault against these weak points, and the immediate area regained for control by the Darkside. Clothing for the legion had been shipped to the battle cruiser in preparation for the assault.
The 2,000 aura detecting robots were to be dropped into hostile territory as far away as possible from the Twilight in the case of malfunctions; a malfunction that couldn’t be inflicted by the mind scan. The Vertons didn’t know of their primary weapon’s ineffectiveness against such a robot at the time of the insertion. As the mind scan affected intelligent life only (those with a magnetic brain wave capacity), it was useless in bringing such a machine to its knees. These 2,000 robots would make for a high landing as opposed to a gradual approach, in order that they may save in the number of casualties from enemy fire, to then disembark their craft for immediate search and destroy of all Brightside’s forces.
Explosive charges had been placed on each of the robot’s vessels so as to prevent any malfunctioning unit from returning to cause havoc amongst the legion itself. Explosives were set to go off ten minutes after landing. The remaining forces of legion would be spread along the borders of the Twilight and prepare for the decimation of the Brightside forces the following day, acclimatisation wasn’t required as they were not expected to be on this border for any more than a 24 hour period.
The only real question on the lips of Benai at present was when he was going to meet with the now legendary El Pasadora? No grant to meet with the Empress could possibly be given without such a meeting being held. It was soon decided that after success of the mission on Basbi Triad, a meeting would be arranged, for the excuse of his being a busy man and concerned about the troops belonging to his ally would be forged. One thing was an assurance though, and Benai thought to himself that it was a good thing: ‘This El Pasadora. He leads by example.’
It took several hours to convince the monks to leave the monastery for their long voyage by transporters to the planet Zudomm. The leader of the planet, Yambi Zudommi, had already prepared a monastery for them. Here they could hold and practise their own teachings of philosophy and beliefs, and generally allow their meditations to continue without prejudice or interference from outside sources or influence.
Brother Anthony had spent the last 24 hours teaching the monks about the planet Zudomm’s way in life, and they all found this appealing. A quick lecture covering the wearing of the Fio-nop robe was also entered into. If any monk was required for any reason to leave the walls of their new monastery, then they had to be accustomed as to its wearing. They were further pleased to learn that the colonisation of Zudomm, during QEM migration, was done so by a tribe of Quechua speaking Indians from Peru, whom held a strong belief in Buddhism. This was one of the last planets to be exploited on the initial thrust of human endeavour and expansion.
It was believed that the robe held such powers that it kept the soul and inner-self from being taken from the planet’s surface on death so that reincarnation could occur into the surroundings of which the mind was accustomed. This prepared the mind for better teachings
and meditations into a higher realm of living, consciousness, and the maintaining of a more satisfying lifestyle, once reincarnation had occurred. As the time of death was never know – or feared – the robe had to be worn at all times. Death was believed to be a journey into a higher realm and nothing more, so although invited it was never sought.
Many monks questioned Brother Anthony on the possible future of the Scrolls and when he himself intended to join them; although he had no such intention, he couldn’t permit himself to tell them so. In order to prevent any problems he lied. He spent many an hour in meditation after this, seeking to destroy the bad karma seed that he’d created.
The transporters soon departed with all on board. Doug and Anthony stood opposite each other in the blistering cold. Doug made his last attempt to get Brother Anthony to join him but he refused outright. His work was far too important to leave unfinished. Doug gave him his blessings before turning and boarding the shuttle to his rear; he had to be getting back. As the shuttle took off Doug couldn’t help but notice the unhappy facial expression of the monk as he peered out of the window. ‘I will return, Brother Anthony. That I promise.’
Nakatumi Jassat had grown tired of the long observation on the abandoned huts. He decided to send searchers into the camp.
They entered cautiously and proceeded with their systematic search. A man entered one of the wooden huts, tripping an invisible sensor that had been set up across the doorway. The incinerating explosion was seen from afar. An entire radius of 500 metres was sent into flame and the earth scorched, and Legion Millennium stared out of palace windows – the explosion was that loud.
The trap was a success and the ground movement sensors had been correct in their analysis of enemy movement. The Vertons had detected the human movement shortly after the rain had ceased to fall; the move counteracted. There was nothing left of Jassat’s team worth noting.
Mintou Ati entered the secure perimeter where Tiny Ballow sat, followed closely by his platoons of macebearers and those from the ambush site; these were dispersed immediately amongst the jungle’s thick vegetation.
Mintou addressed Tiny: “The ambush commander has come upon some information, sir.”
“Sit down, Mintou and have a mouthful of soup.”
He drank heartedly. “A beautiful soup, sir.”
“You can call me Tiny when the troops are out of earshot you know, Mintou. I’m sure you can allow yourself that transgression against your personal restriction by choice.”
“Thank you, sir; I shall.”
“Please continue.”
“Well, sir, the ambush has spotted bounty-tracking hunters of the legion. I believe they’re known as head-hunters. They were followed by a small but unseen force of mine and killed shortly after. They were laying ground sensors. We’re not sure how many have been laid but I dare say we shall have to be extremely careful indeed.”
“Can we detect these ground sensors in any way?”
“Not really. I do have some mighty good trackers though. They know the jungle area very well. If they can back track the head-hunters’ tracks, to the known point where we found them laying a sensor, we should be able to get a bearing as to the direction that they were advancing. The sensors are reported to only have a detection radius of about twenty metres; they detect ground vibration and can distinct between vegetation, people and four legged animals. From the bearing we can divert around the danger areas and proceed without being detected; or so we should.”
“I see Mintou. Do you think your men will be ready to move by tonight?”
“It isn’t a good idea to move at night, sir, especially in the area we are directly concerned with. The jungle hides a lot of menacing and cruel deaths. You haven’t seen any yet as my men have been able to detect them early and have moved around the traps. You’ll remember a couple of days ago how the scouts moved in large circles during our advance?”
“They were moving around the jungle’s traps.”
“I see; I simply figured that they were moving around hard to get through foliage, as all good scouts do. Tell me of these jungle traps.”
“It’s best you don’t know.”
“Well, if you say so, Mintou. We’ll move tomorrow through the thickest and most dangerous of terrain, even if it means passing dangerously close to these traps of yours. This way we can get close enough to the palace entrance and take it by force. On doing this we shall barricade it from the inside and take hostages, leaving a portion of our force outside to cover and defence the areas around the palace. If you refuse to tell me of these traps, then maybe I’ll get to see them for myself. Will the macebearers be willing to pass this way?”
“They’ll be willing, for the cause, but trust me, you can’t view the traps.”
“Why not, Mintou?”
Mintou paused for a second. “I have to position my men. I’ll come and join you before dark for a meal after which we’ll discuss our plans with the scouts before passing the orders onto the others as usual. I have to go now.” He went about his task without a further word and all Tiny could do was watch and ponder his questioning: ‘Was it right or wrong?’
Planet Mistachept, Glaucuna, and Erulstina, had commenced to move all of their forces to Zirclon in preparation for the assault upon Basbi. Earth had little representation due to the evacuation plans of their planet.
All of the forces congregated in space between Zirclon and Basbi, each delegated to their own space regions and busily plotting the points of interest on the computers of their ships.
Mistachept and Glaucuna were responsible for the securing of sectors to the north-west and south-west of the Twilight, with Erulstina readying for the infiltration of the south-east. As the north-east – the area where Sector Three sat – was considered to be the hardest sector to be taken by force, it was decided that Earth and Zirclon, combined, along with a strong majority of Alza Ningh troops, would be responsible for its taking. It was only after so many hours of conspiring speeches that the Zirclon’s had changed their decision and finally decided to take part in this historical event.
Ground forces of the Brightside were already on the move on the planet’s surface, to guarantee that Sector Three remained secure during the planned assault from deep space; but the points of the Twilight to either side of Sector Three were still very much in the hands of the Darkside.
The assault was set to an H-hour the day after next, the third day after the taking of the Nicaraguan sphere. The news of the Alza Ningh confrontation in Quadrant Three had also hit home. It was understandable then that all planet representation from Quadrants One, Four, and Five, requested a complete intelligence report on the situation around the planet before a move of such magnitude was conducted. The tactical displacement of Verton legions needed to be recorded in order that lives could be saved and the securing of the assault from any counter move could be predicted.
Surveillance craft had been deployed to all corners of the galaxy to detect and track the enemy’s movement. Only a few of these ships had been detected and fired upon by Verton forces, so information to-date was fairly clear-cut. The area around Zirclon was also completely secure from assault.
The degree of notice to move also gave the Alza Ningh troops time to establish themselves for another hit against Equatia, taking into account all considerations and precautions. The whereabouts of the surviving portenium cruisers was also a mystery, as they had not yet returned to the surface of Alza Ningh and had not contacted anyone since being ambushed by the Verton forces. Their last known location was in Quadrant Three, when the distress signal on their withdrawal was sent and received by Mildratawa forces.
General Nort sank deep into the seat. His sole responsibility had turned
towards guarding the planet Equatia and the palace from hostilities whilst Vetty was away conquering Alza Ningh.
He’d been left with 25,000 recruited macebearers – whom had been bribed in full – along with a force of 10,000 Legion Millennium, to guard the grounds of the palace as there were reported to be skirmishers present on the planet’s surface. The Queen Druad Asti also remained, in her cell, in readiness for deportation to planet Verton, so that she could commence with her responsibilities as servant to the Empress.
Muriphure boarded his battle cruiser and sped off into parsec with the remainder of his fleet. He soon arrived at his destination above Alza Ningh. 128,000 Legion Millennium stood ready on board the fourteen neutron firing cruisers. This was his ready reinforcements, prepared to move on a moment’s notice, whilst Vetty himself, along with 2,000 legion, and 255,000 mercenary macebearers, headed the first blow against the planet’s surface.
The only report of any confrontation was soon shrugged off. A space probe had been spotted when they came out of parsec, but this was believed to have been an early warning device for the troops on the surface of Alza Ningh. Before it could be contested as to its role it was summarily disintegrated under the orders of one of Vetty’s sub-commanders. He was shot for incompetence without hesitation and a new understudy was promoted in his place.
No portenium cruisers could be seen on the monitors so the belief was that they were hidden on the far side of the planet. All battle cruisers were ordered to monitor their surrounds and the surface of the planet for the approach of any ship trying to perform a head on assault. They weren’t concerned, too readily, about their rear, as the computers had cleared the QEM-gate of all hostility before the jump into parsec from within Quadrant Three was summarily carried out.