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His to Claim

Page 16

by Sierra Cartwright

  “Liar. I bet your skin is green from jealousy. Like something out of a science fiction movie.”

  Maybe a little.

  “Hold on a second, Han.”

  In the background, there were kissy sounds, and then Fiona squealed. “How about we talk another time?” Hannah suggested.

  “No! I seriously was going to call. I just need to get out of this—I’ll be right back, Sir—bed.”

  Hannah dumped out a cup of coffee that had sat too long. If she were in New Orleans, there was a good chance, she’d be sitting with Mason, outside, enjoying the breeze and a relaxed morning.

  “Okay,” Fiona said a minute later. “Any more thoughts about Western night?”

  Her first instinct was to refuse. She shoved the thought away. That was safe, and the new Hannah was fearless. Or, well, filled with fear and willing to push through it. “I’ll come.”

  “Holy shit! Really?”

  As Fiona had suggested, it would give Hannah a chance to have some job interviews, if she decided she might want to leave Austin. “Really.”

  “That’s awesome! You’ll have my place to yourself since I’m not there very often anymore.”

  “Things have gotten serious with Mr. Snorebox?”

  “It’s so adorable. We don’t want to be apart. We’re thinking of wearing matching shirts to Western night.”

  Hannah grinned. Fiona’s happiness was contagious.

  “Anyway…” She took a breath. “Mason called me yesterday.”

  His name turned her heart rate sluggish. “Oh?” He was thinking of her? After vanishing like she did, she was afraid he’d never want to speak with her again. She wouldn’t blame him. “What did he want?”

  “He asked for your phone number, but I didn’t give it to him.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And, well, he sent me a video that he wants me to forward to you. I told him that it was your call and that I wouldn’t do it without your permission.”

  Outside, people enjoyed their day while her world was tilting. “What kind of video?”

  “I’m nosy enough to look at it.” Hannah imagined Fiona was shrugging. “I’m looking out for you, after all.”

  “Right. Of course you are. What’s it about?”

  “I think you’ll want to see it.”

  “Quit being a tease.”

  “Seriously, you’re my best friend in the world. I think you should watch it without me saying anything. I’ll say this. I think the One Night Dom has been vanquished. Call me back if you want.”

  They ended the call, and she held the phone in her hand, staring at the screen as if that would help the email arrive faster.

  When her notification finally beeped, she sat on the couch to open the email.

  Mason hadn’t included any personal message, just an innocuous, “I thought you might enjoy this. M”

  She touched the icon to play the video.

  Mason, with his heart-tripping smile, filled the screen. “I’m hoping you enjoy this.”

  She reached out, as if to touch him, but that paused the video.

  “Mom says thanks for the inspiration. And she’d like to run some ideas past you, if that’s okay.”

  Yes. Mrs. Sullivan had been so warm and wonderful, and Hannah missed her. In fact, everyone had been lovely, John Thoroughgood, even Norman.

  She touched the PLAY button again, then dropped her hand.

  Mason’s face vanished and was replaced with an image of the house she’d looked at with his mother. It continued with a tour of the inside. Hannah was in most of the shots, seen conferring with Judith. Vaguely, Hannah remembered John Thoroughgood documenting the day.

  The final image was of Judith standing next to Norman on the newly built front porch, holding the key to the front door and grinning. Hannah smiled along with her.

  Thinking that was the end, she sat back.

  But it continued, with Mason’s rich, dreamy voice in the background. “Demolition, well, what remains to be demo-ed, starts tomorrow. And construction will begin next week on the garage and apartment.”


  “This is the design for the courtyard.” He held up a drawing. “It was based on discussions with you, Hannah.”

  When he said her name, her heart pounded.

  He zoomed the camera in.

  Everything she’d discussed with Judith was on the paper. Courtyard pavers were arranged in a herringbone pattern. The landscaping was lush, with several birds of paradise, numerous gardenias, passion flowers, and her absolute favorite, angel trumpets. The enormous triple-tiered fountain stood on a circular slab that was surrounded by annuals. A glass table was set beneath a three-season pergola, covered with wisteria vine, complete with an overhead fan. And off to one side was a firepit, complete with inviting-looking Adirondack chairs.

  She marveled at how gorgeous the artist’s rendering was.

  “I’m using this as part of the package I’m putting together for the home renovation show.”

  He was going forward with it? Delighted for him, she grinned.

  “Of course, we can edit out images of you if you like, since I didn’t have permission to use them.”

  No way. She was so proud to be part of the whole thing.

  “If the show goes forward, I’m going to need a lot more help. So I’m posting a job opening soon.”

  There could only be one reason he’d sent her the video.

  He was reaching out, inviting her to be part of his life in a nonthreatening way. She just needed to find the courage to leave her past behind and take a chance on the future.

  The screen went blank.

  He’d left the next step up to her.

  Chapter 12

  “You got this,” Fiona said, braking to a stop in front of Mason’s house.

  His SUV was parked in its customary spot, meaning he was still at home. Hannah had no reason to hesitate, except for the butterflies that had leaped out of her stomach and were now tap-dancing up her spine.

  “He’s not going to bite.”

  Hannah fiddled with her purse strap.

  “Unless you ask him to.”

  She laughed, and that relieved her nerves.

  “I’ll wait. If it doesn’t go well, we’ll head down to the French Quarter, drink hurricanes, eat ourselves into a carb coma, and talk shit about men.”

  “Okay. You’re right. I can do this. Thank you.” She wasn’t sure how she had been lucky enough to find a friend as wonderful as Fiona.

  Hannah had called her after watching the video, and Fiona wasn’t surprised when Hannah announced she was flying to New Orleans to talk to Mason in person. Hannah had planned to rent a car, but Fiona insisted on picking her up.

  Once again, Hannah was grateful for her friend’s support.

  After a fortifying breath, she exited the car and walked toward the house.

  The gate was heavy, and, betraying her nerves, she fumbled with the latch before managing to open it.

  Hannah had only ever entered the house from the back door, so she’d never fully appreciated the home’s overwhelming grandeur until it dwarfed her.

  When she was only halfway up the stairs leading to the porch, the front door opened.

  She froze at the sight of Mason, grooves dug deep next to his jade eyes. His hair was a little too long and tousled. With his left hand, he gripped a sheaf of papers. He looked different than the last time she’d seen him. Exhausted, maybe.

  “You’re here.”

  Hannah attempted a smile, but it fell flat. On the plane, she’d rehearsed a million different openings. Some were casual, others a bit formal.

  Now, looking up at him, they all fled, leaving her mouth dry. “I…wasn’t sure…” She glanced toward the car, indicating Fiona.

  “Weren’t sure…?” In jeans and a golf shirt with his company logo, he was as handsome as ever. But the stark emotion etched in his eyes communicated his confusion. She understood, or at least thought she did. She hadn’
t responded to his email or let him know what her plans were.

  “My luggage is in the trunk, and I thought I’d…” This wasn’t going as she planned. In her mental rehearsals, she’d been confident, with a breezy air, instead of an emotional, stammering mess. “Well, I’m considering applying for a job in New Orleans.”

  “Are you?” A smile flirted with his sexy lips, softening his features. “Any place in particular?”

  Humidity wilted her hair and her attempt to protect herself. “I understand you might be hiring.”

  “It’s a partnership kind of position. More than an assistant, not quite an owner.”

  She was aware of Fiona staring at them, along with the mom across the street, the one who’d videoed her son’s bike riding attempts. “I’ve been watching a lot of television shows about home renovation. I have some ideas for one that combines the best of them.”

  “You’re only here for a job?” Where his voice had been welcoming, it was now a little tighter.

  “No. I’m nervous.”

  “Yeah. So am I. I fucked up so bad with you last time that I’m scared shitless of doing it again, and I know I’m doing it again. Inviting you in might make you more nervous. Keeping you outside is unchivalrous. Fiona’s car is running, so you’re obviously not planning to stay.” He wadded the papers. “Jesus, Hannah.”

  He dropped his papers on the table inside the door, then descended the single step that led to the porch. It was symbolic. She’d come to him, but he was meeting her partway.

  But the rest was up to her.

  “I told you—and I meant it—what happened that night was never about you. It was always me. You did nothing wrong.”

  “That can’t be true. Otherwise you wouldn’t have run.”

  “Don’t you see? That was my choice. I could have asked you to slow down, told you I wasn’t ready for that. Suggested we get to know each other better. Negotiated like we were in a scene or something. But when I saw how you reacted to what I told you about Liam, how fierce you were, I panicked, and I couldn’t see past my fear.” She tipped back her head so she could meet his gaze. “I’ve done a lot of thinking. I’m still edgy, and I can’t tell you that all my past has been laid to rest. But I can promise to work on it. I mean…” She swallowed. “If you’re still interested?”

  “How could you doubt it?” His voice was hoarse. “I’m in love with you, Hannah. I’d do anything for you, climb any mountain. I’ve missed you. And I was so damn scared I’d never see you again.”

  Her shoulders rolled forward.

  “You can set the pace. Stay with Fiona if you need to. Or get your own place until you’re ready to move in. But I want to marry you.”

  She reached for the railing. She could see it. Wanted it. But everything about it terrified her.

  “You haven’t headed for the car.”

  “I’m not even tempted.”

  This time a smile slipped all the way across his face. “In that case…” He descended the couple of stairs to meet her, then swept her off her feet.

  “But my suitcase!” She squealed.

  “You won’t need it for a while. I think Fiona will figure that out.”

  She looked back at Fiona. She’d rolled down the window and was blowing kisses. The couple across the street clapped.

  This whole thing—homecoming—was perfect. And there was no place else she’d rather be. “Oh, Sir.”

  He carried her across the threshold and kicked the door shut behind him.

  Mason looked down at the woman he loved. He’d been at the dining room table working when he’d heard the sound of a car. When the engine hadn’t shut off, he’d been curious enough to investigate.

  At first, he wondered if he was imagining the wisp of a woman walking up his path. But there’d been no doubt. Even if he were robbed of his senses, his soul would recognize her.

  When he sent the video to Fiona, he hadn’t been sure she would forward it. Even if she did, there was no guarantee Hannah would see it. If she did, how would she react? Delete it? Ask him to remove her from the video? Or recognize the truth, that together they were perfect.

  He headed toward the staircase.

  “Don’t!” She threw an arm around his neck. “You…you’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “No chance.”

  When they reached the top, he looked down into her eyes. “I’m going to give you a choice of what happens first. I can take you to the third floor. Or to my bed.”

  “I want you to make love to me.”

  So did he. Among other things.

  In the bedroom, he slid her down his body, then closed the drapes and grabbed a condom before she undressed him.

  Then, torn between feeding his hunger and wanting to savor every second, he sat on the mattress and watched her take off her skirt and tank top. Perfect sub that she was, she wore nothing underneath.

  He crooked a finger, and she went to him.

  Mason’s cock was hard with incessant demand. She dropped to her knees and sucked him into her mouth, making him impossibly hard.

  In the near future, he’d come down her throat, but for now, he wanted to orgasm deep inside her cunt.

  “I’ve had a zillion fantasies,” she confessed, looking up at him.

  Since they’d entered the bedroom, the hesitation she’d shown outside vanished. “I’ve thought about you every day.” It wasn’t possible, but he’d swear the scent of her lingered in his study, enough so that he’d even used the rolltop desk several times while she was gone.

  From the beginning, the sex between them had been incredible. Their relationship might have bumps, especially in the short-term, but this was powerful enough to bind them together and help them get through.

  He handed her the condom. “Please put it on me.”

  She did, and the way she handled his dick had him ready to rocket. Once it was in place, she stroked him, making him throb. Right now, it didn’t matter that he beat off each evening in the shower. He had to bury himself inside her. “On your feet, woman.”

  Her smile was triumphant, as if she knew exactly the power she held over him.

  He offered his hand up, and she straddled him.

  “This is different.”

  He dampened a finger and teased her clit. Their eyes met. “You’re already wet.”

  “I’ve been ready for you since you carried me up the stairs.”

  Still, he slid his fingers inside, and sought out her most sensitive space. She was so tiny that her feet didn’t reach the floor while she was in this position, and when he pressed against her G-spot, she pitched forward, whimpering his name. “Now you’re ready.”

  Hannah braced her hands on his shoulders, and he lifted her to settle her on his cock. “Oh God, Sir.” She blew out a breath. “I forgot how big you are.”

  “The fit’s nice, isn’t it?”

  She pushed back so she could look at him. “Yes, but I always seem to need a couple of seconds to…” She flexed her muscles to change their position a little.

  “Does it help?”

  “Not much,” she admitted.

  “Then I should give you something else to think about.” He pinched her nipples, then quickly let go.

  “Yes!” She lifted herself up a little, and he held her there for a few seconds.

  Mason took a breath of her. In addition to feminine arousal and vanilla, there was something new about her scent. Hope?

  “Sir, can we…?”

  He lowered her on his shaft as he thrust up into her.

  They found a rhythm together, and her breaths came in desperate gulps. Her hair fell around them in damp locks, while their bodies were slick with sex.

  Hannah grabbed his upper arms, holding on, taking him as deep as he wanted to go.

  To think how damn close he’d come to losing her.

  The thought fucking destroyed him.

  She allowed her head to fall back, eyes closed, lost in him, in them. “I’m coming, Sir.”

nbsp; “Do.” As often as she wanted. A dozen times, and more.

  Her climax was quiet, but she shuddered with her whole body.

  Still grasping him, never intending to let go, he thrust up into her a final time, then came in long, hot spurts.

  Keeping her close and safe, he moved them both so that they were snuggled on the bed.

  “I’ve missed that. And you, Sir.”

  He pushed wayward strands of hair back from her face.

  She was quiet, her eyebrows drawn together in a pensive arc. “I’ve never said this to anyone else.”

  Mason was content to wait for her to continue at her own pace.

  “I love you.”

  “Can you say that again?” He grinned. “I’m not sure I heard you right.” She could repeat herself all night, all day, and it wouldn’t be enough.

  “I love you, Mason.”

  “From the moment you first stepped onto the auction block at the Quarter, I had to have you. Then you looked for me.”

  She nodded, not denying it.

  “And I knew you were mine.” To claim.

  “I’m glad.” She placed two fingers on his cheekbone.

  “I love you, Hannah. I’ll love you forever. And I’ll devote my life to proving it.”

  “Uhm… About the third-level dungeon, Sir.”

  “Master,” he corrected, sending silence crashing around them.

  “Oh, Sir. That’s…” She met his gaze with her wide, beautiful eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, my lovely sub.” Finally Mason was ready for her to call him Master. He wanted the commitment it entailed, as well as the responsibility that went with it. “That is, if you find me honorable enough to deserve it.”

  “Oh, Sir.” She swallowed deeply. “Master. My Master.”

  The words were so fucking sweet that his head swam.

  “Please take me to the dungeon, Master Mason.” She wriggled her way out of the bed, and he sat up to get rid of the condom. He caught her before she could get away, and he gave her ass cheek a slap meant to arouse.

  Her breathing changed, slowing as she responded to him.

  “Lead on, sub. We have lost time to make up for.”


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