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Glow: The Revelations of Oriceran (The Fairhaven Chronicles Book 1)

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by S. M. Boyce

  Victoria gaped at the door, baffled by what had just happened. Her one lead, already dry.

  “Asshole!” Audrey kicked the door. The knocker bounced once, but no one answered. It was as though he had evaporated into thin air.

  Hell, he was a wizard. He probably had.

  Overhead, the glowing green crystal slowly dimmed. It reminded Victoria of dusk, and the growing shadows around them reinforced her theory. It seemed that in this underground city where they didn't have the sun, they had found a way to simulate the times of day.

  “Please tell me you have a plan,” Audrey said, hands on her hips.

  Victoria gritted her teeth, eyes wandering over the city below. Given how long it had taken to get here, it would be dark by the time they found an inn—if they found one at all. They had money, sure, but she didn't like the idea of trying to find a place to stay in the middle of the night. Walking through the streets had been scary enough when the roads were busy, and she couldn’t imagine trying to find her way around in the dark. They had already attracted a lot of attention, and she wondered what kind they would get when there weren't so many witnesses.

  She rubbed her eyes. “Tomorrow we locate an inn. We have to find a place to stay, since Fyrn Folly hasn’t exactly been hospitable.”

  “And tonight? Sleep on his doorstep?”

  They needed someplace safe, out of reach, and out of sight. Victoria studied her surroundings, eyes crawling up the wall as she fought to come up with an idea.

  High above, she spotted a cave. A steep trail led to it, so steep and irregular it reminded her of stairs. In fact, the longer she looked, the more caves she saw. Some had thin trails snaking to them, but most were nothing but holes in the rock. She pointed to the closest one with a path, probably a five-minute walk away. “There.”

  The light began to dim faster now, and Victoria headed toward the cave without waiting for Audrey to agree. Audrey followed, grumbling under her breath about sleeping on the ground.

  When they reached the cave Victoria peeked in, half-afraid she would find a pair of glowing eyes staring at her. Thankfully, she was met only with darkness and a shallow, eight-foot deep depression.

  She sat down, stretching her legs in the space that was barely big enough for them both. She looked out at the city, and even though she was uncomfortable, she had a brilliant view. The magnificent white castle was front and center, and the roads radiating from it like sunbeams reminded her of the sunny California beach not far away. A few buildings swayed in the growing night, leaving slight streaks in her vision as the final glow faded. Lights shone in some of the windows, the effect not unlike stars in the sky.

  Audrey stretched out on her stomach, chin on her hands as she stared across the city. “What have we gotten ourselves into, V?”

  Victoria blew a raspberry, tapping one finger on the dusty rock. “An adventure.”

  Audrey snorted, but a smile spread across her face. “You're a hopeless optimist, you know that?”

  Victoria nodded. “You love it.”

  Audrey offered a fist, smiling. “To the end?”

  Victoria fist-bumped her bestie. “To the end.”

  Chapter 11

  Luak strolled through one of the hallways in the magnificent Fairhaven Palace, hands behind his back as he gloated about the fools who had let him in. As he passed, a servant in a crisp blue dress pressed herself against the wall, eyes wide. His grin broadened.

  One day this would all be his, and he was so very close.

  He was on his way to see King Bornt, ruler of Fairhaven and descendant of a once-fearsome family line. Now the elf could barely string sentences together without his advisors’ approval. Luak smirked. It had been almost too easy to infiltrate this place.

  Time to convince the king to hand it over.

  Even though Luak had lost track of that girl with the artifact he wanted, this was still a good day. True, he had been shot, but an elf didn’t rise to his level of power without expecting and preparing for setbacks. He resisted the urge to rub the still-healing bullet wound in his chest, grimacing as pain blistered down his torso. He would make sure to find the girl’s friend as well so that he could torture her as punishment for the gunshots.

  As he approached the king’s council chamber, he could hear the ruler’s tinny voice, muffled as it was by the thick wooden door. Always eager to eavesdrop, he leaned against the wood, his keen ears picking up what most others would not.

  “...but that creature is advancing up the lower levels of the city,” the king said.

  “We have no evidence of that,” a woman replied. Her voice shook, betraying nerves. Luak tried to put a name to the voice, but he didn't quite recognize her. He suspected this was the Speaker of the Senate, whom he had heard of but not yet met.

  Someone banged their fist against a wooden surface, likely the table. “It killed three sewer workers last night. We’ve blamed a wayward thief, but we can’t keep that up. If the public finds out what’s really going on, they will panic.”

  Hmm. Luak had heard enough. He opened the double doors with a flourish, the thunder of the wooden panel banging against the wall enough to startle birds off the balcony railing. The voices stopped. Light streamed through a skylight, revealing the famed White Tower as it stretched toward the crystals above.

  “The public will do more than panic, my good king,” Luak said, allowing only the thinnest of smiles. Arrogance and confidence, when blended together, could intimidate the king like nothing else.

  King Bornt stood taller, as did the three people surrounding him. Luak recognized the goblin Minister of Finance, Grange, as well as General Force, the king’s second-in-command and leader of his army. But an unfamiliar woman also stood beside the king, draped in a white robe with a gold hem, her long black hair pinned into a bun. A witch, by the lack of point to her ears. This must be the speaker of the Senate, Lady Spry.

  “This is a private meeting, Luak,” the king said. But the man’s knees trembled, and he balled his hand into a fist.

  Nerves. Almost too easy to spot.

  It never changed with this elf—he was such a coward. A disgrace to elves everywhere, honestly. Luak had barely needed to exert any effort to weasel his way into the castle, and it would take only a few strategic deaths to overthrow the king, who had never fought a day in his life. This man didn't understand strategy, and he didn't even notice the slow but steady coup taking place under his nose.

  “And I do apologize,” Luak said with an insincere bow. “My keen ears couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and I must warn you—I know your subjects, and they won't simply panic when they discover the creature beneath the city.”

  Lady Spry’s eyes widened. “What do you know of the monster?”

  “Only what I overheard a moment ago,” he lied.

  “And?” She quirked an eyebrow, scanning his face with her purple eyes.

  Luak set a finger on his lips as he flashed a charming smile. “Your secret is safe with me, I assure you. I mentioned the monster only so that I could fairly warn our dear king that his people will revolt if they feel their government cannot protect them. You are taking the required measures to remove whatever it is that plagues the people?”

  “Of course.” The king's eye twitched.

  A lie.

  Luak suppressed his laughter and made yet another insincere bow. The king was ignoring the issue in the hope that it would resolve itself. Luak could see the elf’s resolve weakening even faster than he had anticipated.


  Luak would have the city sooner than he expected, which would impress his master to no end. Fairhaven was an important chess piece in a far larger game, and important in ways not even the king fully knew.

  Chapter 12

  Victoria woke to the first rays of the glowing crystal overhead as day slowly spread across Fairhaven. She squinted at the city below, shielding her eyes with her arm as they adjusted to the underground version of daylight. Light gl
inted off the metal in her arm, and her body tensed as she studied it.

  This thing was the source of so much stress, so much trouble. It was the reason they couldn’t find another mentor, and yet it gave her powers. It set her apart. Her father had entrusted it to her, and she would never dream of letting him down.

  Beside her, Audrey stirred. Her lifelong friend rubbed her eyes, groaning as the crystals’ light danced across her face. “Ugh, what time is it?”

  Victoria laughed. “No idea. Think they use our method of telling time? It’s probably blorg o'clock or something.”

  Audrey chuckled, rubbing her back. “Let's find somewhere else to sleep tonight, deal?”

  “No kidding.” Victoria cracked her back, fingertips brushing the roof of the small cave as she stretched.

  They stared at the city for a moment, Victoria taking it in as she debated her options. They had no allies, no direction, and no clue how this culture operated. They did have a handful of crystals, but she wasn't even sure what they were worth here.

  Basically, Victoria had nothing.

  The good news: her dad had often called this kind of situation Ground Zero, and Ground Zero had never fazed him.

  The only way out is up, he would say. When you start at the bottom, pretty much any move is a good one.

  Jaw tensing, she lifted her chin in defiance. She could handle this.

  Victoria needed a mentor, plain and simple. Somewhere in the city, there was a person she could trust, someone who understood what was in her arm and how to control it. Even though they had banked on that person being Fyrn, this was a vast city filled with magical creatures and people who understood the power she now possessed.

  It was of utmost importance that she find an ally. She needed someone to teach her how to control her new gifts.

  Her back ached, a rippling pain going down her spine, and she debated for a moment about what was most important. Maybe they needed a place to sleep now, and the mentor could come second.

  That was it: a steady source of food and a bed, then a mentor.


  She leaned against the entrance to the cave, crossing her arms as her mind wandered and her eyes slipped out of focus. Bertha had mentioned another great wizard, Diesel something. Though Shiloh had warned her that she couldn't trust anyone since her magic dagger-thing made her into someone worth killing, perhaps Diesel would be more open to discussion than Fyrn had been. Maybe he would be willing to help her.

  It was a life-or-death risk, one she didn’t like taking. She wouldn’t choose right this moment. Before she trusted Diesel with her life, she wanted to meet him and see what he was like. In the meantime, she needed to practice and stay out of public as much as possible. She had already destroyed a bathroom sink, but her abilities would have greater consequences here. If someone saw her accidentally summon the sword or shield, it could get her killed on the spot.

  It could get both her and Audrey killed.

  She glanced over at her friend, who stretched her legs on the hard rock floor as she stared at the distant palace. Her eyes scanned something, likely getting a feel for where they were. Audrey had a gift for directions, remembering how to get to a place after only being there once. It was an ability Victoria truly did not understand, but one she was grateful to have on her side.

  But she couldn't ask Audrey to live this life with her—it just wasn't fair. Audrey had a knack for entrepreneurship. Victoria already knew that someday, Audrey would be worth millions and own several nationwide chains or online businesses or something. She had several applications out to the nation’s top entrepreneurship programs, and Victoria couldn’t steal her away from that life.

  “Audrey,” Victoria said, hesitating as she tried to figure out how to word this, “you don’t have to stay. You didn’t bargain for any of this. I would understand if—”

  “I’m going to stop you there,” Audrey said, cutting off the speech with a wave of her hand.

  Victoria scoffed and gestured at the city. “But look at this. We have no home, no mentor, no clue what the hell this thing in my arm is. Up there, you have a life. Family. A future. College. Ambition. What do you have here?”

  Audrey’s smile faded. She grabbed Victoria’s shoulders and held them until her bestie made eye contact. “I have you.”

  Victoria couldn’t help herself—she grinned. “I thought I was the gooey, optimistic one. When did you get all sentimental?”

  “Shut up. Ass.” Audrey laughed and let go, using her palms to stretch her neck.

  “But your parents—” Victoria’s eyes slipped out of focus, and the flickering joy she’d enjoyed since she came to Fairhaven disappeared.

  “They’ll be fine.”

  “I know, but they’ll worry if you don’t check in.” Victoria tugged her cell phone out of her pocket, which had zero bars and a dying battery.

  “Hey, listen. Mine’s not dead yet, so I’ll switch it off to save battery. I’ll check in next time we hit the surface. They know I’m taking care of you, and I’ll tell them I’m going to travel the world with my rich, sad friend.”

  Victoria laughed. “Just don’t tell them the full story.”

  “No way. And hey, it’s not a huge lie.” Audrey gestured to the vast city below.

  Victoria put her hands on her waist. “This won’t be easy. Do you trust me?”

  “To the bitter, gruesome end.”

  Victoria rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t have to be bitter.”


  Victoria would need to buy them cloaks or something. They got way too much attention in their dirty jeans and tee shirts.

  They walked through the streets to Bertha’s, where they knew they could at least get some food from someone they could trust not to rip them off. Once again, hundreds of eyes watched her every step. It was worse today, far worse. Everywhere she looked, someone was already looking at her. The sensation of eyes on the back of her neck made the hair on her body stand on end.

  She fucking hated it.

  Taking a moment to pause and catch her breath, Victoria peeked in the window of a nearby shop filled to the brim with dresses. Gold, red, and green fabric lined the walls, and a mannequin in the window display modeled an ornate gown fit for a queen’s coronation.

  In the glass, Victoria caught her and Audrey’s reflections. With tousled hair and smudged day-old makeup, they looked like shit.

  “We look like we’re doing the walk of shame,” she said with a chuckle.

  Audrey snickered and gestured for Victoria to follow. “Come on, let’s get going. I need some food.”

  When they finally reached Bertha's, she already stood outside with the crate of lumpy pink fruit in her hands. As they neared, the aroma of mangoes filled Victoria’s nose. Her stomach growled on cue.

  Bertha smiled broadly as they approached and set the box on the dusty cobblestones. “How are my favorite customers?”

  “Hungry!” Audrey said.

  Victoria smiled warmly, surprised by how happy she was to see the ogre who just yesterday had called them ugly. “How's your morning, Bertha?”

  “Same as ever, I suppose,” she said with a smile and a sigh. “I love being here, but I certainly wish I could keep my crates outside without them getting stolen. They’re cumbersome to carry.”

  “Oh, well, we can help you with that,” Victoria said.

  Audrey nodded. “What do you need done?”

  “Oh, I couldn't trouble you—”

  “Nonsense. Order us around,” Victoria said with a grin.

  Bertha laughed and gestured through the door toward several barrels and crates underneath the front window. “Very well, little ones. Here's what needs to go out.”

  Victoria and Audrey carried the crates out one at a time, grunting a little with effort as they helped her set up the outside display.

  “Yikes, these are heavy,” Victoria mumbled.

  Audrey chuckled, but didn’t reply. “What's for breakfast, Bertha?”
/>   The ogre nodded at a crate filled with what looked like orange bananas. “These are some of my favorites. I have a few candied in the fridge, and I’ll let you taste them. I like to put them on snarx eggs.”

  “Snarx eggs! I love those.” Victoria laughed, unable to bite back her sarcasm. This place was almost too much to take in.

  Audrey rolled her eyes. “Smartass. Bertha, what the hell is a snarx?”

  “Nasty creatures, snarxes. They look like basilisks or giant snakes, but they have a hundred stubby little legs like a centipede. Though the eggs are only the size of my head, a baby is ten times your size once it hatches, little one.”

  Victoria shuddered. “Yikes. Do any live here?”

  “Haven't heard of one in a decade, but don't go into the lower tunnels. You never know what you'll find in the Fairhaven sewers.”


  Audrey lifted the last crate. “They're huge, huh? What do they eat? Moss and stuff?”

  “Trolls and pixies, mostly. They love little critters.”

  “Trolls are little?” Victoria quirked an eyebrow.

  “About five inches tall, yes. Annoying little pests. But you watch out for those snarxes, do you hear me? Steer clear. One of those will gobble you right up if you stumble across it. Teeth like daggers.”

  “Ick,” Victoria and Audrey said together, shuddering in unison.

  “That’s the last of the crates,” Bertha said, clapping her hands. She waved to a lumbering creature as he came out of the store next door. His round face and protruding snout reminded Victoria of a pig. He was one of the tall, armored-plated and barrel-chested beings Victoria had seen yesterday, though admittedly a bit fatter than those she had seen wearing armor. He wore nothing but a stained white apron and the blue skin he had presumably been born with. Thankfully the apron covered anything Victoria didn’t want to see, until he bent over and picked up a box by his shop door, exposing his bare ass to all the world. Victoria cringed, looking away.

  “Rory, watch my stall, will you?” Bertha asked.


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