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Mistress Agnes

Page 17

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  And he did indeed hop out of bed and rinse his mouth at the washstand, then hopped straight back in and kissed Dennis full on the mouth.

  Even that kiss was different, so forceful, such strength. It was heady, but it was a bit much for his overwrought body, and Patrick noticed and lay back down.

  'I'll behave better, master, from now on. But I'm glad I finally got to do this to you, I've been aching to ever since I saw you lying in that bed. Guy knows, he's comforted more than a few tears when you were doing badly. I hope you enjoyed it.'

  'I did, Patrick, very much so. You're very good, and I can't wait to learn how to do that myself, but it'll have to wait a few months. Would you let me do that to you, or are you exclusively Guy's?'

  'Are you kidding me?' Patrick exclaimed, 'even Guy would be pleased to let you do that to him. You're incredibly hot, Dennis. But what about the mistress, won't she object?'

  'If you refuse to teach her she will certainly object. She told me you never allowed her to touch your dicks, but we'll find a way around that.'

  'Now she's got you, neither of us will mind. But we couldn't let her become dependent on us, we had to withhold something to push her to find her own mate. Little did we know it would cost you so much, Dennis.'

  'Everything worked out in the end, Patrick, and I'm sure none of it was your

  fault anyway. You were always my best friend in all of this.'

  Patrick practically glowed, he stopped talking and lay down on Dennis' chest again to relish the little time he had left with him, his own urges still nagging him, but an important part of him very, very happy with the events of the day.

  As Agnes walked the very same route she had not two hours ago, across the hall to Guy's room, her mood was totally opposite from what it had been.

  Talking to Dennis had given both of them great relief, and she knew he would be excellent hands with Patrick for an hour or so. There was no reason not to indulge in her heated feeling, Dennis obviously didn't mind at all, he never tried to claim her, had in fact urged her to do this.

  Before she could knock, the door to Guy's room opened and an elegant hand took her by the wrist and pulled her inside, into a warm embrace. Surprised at Guy's forwardness but rather pleased than put out, Agnes let herself be kissed passionately, returning the embrace and the kiss as they were offered.

  This was not how she remembered making love to her boys, they had always been tender and very gentle, but somehow Guy seemed to think she wanted a different treatment today. Which was right, Dennis was intensely sweet, but somehow more decided and less gentle than Guy and Patrick had been towards her, and by now her accumulated heat was so insistent that she was way past tenderness, she wanted it rough today.

  Though that might be a bit too much to ask of Guy, he had never loved her like that, and she couldn't expect him to do so now. He was certainly stunningly handsome, Patrick and himself could have been brothers, twin gods from ancient Greece, hewn from the best white marble; each part of their bodies, every limb, each muscle in perfect proportion to the rest. They both looked much younger than their actual years, they were close to thirty but seemed Dennis' age.

  Guy was totally undressed and without the slightest consciousness of his own nudity, he showed no shame at all over his body, nor over his hands on the mistress for that matter, he really was forward, Agnes could hardly believe it.

  He held the back of her head as he kissed her, something he'd never done before, and his other hand had released the sash tying her dressing gown and was exploring its contents freely, her breasts, her gently rounded stomach, her butt, her pussy. Of course Agnes reciprocated and stroked him as heatedly, and thus they made for the bed, fondling and kissing, Agnes losing the dressing gown somewhere on the way.

  This was not as Agnes remembered making love with Guy, he was so forward, and strong! Of course she trusted him with her life, and she did feel a strong need for this kind of loving. Because Guy never used to like her touching his dick, Agnes did not, there was plenty of other flesh to indulge in, to lick, and to bite gently, it was so good to be making love again, how could she have missed that in so short a time, not even a week!

  'You may touch any part of me you like, mistress,' Guy said heatedly, 'I want you to, please.'

  That didn't need repeating, though Agnes was a bit surprised he called her mistress, he usually stuck to Mrs Beauchamp, something that actually bothered Agnes a little. She didn't see herself as a missus at all, and had come to prefer informality.

  'I will if you call me Agnes, Guy,' she said teasingly.

  'All right, all right, I'll call you anything you like if you'll just hold my dick, it's been aching for your touch for years. Please Agnes?'

  That didn't come out quite fluently, yet, but he was so overwrought by now he might have trouble speaking because of that. Strange things were happening in her household, why had Guy given every sign of disliking her touching his cock if it was in fact aching to have her touch it?

  Never mind, just do it.

  She released her hold on Guy and turned around towards the other end of the bed, kissing and licking his stomach, and his inner legs, then his testicles, and finally taking hold of his perfectly proportioned erection. Even his dick was beautiful and perfect, and he smelled as clean and as good there as everywhere else. But Guy was not in the mood to just lie down and enjoy her ministrations, when Agnes took his dick in her full hand firmly, he sighed deeply in satisfaction, then pulled her lower body towards him easily, lifted her one leg over his head, and buried his face in her pussy.

  Soon they were both eagerly sucking and licking, moaning in ardour every once in awhile, totally absorbed by the action, until Agnes felt a climax washing over her and Guy removed himself from her mouth. He turned around, face to her face, then let his body fall onto hers and penetrated her without asking first, and quite firmly.

  She squealed in pleased surprise, such firmness from her gentle servant, and he rode her with determination and energy until she panted for breath with ecstasy. As soon as she arched in release, he was back between her legs, sucking her clitoris with a relish, tickling her on the inside with a finger.

  There was no time to rest, her feelings were rising fast, and when she had reached the sky once more and was spiralling down gently, he asked, 'May I take you from behind, Agnes? I've never done that to a woman, but it's such a hot idea.'

  Instead of talking, Agnes offered him her backside, and he explored it first.

  He stroked her butt cheeks, and tickled her anus, first with his finger, then with his tongue, a strange feeling but not unpleasant.

  Then he admired the look of her pussy from behind, and felt around a little, causing Agnes little thrills of heat. Finally he tested the opening of her pussy with his fingers, and kneeled behind her, probing her clitoris with one hand and guiding his dick with the other, and then he plunged in.

  That caused her a flash of bliss, and he took her as energetically as she had ever hoped for, his finger still accompanying his pumping, the world starting to spin and her pussy rejoicing at finally getting some attention again.

  As he built her lust up higher and higher, she felt herself groaning ever louder, until she came with a little cry and felt him riding the ebbing bliss, up a bit, then down a bit. Before her body could work up more lust, his hand moved to her hip, and he pumped frantically for a short moment, then groaned once, and fell back to the bed, pulling her on top of him.

  Agnes managed to turn to land on his chest face towards him, and was actually a bit surprised to see Guy beneath her, smiling sweetly.

  'Did I manage to surprise you, mistress?'

  Heat gone, he was having trouble being familiar with her once more.

  'That was incredible, Guy, I thought you didn't like rough loving?'

  Embarrassed, Guy replied, 'We're men, mistress, I suppose all men like rough loving. We didn't want to give you all you needed...'

  He was rather ashamed to tell her, but Agnes could gu
ess, 'You didn't want me to become even more dependent on you. I understand, and I'm glad you made sure I found someone myself, I'm just very sorry of what I did to get it.'

  'I know, mistress, and I would think less of you if you weren't. It's not just habit making me unable to be familiar with you, you know, I truly admire you and look up to you.'

  'But why, Guy? You can do everything I can, and better. You're handsome, well-read and very smart, and incredibly sweet and dedicated to Patrick and myself. What do I have that you don't?'

  Guy took her in his arms, against that perfect sculpture of a chest, now slightly sweaty and smelling just deliciously, and nuzzled her throat and

  kissed her cheeks, her mouth, before they knew it they were kissing passionately once more, Agnes' heat flaring up one more time before it settled in Guy's arms.

  'You take such good care of all of us, we all love you and trust you, the staff here, too, even though you are rarely in town. Dennis worships you, and he is nearly a decade your junior, but it doesn't show at all. And you did so well for Dick, to help him find a girl and buy him a cottage, most gentry don't care about their people. You do, and that is why we love you, mistress.'

  'Thank you so much, Guy. I'm afraid I know what you mean with people not caring for their staff, and indeed I was never like that, not even when Frederick was still alive. I think he may be the one who taught me to care about others, those below me as well as those of my own class. And you all taught me class doesn't decide what people are really like, look at Dennis, he's from the worst possible roots, and still he is so forgiving and so good.'

  'You are right, mistress, and that is why Patrick and I are finding it ever harder to be familiar towards him, he's really growing to be like you more and more. We love him, but we also admire him.'

  Agnes couldn't imagine why Guy would think this way, there really was nothing special about either Dennis or herself. But she also knew there was nothing she could say to change his mind, and Patrick also seemed to feel like this, so she decided to leave it be and just enjoy their devotion and take care to give them everything they needed in return.

  And for now, that was some more intimacy, it was clear Guy enjoyed their loving very much, and until Dennis was back on his feet he would get it. If Patrick continued to be all right with it. Of course he was welcome to join in, maybe Dennis wouldn't mind watching, he hadn't minded watching Dick having a go at Agnes, not at all, it had turned him on immensely.

  They hugged and kissed a bit more until Agnes started to get restless, afraid Dennis missed her and felt neglected, and Patrick as well but over Guy.

  'I suppose we'll do this again, until the master is back to normal?'

  'Don't let him hear you call him that, Guy, he'll be hurt. He'll tell you he doesn't have a penny of his own, and hasn't learned even one useful skill in his life, just the ability to kill anything that moves with whatever he has in his hands, or just his hands.'

  'And he is right, mistress. If something should happen to you, he'll be worse off than Patrick and myself. We can feed and clothe ourselves, but he has

  never been taught a proper job.'

  Didn't Agnes know? But he would not consent to marrying her, said he didn't want to own her.

  'I know, Guy, which is why I want to marry him, but he won't give in. Can you help me to convince him? It's in your own interest as well, he'll keep both of you, and Dick and the others, whereas my current heir, I suppose that's Frederick's cousin, may kick all of you out of the house within a week.'

  'You make a strong point, mistress, which we will contemplate. It is not our place to tell our master what to do, but he may listen to a little friendly advice from a good friend.'

  That satisfied Agnes even more than finally having made love again, and she hopped off the bed and put her dressing gown back on.

  'Thank you so much, Guy, I really needed that.'

  'It was my pleasure, mistress, I've missed you these last few months.'

  Patrick was in Dennis' arms, a very cute and rather tantalizing sight. When Agnes came in he made way for her, despite her protest, but he merely stated,

  'Guy will be happy to see me, we've had a very pleasant hour, mistress, but when all's said and done we all know to whom we belong.'

  As she crawled in with Dennis she immediately knew Patrick was right, she belonged with this man, and she desperately wished he would finally come to see that and consent to marry her.

  Chapter 13

  The next days they all accompanied her wherever she went, Patrick groomed Dennis to perfection and watched him to see when he needed his rest, while Agnes introduced him to all her readers and acquaintances. No-one seemed to notice he was not really of their own class, he was so elegant, well-spoken and gentle that Agnes caught more than one admiring look, and received countless compliments on her choice.

  'We thought you were going to stay alone forever, Mrs Beauchamp,' one lady spoke all their thoughts, 'but now we see you were just waiting for the right one. Your late husband was such a superior man, it must have been difficult, comparing every suitor with him.'

  'It was, Mrs Lyttelton, you are so right.'

  'You never had any children with Mr Beauchamp, did you? Well, you're still young, and Mr Parker as much so, I just hope you will not be distracted from your writing by all the little voices that may sound in your house after you get married, we all love your work so much!'

  Well, that was rather nice, though not very likely. With all the men Agnes had had since her husband's decease, it was rather obvious to herself and those close to her that the inability to have children was hers, not Frederick's.

  It would take a miracle to get her with child, and though Agnes sometimes rued her infertility, after ten years of childlessness in marriage, and three years of fucking five different men and staying barren she had gotten used to the idea that she would most likely grow old without seeing children and grandchildren grow up. She cared, of course, but she had her little family and her work, and had rarely felt lonely even before Dennis came into her life.

  Dennis was incredibly glad to be out and about. He had his spells of dizziness but he generally took things easy, establishing a certain character straight away, inadvertently preventing any suspicion of his being a former army man from occurring to anyone except his doctor. He watched Agnes give little lectures about her books, socialized with her readers, discussed those books in decent terms, as if they were not stuffed from cover to cover with explicit

  sexual acts.

  He even went to restaurants and plays with his beloved, enjoying himself hugely, and snuggling against his beloved in the dark if he felt tired or overstimulated. His past still visited regularly, but being active did help to relegate his memories to where they belonged, forgetfulness, and he found a boundless appetite in himself for all expressions of culture. Entertainment was great, but tragedies and operas were better, concerts, galleries with art, he devoured it as much as his physical strength would allow.

  Slowly, he tried to become a bit more active in their love-life as well, the boundaries between the two relationships in their house faded for a while, with Patrick joining Guy and Agnes in their escapades, and Dennis watching with heat, of course getting his own release from either one of the others.

  Agnes learned a lot about men in those sessions, and Dennis learned exactly where his boundaries were when making love to a man, even before he was able to participate. Bit by bit he managed to fuck Agnes for a few minutes, but only after one of the others had nearly sated her for he didn't last very long, yet. It was not enough to satisfy his own need for activity, but the dizzy spells he had when he overstrained quickly taught him to spare himself a little longer.

  They spent two more weeks in London, surprisingly enjoyable considering the events, Agnes even managed to convince Dennis to order riding boots and have some really good suits made, though the poor tailor kept trying to sell him garments suitable for a dandy, not his usual style. Dennis stuck to hi
s own wishes and got what he wanted, though standing still for measurements was more difficult than he had ever imagined.

  'Did you know standing still is such hard work, Agnes?' he asked her when they drove home in a cab, 'I seriously dare state it was the hardest thing I did the last week.'

  Agnes of course smiled at him, she always did, and replied sweetly, 'I am not surprised, Dennis. As a little girl I used to sing in a choir, and it was very difficult for me to stand still. And I could smuggle because I was in the second row, you had to stay completely still for the measurements. Which is why I always refused to model for Charles, though I admired his work.'

  Against the doctor's advice, they left London after their planned three weeks.

  'It is too much strain for the gentleman after such a blow. I beseech you to think the better of it and stay for two more weeks at least, he should not have

  been up and about at all, I cannot guarantee his lasting recovery if he doesn't keep from straining himself.'

  Though he didn't have the least inclination to actually do what the doctor advised, the man was probably right, and Dennis admitted as much.

  'I'm sure you're right, doctor, but I've never been the type to sit still. The journey to come here wasn't particularly tiring, and once we're back in the country there will be much less temptation to be active, I'll just laze about in the haystack, enjoying the sunshine. I've this fear of being left alone, and it will be much reduced at the manor.'

  The doctor gave up, of course, he had done his job.

  But Dennis was also right, the trip wasn't exciting, their compartment in the train was quiet and he slept through most of the journey.

  When they arrived they hired a coach to take them back to the manor, and Dennis slept through most of that journey, too. Arriving late at night they went to bed immediately, and the next morning dawned bright and sunny.

  Lying in their own bed in each other's arms was such a blessing, Dennis couldn't wait for their quiet life to resume its course, he didn't feel quite as disabled here. But his first attempt to make love to Agnes as if nothing had happened didn't work out as he had planned, it started all right, with his urging her to sit on his face to finally let him taste her pussy again, which worked rather well. There was no strain in merely licking her greedily, his head and neck were supported by a thick pillow, and he relished the feel of her intensely soft flesh and her most intimate taste. One climax was not enough, he wanted more of her, and slowly his ardour rose beyond control.


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