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Mistress Agnes

Page 28

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Dennis was very sympathetic, but obviously not very worried at all. He merely said very seriously, 'You must not lie to him, Maria. He's used to being treated like that and he absolutely hates it. It would kill him if you talked down to him or didn't take him seriously. But I don't think he'll be

  angry or suspicious. He'll be surprised, but if you explain I'm sure he'll just be very happy. I know very little of pregnancies, I'm sure the midwife could explain next time she visits Agnes though she is a terrible gossip, I'd only ask her if Dick truly doesn't believe you. Which I think will not happen, he will be so thrilled to have a baby of his own! Congratulations, Maria! We'll become parents together, I know you want your own cottage but I'd so love to have you two stay here a little longer.'

  'Will you talk to him if he needs some convincing?'

  'Sure, but I'm certain he will be thrilled. When will you tell him? Tonight?'

  'I don't know, Dennis, I need to work up a little courage first. But thank you very much for your advice, I really was getting quite upset.'

  He looked at her in a very disconcerting way, fire in his eyes, he was not going to kiss her, was he? She'd not be able to control herself if he kissed her, such a beautiful man, and something about him had changed, he asserted himself much more this last week, he used to be a bit meek, but no more, this was a...

  A very heated kiss stopped her thought, Maria felt a little guilty, especially since she needed to convince Dick she had no interest in other men, but this was too good to break off.

  Before they ran out of breath or could lose control of the situation, Dick's voice said excitedly, 'I wondered how you could bear to share the mistress with me that time, but this is hot! I wish I could join in, but dinner is served in five minutes, Dennis, you need to meet the mistress in the dining-room.

  Too bad we cannot spend another ten minutes here first!'

  He was not even angry, but this was a bad start for explaining her pregnancy!

  'I'm sorry Dick, I didn't mean to kiss Maria like that, something has changed in me since I went back to the attic, my old self has come back, he's pushing me to do these things. I'll have him under control soon, I promise.'

  'I don't own Maria, Dennis. I'd love to do with her what we did with the mistress.'

  Then Dennis admitted something that had Maria stunned indeed, though she already knew it had happened in the past.

  'I suppose that if you really want to include me, we can do it. Agnes said Guy looked at her with longing, she asked me if she could indulge him.'

  And straight at Maria, 'Guy loves Patrick, but he likes girls, too. When I hurt my head Guy had to fuck her since I couldn't. I watched a few times, it was hot. Guy's very skilled. Now I'm back to normal, but Guy seems to build up

  some fervour for women over a matter of weeks. When Agnes visits him I can come to you. I was planning to watch and get involved with them, but I'd rather be with the two of you.'

  Completely staggered, Maria must have looked like a fish. But she still tasted that kiss, and Dennis was so young and handsome, to think he wanted her, she'd have two men pay attention to her. She looked at Dick, who was obviously very interested.

  'Yes, Dennis, let's do that. If you don't mind, Maria, that is. Dennis is quite active, you know. Tonight?'

  'I think so. I'll let you know after dinner, is that all right?'

  They both nodded, and then Dennis was off to dinner, leaving Dick and Maria behind with a strange excitement. Dick felt it very much, he rubbed himself against her and wanted to kiss, a very intense and heated kiss.

  'I can hardly wait, Maria. It was so fabulous to see Dennis at it, he's so handsome. But what if the mistress wants me to do her in return?'

  'Don't worry, Dick, Dennis has given me an idea, but if that doesn't work out, I'll just pick up one of Mrs Beauchamp's books and read for an hour. If you're not jealous, I won't be either. I'm sure you're the very best and it would be selfish to keep you all to myself.'

  He even understood that was a joke, and laughed, then kissed her again.

  'Now we need to go have dinner, too. If I wasn't so hungry I'd be too excited to eat. But maybe the mistress won't agree after all, let's try to be a tiny bit sensible.'

  What could be the attraction to a man of having sex with another man present? Maria did not understand, but she would watch Dick to find out. If they indeed were going to do this.

  Dick did indeed eat very well, he was really hungry, going back to work after a week of idleness was not very easy. Some of the larger tasks had merely been put on hold, and he had to catch up with them this week. Well, not necessarily this week, Cook said the privies needed to be done quickly in this weather, and of course John needed some help in the stables, the rest could wait until next week, but Dick preferred to have everything done as quickly as possible, he'd work a little harder this week and have his usual spare time the next. Maria was busy, too, she did not have to wait for him to finish his work for very long.

  He had absolutely amazed himself by not feeling even a single stab of

  jealousy finding her kissing Dennis in the haystack. Instead, he had felt heated, even though they had made love that very morning, and the night before. Seeing Dennis kissing a woman reminded Dick of that glorious afternoon of lovemaking with the mistress, the first time Dick had his cock sucked.

  After dinner it was time for the washing up, and Charles offered to help.

  'You've been hard at work all day, Dick, and Dennis did his share of my work, I've had plenty of time for my art. Besides, I don't get much painting done lately, I'm running out of inspiration here, I'm thinking of moving back to town but I have no idea how I'm going to pay for my keep. I suppose I can sell paintings, but I'd have to find lodgings.

  Anyway, how's married life?'

  The dishes were done pretty quickly with a friendly companion and his help drying everything. They chatted about all kinds of things, and Dick suddenly realized his marriage had given him a whole new status. Charles had never talked with him as an equal, though he had always been friendly. Of course Charles remembered Dick from his first months at the manor, and Dick's progress had been so slow and steady Charles might not have noticed until now. It was so good to talk with Charles as one man to another.

  Dennis returned the dishes from the dining-room himself, the mistress probably didn't like that at all, but he insisted on doing something useful in the household. This time, he brought important tidings, and he did not let Charles' presence keep him from divulging them.

  'Agnes says it's fine, Dick. Says she'll make sure to be really busy tonight.'

  And with a wink he was gone, leaving Dick hoping Charles wouldn't ask what he meant, Dick still wasn't any good at lying. Fortunately Charles didn't, it would have been impolite anyway, she was his mistress as much as Dick's.

  They merely washed her beautiful China dishes as well and put them away safely, something Dick hadn't been trusted with when he first started his work here.

  'Thank you, Charles,' he said, 'for the help and for the chat. I hope you find a way to go back to town if you really want to.'

  When Charles left, Dick took a dishcloth and cleaned up the sink, then prepared a large pot of coffee, and tea for the mistress. When it was steeping he went in search of Maria. Since the weather was so lovely, he tried outside first, and true enough, everyone was sitting in the evening sun in front of the house, even the mistress. Cook and John had left for home, Dick usually

  served coffee, but Dennis jumped up, offered Dick a chair next to Maria and said, 'I'm bringing out the coffee tonight, Dick. You've been doing twice the work you usually do, that is not fair. You did not get a week off to do two weeks' work the next. Next time you have a week off, we'll hire someone to do your work and we'll keep a low profile. And anyway, it's not too late this time, we can have someone over to help you this week.'

  That was very embarrassing, now everyone was looking at him! Whatever had come over Dennis, playing the master all of a sudd
en? Dick was doing just fine, just a bit busy, that was all.

  'If you say so, master.'

  Dick shocked even himself. He had never pulled a trick like that before in his life, and he hoped Dennis wouldn't get angry or talk brogue at him. But this was taking things way too far, Dick had his pride, too. A week's hard work wouldn't kill him, he bet Maria would be extra busy all week for having been away for a week.

  A bit afraid of the effect of his remark, Dick saw Dennis actually start and stare at him in disbelief.

  For a minute or so Dennis was absolutely stunned, and Dick was starting to get really afraid he had gone too far and insulted his mistress' partner. His averted his gaze, and waited for the axe to fall.

  Two strong arms took him in a tight grip, and an affected voice whispered in his ear, 'Dear Dick! Don't fear me, friend, that hurts! You are right, there can only be one mistress in this house. I promise I won't talk brogue to you. Will you look at me, please?'

  It was hard, looking at him, he was so sweet, Dick was afraid he'd cry with relief, but Dennis caught his eye then rested his head on Dick's chest, as if he were Maria.

  'Can I still get the coffee? And are we still on for tonight?'

  Dick could not speak, he felt so dumb, why had he done that? Dennis might insist on Dick calling him by his first name, he actually wás the master. And he had every right to hand out orders, which then had to be obeyed.

  'Dick, please! It was a really good joke! I was just stunned to hear you so sharp, you never were before. Don't feel bad!'

  'I'm sorry Dennis, I don't know why that happened.'

  One hand now let go of his chest, and stroked his hair, just incredible how Dennis was so much smaller than him. He seemed much taller, especially when he was handing out orders.

  'But I do know, Dick. I'm changing, I'm taking my responsibility instead of letting the mistress handle everything. So in a way you're right, I am being bossy, but I promise I will take it slowly, let you get used to it so I can still be Dennis to you, even when I make decisions. I'd hate to have you obey me, Dick, I hope you'll always be my friend, even when I'm married to the mistress and helping her run the household. I'm sorry I upset you, Dick, I'd never seen you like that.

  Next time I'll ask whether you want help, I promise. Now will you please be my friend again?'

  But Dick just couldn't help it, he felt so bad about being impudent, and Dennis so concerned for him. He didn't want to be there anymore, with people watching him, the mistress herself was sitting right there! She must find him thankless.

  'Better leave him to me, Dennis. I think he's truly upset, you'll get no sense out of him with so many people around. I'll take him to our own rooms, and when he has calmed down I'll talk to him. I understand perfectly, I'll explain.'

  Maria, the most beautiful and sweetest woman in the world. She knew what he needed. In an instant, he had Pixie in his one hand and was being led by the other. He followed his beloved into the house, and into their room, and was gently pushed to sit on the bed, with Pixie in his lap. Her soft fur helped calm him, and the absence of prying eyes helped even more. Then Maria sat next to him and embraced him, without saying a word.

  Feeling safer than ever before in his life, Dick put Pixie in Maria's lap and lay down on the bed, against the soft warm body of his beloved, his face hidden in her side. Then he let his fear out, slowly, not to frighten Maria and Pixie with the strength of his feelings. He did not sob, but his throat got blocked up until he could hardly breathe, and his eyes burned.

  'Let it out, Dick, you know you don't have to be the strong husband for me.

  You may depend on me a little, and another time I will seek solace with you.

  We're one, your fear is my fear.'

  How did she know he was desperately afraid? The people of this house had made him, if they rejected him for his rudeness he'd have nothing. Yes, a lovely wife, whom he could no longer offer his earnings. No home, no friends. He was crying now, and Maria let him. She just held him and stroked his hair, until he felt the fear drain away, and his reason took over.

  'It wasn't that bad, was it?'

  'No Dick, it wasn't. You talked back to a friend who was patronizing you. He

  had never done that before, and you had never done that before, so you were both shocked. Dennis loves you and respects you, Dick, he didn't even realize he was being bossy. You have nothing to fear. Do you understand Dennis'

  problem, Dick?'

  'I don't, Maria. I need to do some thinking, but my fear kept interfering.'

  'Do you want to think it out by yourself, or do you want me to explain? I don't want to patronize you, if you need more time you'll have it.'

  'No, my love, please explain. The fear can come back any moment, I'm afraid to do something stupid. I'll think about it after you have explained.'

  'You know Dennis is from the streets, and was a leader there?'

  'Yes, he told us.'

  'Then he got sent into the army, and they broke his will with a whip. And then the war broke him even further. When he came here, the thing that made him a leader was gone, and his mind was sick with what he had seen and done.'

  'And the mistress made it worse.'

  'She did, but she gave him love, too, and that made him a bit better, so he wanted more.'

  'And in the end she gave him more, but he was not bossy, Maria.'

  'Exactly. She gave him love, but he was still sick in his mind from what had happened. So he clung to the mistress.'

  'He did?'

  'He did, mother said he fell apart when he thought Mrs Beauchamp was very sick. You saw that yourself.'

  'Yes, I remember, I was very upset, but your mother said everything would be well. Your mother was bossy then.'

  'And rightfully so, Dick, she cared about you and wanted the people you care about safe and happy.'

  'You say Dennis was bossy because he cares about me?'

  'Well, yes, he was, but that was not the point. Dennis clung to Mrs Beauchamp, and she was afraid that if something happened to her, everything would fall apart. Her cousin would get the estate, Dennis would land on the streets, Guy and Patrick would have to work for someone else. Cook, John, yourself and Charles would lose their jobs.

  She wanted him to be stronger, to take charge if she wasn't well, so she took him to the attic to face his fear. He felt terrible at first, but then his old

  leadership came back. And now it is getting stronger and he is starting to do his part. To let Mrs Beauchamp feel safe, Dick, for the baby.Tonight, you saw his leadership, but he's not used to it, and you're not used to it. So he was too bossy, and you resented him. Now you both know, he will take care to change less quickly, and you will adapt slowly to a new Dennis, who gives orders and has people listen to them. He will still be your friend, but he will be the master, too. And if you don't agree you can tell him so, politely. And he can tell you what to do, but politely. That is not so bad, is it?'

  'I was afraid they'd kick me out for being rude. I'd have no job, and no friends, and we'd have no home. No-one else wants me.'

  'Mrs Beauchamp is not going to kick you out for being rude once, Dick. She has to get used to Dennis becoming a leader again, too. She'll be glad you let him know he was being bossy, he didn't even notice until you called him master. You did well, Dick, though you may not see it that way.

  Do you really mind him taking care of you? He was worried you worked too hard, you know.'

  'I don't know why I said that, Maria. Well, I do, it was as if I couldn't handle my job, as if it was too much for me, but I can handle it.'

  'He knows, Dick. He just wanted you to have some time to spend with me. I think he feels really bad, my love, as bad as you felt, can you talk to him? Let him explain?'

  'If the others aren't watching, I can. You really think he is not angry?'

  'I'm sure, Dick. In fact I am guessing he is waiting by the door feeling pretty bad. May I check?'

  'Yes, please, Maria, I don't want
Dennis to feel bad. I understand now, though I need to think a little longer. But I can do that tomorrow.'

  And Dennis was indeed waiting to be asked to come in. He felt really guilty for having upset Dick so badly, when in fact he had been at fault himself.

  Fancy Dick saying something sharp, there was still hope of him developing a sense of humour. If Dennis had not killed it off with his stunned reaction.

  The door opened and Maria addressed him, she knew he was there, damn that girl was clever! And so good for dear Dick, she had done just the right thing, no situation with Dick was ever going to get out of hand with Maria around.

  'He has calmed down and I explained. But he still needs some time to think it through, I suppose he's still afraid he'll be kicked out for being rude to you in front of Mrs Beauchamp. He said no-one else wanted him, I thought my heart would break. Please be careful with what you say to him, if you can show

  him you're not angry, that's what he needs most.'

  Oh no, poor Dick. How did this happen? Why didn't he laugh at Dick's remark right away, it was so funny! He was just stunned to hear Dick so quick witted.

  Maria was right, Dick was still not sure, and he had heard so many words already, talking would only confuse him more. There was only one thing to do. Dennis sat down on the bed beside the large man, dammit, he had traces of tears on his face, how could such a tiny thing become so large? Snuggling against his large friend Dennis felt the tension in him, it was probably too early for this, however much he wanted to make things good, chances were he'd only make it worse.

  'Remember sitting by my bed, Dick, when I was wasting away from loneliness?'

  Dick nodded.

  'Your love pulled me through, Dick, Patrick's love and yours. You always told me I didn't deserve to be treated that way, chained like a dog, you knew what it felt like to be whipped, and you told me it wasn't my fault, that I deserved better. I'll never forget that, Dick, not as long as I live. You will always have a place wherever I am, and you may always say anything to me that you want or need. Do you believe me?'


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