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Mistress Agnes

Page 45

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  And as Dick did so, the doctor used a magnifying glass to study the area intently.

  'I think I have it, Dick. There is no splinter, but I think something broke your skin here. An infection like this causes a lot of pain and it can be dangerous if

  it spreads. This one is pretty deep, and it threatens the healing of your bone.

  You have two choices, Dick, I can put the splint back and you can rest the hand. Sometimes these infections clear away by themselves. You will be in as much pain as you are now, though I can give you stronger painkillers.

  Or I can perform a minor surgery on your hand, to open the abscess and drain it. It will relieve the pain immediately, but you'll have a wound as well as a break. If we do nothing and the abscess grows, I'll have to do the surgery after all, but it will be more extensive, and the risk of it spreading to the rest of your hand and arm is bigger.'

  Dick could not follow this. He was in pain, he was upset anyway, and the doctor talked way too much.

  'One moment, please, doctor. Dick cannot follow this, I can see him getting upset.'

  Agnes pulled her chair close to Dick and held his good hand.

  'Do you have a painkiller for him so he can think straight?'

  That was good thinking on Agnes' part. The doctor gave Dick a powder and a glass of water to wash it down, and then Agnes really took charge.

  'You sit back and ignore all the talk for a moment, Dick. I'll have a little chat with the doctor and then I'll explain to you, is that all right?'

  'Yes, mistress, please. I can't think right with the pain, and I've never had anything wrong with me, I don't know what to do.'

  He took heart from Agnes' support and sat back as far as the doctor's chair allowed, then closed his eyes.

  'Now doctor, tell me. Have you ever performed such a surgery before?

  Cutting in someone's body is not a trifle.'

  'I know, Mrs Beauchamp, which is why I thought Dick might prefer to see whether he can get over it without interference from me. I have on occasion drained an abscess, of course, but never in someone's hand.'

  'And a city surgeon, doctor, wouldn't they have more experience?'

  'Some might, Mrs Beauchamp, but some are nothing more than quacks, just like some village surgeons. I guess army surgeons will have plenty of experience treating open wounds. But I assure you, I am quite capable of removing Dick's infection. Personally I wouldn't wait, if it spreads it can cost him his hand or his entire arm, and it seems virulent. Remember, he didn't have a fever the day before yesterday. London is four or five days by carriage, I'd prefer to operate today if he wants me to, and if he wants to wait he will have to improve significantly in two days, or his hand will be in

  danger. Five days, and the stress of the drive, would be too much.'

  Though frightening, that did sound reasonable. Dick had been absolutely fine just after he broke his hand, and had gotten steadily worse since then. If he deteriorated at the same rate he would not last another five days.

  'How would you go about the operation, doctor?' Dennis asked. He had been wounded himself and had seen the things going on in the military hospital, Dennis thought he had some right to have an opinion on the treatment of open wounds, knife wounds, shot wounds, bayonet wounds, he'd had any number of them, and he had seen people recover from them and succumb to them. Dennis thought he knew the difference between a capable doctor and a bungler.

  'Well, I'd take care Dick's hand was very clean, and see my special operating table was scrubbed clean. In short, I'd see to everything being clean.'

  That was the first step, bayonet wounds often infected, Dennis thought it was because of the dirt ground into them, and the filthy remains of previous battles. In a clean infirmary wounds healed up better than on the street and in the field, and the best field doctors he had experienced, who saved most lives and caused the fewest fatalities, were always the cleanest.

  'All right, and then?'

  'I'd make a cut right to the abscess, as small as possible, to drain the pus.

  Then I'd clean the abscess and the wound with a solution of spirits, that hurts like the devil, I cannot help that, and cover it up. If it's too large, I sew it shut, but I would not expect this cut to need that. I prefer to keep it open, then I can clean it every day for a week or so, after which it will heal perfectly.'

  Well, that sounded just right. Cleaning afterwards was something his doctors had never done, they cleaned once, then left it to heal. But it sounded right somehow, and Dennis started to get a little faith in this doctor.

  Agnes still seemed to want to take Dick to Doctor Gilbert in London, but even by train it was a long journey, and Dennis was starting to doubt whether it would be worth the effort: Doctor Gilbert had sounded very knowledgeable, but in fact he had done nothing but conclude Dennis had concussion and that he needed rest. Mrs Woods or Agnes herself could have thought of that. And where would a rich Londoner get a nasty infected wound? Wouldn't a doctor used to treating farmers be more used to wounds caused by rusty nails or tools soiled with dirt or manure?

  'That sounds just about right, Agnes. I think this doctor can be trusted to do

  the right thing. You know I've had my share of wounds with dirt rubbed in, and thorough cleaning did seem to be the road to healing, though it was often very painful.'

  'I can stand a little pain, Dennis,' Dick now said, 'I've been in constant pain for two days, I'd like it to stop, even if it gets worse first. I don't want to risk my hand, if you think the doctor can handle this, I trust you. I've seen your scars.'

  'Are you sure, Dick? Shouldn't we explain first?'

  'The doctor explained really clearly just now, mistress, I know enough. And the painkiller is working, my mind has cleared. Maybe Maria can be there while you operate, doctor?'

  Dick suddenly sounded very sure of himself. And since the doctor didn't want to lose any time, Agnes went out to fetch Maria, while Dennis helped the doctor by preparing Dick. The doctor called in his son to assist with the surgery, and soon they were setting up a small table with high legs, lacquered to a high sheen. They spread a clean cloth on it, then laid out an assortment of sharp knives and other tools. Clean rags and a bottle were next to go on the table, then a bucket of steaming hot water and a clean towel were set beside it. The doctor and his son scrubbed their hands with soap from a jar, then dried them. Some stuff from the bottle was spread over them.

  'If you'll do the same to Dick, please, Mr Parker.'

  Dennis carefully scrubbed Dick's left hand and his arm to the elbow, better safe than sorry, dried it and spread some strong-smelling solution on it.

  'It feels cold!' Dick observed.

  'Maybe you want to give Dick a glass from that bottle over there, Mr Parker?

  It's strong liquor, I've heard he doesn't drink, ever, it will hit him like a runaway horse and maybe save him some pain.'

  'Do you want that, Dick? A glass of a strong liquor? It will burn in your throat but it will give you a pleasant feeling afterwards, make you feel the pain less.'

  Dick looked thoughtful.

  'I've heard spirits can make people lose it, Dennis. I don't think I should risk that. Apparently I've just gained myself a good reputation.'

  'I don't think one glass can make you lose it, Dick, especially not with Maria around. I've been there, Dick, I'd take it.'

  'If you say so, Dennis, I will. But promise me that if I should lose it, you'll take me out yourself.'

  He was not going to argue about it, Dick was right, there was a chance he'd lose it, with or without spirits, Dennis had seen it happen in the infirmary.

  'I promise, Dick.'

  Dick nodded seriously and Dennis fetched a full glass of strong-smelling spirits for him. It would taste gross but he'd go sleepy almost straight away, especially if he downed it quickly.

  'Now try to drink it as quickly as possible. It will burn your throat and stomach, but it will hit you hardest if you take it all in one go.'

handed Dick the glass and put his hand on Dick's shoulder to support him.

  There was a knock on the door, but neither the doctor nor his son moved. Of course, they had scrubbed their hands!

  'Shall I open the door?' Dennis asked, 'it's probably Agnes with Maria.'

  'My wife will open up, she knows we're not to be disturbed for half an hour.

  It won't take more than that, Dick.'

  Dick was gagging on the spirits, gin, Dennis thought by the colour and the smell. But he downed it quickly enough, he really could set his mind to something he thought was necessary. When the glass was empty, Maria came in. She did not call out, or show any kind of stress or fear, she merely took a chair and sat next to where the doctor had placed Dick's chair when setting up the table, opposite his own, the table in between.

  'I want Dennis to hold my hand in place, doctor, is that possible? I'm afraid to hurt someone, and I know Dennis can handle me.'

  The doctor looked at the size of him, then at Dennis, who was of course much smaller. There was a question in his eyes, and Dennis said, 'I think I can hold him whatever happens.'

  'Then please wash your hands very thoroughly, Mr Parker, and don't touch anything else after you're done so. George usually holds the patients, but I guess Dick trusts and respects you more than anyone. Will you hand me what I need, George?'

  'Yes, father,' George replied. He did not look put out that Dennis was taking his place, and Dennis couldn't fault him, Dick was not only incredibly tall and broad, he still had this reputation, and he had just asked Dennis to intervene if he lost it.

  Maria held Dick's right hand as Dennis scrubbed his hands clean and spread the stuff from the bottle over them. It was indeed cold. Then the doctor held out his hand to Dick, who delivered his left hand into it, and the doctor placed the hand where he wanted it to do his best work.

  Now it was Dennis' turn, and he stood beside the table and put his entire weight on Dick's arm, not hurting him but keeping him totally immobile.

  Sadly, this was also something he had done before in the infirmary, he had little experience with broken bones but all the more with putrid wounds, both on his own body and on his comrades'.

  'You've got a right strong grip, Dennis, though of course I knew that already,'

  Dick commented with more than a little innuendo. The spirits had done their work quickly and thoroughly, Dennis could see Dick wanted to kiss him. But Dennis did not let his friend's remark distract him, he kept his grip tight as the doctor took the knife in his right hand and deftly probed Dick's hand for the abscess with his left. Without warning, he immediately made one short but deep cut, and pus squirted out of the wound.

  As George quickly cleaned it away with a rag, discarding it afterwards, Dennis kept his hold firm, releasing the pressure of the abscess would give Dick release from the pain, but the cleaning would really hurt.

  'Owch, doctor,' Dick said drolly, 'that stung.'

  The cut was bleeding profusely but this wound would not bleed clean, the blood did not come from the abscess but from the broken skin above it. This was not a two-person job, George was really busy clearing away more pus and blood, he was very careful not to let the pus touch the wound or any of the instruments or their hands.

  Now the doctor took a set of pincers and a tiny piece of cloth, wet it with the cold stuff from the bottle, and started to clean the inside of the wound quickly and thoroughly.

  Now Dick did scream in pain and yes, there was rage in that cry, he pulled on the arm in Dennis' lock, but did not free his other hand from Maria's grip.

  There was no danger to any of them.

  Another rag was moistened and used to clean the cut, and this time, Dick didn't react as strongly.

  'Done,' the doctor said, 'I'm going to check the break, I may have disturbed it with my treatment, but I think it will be fine, Mr Parker kept you perfectly still. This will hurt again, but not as badly, Dick.'

  And indeed, Dick kept perfectly still by himself, and the doctor could feel no dislocation in the break.

  'You can let go now, Mr Parker, there is just the bandage to come. And the splint, it'll put pressure on the wound and keep the bone in its place.

  Tomorrow I'll clean it again, then put the splint back. But the pain and the

  fever should recede quickly, Dick.'

  He quickly and neatly bound up the small wound, then put back the splint.

  'The way you held on to Dick, Mr Parker, you've done this before, haven't you?'

  There were many places beside an army infirmary where a man could learn how to hold another man absolutely motionless.

  'Yes, I've done it before. I used to live in a less savoury part of the world, doctor, where putrid wounds often took a turn for the worse. I've assisted in a few amputations, though none of those unfortunates were of Dick's size and strength. Of course this tiny wound doesn't compare to an amputation, we used a whole bottle of booze then, if we could get one. Some of the patients even made it.

  But doctor, the way you clean things, I think you're onto something. Will you come to see Dick at the manor or do you want us to bring him over, where you have your own materials?'

  'As you say, it's just a small wound, I don't need that much to clean it. Just your help, please. I'll drop by just after lunch tomorrow. And remember Dick: no work for six weeks, even if you do feel better!'

  'I promise, doctor. My hand hardly hurts at all, doctor. Thank you so much, both of you. Are you going to be a doctor, too?'

  The doctor's son, at whom this was aimed, nodded.

  'I am. My father is teaching me the ropes. I'm glad to have been of help to a hero, Mr Parsons.'

  Not the doctor's son as well! Strangely enough, Dick did not protest to be addressed so respectfully, in fact he reacted rather graciously.

  'I feel so much better, I'm sure you will be a fabulous doctor soon.'

  Within ten minutes they were back inside the carriage and on their way to the manor, Dick intensely happy to be rid of the throbbing in his hand and with Maria going back home with him, even though it was still before lunch.

  'I'll make up for it tomorrow, even father will understand my going home with my wounded hero.'

  She said this with a smile, and Dick felt very funny, giddy almost. He remembered the throbbing ache that had plagued him for days, and he remembered the sharp pain when the doctor cleaned the bleeding hole in his hand. The scream had escaped him, it had been impossible to stop it, and he had not been able to stop trying to pull back his hand either. Dick still

  wondered how Dennis had kept his hand totally still, he knew he was much stronger than Dennis.

  He'd ask him tomorrow, or maybe not, for the doctor would do that again tomorrow and Dennis needed to hold onto Dick's hand to save it. Maybe it was a trick that Dick shouldn't know about before his hand was healed.

  Maria's face came closer to his, and she kissed him chastely. With the pain ebbing and his anxiety gone he felt decidedly weird. Everything seemed a little fuzzy, and the giddiness did not fade but got stronger. Maria smelled delicious, and Dick's cock made himself felt. It had been more than a few days since they'd made love, and Dick couldn't remember why. Why would he not make love to such a beautiful woman? They were married, weren't they? Slowly, he remembered: he shouldn't use his hand, that was it. And it had hurt a lot. It still hurt, but in a different way, this was much easier to ignore.

  'Why are you looking at me like that, Dick? Your eyes can hardly focus.'

  Maria's voice sounded like music, she was so beautiful, and she loved him.

  'I fed him a full glass of gin, Maria, to keep the pain at a distance. We didn't have an idea whether we'd be able to hold him still, he's so strong. The doctor offered the liquor and it usually helps to bear the pain. He didn't want it at first, made me promise to put him out if he lost it.

  I would have, too, Dick!'

  Dennis said the last bit to him, Dick wanted to kiss Dennis, too, he was such a good friend, and such an e
xcellent master.

  'I know, master. I've never seen you fight but I knew you'd be able to control me. Can't spoil my reputation as a hero after all by hitting the doctor. Can I have a kiss? I feel funny.'

  Dick felt a strong hand take his chin and tilt his face around until he saw a handsome male face look at him with tenderness.

  'You're very sharp when you're drunk, Dick. Do you know who I am?'

  'Of course I know. You're the master, and my friend, and you have the strongest grip ever. Is that funny feeling because I'm drunk?'

  'Yes, Dick, it will wear off in a few hours. Do you remember my name?'

  'Of course, it's Dennis. If I call you anything else you talk brogue, can't have that, I wasn't raised that way.'

  Dennis did not say anything else, but kissed him slowly and sweetly. Dick remembered his touch on his cock, and touching Dennis' cock. It had been

  great, he wanted to do that again.

  'He is drunk indeed, Dennis. Is it dangerous?'

  'I don't think so, he didn't drink that much and he's a large man. You've seen people drunk before, haven't you?'

  'Of course, on our wedding party a lot of the guests were drunk. But I've never seen what happens when drunk people get home, will he be sick, or fall asleep straight away?'

  'I don't think so. I think he'll stay a little giggly until lunch, a good meal will settle him. Maybe he'll want to take a nap, he probably slept badly for nights in a row.'

  Frankly, Dick did not want to sleep at all, but he did want to go to bed. To do entirely different things. But no-one asked him anything, they just talked about him as if he wasn't there, just because he'd had one glass of booze.

  Sitting between the two people he loved best in the world, they were back at the manor almost too quickly.

  'Do you want to go to bed, Dick?' Maria asked. She was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  'Yes, please,' he replied, he did feel like lying down, getting up made the world spin just a tiny bit.

  She took his good hand and led him to the bedroom, but not after having thanked Dennis and the mistress for treating Dick with so much love and consideration. But why did she treat him as a child? He could thank them himself, couldn't he? She was his wife, not his mother. His own sudden irritation surprised him, was this the spirits talking? Maria smelled so good, and she snuggled up against him really nicely on their way to the bedroom.


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