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Restitution From His Mate

Page 8

by Charlie Richards


  “Logan? Oh, thank God!”

  Logan’s brows shot up. “Zander? Hey, how are you adjusting?” Last Logan had heard, Zander had agreed to silence. Unbeknownst to his friend, Alpha Abbott had a shifter watching the man and his phone lines were monitored.

  “Juarez just called me,” Zander told him, clearly distressed. “I couldn’t say no! I mean, I know he’s a vampire and I still couldn’t say no! You said you’d help me!”

  Logan moved the phone away from his ear a few inches as his friend yelled into the phone. He cringed. Shit, he needed to help Zander…find out what the vampire wanted with his friend.

  “Calm down, Zander,” Logan ordered, returning the phone to his ear. “I’m on my way, but I’m a good thirty minutes out. Now, I have some friends that are closer, but I need you to allow them to help you. Do you understand?” Even as he spoke, he prayed Alpha Abbott would let him know who he had watching Zander. With the human under his protection, he should care about a vampire sniffing around him, right? Logan knew Chieftain Maelgwn would want to know.

  “Y-You’re talking about a shifter, aren’t you?”

  Zander’s whispered words were filled with trepidation, and Logan wasn’t going to lie to the man. “Yes.” He paused for a few seconds, then assured, “They won’t hurt you.”


  “Yes. I’m bringing at least one more with me.” Logan glanced toward the bedroom. There was no way in hell he’d leave his mate alone while recovering. “I need to make some calls. Don’t allow Juarez into the house unless there are others with you. Got it?”


  “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Logan hung up before Zander could answer. He was too far out to get to his friend. He needed help. Jogging to the bedroom, Logan picked up James’ phone and scrolled through the contacts as he placed his other hand on his mate’s leg and shook. “James, babe, wake up.”

  “Wha—” James mumbled, immediately cracking open one eyelid.

  Finding the alpha’s number, Logan started punching it in as he stated, “My buddy, Zander, needs help. I promised him.” He gave his lover a beseeching look as he lifted his phone to his ear. “Are you well enough to travel?”

  “Of course,” James immediately replied, levering into a sitting position as he swung his legs over the side.

  While Logan spotted a slight grimace cross James’ face, he didn’t call him on it. Mainly, because just then, someone answered the phone. “Abbott’s phone.”

  Frowning, wondering who would pick up the alpha’s line other than him, Logan said, “This is Logan McByrne. I have a situation with my friend, Zander Wheeler. Is Abbott Tamang available? I need his help.” He grimaced, hating asking for help…from anyone, even when he’d given the same speech to Zander about friends being there for each other.

  “Abbott’s not available. This is his husband, Richard. What’s up with Zander?”

  Oh, Richard. Abbott’s mate and the pack enforcer. “I know you and Abbott have people watching Zander. There’s a vampire, Juarez, that keeps sniffing around him, but Juarez is married with kids. If Zander is Juarez’s beloved, that’s one thing, but if he’s just yanking him around, well—”

  “Gotcha,” Richard cut in, seeming to understand immediately. “Pogue is over there. I’ll call him.”

  Logan didn’t have a clue who that was, but he thanked the enforcer anyway. “Thanks. James and I are on our way, too,” Logan stated. “We should be there in…” He glanced toward James, seeing he’d already pulled on jeans and a t-shirt and now sat on the boot box at the foot of the bed and bent awkwardly to pull on socks and sneakers. “Thirty minutes.”

  “You’ll beat me, then,” Richard told him. “But Pogue will be there. Is Jimmy up to that?”

  It was asked calmly, but Logan still bristled. He just managed to keep from snarling a retort, but he knew he still growled as he stated, “I’ve taken very good care of James. My mate is fine to travel.”

  The line remained quiet for too long. James appeared at his side and motioned for the phone. Logan relinquished the device, battling between irritation that the shifter wanted to step in and grateful that he didn’t have to say anything else to the other wolf…because it probably wouldn’t be very nice.

  “Stop giving my mate flack, Richard,” James ordered briskly. “Get someone over to Zander. We need to show him we watch over our own.”

  Logan didn’t know what Richard said, but James snorted and rolled his eyes. “You’re such an ass.” He hung up and handed the phone back to Logan. “Let’s go.”

  “I’m sorry I’m dragging you out of bed,” Logan said following James out of the room and toward the front door. He opened his mouth, intending to say that his mate could stay—because now that the man was up and moving, he couldn’t think of a good reason why waking him had been necessary.

  Instead, James glared over his shoulder at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not sending you to face a vampire on your own,” he stated. To soften the chiding, he smiled and offered, “I understand that you’re independent and hate asking for help, but this is a paranormal that can manipulate minds. It’s just not happening.”

  Well, damn, his mate knew him so well already.

  Logan didn’t even bother trying to rebuttal that. “Let’s go.”

  James led the way outside and to Logan’s truck. “You drive,” he said, winking, tossing something at him.

  On instinct, Logan caught the object and discovered that it was his truck’s keys. While he knew his mate gave him that control to ease his own personal demons, he appreciated it anyway. “Thanks,” he said, his voice surprising himself with how gruff it came out.

  After they both climbed into the vehicle, James reached over the center console and touched Logan’s shoulder, gaining his attention. “You’re my mate. I’ll do anything for you.”

  Logan’s heart felt as if it skipped a beat. A swell of emotion choked his throat, something he’d never felt before and could scarcely put a label on…love. Holy fucking hell, he loved this man. Following that revelation, instead of fear, Logan felt only determination to prove his feelings to his mate…he just had to figure out how.

  Pushing those needs aside, Logan smiled at his mate. “Thank you.” Without waiting for a response, he turned his attention to his vehicle and got them moving. “You’re going to have to let me know how to get there,” he admitted. “I haven’t left your house in four days.”

  “Head left out of the driveway, then follow the road for five miles,” James instructed.

  Logan did as he was told. Pulling away from the house, he flipped on his headlights and an idea struck. He punched a number into his phone and waited, praying he’d get an answer. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the wolves, but, even with their differences, Logan trusted someone else more.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Having not expected a greeting, Logan didn’t feel slighted. Hell, it wasn’t like they’d parted on the best of circumstances, so he just felt grateful Geoffrey had taken his call. Logan had seen the gargoyle skulking in the trees a time or two over the last few days. While the gargoyle seemed willing to leave Logan to his path, he appeared to be struggling with his own, unable to leave him completely.

  Maybe a task would help him.

  “Not with me,” Logan replied. “My friend, Zander, may be in danger. I’m on my way there, now, but it’ll be a good thirty minutes. Can you get to him sooner?”

  “Zander is the man you were visiting, right?”

  Logan nodded, then realized Geoffrey couldn’t see it. “Yes.”

  Geoffrey sighed. “Very well. What am I looking for?”

  “If a vampire arrives before a shifter, protect him…please,” Logan asked.

  After a few seconds of silence, Geoffrey murmured, “As you wish, my friend.”

  “I thank you.”

  The line disconnected and Logan once again focuse
d on the road.

  “You called your ex-lover?”

  James’ muttered words betrayed his irritation. Still, Logan stood by his decision. When they wanted to, gargoyles could get somewhere a hell of a lot faster than someone driving.

  “I did,” Logan confirmed. “I promised Zander I’d help him with this matter. He feels great guilt over seeing Juarez, but he can’t seem to stop himself. Now that we know he’s a vampire, it makes sense, but that doesn’t assuage his guilt over sleeping with a married man.” He glanced toward James. Upon seeing his lover’s brows drawn into a soft crease, Logan added, “Geoffrey can get to Zander before me.” Then, he offered his lover a wry smile. “Plus, it’ll give him something new to focus on other than me moving on.”

  At that, James smirked. “Good idea. I haven’t liked scenting him near my home.”

  Logan grimaced. “I should have known you’d notice. I’m sorry for that.”

  James shrugged. “Not like you can control another person’s actions,” he pointed out. “I thank you for trying to give him another purpose.” Before Logan could bother thinking up a response, James pointed and ordered, “Turn left ahead.”

  Before Logan could reach Zander’s home, his cell phone rang again. Seeing his friend’s name light up the screen, he answered, “I’m close.”

  “Juarez is here. I’m hiding in the bathroom,” Zander whispered.

  Logan frowned, hearing some odd noise in the background. “Is that the shower?”

  “Yeah,” Zander replied. “If I hear his voice or see his face, I’m gonna want to do whatever he wants.”

  “Damn it,” Logan snarled. “Where the hell is Pogue?”


  James growled. “He should have been right outside Zander’s home. He should be there…or at least stopping the vampire.”

  “Well, he’s not,” Logan grumbled. Returning his focus to Zander, he stated, “Listen to me, Zander. I have a friend arriving before me. Geoffrey. He’s a gargoyle, a paranormal, with wings and claws and everything. He’s a good guy,” he hurried to tell him. “He’ll make certain the vampire can’t get to you. Just don’t…don’t run from him.”

  Damn, his friend had a hard enough time with the idea of vampires and shifters. Logan hoped Zander could keep his head about him enough to hide from Juarez and not from Geoffrey. He had to admit, though, he found himself impressed by the idea of hiding behind the sound of water.

  “He’s one of the good guys?” Zander asked, sounding hesitant.

  “Yes,” Logan replied without hesitation. Geoffrey, for all his flaws, had the same attributes as most gargoyles, their unwavering loyalty to their clutch and their dedication to friends and family. “In this case, go with the beast. I’ll be there shortly.”


  The line disconnected. Logan immediately dialed again. “I’ll be there in two minutes,” Geoffrey said upon picking up.

  “Juarez is there already. He’s the vampire. We need his intentions figured out, because he’s married with kids and still seducing my friend.”

  “I’m on it.”

  “Geoffrey, thank you,” Logan murmured.

  Geoffrey muttered something Logan didn’t catch, then speaking louder said, “I’m here. I see one male in the dining room. I also hear water running in the bathroom.”

  “Zander is in the bathroom. Juarez must be who you can see.”

  “Then I’ll just walk in and say hi…oh, wait,” Geoffrey paused, then stated, “There’s a downed male outside the home, a shifter from his scent. His pulse is strong, so I think it was just a bump on the head.”

  “Damn,” James grumbled. “Alpha Abbott’s not gonna like that.”

  Logan glanced toward the beta, realizing his mate listened to everything said. He jerked a nod. “How far out are we?” he asked the wolf shifter.

  “Ten minutes.”

  “Did you hear that?” Logan asked, returning his focus to his phone call…and the road as he swerved left to stay with the curve of the road. He returned the vehicle to his own lane.

  “Yep, I heard,” Geoffrey replied. “And Logan,” he called.


  “I’m sorry about before. I didn’t understand,” he said softly. “But I do now.”

  “What do you mean?” Logan asked, scowling.

  “One of the guys in that house right now, whether it’s Zander or the vampire, is my mate,” Geoffrey admitted.

  Logan didn’t bother to try to stop the smile creasing his lips. “That’s great, Geoff,” he murmured. “Really great.”

  And it was, sort of, because if his friend mated Zander, he’d be able to help smooth over his friend’s life. If he were mated to Juarez however, things could get a little rocky.

  Chapter Ten

  Jimmy didn’t bother fighting the wash of relief that filled him upon overhearing that the gargoyle thought one of the two men was his mate. Of course, he’d thought Logan was his mate, too, so he prayed the male was correct this time.

  He could feel his strength flag as Logan drove as swiftly as the law allowed—when speed limit rules were bent a little—and he had to hold onto the oh shit handle to stay in one place. It’d be a cold day in hell before he’d admit that to Logan though.

  Instead, Jimmy picked up his phone and called Richard. He didn’t know what his alpha had been up to that he couldn’t answer his cell phone earlier, but he wasn’t going to disturb him if he really wasn’t available. As beta, he should have known. Getting injured had completely thrown him out of the loop.

  Jimmy vowed to fix that…soon.

  When Richard answered, he greeted, “Hey, you guys at Zander’s, yet? I haven’t gotten a report from Pogue. What’s going on?”

  At least I’m not the only one in the dark.

  “Not yet,” Jimmy stated. “We’re almost there. Another minute or two. The vampire must have scented Pogue, because Geoffrey found him unconscious outside the house.”

  “Damn it,” Richard growled. “Look, Abbott’s on the phone with Alpha Declan from Stone Ridge. It’s Declan’s mate that cooked up those pain pills as well as a few other things that shifters can use to make us more comfortable while healing,” he explained, his frustration evident. “I didn’t want to interrupt him, but if you think I should—”

  “No,” Jimmy immediately denied. “But I think you should leave him a note and get over here yourself. You’re our pack’s lead enforcer,” he reminded him.

  “You’re right,” Richard agreed, a low growl of frustration lacing his words. “I’m gonna call in Adriana and let Aaric and Crain know what’s going on.”

  Jimmy nodded absently. “Good. I’ll see you there.”

  Hanging up the phone, Jimmy held on as Logan turned the truck into a driveway and rolled to a stop in front of a large, two-story building. As soon as he opened the door, the scent of goats, a great many goats, hit Jimmy’s sensitive nose. He also smelled vampire, gargoyle, shifter, and human. Something in the scents tickled his memory. For some reason, he felt like he knew all the scents.

  Odd…and why are all these paranormals in my territory?

  Jimmy wanted to know where the vampire called home, if only to confirm that it was indeed outside pack lands. How the hell had they missed him if he lived nearby? Jimmy had every intention of finding out.

  The fatigue Jimmy had felt earlier seeped from his system as adrenaline took hold. He strode easily beside his lover, moving over the gravel to the front porch. Logan didn’t even bother knocking. He grabbed the handle and turned. When that proved the front door was locked, he growled, impressing Jimmy with his aggression. Jimmy actually felt his cock thicken in his jeans. Knowing it wasn’t the time, he held up his hand and stated, “Allow me.”

  Logan stepped back and held up his hand. “Be my guest.”

  Smirking, Jimmy stepped forward, gripped the knob with his left hand, and wrenched the device. With his increased strength, he easily b
roke the lock, which just left the deadbolt. Jimmy knew his body—and probably his mate—were going to yell at him later, he did it anyway. He stepped backward, then lifted his right foot, and kicked the door.

  The door released with a loud pop. That was good, because it covered up Jimmy’s sharp hiss, since the jolt to his body sent pain coursing through his shoulder and chest. His nipples beaded for a whole different reason than what he liked, and spots danced across his vision.

  “Shit, what the fuck were you thinking?” Logan snapped, rounding on him.

  Grinning, Jimmy mumbled, “It worked, didn’t it?”

  Logan sighed. “Are you okay? Did you tear anything?”

  Jimmy didn’t think so. His wounds were securely closed, the stitches taken out yesterday. It was his cracked bones underneath that still ached, needing a few more days to truly heal.

  “I’m fine,” Jimmy assured, clamping his left hand on Logan’s shoulder. He gave his mate a smile. “Let’s go…and no hero shit,” he warned.

  Offering a smirk at him over his shoulder, Logan led the way through the door. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Right,” Jimmy grumbled.

  He followed closely, keeping a sharp eye for anything. He need not have worried about it, for he easily heard several voices growling and snarling at each other.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, vampire? Taking over another’s mind to take blood?”

  Jimmy realized that was obviously Geoffrey, recognizing his gruff, deep voice.

  Another man that sounded vaguely familiar answered. “I do what I must to survive, gargoyle. Don’t you?”

  So odd!

  “Don’t hand me that bullshit!” Geoffrey snarled. “You’ve got him hiding in there, afraid of both of us. You have a wife and kids, and yet you draw blood from another. If you loved your beloved so much, you’d never stray from her!”


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