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Slick 2

Page 13

by Brenda Hampton

  As I made my way to the bedroom, I was alarmed to see my bedroom doors closed. Then a grin appeared on my face. I had a feeling that Lesa was in there naked as a jaybird, waiting on daddy to come home. Like a kid in a candy store, I swung the door open, only to find myself several feet away from a growling pit bull that was sitting on my bed like he owned it. My smile quickly vanished. The second he showed more of his sharp teeth, I tossed the chicken bone at him and the beer can. I then jetted so fast down the hallway that I dropped my suitcase.

  I slipped on the hardwood floor, and as I ran to the living room, I wasn’t sure how close the pit bull was behind me. I didn’t have time to turn around. I hurdled over the couch and wound up splitting the crotch area of my slacks. One of my vases crashed to the floor, and I knocked over a plant as I darted to my office. Loud barking seemed closer and closer.

  The second I made it to my office, the pit bull chomped down on my ankle. I was barely able to pull my foot inside of the door before slamming it hard. He jumped on the glass doors, barking and gazing at me as if he wanted to eat me alive. My chest heaved in and out; I was completely out of breath. I felt blood trickling down my ankle, so I reached in my pocket for my cell phone. I stood with one hand against the door, trying my best to keep it closed. It wasn’t an easy task, because the pit bull kept charging at the door, desperately trying to get inside. Now I wished I had gone into the kitchen where one of my guns was. It was too late to think about that, but not too late for me to tell the dispatcher I needed the cops to get here fast.

  It took the police nearly ten minutes to arrive. By then, the pit bull sat calmly in front of the door, as if he hadn’t planned on moving anytime soon. I was on the phone with a police officer whom I told where to find an extra key outside. He entered my house through the garage. Hearing someone come inside caused the pit bull to sit up. He started barking and growling. The officers moved quickly. They wore protection, and as the dog charged one of the officers, the other one quickly gave the dog a shot to calm him. I felt so relieved when they got the dog under control. He was taken out of my house, and I definitely didn’t want to see him again.

  “You need a doctor,” the officer said, looking down at my ankle. “An ambulance is on the way.”

  I didn’t think the dog had bitten me, but he had for sure grazed me. The paramedics came, and as they took care of my ankle, I told the officers what had happened. They looked around my house for at least thirty minutes. One of the officers came into the living room where I was sitting on the couch to give me a piece of paper.

  “This was on your bed,” he said. “Did you read this?”

  I removed the paper from his hand, opened, and read it: ALL DOGS HAVE BAD DAYS. YOU SHOULD KNOW.

  “No, I didn’t get a chance to read this. Like I said, the dog was on my bed. I barely made it into the room.”

  “Do you have any idea who could have put that dog in here?”

  I shrugged. “No, I don’t. This is the second incident, but I have no idea who is behind what I now consider stalking me.”

  I informed the officers about the note on my windshield. I also mentioned what had happened at Sylvia’s place and about the scratch on her car. They said this sounded pretty serious, and asked why I hadn’t reported the note.

  “I wasn’t sure if it was for me. At least, not until Sylvia told me what was going on with her. The dog incident confirms that someone is after both of us. I believe they’ve been watching us, too.”

  “We’ll do our best to help you get to the bottom of this, but do you mind if we speak to Sylvia? She may be able to shed more light on this, and if she’s reported some of the incidents, that would help during our investigation.”

  “Please do speak to her.”

  I gave the officers her contact information. They promised to be in touch. I surely hoped that they got some answers, because the person responsible needed to be dealt with ASAP.

  After the police left, I called Lesa to make sure she was okay, and to tell her what had happened. She didn’t answer her phone, so I left a voice mail, asking that she return my call soon. I’d thought about going over to her place, but I wanted to give her all the space she needed right now. Things had been going well between us, and I didn’t want any fuckups.

  While waiting for her to call back, I removed the dirty sheets from my bed and took them to the washroom to be washed. I swept up broken glass from a vase then straightened the plant I had knocked over. I also wiped smudge marks from my office doors that came from the pit bull’s claws. I took a long, hot shower, and once I was done, I checked my phone to see if Lesa had called back. She hadn’t. Maybe she was asleep. It was rather late. I figured she would call back if or when she got my message.

  Her call never came. I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I kept thinking about who could be responsible for this. Who had a key to enter my house and was brave enough to put a dog like that on my bed? I seriously didn’t know. Neither Dana nor Lesa was at the top of my list. My mind traveled back to some of the cases I’d worked on. I even thought about that fool, Lewis McFarlin, who had been creeping with Dana. He would definitely do something like this. I made a mental note to make sure he was still behind bars. There was no question that I had enemies. But who . . . who was after me and Sylvia?

  Speaking of Sylvia, I wanted to alert her that the police needed to speak to her. I called twice, but got no answer. Then, I thought, what if someone had done something tragic to her? What if she wasn’t as successful as I had been in getting away from the dog? I was starting to worry, and since I couldn’t sleep, I decided to put on some clothes and go check on her. She was used to my pop-up visits. It was late, but I didn’t think she’d have a problem with me stopping by.

  I arrived at Sylvia’s place slightly before midnight. She opened the door, looking to be wide awake, yet in shock to see me standing there.

  “Wha . . . what are you doing here?” she said.

  “I stopped by to make sure you were okay, and to tell you what happened at my house tonight. Nothing like what happened to you, but definitely quite scary.”

  Wearing a silk nightgown, Sylvia opened the door to let me inside. A sweet smell tickled my nose, and I loved the way she always kept her contemporary-decorated apartment so sleek and clean. Not everybody could do white leather couches and rugs. She did it perfectly. I guessed there was a benefit to living alone.

  “Have a seat,” she said. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “No, I’d better not. But thanks, though.”

  I sat on the couch and began to tell Sylvia what I walked in on tonight. She seemed deeply concerned, and encouraged me to find out more about Lesa.

  “Jonathan, I know you don’t want to hear this, but how well do you know her? I think you’re giving her too much credit. What if she’s the one doing this?”

  “I know her well enough to know that she’s not brave enough to put a dog like that in my bedroom. That I know for sure. And I’m not giving her too much credit. She’s capable of doing some things, just not that.”

  Sylvia scratched her head. “What I’m saying is she could have gotten someone else to do it. Besides, how did the person get into your house? No one has a key but her.”

  “She doesn’t have a key to your place, does she? How do you think someone got in here?”

  “Unfortunately, I keep an extra key underneath my mat. It was missing. It’s still missing. I had the locks changed, and I also bought a gun, just in case the person who was here decides to come back. I’m not playing around with this, Jonathan. I will hurt somebody if they come in on me. I’ve been real uneasy around here, to the point where I kind of want to move.”

  “I think you have to do whatever to protect yourself, and if you feel like moving, by all means do it. I’m going to have a new alarm system put in tomorrow. One with cameras so I can catch the person in the act, if they decide to come back. I haven’t been that scared in a long time. My heart was racing fast. You would ha
ve thought I was Usain Bolt, trying to get away from that damn pit bull.”

  Sylvia laughed then covered her mouth. “It’s not funny, but as you were telling me about it, I got a picture in my head of you running away from that dog. So terrible of someone to do that, and I’m glad your injuries weren’t worse.”

  “Shiiiit, me too. He almost got me. He was minutes away from knocking that door down and getting some of this chocolate meat.”

  Sylvia sat silent then picked up the remote to turn on the TV that was mounted above the fireplace. She cleared her throat. “Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?” she said. “What about some popcorn?”

  “Popcorn? Why would I eat popcorn this late?”

  “Because it’s a good late-night snack. Besides, I was about to watch a movie before you came. Couldn’t sleep and Coming to America is on again.”

  “Coming to America? That old movie?”

  “Old, but like new every time I watch it.”

  Sylvia got up and went into the kitchen. She popped popcorn then returned with a bottled water and a beer. She gave me the water. “Here. Just in case your throat is dry.”

  I snatched the beer from her hand then gave her back the water. She sat on the couch, and we began watching Coming to America. We laughed at several scenes, and commended Eddie Murphy for making this one of the best films ever. Sylvia started to tell me some more of her favorite movies, and I shared some of mine.

  “Oooo, I love New Jack City,” she said. “That’s another one of my favorites.”

  “New Jack City and The Godfather,” I said. “Scarface is up there, too, and don’t let me forget about Primal Fear. That movie just did something to me.”

  “Primal Fear? I don’t remember much about that one, but didn’t it have something to do about a lawyer or something?”

  I gave Sylvia a recap. The discussion about movies turned into favorite songs. Sylvia rushed up from the couch to go get a record that she insisted I needed to hear. Before she stepped away, I reached for her hand. She turned her head and looked at me.

  “Sit down,” I said to her. “Just for a minute.”

  She inched back then slowly sat next to me.

  “I just want to get a few things off my chest,” I said. “First thing, I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you the other day. I know my words hurt and my tone wasn’t exactly the best, but in order for you to understand why I went there, I must tell you why. The truth is Jaylin and I are good friends, but also big competitors. We always have been and always will be. When I found out about the two of you having sex, it bothered me for days. Maybe even weeks. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and he was the last person I ever thought you would do something like that with. Now, it’s as if he has or has had everything I want. In no way am I jealous of him, but I just wanted something, especially a woman who I was once in love with, he couldn’t have. You made it too easy, and I was upset with you. Angry to the point where I wanted to take you and shake you. I wanted you to hurt, and deep down, it is my hope that you regret being with him.”

  Sylvia quickly spoke up. “I do, Jonathan. I really do, but I can’t change what happened between us. I know why you’ve been a little harsh toward me. I totally get it. I also don’t believe you will ever fully forgive me. I’m not okay with us just being friends, but considering all that has happened, it’s the least we can be.” She held out her hand and I shook it. “Friends,” she said.

  “Always,” I replied. “Friends.”

  She walked off to get the music. We found ourselves dancing and laughing until the wee hours of the morning. By that time, I had had several drinks. So had she, and it wasn’t long before she passed out on the couch and went to sleep. I planted a soft kiss on her forehead then locked the door on my way out.



  I could sense it was a dream, but with Jonathan being in my apartment, and with Lesa’s cheating heavy on my mind, it took me back to what had happened between us when I told him about Dana’s affair.

  Nearly everyone in the office had left that day, but as usual, I hung around to see what else I could get off my plate. I didn’t mind working overtime, because I was deeply in love with my boss. As his administrative assistant, I wanted everything to be in order. I was in the copy room making copies of several spreadsheets Jonathan needed for his meeting the next day. Piles of paper were stacked everywhere, and the copy machine was so loud that I couldn’t hear a thing. My gray short, fuzzy skirt that I wore gripped every bit of my big butt, as well as my hips, which I often swayed from side to side to get Jonathan’s attention. My black silk blouse revealed a healthy part of my cleavage, and my black stilettos increased my height by five inches.

  With my back facing the door, I glanced at the round clock on the wall, seeing that it was already ten minutes to six. I had hoped to be done by six-thirty, just so I could get home and check out my favorite show on TV. The room was kind of stuffy, and when I realized that a few beads of sweat had dotted my forehead, I reached over to the thermostat to lower the temperature. As soon as my hand touched the thermostat, I felt another set of hands on my hips. I was startled, but then again, I already knew who was behind me from the smell of his intoxicating cologne, which always left me breathless. I was shocked that he had touched me in such a way, but without saying one word, I reached my hand up to rub the back of his head.

  “I need you, Sylvia,” Jonathan whispered with his lips close to my ear. “I need you now.”

  Without hesitating, I said three words to my best friend’s husband: “Take me now.”

  He slowly removed the buttons on my silk blouse, one by one. He then pulled it open, massaging my breasts together and manipulating my hard nipples. I squirmed from the touch of his hands, and, unable to stop this, I turned around to face him.

  We stared into each other’s eyes, knowing that what we were about to do was wrong on so many different levels. Jonathan, however, inched my miniskirt over the curves in my hips and eased my lace panties down to the floor. I happily stepped out of them then turned to face the copier. I bent over slightly, and displaying how flexible I was, I hiked my right leg on top of the copier, so that Jonathan could have easier access to my pussy.

  He held my leg in place with one hand and unzipped his pants with the other. They dropped to his ankles, and it didn’t take long for him to step out of his pants and shoes. He pressed his hardness against my butt, but that was only to tease me. I remained quiet as ever, but I held my breath when Jonathan dropped to his knees and began to take light licks between my legs. My pussy was staring him right in the face, and enjoying every bit of his delicate licks. His tongue searched deeper and hit a hot spot that caused my legs to buckle.

  “Hold on, baby,” he said. “I need to taste a bit more of this.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus elsewhere but couldn’t. Jonathan’s thick fingers kept circling my clit, and after two more minutes of his outstanding pussy-licking performance, I was ready to spray his face with my juices. He, however, stopped in mid-action and returned to standing behind me. He aimed the chunky meat on his head right at my sopping wet slit and teased the hell out of me by rubbing it against my walls. Seconds later, he inched his way in, causing me to halt my breathing again. I squeezed my eyes, thinking that my best friend’s husband’s dick felt even better than I ever imagined it would be. The feeling was so spectacular that I bounced my ass against him, just to bring more pleasure. The sounds of my gushing pussy juices echoed in the tiny room, and Jonathan could hear, see, and feel how excited I was to receive all that he was giving me.

  “This pussy is so wet and good, baby, that I can barely stand. I want this shit to last longer, so let’s move over to the chair or table,” he suggested.

  I hated for him to pull out of me, but when he chose to sit in the chair, I straddled him and positioned his dick to enter me again. This time, I moved at a slow pace that caused him to drop his head back and close his eyes in
thought. Jonathan held my ass and pulled my cheeks far apart so his thick meat could sink farther into me. We both moaned together, giving the chair a real workout. It squeaked, rolled around, and almost tilted over as I gave Jonathan the best ride that I could possibly give him.

  It was so obvious that in this moment, and at this time, neither of us had any regrets. None, but it didn’t mean that I couldn’t tell that Jonathan had something heavy on his mind. The way he kept shaking his head said so, and when he lowered his head to suck my breasts, I held his face with my hands, lifting it. I sucked his thick lips with mine then stared into his serious, pain-filled eyes. I could now see the hurt in them and had started to regret my aggressiveness. A slow tear rolled down my cheek, but I continued to ride him.

  “I had to do this, Jonathan,” I said tearfully. “Please don’t hate me for betraying Dana.”

  Jonathan said not one word. He rose from the chair, securing me in his strong arms. Afterward, he laid me on the floor and maneuvered his body in between my legs. I wrapped my healthy legs around him and he rubbed up and down them before entering my wetness again. He then searched into my eyes, looking for answers about his wife, who was cheating on him with a much younger man.

  “I’ve had a rough day, Sylvia. I’m hurting and I know you have the answers for me. Please, tell me. I’m begging you to tell me if Dana is cheating on me. If so, I need to know: with who?” He dropped his head on my chest, but before he did, I could see his eyes fill with water. At that point, I wasn’t sure why we were doing this. It seemed as if Jonathan was using me and trying to get answers about his wife. I knew she’d been cheating on him for a very long time, and it angered me that she could have a man as gentle and kind as Jonathan, yet not appreciate him.

  So confused, I pressed my hand against Jonathan’s chest for him to back away from me. His limp dick slid out of me, but I could feel a flood of my juices raining down my crack. I sat up on my elbows, looking at him and not knowing what to say.


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