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by Susan Williams

  Tshekedi ruptures reconciliation 201–3, 207–8

  permanent banishment 211–21, 253, 254

  Bangwato delegation 224–6, 231–3

  Ian’s birth 253–4

  in Addiscombe 254, 255, 256

  transfer of authority to Rasebolai 262

  1955 Labour Party conference 272

  negotiations over return 266–7, 273–4, 275, 276–9, 281, 283–9

  return to Bechuanaland 290–98,303, 304

  Ruth’s return to Bechuanaland 298, 300, 301

  twins’ birth 303

  Tshekedi’s death 304, 305

  political role 305–9, 310, 312–15

  Kenya’s Independence celebrations 311

  knighted 316

  Independence 316, 317, 318–20

  as President 321, 323, 325–7

  death 327–8

  legacy 329–30

  Khama, Seretse Khama Ian

  arrival in Bechuanaland 300 birth 253–4

  childhood in England 286

  Independence celebrations 318

  as Kgosi Khama IV 327

  Khama, Tshekedi

  as Regent 30–32, 35, 37, 323

  deposed by British 38–9

  attitude to women 57, 58

  Seretse’s education 3, 9

  Seretse’s marriage 17–18, 19, 20, 25–6

  Kgotla on Seretse’s marriage 40, 41, 42, 43–51

  installation of Seretse 65, 67

  voluntary exile 86–7

  Harragin Inquiry 94, 95, 96, 98, 99

  British plan to exile 125, 132

  meets Baring 135

  lawsuit over Khama’s will 162

  reconciliation and Aide Memoire 173–4, 181–4, 185, 188

  ruptures reconciliation 201–3

  campaign against banishment 206–9, 211 212–13, 220, 222

  exclusion order lifted 243–4

  Kgotla to choose new Chief 245

  Africa Bureau 253

  Ian’s birth 254

  common front with Seretse 275, 276–7, 278–9

  negotiations over return 283, 284–5, 287

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 291, 292, 293–4, 295, 297, 300

  Tribal Council 304

  death 304–5

  Khama, Tshekedi Stanford 303, 318

  Kimathi, Dedan 264

  King, Dr Martin Luther 280, 329

  Kroonstad African Community 146

  Laithwaite, Sir Gilbert 271, 284

  Le Rougetel, Sir John 211, 244

  Kgotla on delegation’s return 238, 239

  Kgotla to nominate new Chief 259, 260

  Oratile nominated as acting Kgosi 242, 243

  League of Coloured Peoples 143

  Lee, Jennie 156, 196, 240, 264, 277–8

  Legum, Colin 253

  Lennox-Boyd, Alan 213, 299–300

  Leposo, Gaothobogwe 223, 228

  Lesotho 318, 325

  see also Basutoland

  Letsema 105–6

  Levy, Benn 252

  Lewin, Julius 281

  Lewis, Peter 193–5, 196–8, 227

  Liesching, Sir Percivale

  appointed as High Commissioner 271

  decision to banish Khamas 176

  Gordon Walker’s visit 206

  Harragin Inquiry 109

  Kgotla boycott 139–40

  meetings with Seretse 120–21, 124–5, 131

  riots 259

  Seretse’s marriage 67, 68, 72–4, 75, 76

  Seretse’s permanent banishment 211

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 279–80, 283, 284

  South African representations 153, 154

  Tshekedi ruptures reconciliation 202

  Tshekedi’s deposition 39

  Life 82, 89, 170–71, 292

  Lipson, Daniel 208, 232, 361n

  Livingstone, David 29

  Lloyd, Sir Thomas 214

  Lobatse 158–9, 160–61, 172, 312

  London Missionary Society (LMS) 4, 8, 14, 29

  Seretse’s marriage 23, 41, 54

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 293

  Tshekedi’s death 305

  London, University of 5

  Louw, Eric 282

  Lovedale College 4, 49, 57, 103

  Lumumba, Patrice 329

  Luthuli, Albert 329

  Machel, Samora 328, 329

  McIntosh, Phineas 38, 39, 85, 86

  Mackenzie, Sir Compton 252

  MacKenzie, Forbes 142, 180–81, 260–61, 269

  Bangwato boycott 174–5, 188

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 161–2, 166–7

  Macmillan, Harold 271, 310–311

  Macmillan, Professor W. M. 208, 209, 361n

  Mafeking Mail 320

  Mafikeng 36, 97, 102, 109, 312, 313

  Mahalapye 57, 159–60, 166–7, 169

  Makalaka 47

  Makeba, Miriam 301

  Malan, Dr Daniel 36, 188, 212, 226, 249, 280

  representations to British Government 65, 68, 72, 97, 153–4

  transfer of HCTs 112

  Malawi 311

  see also Nyasaland

  Malaya 265

  Malekantwa regiment 222

  Manchester Guardian 152, 206, 220, 231–2, 241, 270

  Mandela, Nelson 111, 329, 330

  ANC 100

  in Bechuanaland 27, 315

  Botswana 325, 326

  Fort Hare 4

  Freedom Charter 280–81

  Wits 4–5

  Mannin, Ethel 252

  Manyaphiri [Ikitseng, Manyaphiri], wife of 218, 223

  Marina, Princess of Kent 317, 319, 320

  Marks, J. B. 100

  Martin, Kingsley 252

  Masire, Ketumile 307–8, 314, 316, 320–22, 327, 329–30

  Matante, Philip 307, 316

  Mathangwane, Mongwaketse 223, 231

  Mau Mau uprising 8, 250–51, 264, 309

  Meikles Hotel, Salisbury 299, 300

  Menon, Krishna 145, 257

  Messel, Oliver 220–21

  Mikardo, Ian 156

  minerals 275–6, 277, 323

  miners 33, 51, 103

  Mochudi 313–14

  Moeng College 32, 37, 207, 209

  Moffat, Robert 29

  Mohumagadi 84

  Moikangoa, Dr Don

  Jacqueline’s birth 169, 170, 180

  Ruth’s pregnancy 92, 94, 164, 165

  support for Seretse 162–3

  Mokgosi, Kgosi of the Balete 44, 49, 50, 103, 118, 276, 296

  Molefi, Kgosi of Bakgatla 96, 295

  Monday Club 311

  Mondlane, Eduardo 329

  Monks, Noel

  accusing British of hypocrisy 83

  Baring 136, 138

  Churchill’s protest 134

  Harragin Inquiry 94, 95

  Jacqueline’s birth 171

  Kgotla on Seretse’s marriage 49

  Khamas leaving Bechuanaland 180, 186

  Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 79

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 159, 160, 172

  sympathy for Khamas 87–8

  Monsarrat, Nicholas 115

  Kgotla boycott 135, 137, 138

  Khamas leaving Bechuanaland 182, 185, 186–7

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 159, 160, 161, 165–6, 167–8

  Moremi, Mrs 96, 142, 176, 243

  Morrison, Herbert 175

  Moshoela, Ella 31

  Moshoeshoe II, King of Lesotho 328

  Mosinyi, Goareng 46, 136–7, 175, 260

  Movement for Colonial Freedom (MCF) 264–6, 277

  Mpotokwane, Mtultwatsi 223, 227, 230

  Mugabe, Robert 4

  Murumbi, Joseph 266

  Mutesa II, Edward (King Freddie) 258–9, 264, 270–71

  Naledi ya Batswana 80, 82, 147, 242, 307

  Nasha, Margaret 323, 324

  Natal Mercury 146

  Natal Witness 76

  Nationalist Minded Bloc 100

>   Native Authority 108, 261, 267

  Nettelton, Gerald

  Harragin Inquiry 95

  Kgotla boycott 136

  Khamas leaving Bechuanaland 178, 179

  Ruth 54

  Seretse leaves Bechuanaland 115, 117–18

  Seretse’s marriage 42, 43

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 164, 165

  New Statesman 252

  News Chronicle 81, 206, 252, 257–8

  Ngakane, Lionel 256

  Ngoyi, Mrs Lilian 273, 301

  Nigeria 152, 265, 288, 311

  Njonjo, Charles 10, 11, 193, 252, 255

  Seretse’s marriage 14, 21, 23

  Nkomo, Joshua 4

  Nkrumah, Kwame 21, 199, 329

  Appiah’s wedding 257

  Pan-African Congress 12, 13, 309

  self-government and Independence 211–12, 250, 309

  Nkumbula, Harry 10, 21, 70–71

  Noble, Commander Alan 276, 277, 278, 282

  Noel-Baker, Philip 74, 75, 124

  Harragin Inquiry 77, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113–14

  meeting with Seretse 121–3

  South African representations 65, 66, 153–4

  Northern Rhodesia 33

  Federation plans 10, 212, 213, 253, 263, 265, 271, 280

  Independence 311

  objection to installation of Seretse 71

  see also Zambia

  Nthobatsang, Oabona 46–7, 245, 295

  Nutford House 10, 14, 15

  Nyasaland 33

  Devlin Commission 309–10

  Federation plans 10, 212, 213, 253, 263, 265, 271, 280

  Independence 311

  Nyerere, Julius 4, 5, 325–6, 328

  Observer 202, 206, 253

  Orapa 323

  Orchard, Ronald 19, 23, 24

  Ottawa Journal 311

  Oxford University 3, 5, 8–9

  Padmore, George 11, 257

  Page, Graham 277

  Page-Wood, Mrs 81, 204

  Palapye 38, 297

  Pan-African Congress, Fifth 12–13, 309

  Parks, Rosa 280

  Paton, Alan 36, 81, 232, 256

  Patterson, Reverend Leonard 17, 19, 20, 23–4

  Paver, B. G. 111, 147

  Pela, Walter Stanford 103

  Picture Post 7, 88, 207

  Pilikwe 243

  Pilkington, Dr Roger 8, 9, 19–20, 23, 24–5

  Protectorates 33

  see also Bechuanaland; Northern Rhodesia; Nyasaland

  Racial Unity 225, 226

  Raditladi, Leetile 242, 245

  Rametsana 86–7, 218

  Rand Daily Mail 146, 208, 236, 289

  Rathcreedan, Lord 122, 123, 131, 216, 266

  Bangwato delegation 224, 226–7

  Ratshosa, Simon 58

  Read, Tony 311

  Red Cross 326, 328

  Redcliffe-Maud, Sir John 328

  Redfern, John 78–9, 85, 221

  Bangwato delegation 224, 225

  book published 270

  Gordon Walker’s visit 205

  hostility to Seretse and Ruth 58–9, 84

  Kgotla boycott 137, 139

  Redgrave, Michael 252

  Rey, Charles 38, 39

  Rhodes, Cecil 33, 34, 35

  Rhodesia 311–12, 318, 324–5

  see also Southern Rhodesia; Zimbabwe

  Rhodesia Herald 185, 288, 300

  Ringadoo, Veerasamy 10

  riots 236–42

  Robertson, Fyfe 88, 207

  Robeson, Paul 11, 153

  Rogers, Douglas 265–6

  Russell, Bertrand 252

  Ruth and Seretse (Redfern) 270

  Rutherford, Bruce 268

  Salisbury, Lord

  Bangwato delegation 223, 224, 227–30, 231, 232, 235

  Oratile nominated as acting Kgosi 242, 243

  replacement 259

  Seretse’s permanent banishment 214–15, 216, 217, 219

  Sampson, Anthony 253

  San 28

  Scott, Reverend Michael 203, 207–8, 253, 305

  Seager, Reverend Alan 42, 44, 78, 79, 223, 238

  Sebele, Kgosi of the Bakwena 34, 222

  Sebinas 297

  Second World War 7–8, 11–12, 175

  Sefhare 287, 297

  Sekgoma II 30, 45, 58

  Sekgoma, Peto

  boycott 136–7, 188

  delegation to Britain 223, 227, 228

  Kgotla on delegation’s return 235, 236, 239, 241

  proposal to banish 176

  release from prison 268–9

  Seretse’s marriage 43, 44, 48, 50–51

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 158, 160–61, 170, 297

  Seretse, Gasebalwe 287

  Seretse, Lenyeletse 32, 41, 137, 242

  Seretse, Serogola 44, 47, 48, 136–7

  Seretse Khama Campaign Committee 240–41, 251, 252

  Seretse Khama Fighting Committee 143–4, 150–51, 152, 195, 351n

  Bangwato boycott 174, 175

  Bangwato delegation 225

  Serowe 29, 79, 245

  Shaw, Minnie 78, 79, 85

  Shawcross, Hartley 177

  Sierra Leone 311

  Sillery, Anthony

  dislike of Ruth 176

  Harragin Inquiry 95, 96

  Kgotla boycott 135, 136

  recommends Seretse’s installation 66–7

  riot equipment 108

  Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 59–60, 79, 80, 86

  Seretse leaves Bechuanaland 115–18

  Seretse’s marriage 42, 43

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 162

  Sisulu, Walter 111, 146, 256, 280–81

  Slovo, Joe 5, 315

  Smith, Ian 311–12, 318

  Smuts, General Jan 32, 36, 109, 148–9, 151, 249

  Sobhuza 111

  Somaliland 265

  Sorensen, Reverend Reginald 133, 144, 252

  SOS Children’s Villages 329

  South Africa 37

  apartheid 212, 249–50, 263, 271, 280–81, 308–9

  Appiah’s wedding 257–8

  and Bechuanaland 33–6

  and Botswana 324–6

  British appeasement 139, 140, 147–9

  Fort Hare Native University 4

  incorporation of HCTs 205, 281–3, 297, 314–15

  Macmillan’s visit 310–11

  mines 33, 51, 276

  opposition to installation of Seretse 65, 68, 70, 72, 73–4, 76–7, 97, 102–3, 107, 109–10, 111, 342n

  prohibits Khamas 97, 102, 298

  representations to British government 153–5, 156

  Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 91–2

  Seretse’s exile 146–7, 176–7

  Seretse’s permanent banishment 211, 213, 216, 219–21

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 279–80, 281, 288, 301

  South African Indian Congress 146

  Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC) 326

  Southern Rhodesia 33, 59–60

  and Botswana 325

  Federation plans 10, 212, 213, 253, 263, 265, 271, 280

  hostility to recognizing Seretse 212

  opposition to installation of Seretse 67, 68–70, 71, 73, 97, 102–3, 107, 109

  Ruth’s return to Bechuanaland 299–300

  UDI 311–12, 318

  Stansgate, Lord 229–30, 252

  Star 146, 186, 245, 292, 297, 300, 301, 302

  Stimson, Robert 135

  Stonehouse, John 195, 199, 259, 320

  Strachan, Billy 143

  Strauss, J. G. N. 211

  Strijdom, Johannes 68, 280, 282–3

  Suez crisis 279, 284, 310

  Sugar Hill club 197–8

  Suiderstem 146

  Sullivan, Richard 50–51, 136, 160, 172–3, 182

  Sunday Express 165

  Sunday Times 292

  Swart, Charles 257–8

  Swaziland 37, 111, 142, 325

bsp; Independence 318

  transfer to South Africa 35, 281, 282

  Swinton, Lord 259, 261, 271

  Syers, Sir Cecil 21

  Tamana, Dora 273

  Tambo, Oliver 4, 111, 315, 329

  Tanganyika 265, 311

  Tanzania 311, 325

  Thema, B. C. 321– 2

  Thema, Selope 99–100, 111

  Thompson, A. C. 95, 100–102

  Thorndike, Dame Sybil 252

  Thornton, Betty 52, 53

  Tiger Kloof 4, 103, 307

  Time 218, 306

  Times, The 147, 152, 206, 220, 245, 260, 285, 313, 322, 328

  Tomlinson Commission 280, 281

  Transvaler, Die 147, 221, 270, 288

  Tribune 207

  Trinidad 145

  Tutu, Desmond 4

  Uganda 258–9, 265, 311

  Umthunywa 147

  Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) 311, 318

  United States 145–6, 153, 280, 308–9, 312

  uranium 68, 74, 342n

  Vaderland 147

  Verwoerd, Dr Hendrik 263, 314, 315

  Victoria, Queen 33, 34, 35, 201

  Vieyra, Mr 241

  Volkgtem 146

  Volksblad, Die 146–7, 221

  Wand, Dr 23–4

  Wedgwood Benn, Anthony see Benn, Tony

  Welensky, Roy 263

  West African Review 21

  West African Students Union (WASU) 11, 12, 143

  West Indies 265

  West Indies cricket team 193

  Whately, Monica 241, 266

  White Paper 149, 151–3, 156

  Whyte, Quintin 111, 281

  Williams, Dorothy 16, 17, 52, 53, 55, 193

  Williams, G. Mennen 308

  Williams, George 16, 17, 20, 55, 193

  Williams, Sir Herbert 133

  Williams, Muriel 16, 53, 54, 55, 60, 192

  intention to join Ruth 164, 176

  Ruth and Seretse’s courtship and marriage 14, 15, 23, 25

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 290

  Williams, Ruth see Khama, Ruth

  Winstanley, George 243, 244, 268, 287, 297–8

  Witwatersrand Native Labour Association 293

  Witwatersrand, University of 4–5

  women 57–8

  flogging in kgotla 269

  fund-raising for delegation 223

  Kgotla on delegation’s return 236, 239, 240, 241

  leadership roles 242–3

  request for Ruth’s return 208–210

  Ruth remains in Bechuanaland 119

  Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 80, 81, 82

  Ruth’s return to Bechuanaland 300

  Ruth’s welfare work 298–9, 302–3

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 288–9, 293, 294, 301

  Woodford, Stan 86

  World, The 273–4

  Wray, Martin 269, 283, 286, 287–9, 293, 297, 298

  Wyatt, Woodrow 156

  Xuma, Dr Alfred 111

  Yorkshire Post 253

  Zambia 311, 324, 325

  see also Northern Rhodesia

  Zanzibar 265, 311

  zebras 318

  Zimbabwe 327


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