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Fantasmagorical Page 1

by Annmarie McKenna

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  512 Forest Lake Drive

  Warner Robins, Georgia 31093


  Copyright © 2007 by Annmarie McKenna

  Cover by Anne Cain

  ISBN: 1-59998-579-9

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2007


  Annmarie McKenna


  I have to dedicate Fantasmagorical to all those manlove writers whose books and ideas somehow wormed their way into my head. I hadn’t meant for my two heroes to be gay but I guess that’s what they wanted J. To all the manlove writers out there, you guys rock!

  Chapter One

  “Dayum.” Evan Knight’s duffel bag dropped to the ornate tiled floor with a thud. Sweat beaded her upper lip and rolled off her body everywhere else. Her forehead, the small of her back, between her breasts. “Look at all those chests.”

  “Makes you want to dive right in, doesn’t it? Part the sea of male specimens.” Kiley came to a stop next to Evan, so close their shoulders rubbed. She leaned over as if to whisper, but what she said could have been heard on the mainland. “Which one do you want?”

  Evan smiled. “I don’t know, I don’t care, but it better be that one.” She pointed none too shyly at the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen in her life. The same half-naked man currently surrounded by a throng of other women.

  “Mmm,” Kiley sighed, clearly not paying any attention to Evan’s god of choice. “Methinks I like the redhead stroking his… Oh my God. Have you ever seen one that big? It’s huge!”

  Evan reluctantly removed her gaze from the sandy-haired Adonis. “Wow. That is impressive.”

  Kiley clasped Evan’s hand and tugged them both toward the man in question. Evan guessed it was okay to leave her bag unattended for a few minutes. Fantasmagorical was a private resort after all, only invited guests and the employees were permitted on the property.

  Before they even reached the man, Kiley was already talking. “That is beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” His green eyes lit up and Evan watched them touch on every inch of Kiley’s hourglass figure before settling on her face.

  Evan snorted. He didn’t even look at her. Too bad, because he was rather yummy.

  “Is it as soft as it looks?” Not one shy bone in her best friend’s body.


  “So big. May I touch it?” Kiley’s fingertips were already stretching toward the object of her fascination.

  “If it would please you.”

  She hesitated. “Will it bite?”

  The corners of his mouth quirked. “I would never allow it to hurt a guest, my sweet.”

  Jeez, looked like Kiley had already been claimed. A sharp bark of laughter followed by several female giggles made Evan turn to the man who’d first garnered her notice, and sigh. Probably no way in hell of attracting that particular Adonis’s interest. Not with that many women already vying for his attention. Besides, she didn’t have the perfect shape of Kiley or, apparently, the wiles of any of his groupies. But he was built to the specifications of all her fantasies, she whined to herself.

  “Suck my cock.”

  The loud squawk dragged Evan’s gaze back to Kiley, who practically cooed.

  “Oh my God, he’s so cute,” Kiley squeaked in delight. The girl had a thing for tropical birds, and she thrust a hand toward the bird once more to stroke the plumage of colorful feathers on top of the cockatoo’s head. His owner laughed one time before his face turned serious.

  He took a hold of Kiley’s chin. “I believe you’ve been claimed.”

  A rush of fire pooled in Evan’s belly at the intensity in the redhead’s gaze. Kiley whimpered.

  Who wouldn’t?

  “Do what Milo said. Drop to your knees and suck my cock.”

  Evan’s heart pounded and she swallowed. Where was the man who would talk to her in the same guttural, commanding tone? The one who would tell her to drop to her knees and suck his cock. The one who was the reason she’d come to this resort in the first place—to experience domination with absolutely no consequences.

  She watched, mesmerized, as her best friend in the whole world slowly sank to the ground in sudden submissiveness, her gaze never leaving the man’s.

  Holy shit. The brochure had been right. This place was every fantasy wrapped into one picturesque, private island, beachfront resort.

  Evan forced her fingers not to rub her throbbing clit as the man spread his thighs and set the cockatoo on a perch beside him. Kiley moved to the ties that held a loose pair of cotton pants together over an impressive bulge.

  “Eyes on my face,” he demanded.

  Evan licked her lips. This was so not fair. Why did Kiley get to go first? When was it her turn and why could she not stop watching? She’d never felt so liberated in her life. Perhaps knowing she was safe in this controlled environment made her feel this way? Both she and Kiley had had to undergo extensive testing before even being considered for this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  And damn, when you weren’t getting any at home…

  Kiley nimbly untied the loose knot at the bottom of the man’s six-pack. She pulled the waistband toward her with one hand and reached inside with the other to extract a rather stunning erection.

  The sweat on Evan’s skin increased tenfold, as did the moisture pooling between her thighs.

  Kiley’s open mouth moved forward, ready to take on the plum-shaped head glistening with what seemed to be several drops of pre-come. Evan was suddenly glad she wasn’t Kiley because she didn’t think she’d be able to take a cock the size of his.

  The tip of her friend’s pink tongue darted out to lick the slit when two hands settled on Evan’s shoulders.

  She jumped with a shriek only to be hauled back against a hard chest. Her heart slammed into her ribs, threatening to break them as a hand, liberally sprinkled with light brown hairs, covered one breast. The hardened nipple was rolled and tugged on just to the point of pain and released with a pluck.

  Evan moaned in desperate need and rested her head on whoever held her. She didn’t care who he was, only that her body clamored for him.

  Warm breath caressed her ear making her shiver in direct competition with the stifling heat of the air.

  “I think you need a couple of your own cocks to suck on.”

  Evan bit her lip. Cocks, plural?

  Chapter Two

  Gabe Lariet had recognized her as his the second she’d walked in the door. Her long, dark brown hair was caught up in a haphazard ponytail that had worked itself loose in the oppressive heat of Fantasm Island. He itched to rip the offending elastic off so he could see the thick strands flow over his thighs and belly when she sucked him off.

  Or better yet, over Lance’s cock while Gabe buried himself in her pussy. A pussy he knew by the tremble of her body and the scent of her essence was already wet and preparing itself for them.

  He pressed his erection into the small of her back and she melted into him. She was tiny compared to him. More than
a head shorter. They would need to be careful not to hurt her the first time they took her together. And make no mistake, they would most definitely fuck her at the same time. They’d shared women many, many times over their long friendship, especially since discovering some time a few years back that what would make them whole would be a third. A woman to complete their circle.

  He plucked at the woman’s distended nipples through the thin cotton of her shirt as she watched her friend take a good amount of Zach’s length down her throat. It looked like the friend could do some major sucking but she didn’t do anything for him. His taste ran to a certain petite brunette who would fall to the floor if he took a step back right now.

  Gabe supported her with his arm across her smooth tummy and continued to palm her breasts with the other. They were small, but damn if her nipples weren’t hard as rocks.

  “I’m claiming you,” he growled in her ear, glancing around at her face in time to see her eyes slide shut. She pursed her lips and nodded acceptance.

  There weren’t always matches at Fantasmagorical. He’d never had it happen to him, but occasionally it did happen that a guest wasn’t claimed for the entire week. In those cases, the guest’s name was put into a pool and they were then paired by the day. They spent their week being doted on by several different employees who’d been hired for the sole purpose of keeping unclaimed guests happy.

  Gabe and Lance, on the other hand, had made lots of women happy. Women looking for a ménage or a break from their traditional bedroom antics. They’d even had several return customers to the island who’d asked for them specifically, but they’d yet to connect with one on a spiritual level. The day would come eventually, either here on the island or back at home in Florida. And when they found her, they’d keep her forever.

  Fantasm Island, owned by his own eccentric billionaire uncle, got its business through word of mouth. Usually women, sometimes men, came to the resort ready for intense sexual freedom. Anything goes. Guests were tested both physically and mentally and only those who passed with flying colors were invited to come.

  “I’m claiming you too.” Lance’s voice rumbled beside him. The woman jumped in his arms and twisted to see who’d spoken. Her eyes widened to quarter-sized disks and she gasped. She looked around him at the group of women pouting after Lance.

  “You’re ours,” Gabe said and tugged her toward the rear exit. “Get her bag,” he threw over his shoulder.

  “Already taken care of.”

  “But my—”

  “Your friend is being well taken care of too, by Zach. Believe me.” Gabe took one elbow, Lance the other and headed to their quarters. If he didn’t relieve the tension in his cock soon, it was liable to explode before he got inside her.

  Palm trees lined all the pathways coming to and from the main resort building. Parties, dinners and dances were held at the big building. Smaller huts housed specialty rooms for any fantasy a guest could think up. If they couldn’t find what they wanted, the situation could be created.

  “I can’t wait, Gabe.” Lance drew to a stop along the balustrade outside.

  She squeaked when he backed her up to the concrete ledge and trapped her between his hands, which he rested beside her.

  “You are beautiful.” He nuzzled her throat. “What’s your name?”

  She gave a hysterical little laugh and tilted her head back to give Lance better access. Gabe moved to the other side and added his mouth.

  “This is really weird.” She moaned.

  “But what you want, right?” Gabe whispered, licking along the vein.

  When she paused too long, Lance said, “Answer him, sweetheart.”

  “Yes.” The word hissed from deep in her lungs.

  “From now on you answer us the first time.” Gabe placed a hand at her waist and slid it beneath her shirt. Lance’s met his at her breasts so they each held one. They manipulated the hardened tips simultaneously.

  She made a disparaging sound but didn’t balk at their command. It was part of her profile. She wished to be a submissive in every way that mattered sexually. Of course, her profile only provided a photo, not a name. All the “employees” were given profiles for each guest. It allowed them to claim the guest that interested them the most the minute they walked in the door.

  They weren’t given a name in case the guest desired to stay somewhat anonymous. If things didn’t work out, both guest and employee were allowed to trade at a mixer later in the week, or, if things were really bad right from the start, the owner would see to it the guest was directed to another employee. He wanted everyone to be happy.

  “This one time will be your only warning. From here on out you will be punished. Do you understand?” Lance demanded.


  “Good.” Lance pulled his hand from her shirt and tugged the fabric up and off her body, leaving her naked from the waist up.

  “Make sure you leave the bra off all week,” Gabe growled and cupped her mound. Her head fell back when he gave a tight squeeze. “The panties too.”

  “We want to be able to touch you, to fuck you, at anytime. Day or night.” Lance pressed his lips to hers and coaxed them open.

  Gabe watched her tongue dart out and tentatively touch the tip of Lance’s. His cock jerked behind the fly of his jeans. That tongue would be lapping at his erection very soon.

  “What’s your name, honey?” Gabe asked, adjusting his jeans around the persistent hard-on.

  She broke the kiss and looked back and forth between the two of them before swallowing and licking her lips.

  “Evan Kn—”

  Lance placed his fingers over her open mouth. “First names only, sweetheart.”

  She nodded.

  “Good. I’m gonna strip these shorts off you, set you on this ledge and eat your pussy until I’m full. You are to do nothing. No screaming, no touching.”

  Gabe helped divest Evan of the rest of her clothes, sticking the tiny, white lace panties smeared with her cream in his pocket. “Up you go, honey.” She was the most fucking gorgeous creature on the planet and he and Lance were about to get to know every intimate detail of her body. Damn if life wasn’t good.

  Chapter Three

  Holy shit. Was she really doing this? Letting a stranger, strangers, strip her naked and go down on her? In public? With the man who’d been surrounded by women? The same one she’d pointed at when they’d first walked in. And his friend. Two gorgeous men presenting her with the opportunity of a lifetime, because it was for damn sure this kind of thing would never happen in her real life.

  Evan’s heart raced in anticipation and a healthy amount of fear.

  Another couple had sequestered themselves in the corner and were…actually fucking. Evan had never thought of herself as a voyeur but it was hard to avoid it here. She had to admit, it turned her on. This place was incredible. More than lived up to its reputation.

  The blond knelt and spread her thighs with practiced ease. For a second, she balked, unsure she could really go through with this. A ménage a trois had been her ultimate fantasy. The first one she’d listed on the countless number of forms she and Kiley had filled out.

  She hadn’t really believed it would happen. For all her bravado and talking big, she was scared to death now. Except for the three-quarters of her body that said, “You’d have to be the most stupid girl in the world to turn down two red-hot blooded American males who both appear to want you.”

  Who cared if this is exactly what they got paid to do?

  The man’s—God, she didn’t even know his name—hand slid the length of her thighs, widening them as he went.

  “I’m Lance,” he said, reading her mind.

  She swallowed for the billionth time and nodded. What a moron. She’d been reduced to swallowing and nodding as if she had no tongue.

  His head came closer to her apex. Her clit seized and flooded with blood. Sucker was probably sticking straight out like a miniature hard-on. A pink tinge colored her cheeks as
his breath fanned over her skin.

  “She’s blushing, Lance.”

  The dark-haired god’s name was Gabe. She remembered Lance calling him that at least. He’d been the one to grab her from behind.

  Evan licked her lips and watched in wonder as her knees fell apart magically on their own. Lance insinuated himself in the space with a sly smile.

  “You think she wants this?” he asked Gabe.

  “I know it. Look at these nipples.” Gabe flicked at one distended nub and Evan had to bite her lip to keep from moaning.

  They’d said no screaming which was likely to become very ugly for her since she was a screamer.

  Lance’s long tongue shot out and licked her slit and she did it. She screamed. A short, staccato burst of sound that had both their heads lifting.

  Shit. Shit, shit, shit. She pressed her lips together and prayed to God they wouldn’t stop.

  “You were warned, sweetheart.” Lance rubbed a circle around her clit with his thumb. She squirmed and couldn’t squelch the whine.

  Gabe flexed his hands. She swallowed.

  “How much honey you think will flow from that pretty pussy when I redden her ass?” Gabe murmured, never taking his eyes off hers.

  “More than I can lap up.” Lance licked the length of her slit from asshole to clit and ended the pass with a swirl over the taut bundle of nerves. “Sweet fucking honey.”

  “Maybe I should have a taste.”

  Evan mewled. Gabe leaned at the waist and planted his face between her thighs. His tongue traveled the opposite direction, ending at the tightly puckered hole in back.

  Jesus. She’d never been touched there, but it had been another experience she’d written on her most-wanted list. Evan hadn’t imagined someone’s tongue being there though. Her back arched, forcing her pussy into his mouth, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  Velvety smoothness slipped into her channel. She opened her eyes. Two tongues tangled together at her pussy, slipping through her folds and rubbing against one another.


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