
Home > Paranormal > Fantasmagorical > Page 2
Fantasmagorical Page 2

by Annmarie McKenna

  Her groan rent the air.

  “I think we’ve got us a noisy one, Gabe.”

  “Mmm.” He stood, licking her cream from his lips like he’d just devoured barbecued ribs and was savoring the last of the sauce.

  Oh Lordy. She’d never last.

  Those lips took possession of hers. She tasted herself on him and opened to receive his tongue.

  The man could kiss. She lost herself and lifted her hands to cradle his face, keeping him right where she wanted him. There was definitely something to having two men pleasure you at the same time.

  Lance returned to her pussy, eating her like a starving man. He made no attempt to cover his slurping noises or the growls that erupted from his throat. Every time the tip of his tongue came into contact with her clit, she jerked.

  Gabe added his fingers on her breasts to the assault. He tweaked and pinched, rolled and pulled, engorging the buds until they were rock hard. When he broke contact between their lips, a tiny sob slipped out of her mouth.

  Evan sucked in a breath at the gleam in Gabe’s eyes. She glanced down to see the same look in Lance’s even as he continued to lap up every millimeter of her pussy. His top lip was covered in her slick juice. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen. Her previous lovers had only done such things in the dark.

  Gabe chuckled once and latched onto one of the nipples he’d just made stand at attention. Her hands, which had fallen to his shoulders, slipped off to dangle uselessly at her sides.

  Lance sealed his lips around her swollen clit and flicked his tongue back and forth, around and around, up and down. The pattern kept her orgasm just out of reach.

  Her spine and neck went noodly and she started to fall backward.

  The nipple popped from Gabe’s mouth. “Whoa, honey.” He pulled her forward and rested her forehead on his chest before returning to stroking her breasts.

  “Please,” she begged. Anything to come. So close…

  “Shh. Soon. Lance likes to take his time.”

  A finger joined Lance’s mouth, swirling and getting lubricated in her slick opening. It stabbed into her and she screamed again, loving how it felt in her long-since-used sheath.

  Another chuckle sounded above her. Evan didn’t care. She was delirious in the sensations bombarding her. If she got punished, she was sure she’d love it too.

  She glimpsed down, catching just enough of a peek of Lance to see him add a second finger to the first, stretching and preparing her for, she hoped, their cocks. A second later, he did something so amazing with his tongue, she exploded.

  If Gabe hadn’t been holding her she’d have flipped over the balustrade and landed on her head. He wrapped his arms around her and soothed her through the most intense orgasm of her life.

  Lance’s hand tightened on her thigh, keeping her in place, as he continued to taunt her spastic clit until her breathing returned to normal.

  Sweat clung to every inch of her naked body. Breathing wasn’t easy in the soupy atmosphere of the island anyway, let alone after the climax she’d just had. Now, completely sated, all she wanted to do was take a nap.

  Gabe’s chest rumbled against her cheek as he scooped her up and started walking with her. “My turn.”

  Chapter Four

  Lance led them to a bungalow set off the main path and hidden behind dense tropical foliage. It was their private residence for when they were on the island, one they’d never brought a guest to, but there was something about Evan. Something he’d felt after seeing her picture and reading her profile. Even then he’d wondered if she might be the one he and Lance had been waiting for. Lance must have felt it too or he would have headed straight for the bungalow assigned to her.

  Evan sighed contentedly and melted into Gabe’s arms. The woman was more than incredible. Heaven only knew why he felt this way. It wasn’t like him to let a woman affect him like this. He and Lance would have to sit down and do some serious talking later, because he for one didn’t want to see their time with Evan end.

  And he’d only known her for about fifteen minutes. Well, a couple of weeks now, if rereading her profile twenty-nine thousand times counted for anything. Just thinking about the hours he and Lance had spent pouring over her information made his dick hard. It was as if they couldn’t help themselves. Something about her had stood out to them like no previous guest had. She was beautiful, yes, but there had been a look in her eyes, a combination of shyness, passion, desire and vulnerability. They could have described her with a million different adjectives based on her picture alone.

  The fantasies she’d written about had been concise. She knew what she wanted and they’d liked the determination they could read in her words.

  “The bed or the couch?” Lance asked as he unlocked and threw open the door.

  “Bed,” Gabe grunted. He strode down the short hallway and into their bedroom. A second later he deposited his precious bundle on the edge of the mattress. Lance dropped her clothes in the chair in the corner and then yanked the cords on the blinds. Sunlight flooded the room.

  Evan’s gaze took in everything from the hooks on all four posts of the bed, to the vast array of toys laid out on a series of shelves on the far wall. She shivered in the air-conditioned room. Her nipples stood out like twin rockets ready to go off at any second.

  Gabe reached for the buttons of his fly, drawing her attention. Her nostrils flared with her sharp intake of breath.

  “You want to see this, honey?”

  She nodded shyly.

  “Let me help you.” Lance stepped up behind him, and Gabe dropped his hands, never taking his gaze off Evan’s face.

  Her eyes widened. Lance reached around Gabe’s hips and fondled his cock through the thick denim. He hissed out a breath and rested his head on Lance’s shoulder. The man handled his cock in the most exquisite way.

  A button popped, then a second. Lance slid his thumb over the swollen head of Gabe’s dick, spreading the drop of moisture and torturing him. He lifted his hand to the back of Lance’s neck and squeezed, telling him without words he wanted more.

  Lance lifted his thumb to his mouth and licked off the pearly sheen of pre-come. “I fucking love how you taste,” he said, nuzzling his chin into the crook of Gabe’s neck and shoulder. He attacked the next few buttons and Gabe’s cock sprang free.

  Gabe reached for his erection, intent on soothing the pain caused by the massive amount of blood rushing to it, but got his hand slapped instead.

  “Mine.” Lance wrapped his fingers around the base and tugged, making Gabe’s knees weak. “Evan, come over here and get on your knees.”

  Evan gulped and moved slowly off the bed, as if in a daze, unable to turn away from the scene unfolding in front of her. She’d probably never expected this. Hell, Gabe hadn’t expected it. Yeah, he and Lance had fucked and sucked each other dry. No secret there.

  What they hadn’t done was outed themselves with a guest before they knew for sure the guest was ready to see them this way.

  Another drop of come seeped out when Evan knelt to the floor and crawled the distance between them. Her breasts swayed, and her hips made a sensual dance across the few feet. She was the most erotic creature he’d ever met.

  After a long, drawn-out prowl, Evan finally reached them and rose up on her knees.

  “Link your hands behind your back.”

  Without hesitating, she did what Lance demanded. The action thrust her beaded nipples forward. Lance tugged again, his hand tight around Gabe’s circumference, wringing a groan from him.

  “Gabe has a beautiful cock, don’t you think?” His hand traversed the length with a slow, meant-to-make-Gabe-suffer fist.

  “Yes,” she whispered, staring at it like she’d never seen one before. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips and Gabe’s heart nearly stopped.

  Lance’s erection pressed into Gabe’s thigh. At least he wasn’t alone in this anguish.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Get those lips nice and wet.” Lance�
��s fist constricted over the mushroom-shaped head before sliding back down.

  “Move closer.” Lance nudged Gabe’s feet, spreading his legs, and reached between his thighs to cup his balls. His fingers rolled them and pulled with the perfect amount of pressure to make Gabe’s breath catch in his throat and his eyes roll.

  “Suck his cock.” The guttural command made Evan jump. She leaned forward and Lance guided the purpled head between her sweet lips.

  “Fuck,” Gabe groaned.

  Her tongue lapped over the velvet skin. He wanted to take a hold of her head and fuck her mouth. Instead, Lance slapped Gabe’s cock against her chin and lips, teasing him. Gabe hissed. Another pull on his balls had him standing on his tiptoes.

  “Stand still, Gabe.” Lance licked his ear and bit at the lobe. “She can’t suck it if you’re jumping all around.”

  “Fuck you,” he panted.

  Lance chuckled. “Later.” He released Gabe’s cock and twisted Evan’s hair in his fingers to guide her back onto the rigid length. “That’s it, Evan, suck it.”

  Her lips pressed over the head and sucked as if he were a straw. “Jesus Christ,” Gabe bellowed, rocking back on his heels.

  “More,” Lance ordered.

  She took more. Nearly half. Her cheeks sank in as she drew on him. Her mouth was made for fucking. Just like he knew instinctively her pussy would be. Gabe thrust his hips until he touched the back of her throat. For a second she gagged, then controlled it by breathing through her nose. Her eyes never closed and nothing on her face showed she didn’t want exactly what she was doing. He backed off, giving her the freedom to set whatever pace she desired.

  “Make him come, sweetheart.” Lance still held her head, but Gabe could see she was the one doing the moving, not Lance.

  She took all she could and withdrew, pausing to swirl her tongue around the tip before plunging again. The parry-and-retreat dance had Gabe ready to explode in seconds.

  “His balls are drawing up tight, Evan. He’s ready to come. Can you swallow?”

  Her gaze searched his, not in fear or disgust, but almost…permission?

  Gabe nodded, his teeth clenched, fighting to hold his orgasm at bay.

  She slurped him in again and held him there against the back of her throat. Her tongue and cheeks worked at him. They didn’t need to.

  Gabe let out a hoarse cry. Lance still grasped his nuts. His come shot down her throat as she sucked him dry, leaving him panting and shaking where he stood.

  Chapter Five

  Evan stared at the bamboo-looking ceiling fan and sighed, more content than she’d ever been. Who knew coming here to be doted upon sexually could be so…fandamntastic.

  When she and Kiley had left St. Louis to come to the secret island, her dreams had been nothing like this. A little slap and tickle sure, but not blow-your-mind, wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am, now let’s do it again.

  For the first time since arriving several hours ago, she wondered how Kiley was faring. Surely not as well as her because, holy crap, Gabe and Lance knew how to please a woman. And she was damn glad she’d changed her mind at the last second when filling out those forms. Putting down her fantasies of not only being with two men but also submitting to them, had seemed monumentally over-the-top embarrassing at the time.

  Now? Whoa, momma.

  Her nose itched. Of course. Why wouldn’t it? She turned and rubbed it on her upper arm. Not an easy task with her arms stretched above her head and secured to the headboard.

  In fact, her nose wasn’t the only thing bothering her. A few more minutes and her bladder was going to protest in a not-so-pretty way.

  After tying her wrists, Gabe and Lance had left her, saying they’d be back. Hadn’t said when though. She made a popping sound with her lips and returned to studying the room.

  The fan above should have created at least a stir in the air. It did nothing in the soupiness that made up Fantasm Island.

  Besides the charming, hotel, island-resort-type fan, the rest of the room screamed, “I am man”, which was a little more than strange. She expected a more generic setup. This room felt lived-in, not occupied by a different guest each week.

  Personal items adorned the dresser in a disheveled manner. A piece of cloth stuck out of a drawer, keeping it from closing all the way, and nothing felt like it got a daily maid cleaning.

  What the hell kind of place was this? Okay, to give the guys credit, Evan normally hung the “Do Not Disturb” sign so the maids would leave her stuff alone, but she couldn’t ever remember actually taking her stuff out of her suitcases and putting them away in the drawers. They must have brought her to their own room instead of hers.

  Evan twisted her wrists in the satin-lined shackles and wriggled her body on the silk sheets. Normally they would feel heavenly on her naked skin. Right now, they sucked. She was sweaty, not only from the one-hundred-and-sixty-degree heat from hell, but also the raunchy lovemaking she’d been subjected to. Every fiber stuck to her body instead of sliding sensuously against it.

  The door opened and her heart thudded in anticipation. Bad. Very bad. She shouldn’t be feeling anything for either one of these men. Not when she would never see them again after this week. Okay, so that wasn’t exactly true. She should feel sheer gratitude toward them. She should hit her knees and bow while exclaiming, “God bless you for making me feel so goddamn good.”

  “Time for a little snack, sweetheart.” Lance entered the room, kicked a stray shoe out of the way and laid his burden on the nightstand. It was a tray filled with the most delicious-looking fruits, cheeses, crackers, and some kind of dip, she guessed, in small ceramic cups. Her stomach rumbled.

  “I think our little sexpot is hungry.” Gabe laughed, joining Lance beside the bed.

  Odd how normally Evan would be totally mortified lying here in the buff, tied to the bed and being stared at by two men. She found it hard to be when their appreciation of her body was clearly written on their faces. Nor was she the least bit embarrassed by their chosen bisexual lifestyle. Hell, she hadn’t felt anything but absolute excitement when Lance had taken hold of Gabe’s cock earlier.

  It was fucking erotic seeing two men who obviously loved each other, touching each other sexually. The way Lance had handled Gabe was reverent, not play. Evan could see no one would ever come between them in the simple way they looked at each other. At one point she’d seen that gaze directed at her… She mentally shook her head, clearing the ridiculous notion they wanted more from her than this week.

  She would never have guessed they were gay in a million years, but if they wanted her to share in their experiences, who was she to stop it? Her pussy clenched just thinking about them together. She wanted to see them do more than touch. She wanted to be a part of them doing more than touching.

  First things first. She was almost afraid to ask, but damn it, she had to pee.

  “Um, is there any way I could…you know?” She jerked her chin in the direction of the bathroom she saw through an open door.

  Lance picked up a piece of ripe, orange melon and sucked the juice off it.

  Shit. She squirmed, trying to rub her clit with her thighs. Nothing happened. She needed fingers. Or a tongue. If he was going to do things like suck the juice off fruit, then he damn well better be sucking the juice off her clit soon too.

  “Damn, honey, I’m sorry.” Gabe leaned over her and unlocked the shackles.

  Evan couldn’t resist. His nipples were right there, why should she? She poked her tongue out and flicked at the brown disc. His breath hissed, but he stayed where he was for another moment, giving her the chance to kiss the now-distended nipple.

  She saw Lance’s hand come between them and watched his fingers work on the opposite nipple. Gabe moaned. He dropped his head and Evan seized hold of his hair with her freed hands. She pressed her open mouth to his chest and worked that nipple for all it was worth.

  Lance’s hand moved and suddenly it was tugging on her nipple. She let go of Gabe. He
stood, a grin tugging at his lips, and reached for her hands to pull her into a sitting position.

  “I believe I should spank you for that.”

  “We’ll add it to the list of offenses.” Lance stared at the nipple he pulled toward him.

  The slight pain had her womb clenching. She couldn’t take her eyes off the sight either. He twisted and pinched, reddening the tip and bringing it just to the edge of painful before retreating then starting again.

  Nipple play had never done it for her before. She just hadn’t gotten the attraction. They were boobs. So what was men’s fascination with them?

  If he didn’t touch the other one soon, she’d kill him.

  Lance lifted the weight of her breast in his fingers and smoothed his thumb over the skin. “Go use the bathroom and then we’ll feed you,” he said softly.

  She shivered at the tender look on his face.

  God, please tell her she wasn’t falling in love with two men she’d only met a very short time ago.

  Chapter Six

  Gabe had just finished gathering the supplies he needed when Evan stepped tentatively out of the bathroom. Her skin glowed in the sunlight. She must have freshened up a bit because when he’d released her from the bed, her skin had been coated with dry sweat.

  “Come.” Lance beckoned her with his tone of voice alone. Gabe nearly dropped the butt plug he held and went to him too. The man could have the most dominating tone at times. His cock stiffened.

  Evan’s chin lifted and she strode over to Lance. Good girl. She wanted this, otherwise her steps would be shy, her demeanor subdued.

  Lance offered a bite of juicy pineapple which Evan took none too shyly. They laughed as she inhaled the fruit and licked her lips.

  She smiled. “Sorry. I was hungry.”

  “I can see that.” Lance patted the space beside him on the mattress and proceeded to feed her, alternately giving her bites and nibbling on her lips.

  Gabe joined in, dipping the fruit into the creamy concoction and rubbing it on her nipples, then licking it off. She tasted better than anything on their tray. When they were through, Evan was wet between her thighs and practically begging to be taken.


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