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I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2)

Page 28

by Jessica Frances

  I glance over to where I saw him last, only to see the few who were risking a dance are making their way to their seats, nurses and caregivers helping them along. And Declan is now standing over by the jukebox, leaning against the side as he taps his foot and watches me.

  He’s wearing a blue tux, his white dress shirt crisp, and a smile on his lips. My favorite part of him right now is his beard, though. It’s trimmed and maintained. I can’t help shivering every time I feel it scrape across my skin. He said he grew it back for me since I kept mentioning it, but I know he loves having a beard.

  I never forget how handsome he is, but sometimes I’m still taken aback by it.

  My man is a hunk. A bearded, sexy hunk.

  He waves me over, and while I want to throw something at the jukebox to shut it up, I wait to see what Declan is up to.

  He meets me halfway, and as soon as he has his hands on me, he dips me low, much to the enthusiasm of our crowd. Before I can catch my breath, Declan then pulls me up against him, swaying us for a moment before he twirls me around and around.

  I’m breathless as I laugh, his smile too infectious to ignore, and as the tune begins to end, he twirls me one last time so fast that I grow dizzy and lose his grip.

  I right myself before I fall over, still laughing, and when I turn around, it is to see Declan down on bended knee and a tiny box in his outstretched hand.

  I gasp, which is so cheesy I hate myself a little, before I rush the few steps between us until I’m standing right in front of him.

  “What are you doing?” I sound breathless.

  “You will marry me,” he says, or more likely demands, opening the box to show me a beautiful diamond ring.

  I can’t say this is unexpected, since we moved in together eighteen months ago and have spoken plenty about marriage and children, but I never expected it now, not here at the nursing home and not to the theme song of The Naked Gun!

  “Is there a question in that sentence?” I ask around a ball of emotion clogging my throat.

  “We’re getting married and having lots of incredible sex, if you’ll allow it.”

  “Still not a question, but I like this mention of incredible sex. How about you try again?”

  He sighs heavily, shifting a little on his knee. “Will you, Sasha Jennings, marry me?”

  “Hmm …” I tap my chin, my lips pressed together, as I give his question some serious thought. Well, I pretend to. Inside, I’m jumping up and down, and giddy as hell.

  “Sash! You’re killing me here!” Declan groans, his eyes darting around the room where we are surrounded by walkers, wheelchairs, and many oldies and nurses waiting on my answer with bated breath.

  If anything, it looks like my delay might be killing a lot of people.

  “Yes! I will marry you!” I yell loudly enough for all to hear.

  Declan tackles me into his arms before kissing me, eliciting cheers and oohing from our small crowd, as well as claps and a few tears.

  “This will be a ratings winner!” Amara calls out, and I laugh, breaking our kiss.

  “I told them I’d do this here, but I’m not getting married here. Their imaginary camera crew goes wherever they do, so we just need to make sure to invite them to the wedding,” Declan mumbles.

  I laugh, but also nod. I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have become good friends, and I like that I see a lot of Maude in them.

  When the same tune we just danced to begins again, I teasingly slap his arm. “Seriously? This is the music you choose to propose to me with?”

  “What?” He shrugs, his grin not diminishing a bit. “I doubt I’ll have much say for the wedding, so I figured I better get the proposal right.”

  I shake my head, but I can’t stop smiling.

  “You’re lucky I love you, Declan Lockwood.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Cheesy!” I teasingly slap him again.

  When he kisses me, I soon forget what we are listening to. Instead, I laugh as the oldies begin to make their way back onto the dance floor and show off their moves.

  “Definitely a ratings winner!” Amara calls out, while J waves her hand to get our attention.

  “Don’t forget to name your kids with a J name!”

  “Unbelievable.” Declan shakes his head, twirling us around so his back is to the two women.

  “I wish Maude could have been here to see this.”

  Declan’s smile turns sad. “She would have loved this. Loved us together.”

  “Yep, and she would have smacked you upside the head for not choosing a more romantic song.”

  “Sash, it is romantic,” he argues.


  “It’s our song.”

  “In what universe is this our song?” I immediately disagree. There is no way I’m allowing him to get away with this.

  “It’s the first movie we watched together, which I consider to be our first date.” He has a smug smile.

  “You cannot possibly believe … There is no way this is …” I take a deep breath as I try to find a loophole and can’t. “Oh, my God. This is our song,” I whine, making his grin return full-force.

  “Welcome to our new anniversary tradition!”

  “I think I like Ava’s tradition with Zander better.”

  “What, stealing his car?”

  “No, having hot sex in bathrooms. So,” I say on a roll of my eyes, “good call on our tradition being this ridiculous movie. Knocking you on your ass would have been a better tradition, or at least a more satisfying one.”

  His eyebrows rise at this. He obviously didn’t know about Zander and Ava. Then he pulls me closer against him and trails kisses from my lips to my ear, where he hovers.

  “The night isn’t over yet. How about you knock me out after I’ve given you a few orgasms?”

  I tingle all over at his words and decide I can handle this awful movie if I can get some incredible sex out of it.

  Married life might not be so bad after all.

  It turns out that knocking some sense into Declan Lockwood was the best thing I ever did.

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  Until next time!

  -Jessica Frances

  Visit Jessica Frances




  Looking for a Romantic Suspense series?

  Check out Jessica Frances’s Love at First Crime Series

  I Stole His Car

  I Knocked Him Out

  Looking for a New Adult Paranormal series?

  Check out Jessica Frances’s Taken Trilogy:

  Taken By Surprise

  Taken By Force

  Taken By Choice

  For a New Adult Sci-Fi Romance series,

  Check out Jessica Frances’s Invasion Trilogy:




  For an Adult Paranormal Stand-Alone,

  Check out Jessica Frances’s ghost romance:

  Haunted Love

  For an Adult Contemporary Romance Stand-Alone,

  Check out Jessica Frances’s romantic comedy:

  Happily Ever Single

  And, for an Adult Dystopian Romance Stand-Alone,

  Check out Jessica Frances’s futuristic romance:


  ances, I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2)




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