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Rogue Love

Page 4

by Ophelia Grey

  Just as the sun was starting to fade into a cool, evening breeze, we pulled up to a motel at the edge of the next small city. I looked ahead at the tall buildings, taking in the glowing orange sunset over the tall skyline.

  “We are going to meet them at a bar a few blocks over,” Liam explained as we put our bags down in the room that was nearly identical to the one we had stayed in the night before.

  I quickly washed up and changed into my favorite baby blue sundress. It was covered in a layer of blue lace and fitted tightly at my waist, flaring out in an A-line and stopping just at my knees. It was the kind of dress that made me feel happy and girly when I spun around and it flared out around me in a perfect circle. I washed my face and unbraided my hair so it fell in loose golden waves down my back. I exited the bathroom to find that Liam had changed into a clean blue t-shirt that matched his perfect blue eyes.

  “We match,” I laughed, twirling in my pretty blue dress.

  Liam smiled and walked over to me, placing his arm around my waist. “You look beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

  He held my hand in his as we walked down several city blocks. The area was a bit run down but it had a trendy vibe that made it feel less threatening. Plus, with Liam by my side, it was hard to feel afraid. He walked with confidence and I knew that he would protect me if anything went wrong.

  We stopped outside a red door with the words “Crow Bar” emblazoned in black across it. Loud music thumped against the walls, echoing out into the increasingly crowded streets. Liam pulled open the door and ushered me inside.

  My eyes adjusted slowly to the darkened room. There were several long bars on the edges of the room and crowds of people pushed forward to order their drinks while others swayed in time to the music. I felt suddenly out of place in my pretty little sundress. Most of the girls were wearing bandage dresses that looked to be painted onto their bodies, revealing cleavage and pieces of their sides and bellies.

  “Liam!” a voice exclaimed. I looked up to see a large, smiling man barreling through the crowd towards us. He gave Liam a big hug and then extended his hand to me as Liam introduced us.

  “This is Kyle,” Liam shouted over the music. He helped me when I first left the club and was wondering around aimlessly. Kyle smiled broadly and I could read genuine affection in his eyes as he slapped Liam on the back and guided us to where he and the rest of his group had secured a table.

  There were two other men, Tom and Josh, and Josh’s girlfriend Amy. They all greeted me with big smiles and were welcoming. Tom, Josh and Kyle all had previous been involved with various motorcycle clubs and had left when things turned bad, just like Liam. Amy had been with Josh back when he was part of the gang and she left with him when things went south.

  I looked her over, feeling slightly intimidated. She had long, stick straight raven black hair and wore a short black leather mini skirt with a tiny black tank top that barely covered her ample breasts. Her bright red lipstick made her look the perfect seductress. I felt so silly in my little blue dress. Liam seemed to notice my nervousness, even if he didn’t know the cause.

  “Would you like a drink, Mary?” he asked, squeezing my hand. I nodded and he headed to the bar to order a round.

  He came back with a cup that looked like it held soda but smelled strong. “A jack and coke,” he explained, handing it to me.

  I took a gulp and almost spit it out. The alcohol flooded me immediately and after two more gulps I already started feeling more relaxed. Kyle went and bought everyone another round, so I was able to transition straight to my second drink. Liam watched me with amusement as I scrunched up my face and downed the drink in several big gulps.

  “I didn’t take you for a big drinker,” he explained.

  “I’m not. I mean, I wasn’t. But tonight I am,” I slurred. The alcohol was working its magic, leaving me feeling relaxed and cheerful.

  “Let’s go dance!” Amy called out to the group.

  Liam gave me a questioning look and I nodded enthusiastically. Nodding made me dizzy, but Liam’s strong hand steadied me as I jumped out of my seat to head to the dance floor. I had been to many school and church dances, but there was always strict supervision and many rules. I wanted to finally let loose.

  The music pounded loudly, beating a rhythm into my body. My blood rushed through my veins, pumping to the dizzying beat and I stared up into those beautiful blue pools in Liam’s face. His infectious, mischievous smile looked back at me. He was amused by my newfound bravery.

  “Don’t laugh at me,” I leaned in and whispered in his ear. The music was loud, but he heard me.

  “I’m not laughing at you. I like seeing you let loose,” he murmured back, pulling me tightly to him.

  I snaked my arms around his muscular torso, allowing my skin to press against the warm, hard contours of his muscles. The music pounded in my ears and the harsh glare of the strobe light blinded me. I didn’t know how to dance like these girls. I didn’t know how to be sexy.

  “Don’t think so much. Just let go and move your body to the music,” he whispered huskily in my ear. It was all I needed. I stopped thinking and let my body move with his.

  His body moved perfectly with mine and my desire peaked as we pressed against one another in a desperate, primal way.

  It seemed like only moments passed, though it must have been longer. “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered.

  Liam was quick to comply. He grabbed my hand and led me to the door. We stumbled out onto the street and the cool chill of the night air hit us with a refreshing blast.

  I barely noticed the walk back to the motel. All I could think about was Liam. His arms. His muscles. His tattoos. I wanted to see all of him at once. I needed to have him.

  Liam thrust open the door to our room and swept me into his arms, carrying me easily to the first bed. My body lit up as his arm brushed against my breast before depositing me gently on the bedspread.

  “I want you Liam,” I moaned, pulling up the hem of my skirt to reveal the pink lacey panties beneath.

  Liam groaned and looked down at me with a fire in his eyes that matched mine.

  “Fuck Mary, I want you too. You’ve cast a damn spell on me and I can’t even think straight.”

  “Then take me. Fuck me,” I commanded boldly.

  “I can’t,” he groaned, sinking down onto the bed next to me. “You are drunk. I don’t want our first time to be like that. I want you so fucking much, Mary. But I want you to remember every detail when I finally make love to you.”

  He reached out and gently ran his hand over my cheek, then leaned down and pressed a soft, warm kiss to my forehead. I felt the fire still sizzling inside me, but I knew he was right. I shouldn’t lose my virginity when I was too drunk to remember how it felt. I want to feel Liam inside me so badly, but his chivalry touched my heart.

  “Will you at least stay here next to me?” I asked.

  “Always,” he murmured.

  I moved over to make room and Liam climbed into the bed next to me. I curled up against his strong body, feeling the safety of his strong arms around me as I drifted off to sleep. We were both fully clothed, but I had never felt so intimate with another person.

  I slept soundly in the warmth of Liam’s arms. I didn’t wake up until I felt him stirring next to me. He was moving carefully, trying not to wake me as he sat up in med, but the movement jolted me from my deep sleep.

  “Liam?” I asked groggily, rubbing at my eyes.

  “I’m still here,” he whispered. “How do you feel?”

  “Ok. I have a headache though.”

  “Here, have an aspirin and some water and you’ll feel better soon.”

  He hopped out of bed to retrieve a glass of water and the bottle of pills from his bag. I quickly swallowed the pill and drained the glass, realizing that I was experiencing my first ever hangover.

  “Thanks,” I croaked. “I should probably shower.”

  The shower helped wake me up and by the t
ime I was finished scrubbing, the aspirin had started to works its magic on my headache. I toweled off my hair and body and exited the bathroom with the towel still wrapped around me.

  Liam watched me intently as I walked back into the room. I saw his eyes appraising my newly scrubbed body covered only by the small towel.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m not used to drinking alcohol,” I admitted.

  Liam smiled. “I figured,” he said, reaching out to take my hand. “You were much more…bold than usual last night.”

  I nodded, blushing at his implication. I remembered throwing myself at him and him turning me down.

  “I’m sorry for being so forward,” I mumbled.

  “Hey, don’t be sorry. I liked it. I wanted you so badly, but I didn’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “Really?” I asked shyly. Knowing he didn’t judge me for my slutty behavior made me feel a little bolder. “I’m not drunk now you know.”

  Liam’s eyes widened and he pulled me towards him. His lips crushed against mine as his strong arm snaked around my still damp body. I felt a zing of electricity inside me at his touch. The aching between my legs grew fierce as he kissed me passionately.

  “No, you aren’t,” Liam agreed pulling back slightly. He brought his other arm up and slowly, teasingly pulled my towel loose. It dropped down to the floor, leaving me standing completely naked in front of him.

  I felt embarrassed and self-conscious, but Liam’s eyes roved my body in obvious appreciation.

  “Fuck, you are beautiful,” he murmured, reaching one hand up to gently trace the soft contours of my breasts, waist, and hips.

  “Let me see you?” I asked, hoping to level the playing field and finally get to see his perfect body.

  Liam obliged, pulling his shirt up quickly to reveal his strong chest and chiseled abs. He quickly popped open the buttons on his jeans and pulled them down so he was only wearing his pair of grey boxer briefs. I could see his cock standing stiff and pressing against the fabric.

  He finally hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked those down in one swift movement so he was standing in front of me in all his glory. His body was perfection. Even the long scar across his chest and his winding tattoos only served to make him look more masculine. His muscles gleamed perfectly in the morning light and his cock curved up, long and thick.

  I could feel the heat inside me growing. My core tightened with anticipation as me slit grew slick. I needed him. I had never been so sure of anything.

  “I want you,” I whispered to Liam as I lay down on the bed and slowly spread my legs for him.

  Liam groaned as he got a good view of my wet, slippery little pussy. He crawled between my legs and lowered his lips to my slit. His warm tongue slid along the seam of my folds, lapping up the liquid that now covered my little mound. His tongue felt incredible against my most sensitive area. My body trembled as Liam worked his magic. He moved slowly at first, gently lapping at my slit, then moving up to my small, hooded clit. He was gentle, moving his tongue in tantalizing circles as he slipped one finger slowly into my tight slit.

  “Oh yes!” I moaned as he started to move his finger inside of me in a come-hither motion, pressing against the most sensitive spot inside my channel with each thrust of his finger.

  He moved faster, his tongue slipping and sliding against my little nub as I gyrated my hips against his hungry mouth. I felt a tightness coil inside of me, like a spring pulled tightly, dying for release.

  “Come for me, Mary!” he commanded as my body quivered against his tongue. My body obeyed, exploding in a ball of intense waves of pleasure. I cried out incoherently as the orgasm took me, melting in his arms as they wrapped around me.

  “I didn’t even know it was possible to feel that good,” I murmured in Liam’s ear as my heart’s insistent pounding slowed.

  “Oh, my sweet Mary,” Liam replied with a devilish smile. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  H held my face gently, but the kiss he pressed against my lips was anything but gentle. His lips traced down my neck, stopping to nibble the tender skin, then down to the swell of my breasts. His lips gently enveloped one nipple and then the other, nibbling and suckling each until they stood erect. He finally pulled back with a dangerous look on his face.

  I could see his cock standing out hard as a rock and swollen with desire. The fire in my core reignited and I was glad that we were not done.

  Liam slipped one hand between my thighs, pushing them apart gently. His hips pressed against mine and his cock stood poised at my entrance as Liam stared deeply into my eyes. I felt lost in his gaze, reading the love, the lust, and the desire that mirrored my own.

  “I want you,” I told him. “I need you.”

  He didn’t hesitate a moment longer. With one hard thrust, his cock burst into my tight channel, tearing me open in a burst of pain mingled with intense pleasure. I cried out and he filled me with his hardened cock, pressing against my core. He pulled back and thrust into me again.

  I dug my fingers into Liam’s back, gasping as he fucked me senseless. His muscular hips dug into my softer flesh as he moved inside of me, pumping harder and hard as we both neared our climax. I could feel my body teetering on the edge once again and cried out as my second orgasm slammed through me. I quivered and shook under Liam’s strong body as he continued to thrust. Then I felt his cock tighten and expand inside of me and he pulled out, releasing a thick stream of hot, milky liquid over the flat plain of my belly. He groaned and collapsed beside me.

  We lay next to each other, silent except for the loud beating of our hearts and the fast, shallow breaths for what seemed like hours but was probably only minutes. Liam finally propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at me.

  “I love you, Mary.” He said it so sweetly, so sincerely, that I couldn’t help but smile.

  “I love you too,” I answered back before his lips pressed to mine, silencing them.

  “Are you still happy with the choice you made?” he asked cautiously, examining my face.

  “More than ever. My home is with you now. I’m ready for whatever life throws our way.”

  His smile spread over his face, all the way to the crinkles of his gorgeous blue eyes.

  “So am I,” he said triumphantly.


  If you enjoyed this novella then be sure to check out Twisted Love, the novel about Mary’s friend Grace and what happens when she leaves Mercy River to work for a reclusive, tortured billionaire.

  You can read it here.

  If you would like to read the first chapter of Twisted Love, then keep reading!

  Chapter 1.

  “You know what you did.”

  My father stared down his long, thin nose at me the same way he did when I was six years old and left my toys scattered in the yard. Then again, he gave me the same disapproving look almost every week for failing in some way or another. I took a deep breath and squared my small shoulders, making sure to look contrite. I tried so hard to be perfect, but I would never be good enough to live up to my father’s exacting standards. My mother stood rigidly next to my father, silent as usual, her plump face a perfect mask of calm. My mother didn't really do emotions. She deferred to my father in all things and spent her energy on proper womanly pursuits like cooking, cleaning, and organizing church events.

  It was a hot summer day and we stood in the sweltering living room of my parents’ home. The room was perfectly clean and tidy with decorative pillows arranged artfully on every couch and chair, although the drapes were faded and the carpet was worn. We weren't well off, but my parents still liked to present the image of respectability. We were part of good society here in Mercy River, even if we couldn’t afford air conditioning. After all, very few people around here could.

  I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and couldn't help a small smile that played at the edges of my lips. At least Daniel was there for me. He was my rock in all thin
gs. Daniel and I had been dating since freshman year of high school when he had offered me a rose and asked me to the church formal. I knew he would help me figure out whatever it was that I had done to upset my father and he would help talk me through it, pointing to relevant bible passages and showing me the path to goodness and obedience. He always did.

  I looked back to see his encouraging smile. He nodded at me, looking so perfectly clean-cut with his short brown hair, blue polo shirt, and pressed khakis. He belonged in a television show or commercial from the fifties with his big, toothy smile and hair combed perfectly to the side. I was always trying so hard to live up to his example and present a perfect image to my parents and to the town.

  “I'm sorry for my failures, father,” I recited quietly, raising my eyes to his stern face. I was so used to the words that they just tumbled over my tongue effortlessly without me even having to stop and compose them or think about their meaning. “Please explain my mistake to me so I can make amends and improve in the future.”

  I took another deep breath, filling my lungs with the thick, sticky summer air and wracked my brain, trying to think what I had done wrong. The last time we had had such a serious talk it was because I had been researching secular colleges. Nothing radical or far away, of course, but just the idea of going off somewhere further, learning about the brought a light into my heart. I thought that light must have been from the lord. But my father knew otherwise. He told me I was being tempted by the devils of secular society. He was right. I went to the local Christian college, Mercy River College for Christians, with Daniel and now I was protected from the devil's influence.

  “Daniel, it is almost time for you to take my place as Grace's guide.” He was referring to marriage, of course. Daniel and I were not formally engaged yet. He was saving up for a small, modest ring. But we would be soon. I glanced over at him and smiled.

  “So why don't you explain her sins to her.”

  I looked at Daniel again, this time confused. He knew what my father was talking about?


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