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Boxed Set:The Billionaire's Game (BWWM Romance)

Page 10

by Tara Raine

  So yes, Connor and Tanya were left to themselves more often than before. Connor would take her around the city. He introduced her to new things, like when he took her out for a sushi tour to places Tanya hadn't tried yet. At one stop there were items on the menu Tanya weren't sure were edible. Connor was really good about making her feel comfortable in the new situations. Like one night, when Connor took Tanya to an exclusive night club on top of one of the skyscrapers downtown. You had to be well connected to even know about it, much less get in. Connor seemed to have no problem getting them past the line and through the bouncers. Tanya couldn't believe how suave Connor looked interacting with staff as he said only a few words to a bouncer.

  His mouth had them immediately whisked upstairs to the VIP section of the club, located on the very top of the building. There, under the blanket of stars, still visible despite the glow of the city lights and with the view of the bustling city stretching out before them, they made love. It was slow and brimming with heat. They opted out of their hallmark, vigorous sexcapades. Tanya held on the railing that kept VIP guests from plummeting to their deaths, for dear life. The fear added to the otherwise romantic and passionate moment. Tanya pressed her hips back impaling herself once again on Connor's already glistening cockhead as he slowly ground his large cock deep within her. She couldn't help but think she was so lucky to have Connor in her life as she stretched her neck out so Connor could nibble on the side. From beginning to end it was the closest she had felt to Connor since the time they got caught with the roses.

  That wasn't the only place where Connor took her to have sex either. He told her of an old theater that used to put on plays but was now renovated to show indie movies instead. They bought their tickets, sitting in the very back. The slow moving plot soon had them slowly moving on each other. With mischievous looks on their faces, the pair exchanged knowing looks. Not too long before Tanya had been cursing the evils of public sex and now she was having it all over the place. When the movie started Connor slipped his hand into her pants and started to play with her clit. Tanya couldn't believe how good it felt and also couldn't believe how forward Connor was being about where they fooled around at.

  After Connor got her all worked up she quietly got up and sat on his lap, slipping his slowly pulsing member deep into her. She rode him soundlessly because there were a few people in the front of the theater that they obviously couldn't let know what was going on. When she came she bit down on her lip and tongue hard until she tasted blood in her mouth. No one really knew what was going on until, at the very end, a moan escaped her lips. Then she and Connor had to make a hasty retreat out of the theater and to the parking lot.

  “Oh my God,” Tanya said. “I can't believe we almost got caught!”

  “I can't either!” Connor exclaimed. “I thought we were going to get away with it for the longest time. We almost did, too. Oh well, it's no big deal. No harm no foul!”

  Tanya liked Connor's adventurous spirit, the way he spiced things up for both of them no matter what was going on. Brent was like that sometimes, but not all the time. What Tanya was afraid of, the nagging doubt in the back of her mind, was that Connor was trying to win her over from Brent. She didn't really have any reason to think that. Even so, the thought came from her gut and made her rethink everything they had been doing. Why the steady escalation of sexual tension in the choice of where they made love? Why come to her work all the time?

  It wasn't that she didn't like that Connor was suddenly being so attentive, and Tanya did think it made sense, considering how close they had all gotten, but at the same time it hadn't started out that way and she certainly hadn't pushed it that far. Maybe she had put some pressure on Connor to be less of a dismissive jerk all the time, but besides that she had pretty much been fine with the way they had been fuck buddies that would hang out around the house and pleasure each other whenever Brent was at work.

  Chapter Thirteen: The Choice

  Tanya thought about her reoccurring doubts for the next few days. She would become absorbed in the analysis of all the little nuances plaguing her and then life would kick in and she would become too busy to ruminate about her sex life. Tanya thought about what that meant, about how she considered what was going on between her and the brothers to be her sex life and not her real life. They hadn't, in all this time, defined exactly what was going on. That was very telling to Tanya. Tanya was hoping that they wouldn't have to, that everyone would respect boundaries.

  Finally she admitted to herself that she was worried Connor had fallen deeply for her, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. Still, she felt she had seen signs of pushing a wedge between her and Brent. Tanya was going to pay extra attention to Connor's behavior, but Connor too became busy with work. His clothing line was opening a store downtown.

  Tanya got some much needed alone time. She spent her days outside, darkening her brown skin, and taking long baths while listening to classical music. She ate strawberries and thought of Connor. She took showers and thought of Brent. She had her little things she did to comfort her while they were away.

  When Brent got some time off from work, the first thing he did was take her out one night to an expensive Italian place, complete with wine and candles and singing. She appreciated the alone time with Brent. The romantic atmosphere pulled at her heartstrings.

  “Brent, this place is amazing,” Tanya said. “I had no idea it even existed. How did you find out about it?”

  “This place?” Brent asked sheepishly. He looked down at his wine glass before smiling back up at her. “This is where my parents first met and fell in love. My dad worked in the kitchen while my mother waited tables. After coming in contact with each other day after day their affection for one another grew. This was many, many years ago.”

  Tanya's eyes widened. The story was precious. She loved hearing about real-life fairytale romances.

  “No way! This is the place where your parents met?”

  “It is, indeed,” Brent said. “They worked together for a long time without so much as speaking, only sidelong glances. Until one day a drunk grabbed at my mom. My dad was near by helping busting tables. He saw the rowdy man and, even though he thought it would cost him his job, he decided to stand up for my mother's honor and punch the drunk customer right in the eye.”

  “Really?!” Tanya was enthralled by his story. She had met his mother and stepfather. She liked them both a lot. They were much warmer than her family.

  “Yeah, no joke,” Brent said. “He didn't lose his job and he gained my mother's respect after that night. That was my dad for you, always ready to do something incredibly dumb for the sake of others! But I shouldn't be hard on him; he has passed on. He did sure love to pick a fight though, especially over pretty girls. My mother was an especially pretty girl, he told me. So he never regretted his quick temper or that he fought the drunk.”

  “Why didn't he lose his job?” Tanya asked.

  Brent answered with a chuckle. “Unbeknownst to him at the time, my grandfather owned this place at the time.”

  “Your family used to own this place?” Tanya asked incredulously. “Are you guys even Italian?”

  “No! That was one reason my father sold this place,” Brent said. “He got tired of old Italians taking deep and personal offense to a non-Italian running this little slice of heaven.”

  Tanya laughed and drank her wine. The little restaurant really wormed into little a sweet spot in her heart. She couldn't believe how great of a night they were both having, not that they didn't usually get along; it was just that this night seemed to be like something out of one of her best dreams. On their way out to the car after dinner Tanya slipped her hand in Brent's and gave it a long squeeze. She hadn't been so happy out with Brent for a very, very long time. It was as though they reconnected, even though they had never disconnected. The night had shown Tanya another layer in their marriage.

  “What are you smiling about over there?” Brent asked her. “Did you h
ave a good time tonight?”

  “I had an amazing time tonight, Brent,” was her response. “I love that I got to learn a little bit more about your family history, and it was so cute that you took me to the place where your mother and father met. I'm still in shock that place is even real!”

  “I know,” Brent said. “It is pretty amazing, isn't it?”

  They rode the rest of the way home in silence. Tanya didn't think the night could get any better, but when they got to the bedroom Brent put on some slow music and broke out the massaging oils. He slowly worked his firm palms into her tensed back, rubbing the oils into her skin. Tanya loved the scent that the room took on. It smelled like lavender and fresh cotton sheets. Brent's hands warmed her skin and the oils made her feel super relaxed. Tanya's body melted under his expert hands. Everything was going so well. She couldn't believe what a lucky girl she was to have someone like Brent in her life.

  It was then that an annoying thought slipped into her head. She didn't like have thoughts like that, especially during this special time with Brent. The thought Tanya had was a question of whether or not what was going on right now be made better if Connor was here with them. Tanya realized that she was all right with Connor not being there, that he didn't always have to be there. There had been plenty of times in recent days that she had hung out with Connor without thinking about whether or not Brent would be slighted. Maybe right now it was different because she knew that the night would be one she remembered for the rest of her life.

  Tanya also instinctively knew that if Connor found out about how just how special she felt the night had been he would have been jealous. Tanya shook the thoughts of Connor out of her head as Brent rolled her over onto her back. Brent slowly kissed his way from Tanya's mouth, down her stomach to her waxed pussy. He went down on her slowly and deliberately, each flick of his tongue carrying with it little jolts of sexual electricity. His tongue delved into her honey-colored folds in an expert pattern. She grabbed a fistful of golden hair from the back of his head, using it to keep him in place.

  “Oh, baby, please just like that,” Tanya begged. “It feels so good. Fuck yes, keep going baby.”

  Tanya couldn't believe how close she already was to climaxing. It made her smile to know that she and Brent still had the kind of connection that allowed them to press each other’s buttons so easily. Before she had time to voice a warning shout or even prepare herself, her pussy spasmed in waves of overwhelming pleasure. Tanya thought for sure that she might pass out, but Brent's delicate kisses on her skin kept her grounded. When the convulsions calmed down and she stopped writhing on the bed, Tanya watched Brent stood over her, a triumphant look on his face.

  “Does that mean I did a good job?” he asked her jokingly. Brent began to put away the oils.

  “Are you kidding me? Hell yes you did!” she said incredulously. “I've never had my pussy eaten like that before. Even by you!”

  Brent laughed as rejoined her in the bed. He spread her legs apart with a heavy-but-gentle hand and then mounted her, his hips slowly easing his large cock into her pussy. Tanya loved how well Brent's dick fit into her pussy. She loved the curve of his dick as it hit along her insides. She loved everything about sex with him and she never wanted it to end. Tanya found their intimacy intensifying with every thrust. Their bodies were wrapped tight around each other. Their hot breaths mingled in the air. Their eyes never left the other person's. It was beautiful.

  Brent came with a long groan. He grunted as he shoved himself further in, his seed warming her channel. Afterword, he laid his head on her chest and they cuddled, allowing their bodies to sync together in a peaceful breathing rhythm. In that moment, Tanya knew that she loved Brent most of all. Although it was fucked up for her to pick sides, if it even could be called that, she knew that she couldn't lie to herself. Brent was the man that had initially attracted her. He was still the man that knew her best and could reach deep inside of her to touch places no one else could. They had been through a lot to together. It was on a whole different from her relationship with Connor. There was no changing that because it had been set in motion long before Connor came into the picture.

  “Brent, I love you so much,” Tanya blurted out loud. “I'm sorry if I don't let you know how I feel more often, but please know that you mean the world to me. You've shown me things about myself that I never would have known without you. You've opened up parts of me that I thought were locked away forever. I'm so thankful to you, you have no idea. I don't know what I would do without you in my life.”

  Brent stroked her hair as she talked. The smile on his face growing with every word.

  “I know, baby,” he replied. “I love you too. You mean more than anything else. There isn't another woman in the whole wide world like you. I can't believe that we were lucky enough to meet each other like we did. When you interviewed me, I remember thinking how badly I wanted to know more about the strong woman before me. God, wasn't that funny when we ended getting together? And now look at us, our love is alive and still a hungry fire. I love you so much, please know that, honey.”

  “I do, Brent,” Tanya answered quietly, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. “I know.”

  They both lay there for a long time, just exploring with skimming finger tips. Before too long They started to drift off to sleep. Tanya tried to stay awake for as long as possible. She wanted the moment to last just a little longer because she knew that, when they awoke, their quiet cozy world would break away to the real world.

  Brent was such a sweet guy and Tanya knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He was the kind of person that made her feel whole instead of feeling like she was giving parts of herself away, or sacrificing what she wanted. Love was about making your partner want to be a better partner, after all. It made one less self-centered. Did Connor make her feel that way? No, not really, Tanya admitted to herself.

  Connor was also a great guy and she was glad that he was in her life as well. However, no matter how romantic or sexual a situation got between them, Tanya felt like she still hadn't seen past the outer layer. It was still like Connor was just her friend that she happened to be sleeping with, albeit a very close friend. Tanya knew her thoughts were unfair. Another red flag for her. Tanya wondered if Connor knew that he was keeping parts of himself from opening up.

  She did get the feeling that, over the last few weeks, Connor had been trying to make a deeper connection, one like the connection that existed between her and Brent. It hadn't really worked though, not because the connection wasn't possible, but because she and Connor were very different people. Connor was never going to take her to a little Italian place and tell her about his family because that wasn't something that Connor thought was worth doing. Instead Connor was going to take her to the top of a tall building and fuck her in front of the entire city. He could deliver the setting and atmosphere, but not the little parts tucked away, the parts that exposed one’s heart to their lover.

  Connor didn't share himself with her, only showered her with attention. While it was more than pleasant, Tanya knew that, when you were really in love, you always had to try to put yourself out there. What made Connor the way he was? Tanya wasn't sure; she just knew the problem existed.

  She appreciated all that he had done, but in the end it amounted to something very different than what Brent had done tonight. Tanya wasn't sure this meant for the three of them, but she did know that she needed to talk about it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Brent jokingly whispered as he poked her stomach. “I know your frustrated breathing when I hear it.” Tanya wanted to hit him and kiss hit at once. His words let her feel more calm for she was about to say.

  “Connor,” she began truthfully.

  “You two have been spending a lot of time together as of late,” Brent said. She couldn't read his expression or tone.

  “Are you okay with it? Does that make you feel weird,” Tanya said.

  “No, no it's all right
,” Brent said. “I just hope that Connor doesn't try to take you from me is all.” Tanya was stunned that this was a thought in Brent's mind as well. Connor had begun to show slight signs of possessiveness.

  “You worry about that stuff too?” she said. “I really didn't think anything of it until the last few days, and I'm not sure why. He hasn't said anything outright to me that would make me think those are his intentions, but I still have a sneaking suspicion that's he is trying.”

  Brent rolled away from her to face the wall for a moment as if to think privately, then rolled back to face her.

  “He's tried this before, with the last woman that we shared; it slowly became as though he never was working for the three of us. I think he started seeing it as a competition of sorts.” Brent said. “He doesn't know that I know, but I do. The woman told me years later. I never brought it up to him because it was in the past. That's why I was so upset when I first discovered you two. After we started our love triangle I didn't say anything because I didn't want to open old wounds.” Tanya had wished Brent had told her, but knew she wouldn't have seen it the same way then as she did now.

  “What should we do?” Tanya trusted Brent to make the right choice.

  “I'm not sure,” Brent said. “I would hate to falsely push him away. Let's give it some time and see how he plays his cards.” Tanya smiled to herself at Brent's interesting choice of words. Connor playing his cards was how this all got started.

  “I wouldn't worry about it, honey,” Brent continued. “There is nothing either of us can do right now. This is why I was actually hesitant to share again, not because I thought I was going to lose you, but because I knew there was a good chance that this time I would lose Connor.”


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