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Demoni Vankil

Page 5

by Hobin Luckyfeller

  “It is not often that circumstances prevent me from keeping my vow, for I know not his name and in this I am tormented. The only sounds from his lips were the soft whisperings of ‘Ethany’, as he clung to a small red box as if his soul were contained therein.

  “So I have done what I can. His body was prepared and buried, but not without a stone. I cannot bear to lay him to rest without a name, and so I place upon his stone, ‘He who loves Ethany’ in the hope that the Gods will have mercy on his soul…and mine.

  “I tried to open the box he clung to, but was unable. I can hear the contents inside, and so I will send it on to those wiser than I to discover its fate.”

  That was it. The end of the path.

  Eamon was alone in the end and had the box and was the one who ended up at the kirk.

  Before I returned home, I traveled south to the original excavation site. The hole where we dug was now a fishing pond, filled in by the overflow from the river. There were no gravestones to look at, so I walked the land for a spell and ended up resting under a large cottonwood tree, the red puzzle box turning in my hands. This was a disturbing end. My hands absentmindedly slid the pieces randomly across the surface.

  The bottom of the box popped open.

  …there was a locket, two small bracelets and a folded, fragile, letter.

  It had the red wax stains of a royal seal.

  * * * *


  My dearest Eamon,

  It is with heavy heart that I send this letter, for I gave you my solemn vow to keep your wife and daughters safe from the darkness plaguing this land and I have failed you.

  Your wife and daughters were escorted from their home just days after you departed the Castle for Vankiläsä. They were taken to our stronghold in Bailish as I had promised. Ethany was accepted into Lord Brahms care and at my request given a home and position in his household, also committing to watch over her and the children personally.

  We could not have foreseen what would shortly come. The Eastern shores have never been invaded in the history this nation. Within a fortnight Bailish was overrun by Mahan’s forces. We were betrayed by Ogriel among our own people. A rider was immediately dispatched for reinforcements from the capital, which were granted in haste, but our forces were too late. The stronghold and village had been laid waste.

  Lord Brahms armored caravan was discovered ten miles west of the stronghold. The bodies of your wife and daughters were found among those soldiers trying to defend them. Lord Brahm himself was discovered at the base of the strongholds gate, pierced with many wounds and surrounded by the bodies of his faithful men. High Lord Gastons army engaged the enemy in the forests of Whitewater the following morning. They were destroyed from the face of the land, their bodies denied burial and burned.

  We mourn your loss, Eamon. Words cannot express our sorrow for your family and for our failure. I have tended to the ceremonial needs of your loved ones, my friend. They have been laid to rest among the Kings and Queens of Andilain, their bodies prepared by my own hands.

  There were two letters discovered, which your love kept close to her breast while you were apart. A testament of her devotion to you, I have no doubt. These I return to you, along with her locket and two bracelets we found upon the wrists of your beloved children. May they rest in the sweet company of loved ones who have gone before them.

  Eamon, we pray you will be strong and ever determined to aid us in ridding our land of the enemy. Let not the pain and sacrifice of your loved ones be in vain. Avenge them and every other family Mahan has taken.

  The crown will ever be mindful of your sacrifice and your service, my friend. If you have need of anything, you have only to ask. Our love, support and blessings are forever with you until our journey’s end.

  With deepest respect and admiration,

  Lady Älodiä

  Queen of Andilain

  * * * *

  CHAPTER 18: Pronunciation Guide

  To assist the reader, I present this pronunciation guide to ‘Baiūmen’[BAY-oo-men], a universal language which evolved after the Great Sundering (see my book Höbin Luckyfellers: The Brothers Twelve, a definitive study of the ruling families before the Great Sundering). We have converted the following into common tongue for your use.

  There are three particular symbols which make Baiūmen easier to understand:

  Ö: Spoken as [oh]. The double dots over the letter ‘o’ are used symbolically to honor ones status or bloodline.

  Ä: Spoken as [ah]. The double dots over the letter ‘a’ are used to identify a word or name that has a lineage tracing back to the languages and races of light.

  U: Spoken as [oo]. This symbol is used to signify ceremonial origins of the word.

  Ainsley (AYN-slee): Librarian of The Grand Library.

  Ambasere (amba-SAIR): Literal translation: Anvil of Ice. The winter kingdom of Borislav Makari (a.k.a. ‘the Bear King’ or ‘the Winter Wolf’).

  Andilain (AN-di-layne): The kingdom of High King Gaston.

  Äsä-Illäriu (AH-sah-ee-LAH-ree-oo): Homeland of the Evolu.

  Balish (BAY-lish): A village stronghold on the eastern lands of Andilain.

  Battle of Northridge: (6017s) The last battle against Mahan, who was defeated and captured, his army decimated by the Four Kings.

  Belatarus (bell-a-TAR-us): The sun

  Brother Drydan: The priest that found and administered to Eamon on the last night of his life.

  Brotherhood: An ancient organization of volunteers who believed the needs of others were more important than the needs of self. Made vows of service and spent their lives caring for those in need and preaching the love of the Gods to all creatures equally.

  Charles: A mägo of the royal court. One of Eamon’s closest friends.

  Clockworks City: The home city of the Gnome race. Population: three billion.

  Demoni Vankil (de-MOW-nee van-KEEHL): Literal translation: Demons Prison. The Runes which bound the Dark Lord Mahan and imprisoned him upon the planet of Unrest.

  Eamon: Mägo clerk. Creator of the Demoni Vankil.

  Elämä (EE-lah-mah): the main planet in the Beletarus system where our story takes place

  Ethany: The beloved wife of Eamon.

  Evolu (ee-VAW-loo): Elves

  Fishis (FISH-is): Stands for field-scribe-historian, a profession class among the Gnome race

  Glaserte (gla-SAIRT): Literal translation: Heart of Ice. The capital city of the kingdom of Ambasere.

  Gnolaum (NOL-um): the name used in prophecy referring to the Hero

  Gnome: Brilliant, charming, industrious and incredibly beautiful people. Oh, and they’re remarkably talented and unequalled in technology…and humility.

  Gypsy: A white Iskäri.

  Hammel: Kutollum, Rune Keeper and leader of the dwarf miners during the experiments at Vankiläsä. Assisted in the creation of the Demoni Vankil.

  Hero of the Gem: The host of the Ithari (also known as the Lanthya heart stone).

  High King Gaston: King of humans from 5871s-6017s.

  House of Lords: The winter quarters provided by the King, where nobles visit and conduct business affairs among one another. It was custom to bring their entire families with them as well.

  Humär (who-MAHR): 1) one of the founding fathers of Elämä before the Great Sundering; 2) the human nation of Seven Kings on Elämä

  Iskäri (iss-KAHR-ee): The race living in Erimūri

  Kädettä Äränuä (kah-DEH-tah ah-rah-NUAH): The class of master healers among the Evolu. Literal translation: Healing Hands

  Kimmeldell (KIMLE-dell) the Bold: King of the Kutollum (5743s-6017s)

  King Alik (ALL-ick): Father of King Borislav.

  King Borislav (BOAR-i-slahv): King of Ambasere (a.k.a. ‘the Bear King’ or ‘the Winter Wolf’).

  King Robert III: The current King of Andilain and a direct descendant of High King Gaston.

  Kirk (KERK): A church or place of worship overseen by a priest of the Brother

  Kutollum (koo-TOLL-um): Dwarves

  Lanthya (LAN-thee-yuh): Part of the planet of the Gods, sent to Elämä as a gift for the people.

  Lanthya (LAN-thee-yuh) Shard: One of 11 fragments of the Lanthya, given as a gift to the people of Elämä.

  Lord Brahm (BRAW-m): Commander of the Bailish stronghold, charged with watching over Eamon’s family.

  Lord Soturi (sow-TOO-ree): Leader of the Nocturi people.

  Mägo (MAH-go): Wizard / Sorcerer

  Mahan (MAH-han): the Lord of Darkness

  Mark: The center or ‘heart’ of a rune which connects the magic of a seal to an object (person, place or object).

  Master Caiden (CAY-den): Headmaster of the Order of Core at the School of Magic. (note: ‘complete jerk’)

  Morphiophelius (MOR-fee-oh-FEE-lee-us): Chuck, resident of Erimūri, rogue wizard and oldest known mortal

  Nethinim (NETH-i-nim): A group of fierce warriors. Gained favor of the Gods and bestowed with long life in exchange for service.

  Neuvo-kuisa (KNEE-vo-KWEE-suh): Literal translation: Council of Whispers.

  Nocturi (nok-TOO-ree): The race living in Väthinerä.

  Ochra-Ruce (OH-kra ROOSE): Literal translation: Protective hands. Location of one of the three Prime Gates on Humär.

  Ogriel (oh-GREEL): A person who shares their body with an unembodied. A possessed traitor.

  Omethia (oh-may-THEE-ah): Head Speaker of the Evolu.

  Order: Usually referring to the ‘Mägo Order’—a closed society of individuals who are bound together by oath for the duration of their lives.

  Oro-Lifsin (oh-row LIF-sin): Literal translation: Words of Life.

  Owen Bassett: The priest of the Brotherhood assigned to witness and record the events during the ritual of the Demoni Vankil.

  Prime Gates: The magical device allowing instant travel between vast distances.

  Renton: The young Kutollum, master of metallurgy, who assisted Eamon during the creation of the Demoni Vankil.

  Rune Keeper: One who collects and keeps records concerning rune lore.

  Runelord: One who can write and speak the incantations of rune lore, transferring life to magical script and giving it a life and purpose of its own.

  Rune Lore: The knowledge of the obscure and ancient language / mechanics of runes.

  School of Magic: The University where all mägo learn their craft under one of the Orders of Discipline: Universe, Core, Spiritual, Mental, Inner Physical, Outer Physical and External.

  Seal: The outer section of a rune containing the binding words of magic, life and intent.

  Shiro (SHEE-row): The Gypsy assigned to assist in the creation of the Demoni Vankil.

  Sormi-jaa (SOAR-me-JAH): Literal translation: Fingers of Ice.

  Tämä-Un (TAH-MAH oon): a valley in the Tiliman Highlands, where one of the three functional Prime Gates of Humär is located

  Tauku (taw-KOO) Invocators: Dark race of physically deformed mägo. Their power derives from torturing nature and all life, forcing the elements to do their bidding.

  The Book of Three Shadows: A history of events during the stay of the Evolu upon the human continent.

  The Grand Library: The ancient library of the Evolu.

  The Great Sundering: The great world-quake, dividing the lands and separating the races from one another—caused by the great war between the first Hero and Mahan.

  Queen Älodiä (ah-LOW-dee-ah): The Evolu wife of High King Gaston—who ruled after he husbands death (5871s-6104s).

  Vallen (VAL-en): trolls

  Vankiläsä (van-key-LAH-sah): Literal translation: Prison of the Damned.

  Väthinerä (vah-thee-NEH-rah): The homeland of the Nocturi.

  War of Sharu (SHAR-oo): The Vallen invasion and slaughter of the Nocturi people in 6006s.

  War of the Western Shores: A Vallen invasion in 6022s.

  * * * *


  Höbin Luckyfeller is what people refer to as a field-scribe-historian (or fishis for short), hence the term—field work is for the fishis. He specializes in acquiring unique information, not readily available to a ‘normal’ historian (that means the yahoo’s who still write with pen and paper instead of using a laptop).

  The fact is, he’s famous for one special reason: He’s gone where no Gnome has gone before.

  Höbin’s qualifications include studying under the renown scribe and botanist Bigsby Bumblebutt, earning his Field Degree from Clockworks Academy. After the Gate War, he requested Isle-Leave from the Government Faction and got his black card, taking his surviving two children—Alhannah and Green with him on remote field assignments. Since then he’s earned a Doctorate in both field analytics, animal linguistics and graduated as a Qualified Crocodile through the human performance mastery program under the tutelage of Roger Anthony (

  He is proficient in arcane analysis, magic fundamentals and advanced cybernetic adaptation and engineering. Höbin also make a mean quiche and an impressive lemon sorbet.

  This is his first public release of knowledge, which he hopes to be a success for two important reasons: One, because you have a right to know the truth about Elämä and all that pertains to it, and; Two, …he needs drinking money.

  Jaime Buckley is Höbin’s co-author. Unfortunately he’s just a boring human with a gorgeous wife, 11 kids and an addiction to telling stories. He lives in Utah with his darling sweetheart and editor, Kathilynn Buckley, expanding the WANTED:HERO Universe full time. He can be contacted through

  * * * *

  Special Thanks

  All credit goes to my Father in Heaven--for the constant miracles He sent to us so this story could be told. The best way I can show my gratitude and thanks, is by moving on quickly to complete the next part of the story.

  In addition, I want to thank:

  Kathilynn: My love, my sweetheart, my best friend and editor. You are nothing short of amazing. These stories are better because of you. Thank you for putting up with the crazy man who can’t stop telling stories. Yeah...I meant me.

  My kids: Cesilea, Evan, Leilani, Jessica, Nathan, Asia, Jami Taylor, Ethany, Simon, Carley and Wynnie. Your support is what keeps me go- ing. I love and adore each of you. That’s two stories down...and you survived. Only a few dozen to go!

  Shawn Morely: You are a great man, Shawn. You can deny it, but that only proves my words. Thank you for all your help, patience and assistance so we had a place to live. I owe you a lot. May God bless you a hundred fold for your compassion as the world had me under its boot. We will always be grateful to you.

  Ondi Allred: You are the best man I know. You inspire me to be better than I am and every conversation we have uplifts my soul and strengthens my heart. I don’t know what you did wrong to have me end up as your best friend...but keep making that mistake, because life would suck without you.

  You not only give me hope, you have shown me that even a crazy man has worth in this world. Wherever you go, my friend, I want to go with you.


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