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The Outlaw's Obsession

Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  The anger inside of Sonya was irrational, and she shouldn’t let this club whore get to her, but just picturing Jagger with this slut and imagining those marks on his back, had disgust filling her. But did she really expect any different? Hell, the first night she was here this very room had been filled with the members dry humping, getting strip teases and lap dances, and even getting blow jobs from the club whores currently acting all domestic. Why she was letting this bother her, and why did she care what DeDe said? She brought the picture of water to the table and set it down, but suddenly she was not hungry, and that intensified when she saw DeDe make her way up to Jagger and slide her hand up and down the back of his cut. She looked over at Sonya and grinned at the same time she leaned into his side. But Sonya wasn’t about to play the petty card like that bitch. Besides, her shoulder decided to throb fiercely at that moment, and lying down sounded better than dealing with this drama. She turned to head to her room, but there was a little tug on the bottom of her shirt and she looked down.

  “Hi.” A little girl with two missing front teeth smiled up at her.

  “Hi there,” Sonya said and smiled.

  “That’s my big brudder and my daddy over there.” She turned and pointed to a boy about ten and a big looking biker with a long dark beard. “You’re preedy.”

  Sonya couldn’t help but smile wider at the little girl.

  “Bye.” She waved and skipped over to her father who scooped her up.

  Sonya straightened and looked over at Jagger instinctively, but it was to see DeDe looking up at him with a wide, very sexual smile on her face. Sonya turned and just headed back to her room. She hated the jealousy inside of her, hated that she was letting the slut have any kind of control over her, and knew that the best thing for her to do was just separate herself and have some quiet time to think about her priorities.

  Chapter Ten

  “What are you doing, DeDe?” Jagger growled out the words and looked down at her. DeDe was currently rubbing up all over him, but the scent of the jealousy and proprietary claim that came from the club whore was enough to choke him. He looked over at where he had seen Sonya just seconds before, and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw her talking to Bean’s little girl, Janie. The smile that spread over Sonya’s face as she looked at the little girl did something funny to his heart. But then Janie was bouncing away, and that smile was leaving Sonya’s face. She didn’t look at him again, just turned and left down the hallway. Shit.

  “Jagger, can you look at me, please?” There was this annoying, pleading quality in DeDe’s voice.

  Jagger turned to her. He didn’t hold back his scowl.

  “Maybe we can get together tonight, and I can show you how much I’ve missed you. I haven’t been with you in nearly a week, Jagger.” She slid her hands over the front of his cut.

  He took a step back and growled low in his throat. He wouldn’t cause a scene in front of the children and the members’ families, but this shit with DeDe trying to place some kind of fucking claim on him needed to stop.

  “I told you before that the only thing that has ever gone on between us is sex. I never promised you a spot by my side as an old lady, and the fact I can smell your jealousy over Sonya, and that this little show is to somehow show her that you think you are above her does nothing but infuriate me.”

  She reached out for him again.

  He pushed her hands away.

  She scoffed, but she sounded more like a child having a tantrum. “I don’t understand what in the hell some random pussy has that I don’t.” DeDe crossed her arms over her chest, and although she was still wearing a cutoff shirt that covered her breasts completely because of the kids hanging around, she wasn’t wearing a bra and he could clearly see her nipples. But that sight did nothing for him aside from causing his dick to invert. “She’s nothing but a slit, and you seem to have some kind of infatuation for her, pushing me aside when I thought you and I were going somewhere that wasn’t just in the sexual aspect.”

  Damn, had she not heard what he had just said to her? “Fuck, DeDe.” The words came out harshly, but she didn’t flinch. Jagger scrubbed a hand over his head. “Get this through your skull. I don’t want you, and didn’t want anything from you aside from what was between your thighs.”

  She narrowed her eyes and flared her nostrils.

  “I never promised you anything.” Now he was just beating a dead horse in this conversation with her. “No more, DeDe. I fucking mean it.” He turned and stalked out of the main club room and to Sonya’s room. He liked to think she left because she was jealous, but that was a shitty thing for him to want. Sonya hadn’t even been here a week, and although she did desire him there was also an end to all of this. He should and shouldn’t have ever brought her here. He wanted her safe more than anything, but it seemed like there was irrational shit with DeDe going on.

  He stopped in front of her bedroom door, placed his hands on the doorframes, and lowered his head. He should have knocked before gripping that handle and turning it, but his bear was sick of being denied, and just the thought of her upset over anything DeDe had said or done had the territorial part of him rising up. He pushed open the door but placed his other hand back on the frame and just stared at her. She had spun around from the noise of the door slamming into the wall, and a sick part of him felt pretty good when her eyes widened and a startled gasp left her. But he didn’t smell any fear coming from her, and in fact got a good dose of her desire when she saw him standing there. She swallowed when he pushed off the doorframe and stalked inside. Slamming the door shut with his foot, he stopped when he was only a few feet from her.

  “Jagger, is everything okay?” Her blue eyes were still so wide, but her breathing had increased and her lust continued to thicken in the air. She couldn’t stop this from happening, because she wanted this just as badly as he did.

  “I’ve been avoiding you.” He didn’t know why he had said that. His gaze was riveted to the way she ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

  “Yeah, but—”

  He shook his head to stop her from continuing. “There are no buts. I shouldn’t have, but I thought doing so would help keep this distance between us, and my need to claim you under control.”

  She parted her lips. “And did it?” Sonya’s voice was low, and there was a quiver laced within her words.

  “If it had helped I wouldn’t be here right now.” She took a step back, and he knew it was because his voice was slightly distorted. “If you don’t want this to go any further, tell me now, Sonya.” He curled his fingers into his palms, trying to not claim her mouth with his own. “I will never force you to do anything you don’t want, but right now I am having a hard fucking time not touching you. So, if you don’t want this to go down the path that we both have been trying to ignore since we first saw each other, than I suggest you tell me now.” His cock throbbed behind his jeans, and a low grunt left him when he saw her lower her gaze to said body part. Fuck, the damn thing jumped just from the idea of her looking at it.

  She slowly lifted her eyes so she was once again staring at her, and he saw her answer before she even said the words. Sonya took a step toward him but stopped before their chests touched. “But what about DeDe?”

  Jagger shook his head. “There is no DeDe. I won’t say we don’t have a semi-past, because that would be lying, and I don’t fucking lie. But what we had was strictly on a sexual level.”

  Sonya averted her eyes, but the scent of her desire was still strong. “I don’t think she realizes that.” Yeah, he had a pretty good idea that DeDe might have said something. DeDe had really been trying to drill home that she wanted something more from him.

  He reached out and tipped Sonya’s head back with his finger under her chin. Looking straight in her eyes, he made sure she was right here with him and not letting her thoughts take her away. “I told DeDe there isn’t anything going on between me and her. She isn’t even going to be a factor in this equation, okay?” He ran t

he tip of his thumb along her bottom lip, and for several seconds all he did was stare at the digit as he moved it back and forth over the red, plump flesh. She didn’t move and didn’t even breathe as she let him touch her. A surge of male satisfaction filled him over that fact. “I would never hurt you. Never.”

  “Even though all of this seems so crazy, I do know that.”

  “Good.” He lifted his gaze back to hers and let go of her chin. “Now, if you want to take this to the next step I want to hear you say the words.” For several seconds she didn’t respond, and he knew she was going over everything in her head. This was not a rushed decision, no matter how much he wanted every part of her.

  “I do want you, and have not stopped thinking about it since I first saw you, but…” There was hesitation in her eyes. “I’m not another one of your club whores, and I am trying to get away from the club life, not become more engrained in it.” He heard the slight waver in her voice when she said the last part. He knew that she had already realized that the life within in the Grizzly MC was nothing like what she experienced with the Wolverines. He had scented that realization in her, had seen it in her face when she talked to his guys, and even just minutes before when she smiled down at Janie. His club life might be gritty and raw, but it was also filled with love.

  “I’m not like Trick, and my MC isn’t anything like his.” He said those two statements with so much determination that he feared he might have frightened her, but her strength was notable, and he felt pride fill him over that. Trick hadn’t broken her, and she wasn’t ruined. She was so strong on the inside, just as strong as any shifter male. He was so fucking happy that she could stand before him with her head held high talking about wanting something for herself.

  “I know, Jagger. I know.” She reached up, and he held himself completely still as she ran her fingers over his President patch. She didn’t stop as she moved the pads of her fingers over his cut and stopped when she reached his lower abdomen. “I want this for myself and think I’ve earned it.” When she lifted just her eyes so she was staring into his face, Jagger cupped the side of her face gently and slid his thumb back and forth over her cheek. He wanted to be rougher, wanted to let his bear have full control, but he also knew what she had been through. “I don’t want to be just another piece of ass to you.” He didn’t wait for her to continue because it broke his damn heart hearing her talk like that.

  He cupped the other side of her face and slanted his mouth on hers. He was gentle, not forcing or rushing, but letting her know that he wanted her. But she surprised the hell out of him by gripping onto the loops of his jeans and pulling him all the way forward. A soft noise left her when his erection pressed into her belly. She was so soft, even with the layers of clothing separating them.

  “I want more, Jagger. God, I want this for myself, because it was my decision.” She murmured against his mouth, and he silently declared he would give her all of that and more.

  He slipped his tongue between her lips, and another guttural groan left him at the sweet flavor that bathed his taste buds. And then she sucked his tongue further into her mouth, and moved hers along it in some kind of erotic, slick act. Jagger couldn’t stop himself from slipping his hands around her waist and using his body to move her backward until the wall stopped them. He was doing well kissing her slowly even though he wanted to go harder and control more of this situation. When she slid her hands in his hair and tugged at the short strands, that was his breaking point. His bear broke free, and he slanted his head and kissed her deeper, more possessively, and wanted her to know that this was the beginning of them, and that he couldn’t just let her walk out of his life. He’d just have to make sure she knew that she wasn’t a piece of pussy to him.

  “Hearing you say that makes my cock harder, and it’s really fucking difficult to go slow, Sonya.” He trailed his lips along her jaw, and she let her head fall back against the wall. The sound of her panting was erotic and drove him mad with lust.

  “I’ve always wanted freedom, Jagger.”

  He stopped kissing her and slowly lifted his head to look into her face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly parted, and the sight of her lips red, glossy, and swollen from the kiss they just shared had a groan leaving him.

  She opened her eyes, and there was this drugged-like expression in her face from her arousal. It was a really good look on her. “But I want you just as badly as that freedom.” In a softer voice she said, “Please don’t hurt me, and I’m yours.” This wasn’t just about the physical pain, but her emotion and mental wellbeing as well. He could smell the desperation inside of her. She wanted him to accept her for who she was, to want her as much as she wanted him, and to not break her heart.

  He leaned in again until their lips were brushing together in the lightest way. “Baby, I have never wanted a female the way I want you.” He placed his hands by her head on the wall, in the same way he had done all those days ago when he had forced himself to walk away from her. “And you are not just club pussy to me, Sonya.” He moved one of his hands and pushed her hair off her shoulder. “My bear wants you for more than just a few hours, baby.” Running his tongue along her bottom and then top lip, a surge of pleasure moved through him when she shivered beneath his touch. “I’ll keep you safe, because the moment I saw you I knew you’d be mine.” Jagger said that last word on a growl and then devoured her mouth once more.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and thrust her chest out so it pressed to his. Her breasts were full and soft, and he wanted to see them naked, wanted to feel the heavy weights in his hands, and wanted to taste her flesh with his tongue. “Take me, Jagger. Let me feel something other than what I’ve experienced.” She grabbed his hair again and said in a more desperate voice, “Make me forget.” She didn’t need to elaborate on what she meant, and she didn’t need to ask him twice.

  Jagger moved his hands behind her and gripped her ass, loving the curve and indentation of where her thighs met the cheeks. Lifting her easily off the ground he claimed her mouth at the same time she wrapped her legs around his waist and tightened her hold on him. Jagger could have stayed there all night long just kissing her, but his cock throbbed like a fucking jackhammer, and the need to finally claim her was a living entity inside of him.

  He turned them around and strode the few steps it took to get to the bed. In a swift move, because Jagger was barely holding on, he set her in the center of the bed and started for his cut. “One more time, baby. You sure about this?”

  She nodded before he even finished. “Yeah, I am really fucking sure.”

  He grinned at her profanity. He set his cut on the chair by the bed and reached behind him to grab a handful of his shirt. Pulling it up and over his head, he tossed it to the ground and went for the belt, button, and zipper of his jeans. Once he was completely naked in front of her, he took hold of his dick and started stroking himself. He was already rock hard, but just seeing her stare at his erection had him becoming impossibly harder.

  “You keep staring at my dick like that and I’ll come before I’m even inside of you.” He heard her breath hitch, and then she was pushing up to a sitting position and pulling her shirt off. Once the material was gone she reached behind and unlatched her bra. His heart was pounding fast and hard, and never had he wanted something as fiercely as he wanted her right now. She tossed her bra to the ground, and the movement had her huge, round breasts shaking. His mouth watered, and his bear clawed to come out and sample her, but no fucking way was he about to give this experience up.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sonya stared at Jagger as he stood right before her stark naked. His body was big and tall, corded with muscle, and so powerful that goose bumps formed along her skin. His abdomen had ribs and indentations of muscle, and that defined V that was like an arrow right down to his erection called to her. But even with the stunning quality that made him up, what held her attention was the huge tattoo on his hairless chest. It was the same design as the patch h
e wore on the back of his cut, but seeing the dark ink on his flesh was even more of an aphrodisiac. In the center and right over a set of inked claw marks was the shaded outline of a motorcycle. Above that the word GRIZZLY was tattooed in black, stating his breed. And below the permanent patch was the world COLORADO, defining where his MC’s territory was. It was a hardcore thing to look at, but it didn’t frighten her, not when he watched her the way he did.

  He continued to move his palm up and down his huge cock as he stared at her breasts. The man was built, and his dick was no exception. He was long, thick, and with a crown that was wider than the shaft. Sonya’s inner muscles clenched with need on their own, and a fresh wave of moisture left her. She was wet, almost embarrassingly so, but she wasn’t going to stop this. There had never been a time when she was the one making the decision to give up her body, and although there had been a lot of pain and fear that had circled her, she was stronger for it. Maybe most women wouldn’t be able to say that, but she was grateful that she had been able to rise above the nightmare that had tried to keep her down. It had taken years for her to come to terms with everything and to lock up the good and alive part of her that Trick had tried to eradicate.

  Never again.

  But as she got the button undone and the zipper down, her arousal started to mix with apprehension because in a few seconds Jagger would see the scars of Trick’s “affection”. But she didn’t want to stop, and Jagger had said she wasn’t just a piece of ass. Did she believe him? Yes, because after the past seven years she had learned to go with her gut, and her instincts told her this was right. Was she still nervous about his life? Yes. Was she still going to leave? She didn’t want to, honestly, but she knew that was the smart thing to do. But she hoped this wasn’t the last time they spent time together, because even though Jagger was deep in the MC life, she wanted to be a part of his life.


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