Page 14
Even the snarky comments Nina had made during the ride home, little arrows that were meant to rile and embarrass him, had little or no effect. As she sat beside Jared, her eyes raked over him again in utter disbelief, while he continued to ignore her and remain silent. His behavior acted like a shield against her; and it was working. She was losing control of him. She sensed a change; a new development, one she wasn't aware of had taken place at the Brauwer's and it practically drove her crazy not knowing what had transpired during the meeting.
Just watching how attentive he was to Elizabeth made her furious; a sore reminder of what she'd lost and wasn't likely to win back, now that there was an obstacle in the way. Plus, the fact that Sterling was unable to provide any information about the results of Jared's meeting was disturbing, too, adding fuel to her growing insecurity. Losing power over the two men she ruled made her feel helpless, obsolete. In the end, Nina decided motivation was the key. She would call a meeting with Sterling later on in the week, highlighting the hazards eminent to his department, the precarious position his reputation would be left in if this information remained hidden.
Using the right tactic, his ego would respond, especially if he was made aware of another incident of hacking classified information and threatening the development team's hard work. Armed with her plan, Nina began to relax. When the limousine pulled up to the curb of Sterling's high-rise she felt sure of herself and what needed to happen. As she and Sterling stepped out of the vehicle, she knew her plan would work. She cordially bid Jared goodnight, ignoring Elizabeth.
Once, the driver pulled out of the driveway and turned onto the street, he sought instruction.
"Home, sir?"
Jared cast a long sideway glance at Elizabeth.
"No, I think a nice evening drive to celebrate might be better."
Jared pushed to button on the side panel, rolling up the tinted panel separating the back seat from the driver's view.
Now, that he and Elizabeth were finally alone he felt compelled to do what he'd waiting to do ever since leaving the Brauwer's mansion. A flood of desire gorged his manhood pulsating with great, need demanding immediate release. Elizabeth eye's widened as she caught sight of the bulge threatening to burst through his trousers. When her fingertips lightly grazed the bulge, Jared moaned in agony, unsure if he'd be able to control himself.
"Please,” he said in a lone growl, his breathing unsteady. “I'm begging you."
Instinctively, Elizabeth began slowly unfastening his belt, button and zipper. As the material slid down his thighs exposing his muscular buttocks, Jared positioned himself on his knees, the hardness of his erection evident, literally staring her in the face. Mesmerized, Elizabeth immediate slid to the floor and then raised herself on her kneecaps to get a better position. Running her fingertips over his buttocks, cupping and then squeezing the muscles, Jared moved closer and closed his eyes as her tongue made contact with the tip
The pleasure she gave him was incredible. Jared found himself gasping. Her tongue swirled several times around the tip, teasing him and made its way along the outer ridge. Then slowly she took the length in her mouth, tenderly suckling his desire, stroking an inflaming need.
Jared growled deeper, a guttural sound that rose as the pace quickened, almost shattering his resolve until he found the strength to hold back. He pulled Elizabeth up onto the seat kneeling with her back facing him. Before she knew what was happening her cocktail dress was up over her head, her bra unfastened and the bikini's sliding down her legs. Resting her head against his chest she heard him whisper as the sunroof panel suddenly opened.
"I want to take you somewhere. Will you let me?"
Elizabeth nodded as if in a daze, tantalized by the sexual tension building between them, the anticipation capturing her desire and feeding her hungry imagination. She immediately parted her legs a little wider and closed her eyes.
The initial thrust into her tight, moist, core hurled her forward and was so potent that she needed to brace herself against the sides of the vehicles sunroof. A steady stream of kisses made their way down her neck and she could feel him fondling her breasts, squeezing each nipple until they were red, ripe and hard.
She could hear him grunting as he let loose; their movement becoming wild, frantic as he rode her wild cries in the wind, burrowing his manhood deeper. The pleasure was steadily moving upwards. When Elizabeth opened her eyes, she could see they were now on a bridge traveling at maximum speed. Her need was gaining, too. She began resisting, bucking against an uncontrollable rhythm, drowning in ecstasy and wailing at the top of her lungs: the pinnacle of pleasure overwhelming her senses, at once.
When the passion subsided, Elizabeth collapsed against Jared's wide chest. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, pulling her close.
"I never thought I would see this clearly again,” Jared whispered tenderly in her ear.
Elizabeth was still breathing hard. She waited a few moments before adding, “not you. I thought you had everything mapped out."
"Maybe that's what I want the rest of the world to believe; I put on a good show. But, I've been floundering since Nina got control of the business. I can't tell you how painful it's been to watch her make some bad decisions that set this company five years behind my original plans. But, the worst part was, she wouldn't listen to reason. She was so set on taking out revenge on me, that she couldn't see that her actions would ultimately undermine her own investments."
"That's easy enough to believe. We had ‘words’ this evening."
"What did she say?"
"When I say ‘words', I'm being tactful. She made a declaration to have me fired and ruin my career in New York City. She said afterwards, I wouldn't be able to work in this town. Apparently, she's not too pleased about us."
"I could give a damn what she thinks."
"Still, I'm afraid she has it in for me and I need to be on my guard."
"That won't be necessary."
"What are you going to do, guard me twenty-four hours a day?"
"If I need to..."
Jared nuzzled her neck and then planted at string of kisses that made Elizabeth giggle.
"Come on. Be serious. She could really do some harm."
"Let me worry about that. In the meantime, how about I order us some take out and you plan on spending the night at my place? I'm starved and I'm sure you didn't get a chance to eat at the Brauwer's.
"You're right, I didn't, but...” .
"Come on the night's young. Besides, I need you."
That's all she needed to hear. Elizabeth's heart melted on the spot.
For the rest of the evening, Jared took Elizabeth into his full confidence. He explained in detail some the projects he had hoped to develop, but due to his brother's sometimes-fragile ego and to keep the peace, those plans were delayed or shelved.
At the time, Sterling seemed to be developing a special rapport with certain big-wigs at the NYSE, while simultaneously Nina had instituted a campaign to tarnish Jared's reputation, he had been left with no choice in the matter other than to take a back seat, live up to his bad boy reputation, and let both of them run the show for a while.
For the first time, Elizabeth could see the wheels turning behind his actions. Even with undesirable circumstances, Jared had managed to turn certain facets in his favor. Given an opportunity to progress, free of obstacles, Elizabeth had no doubt the innovative ideas for the company would've soared. There was no denying he was highly intelligent and had suffered an embarrassing setback. Luckily, most people on Wall Street still saw him in charge. As she continued to listen, this time it was more with compassion, a genuine feeling.
Six months later, Nina hadn't grown tired of calling the shots for the company and Sterling's likability had spawned several lucrative deals with prime corporations. Jared began to seriously worry about his role in the company he'd originated. One year quickly turned into five and he had all he could do to try and hang on to his company.
That's where the women became increasingly important, a free flowing entourage of socialites or relatives of the heads of major corporations. In essence their stock in Bentley Industries was his bread and butter. Jared made it his business to entertain them all on a regular basis whenever they were in town, which was often: so his social calendar was usually full. Truthfully, since most of these women were extraordinarily beautiful and personally saw to it that he could at least break even with his shares of the company, bedding them wasn't too much of a hassle or inconvenience. At least that's how he used to feel.
"As you can imagine, they've been adamant this month, calling me practically every day since that first fund raiser we attended."
Elizabeth recalled her initial reaction to seeing Jared with all those women clinging to him. It felt awkward then and continued to be a thorn in her side whenever her mind drifted to her early impressions of him. Still, she'd never questioned him on the matter, until, now.
"So, have you stopped seeing them?"
"What do you think?"
"It's a simple question, Jared, yes or no."
"I'm with you, now.” Jared slid closer to Elizabeth and kissed her thoroughly, leaving her practically breathless.
Under the covers, that insatiable feeling was burning with need and desire, again. She didn't have to saying anything; Jared already sensed it and immediately responded, sinking far beneath the covers.
Moments later Elizabeth was gasping, drowning in physical sensation as he teased and tantalized until the essence and the intensity of their pleasure finally made them both drowsy. Spent they soon fell fast asleep in each other's arms.
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Madeline always had a fine palate, excellent taste in nouveau gourmet cuisine. When she suggested lunch at ‘The Grapevine,’ a swanky new restaurant on the upper west side, Elizabeth readily agreed. Some of the harsh effects of winter had subsided and the weather was cool and mild. Since the outdoor heated patio was open during lunchtime, when the Maitre d suggested the area, both Elizabeth and Madeline changed their scheduled seating.
As they were shown to their table, Elizabeth noticed how word of mouth about the delectable cuisine had successfully reached the cloistered neighborhood. Soon, the entire city would be clamoring to book a reservation, if they weren't already. , Once they were seated, and their drink order placed, the waiter set off in the direction of the bar.
"What a great place, Madeline,” Elizabeth said enthusiastically.
"A client brought me here last week. In fact, I believe she knows Jared Bentley. Anyway, she suddenly decided to liquidate her stock and sign on with us. I thought it was rather odd, but I certainly wasn't about to turn away the acquisition."
The news was disturbing; a clear sign that matters had taken a turn for the worse. The client in question was probably one of the socialites Jared regularly entertained. Soon, word would spread and others would follow, depleting his shares. Elizabeth was careful not to show her growing concern.
"Clients can be extremely fickle, I suppose. I guess it's to be expected.” Madeline probed further, fishing for a reason for the changed allegiance.
"I notice Jared is getting more involved in philanthropic activities. He's on the guest list for some upcoming events. No doubt because of your influence. You're good for each other."
Elizabeth steered the conversation away from the personal. “Yes, that's my job as his PR assistant. His image is slowly changing for the better and he's being more widely accepted by more conservative institutions. It's about time, I think."
"Bentley Industries has created some really spectacular products this season,” Madeline said. “I caught a glimpse of the advertising the other day and I must say it's impressive."
"Well, I don't get involved that much with the production side. That's Sterling's department."
"So, you have no knowledge of when he plans on releasing these devices."
"Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm sure a press release will be forthcoming, soon."
Madeline took a few moments to contemplate that information, “Maybe later on this week, perhaps"
"I doubt it. The company network will be down Thurs and Friday for maintenance."
"Oh,” Madeline exclaimed.
Since Madeline seemed satisfied for the moment, Elizabeth decided to do a little probing herself.
"So have you heard any gossip about my new position? Do they know? Do they care?"
Madeline eyes shifted from side to side as she leaned in closer. “Of course they know. Mr. Gobbel loves to brag about your potential; how you were under his supervision."
Elizabeth laughed heartily. “Unbelievable! As I recall, I was constantly made to feel my ideas were of no use to anyone, least of all those senior analysts."
"Enough about them, I want hear about your new boyfriend. How is he?"
"What do mean?” Elizabeth asked coyly.
"You know exactly what I mean,” Madeline said slyly.
"He's proficient."
"How proficient?"
"Gloriously attentive,” Elizabeth teased.
"Why, you've turned into something of a hussy, Elizabeth. I never would've thought you had it in you.” Just then, the waiter arrived with their drinks and a platter of steaming appetizers. He carefully set the stuffed dim sum in the center of the table and proceeded to dish them up. Elizabeth waited until he'd left the table.
"You'd be surprised,” she answered, taking a huge bite, just to emphasize her point.
Several days later at Bentley Industries, Nina had all she could do to suppress her anger. Since the Brauwer's dinner she'd felt something was amiss, a premonition that had her up late at night, worried. Her instinct told her that Jared had something up his sleeve with the help of Elizabeth, his new mistress: rather, whore.
Still, in order not to create any suspicion, Nina purposely waited several days before approaching Sterling again. Given time, she could tell there was animosity for Elizabeth lurking somewhere in him; it just needed to fester before she could push it to the forefront. She strode into his office unannounced; Sterling was startled when he looked up from a surveillance report he'd been reading.
Annoyed, he put down the document. “I suppose you're going to make this a habit, barging into my office unannounced."
"If that's what it takes to get your attention, then, yes,” Nina said before taking a seat in one of the chairs facing Sterling's desk.
"What is it this time?"
"What was it last time, or have you forgotten, already?"
"Look, I agree that she's got her hooks into him. But so far I haven't found anything incriminating her. The only valid suspicion I've found is her association with Madeline Matherson."
"Who's that?” Nina sighed, not really caring.
"Oh, I almost forgot you don't like to pay attention to the key players on Wall Street; they bore you. She's the manager of acquisitions at Tri-Star Investments. According to Elizabeth they attended the same university. I saw them conversing in the foyer at the Brauwer's.
"So that's who came to her rescue when she and I were having a chat."
"Don't tell me... You didn't confront her, did you?"
"Not in so many words..."
"That's great! Now, she'll know we're keeping an eye on her."
"Oh, Sterling let's not fight, now. I can't tell you how hard it was for me the other night with her there. I just what him to realize he needs me."
"Don't you think it's a little late for that, Nina. You've taken away control of his creation."
"He's still part of it."
"You know what I mean."
Nina didn't like hearing the truth about how she had gained the majority of the shares of Bentley, nor the fact that her family did everything in their power to help her acquire them. But, despite these facts, she was determined to find some way of eliminating her competition. Once Elizabeth Lowell was out the way, Jared would realize he needed her, ho
w loyal she'd been to the business; and if he hoped to progress with his plans for the future, he'd have to bring her along. It was that simple.
"Look I've wasted enough time grasping at straws with this matter, so if you don't mind, I need to finish reading these security check reports so we'll be ready for tomorrow's maintenance schedule. By the way, did you follow the instructions in the memo I sent out and back up your files?"
"Yes, I've backed up everything. Have it your way and fiddle around with the network. But it's only a matter of time before you'll be thanking me for bringing her disruptive influence on Jared to your attention.” Nina got up from her seat.
"In the meantime I need to make sure our network is free of viral attacks and classified information is kept safe. Protecting this company's products and information system is the number one priority, right now."
"If you say so...” Nina said on her way out the door, pleased that the seeds of doubt were finally beginning to take root in Sterling's obtuse mind.
Around four o'clock Jared and Elizabeth had just finished up their weekly meeting discussing future events, checking items off the ‘to do’ list, scheduling interviews with various media publications. Jared's new image was in place, taking its rightful place with the other philanthropists. In the short span of the month since she'd been hired, Elizabeth had managed to reverse an awful trend: five years worth of public scrutiny and rampant media speculation. Now, the hard work was beginning to pay off.