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The Air You Breathe (HEARTFIRE Book 3)

Page 11

by Jave Kavfi

  He kicks a ball out from under a pile of cardboard boxes, bounces it a few times and hands it to her. "There you go. Um ... I'll tidy up this mess later."

  She throws the ball at the hoop and misses by a mile. He has a go, misses too, curses, and tries again. "Yes," he shouts, doing a fist pump as the ball goes through. "You got up too early. I've got burgers to cook and–"

  "You closed the shop to do this?"

  "No, I dived out at lunchtime and belted around the garden centre like a tornado. Left Holly in charge of the shop, with Mavis assisting. Closed the place bang on five. Reckoned we had other priorities today."

  "Where did you get the money?"

  "From what I was saving for my new identity papers. I didn't spend much – these weren't that expensive."

  "Caden – you need that ID. It's vital."

  "I know. But it's going to take ages. The papers will cost thousands, as far as I can work out. Not that I even know exactly where to get them. I'm making some enquiries – very carefully, I might add... "

  "But you shouldn't have. You–" She stops. He's trying to make her happy and she's giving him a lecture? "I love this. We'll make up the money."

  He's looking serious now. Takes both her hands in his. "Look, I know it seems irresponsible to use money on things that aren't essential, but... Ana – it's been months of stress and doom and gloom. Being attacked and constantly on edge. It's like you can't get a chance to be happy or relax. You were sleeping and woke up to ... that. Even if you weren't pregnant, it would be a shock – to anyone. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but it's not good for you or the baby. You work in the shop all day, and are looking over your shoulder all the time, trying to stay safe. Just when it looks like you're getting left alone for a while, you're plunged right into a murder case. It's not good. You need a break. We need a break. The whole Ryden thing – I should have kept you out of it. I will. I'll deal with it and you can relax more and not think about it."

  "No – I want to be involved. Honestly, I do."

  "Well, we'll see. But what I'm saying is we need to look after"--he taps her temple--"what's in here. Both of us. Our ... psychological wellbeing. We don't want to overdose on all the ... crap that hits us. You get what I'm saying?"

  "I get it."

  "And I'm not entirely stupid. Henry phoned this morning with more work for me. Cash in hand – or on the hush-hush, as he likes to call it. Clearing out some big estate not too far from here. There's tons of them around – and I'll only do it when the shop's busy and I know you won't be left alone. So, even if the dreams don't come back – and they most likely will – I'll still be earning and – what? What are you looking at me like that for?"

  "Come here – I'm going to give you a big hug."

  "You are not..." He's backing away, laughing.

  "I am."

  "Ha, you'll have to catch me first. Holly – Ana's attacking me."

  Holly is standing in the doorway. "I'm so going to do some nude sunbathing out here."

  "See – money well spent," Caden says.

  "As long as you keep your clothes on." Ana giggles.

  "Hey, I'll have you know I'm an excellent physical specimen." He pulls off his t-shirt, swings it over his head and does some hip-grinding.

  "Oh, man chest – I like, and I love those moves." Holly leaps at him and wraps her arms around his waist.

  "I'll leave you two to it. Thank you for all this," Ana says, making a move to go.

  He holds her by an arm. "But happy – it made you happy?"

  "It did – it has. You too? I want that."

  "Yeah, sure – happy enough," he says as Holly pulls him away.

  Chapter 24

  Sarah hears the voices as soon as she goes in the door. Laughter. Her mother has a visitor? That never happens. She goes into the bedroom. A chair by the bed and a woman slightly hunched on it.

  "Sarah, look who's come to see me." Her mother is all smiles. "She's brought me some of her home baking. Isn't that kind of her?"

  Sarah is nodding. "Yes, it is..." She doesn't know what to say or think. Mark's wife, Ruby – what is she doing here? A deep flush creeps up her cheeks.

  "I know you're just in the door, but could you make Ruby some tea, darling?" her mother says.

  "Of course." She's out of the room, but hears Ruby coming after her.

  "I'll help," she says, following her into the kitchen.

  Sarah gets out the tea things. Her hands are shaking so much she puts a cup down too hard and the handle breaks off in her fingers.

  "Silly goose," Ruby says. "That was such a nice cup too. Pink flowers. You could glue it back on, but things are never the same once they've been broken and patched together, don't you think? I mean, once someone has ruined something precious – it can't go back to the way it was. Perfect, before they went near it. And they should have left it alone in the first place, but their greed wouldn't let them, because they want what they shouldn't have." She's blinking up at Sarah and her face is set in a smile.

  Sarah turns away to put the smashed cup in the bin. Ruby knows. She has to get her out of here. She has to–

  "I'll do the tea, Sarah. You appear to be shaking too much. Had a little tipple, have you?" She takes another cup from the cupboard and puts it on a tray. "Oh, look at me, helping myself to your things, like I own them. Some people are like that. They take what they want and don't care that it's not theirs to have. As I said, greedy. Not good enough to get their own, so they chase what belongs to others. Make themselves available until their pitiable offering is taken. Desperate, they are. Sad, washed-up and pathetic."

  "Why are you here?" Sarah says.

  Ruby is putting some of her homemade cakes on a plate. "Your poor mother stuck in that bed for years now. So tragic. And so very fond of her devoted daughter. Mothers don't know all their daughter's secrets, do they? For instance – if the daughter was a dirty little slut who threw herself at a happily married man – it would be shocking for a mother to know that. Detrimental to her health."

  "Get out." Sarah grabs the woman's arm and pulls her to the door.

  "Oh, oh, oh – better take your hands off me. There's no knowing what I'll say or what I'll do. Your mother will get into a terrible state with me banging on the doors and windows. I mean it."

  Sarah lets her go.

  "That's better." Ruby smooths down her dress and pats her hair back into place. "What's that mark on your face, Sarah? Did some woman give you a good slap for going after her husband? Does she have children? Little mites who have done no harm and don't know their lives are about to be torn apart because of the actions of some sad little tart? Oh, but we better hurry with your mother's tea. She's waiting and can't do a thing for herself, can she? Trapped. And all because of that accident. I've always thought that was strange. Her driving that day, when she was known to prefer not to. And you in a passenger seat. Drunk as usual, were you? Who was first on the scene of the accident? Was it her brother, the policeman? Dean's father. Running for the council now, I hear. Yes, I've often wondered exactly what happened – you know, who was actually behind that wheel." She finishes making the tea, goes into the hallway and calls out. "Sorry about the delay – Sarah and I are having a nice girlie chat and she's showing me a dress she bought. Won't be a mo."

  Sarah sinks down on a chair as she hears the faint sound of her mother's cheerful reply. What is Ruby going to do? What happens now?

  "So, where were we?" Ruby comes back into the kitchen and closes the door behind her. "Yes, about victims of other people's stupidity and greed. I'm not going to be one – not again. My children won't be either. Do you understand?"

  Sarah is nodding. There is no point trying to protest. She understands what Ruby is telling her.

  "Good. Did you take Felicity? Was it you?" Ruby's eyes are glimmering and her smile is fixed.

  "Felicity? I don't understand..."

  "Possibly not you. It might have been Mark. To make me suffer and teach me a lesson. O
r Lucinda broke in and stole her because she's still full of evil urges. People can be unbelievably cruel. Taking things and taunting. Felicity was my grandmothers and I had her since I was a baby. They cut off her feet, you know. And then her hair – not content with mine, they had hers too. Said I would never find her and I didn't, because she was buried in dirt." Her eyes go to the door. Someone is knocking.

  Sarah pulls herself up and goes to answer. No-one comes here – they don't get visitors.

  Mark, with his arms resting on either side of the door frame. "Is she here?" he says softly. Sarah nods. He goes past her; pauses in the hallway. Ruby is framed in the kitchen doorway, smiling, a tea tray in her hand.

  "I'm just taking this to Sarah's mother before it gets cold, then we can continue our conversation. I'll tell her I'm having a look at the contents of Sarah's wardrobe, shall I? She will be pleased her daughter has found a friend – I don't imagine she has many. Won't know her daughter's usual means of getting company is stealing other women's men. Shan't be long."

  Mark's face is grey, his jaw clenched and he's visibly shaking. Sarah indicates he should come into the kitchen.

  "She knows about us," she tells him.

  "Of course she bloody well knows. Half the town most likely knows – what with you coming into the surgery drunk and practically broadcasting it." He runs his fingers through his hair and slumps on a chair. "God knows what she's going to do – she's capable of anything."

  "You admitted it – about us?"

  "No – I didn't 'admit' it," he says through gritted teeth. "I didn't have to. And there is no 'us' – that was a mistake I won't be making again. If you hadn't pestered me, none of it would have come out."

  "What will she do? She's threatening to–"

  "To blackmail you? It will be that. It's what she does. With me and others before me. Don't worry about it. She'll do nothing, if you do what she wants. Keep away from me and your troubles will be over. I'm not quite so fortunate."

  "She was saying ... asking if I'd taken something. Felicity..."

  He gives a bitter laugh. "A doll – can you believe it? A blasted doll. She's ripped the house apart looking for it. Raging around like a maniac in front of the children. All because of something that happened to her when she was a child. Been building up to this since she heard Ryden was opening up. Tore out the house and I knew ... knew she'd be heading here. Deranged – I think she's quite deranged."

  Ruby is back. "Who's deranged, Mark? One of your patients? You'll look after them, won't you? You are so careful and concerned with their welfare, aren't you? Always, so very conscientious. Anyway, can't stay here. We've left the children with the new sitter. Fifty if she's a day, and quite ugly. Has to be, as most women can't be trusted with other women's men. Even flabby, tarty ones have some appeal, apparently – if they are willing to offer up sex on tap. Anyway, must go – I've told your mother my devoted husband has come to pick me up." She beams a smile at Sarah. "Don't walk us to the door. We won't be seeing you again, I take it?"

  Sarah doesn't answer but Ruby is waiting, so she gives an affirmative nod. Ruby heads for the door and Mark follows.

  She collapses on a chair as she hears the door close.

  Chapter 25

  "You almost finished cleaning the guns?" Ana asks Caden.

  "Almost. What's that racket?"

  "Holly's back and she's got Dean's two nieces with her. They've wrecked the shop and now they're rampaging up here. You better put the guns away for now – we don't want Holly to see them. And we definitely can't risk those children getting hold of them – they get into everything."

  He puts the guns into a drawer and locks it. "Here – put the key in a safe place. I'll finish them later."

  "Their grandmother's downstairs to get them," Holly is saying. "I told her you would give them a lift home. I can't do it – I've got the worst headache ever. Look what those brats did to my cupcake cushions." She waves a burst cushion in the air and gets covered in the filling. "Little horrors."

  "Ha – pity they couldn't reach the pug then," Caden says. "But I'm not doing it. Get the grandmother to phone one of her family."

  "They can't drive today. All been out to watch the local football team play, so they've been drinking."

  "I'll get them a cab."

  "No, it will take ages. There's never any around when it's raining and I want them out of here now. I'll have to go lie down – wake me up when you get back. And watch out – they bite."

  "I'll come with you," Ana says to Caden. "I want them out of here while there are still some books left in the shop."


  He's feeling a little better now. Still sore, but at least he can move around. No sign of Nelson and his father hasn't come back yet. But he always did that, disappeared for days at a time when he wasn't working. Never a word of explanation. Well, there wouldn't be, as there hasn't been one single word spoken, ever. He's too ashamed to tell anyone about that. They wouldn't believe him – think he was attention seeking or he meant his father was a man of few words. He is, but he speaks to other people. Not much, but answers them and communicates. He told a teacher once. Said 'my father never speaks to me – I'm invisible'. She said fathers are busy, but he said – I mean not one single word. Why is that? She called him a liar and gave him detention when he wouldn't back down. Bitch.

  The ideal thing would be to go see the little piece in the book shop. The darker-haired one. The more he thinks about her, the more excited he gets. He's decided she's actually a lot more attractive than the blonde – all round better looking and with that hard-to-get vibe. Can't stop thinking about her. Imagining what it would be like. But she's out for now, because of the guy, who probably makes out he's a regular person, but who is actually some type of violent sociopath.

  So it will have to be the big redhead who lives with her mother. The mother too, who knows? Scraping the bottom of the barrel, but he's in no shape to take chances and sometimes you have to make do with what is available. Definitely get around to the piece in the book shop though, before he leaves. Asking for it that one, looking like that.

  Once he's fit enough to get about, he'll reel some cash in with the letters. Bound to be a few of them who will cough up to buy his silence. Murder, infidelity, deviancy, blackmail. Blackmailing a blackmailer, he likes the natural justice of that.

  His father is home – he can hear him outside the door. Can't hear Nelson, though, so the old git has most likely dumped him. No big deal – Nelson is a survivor, just like him. What's he doing out there? He gets up and pulls the door open.

  The figure moves into the light.

  Not his father.

  It takes a few seconds to register who it is. Seen him around, obviously, but still a shock though, seeing him close-up after all this time. Thought it would take more than one letter to stir him up, but he'll be running scared and want it to be over. A gutless one, he can tell.

  "You better come in then," he says. "Was planning to pay you a visit, but you just saved me the trouble."

  Chapter 26

  "How can they stand it?" Caden says. "I've never seen so many kids in one house and every one of them was screaming at the top of their lungs."

  "I know – my head's thumping. Just wait until I have the twins."


  "Get your eyes back on the road – I'm joking. They're a close family, though, and that's nice. Very proud of the children and of each other. Did you notice how many trophies and medals were on display? Mostly police related. It looks like a good number of Dean's family were in the force. His father is a bit of a character."

  "You mean he's a pompous bore, don't you?"

  "You're becoming highly critical..."

  "Yeah, well, I'm only stating my opinion – which I'm sure is based on fact. Don't say you didn't notice."

  "Actually, I did. He boasts – a lot."

  "A lot? That's all he did. And his wife trapped me in a corner for half-an-hour and inflicted a list of his
'wonderful achievements' on me. Why didn't you rescue me?"

  "I couldn't. I was also trapped, getting more of the same from Dean's sister. On about how her father is running for the local council."

  "I was nervous as hell being surrounded by cops. I wouldn't have went there if I'd known ... you see that? The car parked in the layby?"

  "See what? I was changing the music. What are you doing?"

  He's pulled in and has opened the door. "You stay here. Lock the doors. I need to check something."

  "Wait. What is it? I'm coming with you." She puts her hand on the door handle.

  "No – you don't. I thought a saw a woman struggling with a man. You stay here. I'll be right back. Hang on." He leans in and takes something from under his seat. "I really mean it – don't get out. Seriously, the baby, you can't risk it."

  He's heading towards the car and Ana realises the guns are still locked in the drawer and it doesn't look like he has the weapons he usually carries. The object he took was a crowbar – he must be expecting trouble. He's at the car and banging on the door, shouting that the police are on their way. A man charges out of the driver's seat and makes a swing for him, but is stopped by the force of the crowbar across a knee and an elbow in the face. He crumples to the ground, groaning and clutching his leg, but the other door flies open and a tank of a man charges full-force into Caden, sending him flying off his feet. The man is aiming kicks at Caden's prone figure.

  Ana's out of the car, desperately trying to phone the police, but there's no signal.

  Caden has rolled away from the kicks, grabbed the man's legs and taken him off his feet. But the other man has managed to pull himself upright and is limping towards Caden. There's nothing for it – she has to help him somehow. If she can get hold of the crowbar Caden is trying to reach...

  The woman is out of the car – it's Sarah, and she has leapt on the back of the biggest man and is punching into the side of his head. She's screaming, "You've messed with the wrong woman – you bastards." Caden has brought his knee up hard into the other man's face, has gotten him by the neck and is banging his head off the side of the car. The man slumps and falls sideward. Sarah is still on the back of the biggest man and appears to be biting his ear. He screeches, staggers backward and Sarah falls off him, just in time for Caden to aim a kick at his face. The man slumps face down, Caden helps Sarah to her feet, takes her hand and they go running towards his car. Ana quickly gets in, starts the engine and takes off just as Caden and Sarah pile in.


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