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Wanted: A Bad Boy Auction Romance

Page 15

by Nicole Elliot

  But this time, it was different.

  I was practically falling apart without her.

  I needed her.

  I had to make sure she was okay, wherever she was. But it was nearly midnight and I still hadn't heard from her. That meant something was wrong. Finally, the text came through.

  Don't worry I'm with a friend. I'll meet you at the wedding planner tomorrow as we discussed. Don't call me anymore.

  Don't call her? What the hell did that mean? She'd been living here for three weeks. Everything was perfect, I had even stopped on my way home at some premier coffeehouse in order to get her favorite type of blend. I was learning things about her, things that I liked. The whole thing was mindbending, to begin with, two complete strangers getting married. But here we were, falling for each other. She couldn't deny it any more than I could. I wasn’t that guy, I wasn't good at settling down, but she made me want to try.

  She made it so that I wanted this arrangement to last so much longer than four months.

  And now she was just letting it all fall apart? It didn't make any sense. I considered having a couple drinks or eating something, but I figured sleep was better.

  I tossed and turned most of the night hoping that at some point she would creep into my bed and we would snuggle up together and everything would be forgiven. Not that I had any damn clue what was wrong. But when the sun started shining through my blinds I realized she hadn't come home. I got ready for meeting with the wedding planner and checked my phone several times but nothing.

  What if she was pulling out of our deal?

  I couldn't tell which concerned me more, losing my shares in the company, or losing Addison.



  It had been nearly a week since Addison hadn’t come home, and now she was sleeping in the guest room. I had no idea what was going on with her. When I would come home from my shift she would have her door closed or be out on an errand. She was avoiding me.

  But today she couldn’t avoid me any longer, it was the rehearsal, no matter how annoyed she was with me, she’d have to put on a good face. Because there were about thirty people we’d have to lie in front of.

  I looked at Addison, who was wearing a short satin dress and cute sandals and felt my cock growing. She was so beautiful in her elegant outfit. Even though I loved the complex bun her hair had been pulled into, I just wanted to destroy it and move my hands through her silky strands.

  But as she stood in front of the alter that would be decorated with all her flower choices tomorrow, she didn’t even make eye contact.

  We parted and she walked back to her family a very fake smile plastered on her face.

  My uncle grabbed me by my upper arm and we walked down the path, away from everyone else.

  “What in the hell did you do?”

  Shit, did he know? Had he found out our secret?

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your fiancée over there is pissed as hell, I’m guessing at something you did.”

  “I think she’s just nervous.”

  “The hell she is. She’s giving you daggers at every turn. I’ve been watching, something is going on here.”

  I decided honesty, or at least partial was best.

  “I have no idea what's going on with her and that's the truth. I came home last week to an empty house and no Addison and she won't talk to me about it. I don't know what I did to piss her off, but you're right she's not happy with me.”

  My uncle wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Are you sure you should be getting into these nuptials without a level head? Being angry at each other and walking down the aisle doesn't seem like the best way to enter into a marriage.”

  He had no idea. The best way to enter into a marriage was actually to be marrying someone that you love. While I had thought I loved Addison, and part of me still thought that I did, it was clear that she didn’t love me back. I shouldn't have been surprised, she was super bright and talented and beautiful. She was a total catch, the complete package. Perfect for my fabricated marriage, but was I perfect for her? Was I giving her everything she ever wanted?

  I wasn't sure.

  “What would you have me do? Cancel the wedding? Besides, I don't think she wants to do that either. Hopefully, this will all blow over very soon and we can move on.”

  “With the rest of your lives…” My uncle countered looking at me seriously.

  “Yeah, something like that,” I said dejectedly. Because right now I wasn't even sure that we’d make it to tomorrow let alone the next three months. And I had no idea what was going happen after that.



  Everyone was sitting around the table which had white linens and beautiful blush colored roses just like I asked.

  It was perfect, except that it wasn't.

  Cole stood up to give a speech and I could hardly look at him. But as soon as he sat back down and he took my hand within his I smiled affectionately and played my part. That's what I was here to do. Some soft music was playing in the background and while everyone was chatting and eating dessert Cole's uncle approached me.

  “Mind if I have a dance with the bride-to-be?”

  Cole nodded raising a glass to him and I took his hand as he walked me out onto what tomorrow would be our dance floor.

  “No one else is dancing.”

  “I kind of wanted it that way. I don't know what is going on between you and Cole, but I will give you the same advice that I gave him. Figure it out before you walk down that aisle tomorrow. Before you make a decision that will impact both of you for the rest of your lives.” He spun me out and pulled me back in close. I was happy no one else could hear our conversation.

  “What's that supposed to mean? Cole and I are fine. Just a little disagreement is all.”

  “I'm not sure that he sees it that way. You know the whole relationship is a little suspect now that I think about it. He had told me about you a couple months ago of course but I was surprised you agreed to marry him.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you're smart. You might even be smarter than him. And you look like a woman who takes her time in making a decision about something. Like you wouldn't do something just because it benefited you, and plan out your whole life around it. Cole isn't that way. He's impatient and stubborn and everything has to be done immediately when he's around. He doesn't think about the future, there is no long-term plan for him.”

  The song changed but it was still slow and smooth dinner music. “I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say.”

  “Addison, I have a pretty good idea of what's been really going on here and I can say with certainty that you are about to enter into an agreement that you may never be able to get out of. So run. Take your lovely little family and get out of town. You don't deserve to be put in this situation by my nephew. I can see that his pigheadedness has won out this time, but if you stay you're the only one who's going to lose.”

  I pulled away from him, my fabricated smile now completely disappeared. “Cole and I are fine. I appreciate your concern but I can tell you with great certainty you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. It will be quite easy to prove that to you tomorrow.”

  I stormed past him and walked directly out of the room. I continue to walk and until I found myself next to a pond where I sat down hoping to collect my thoughts. What a mess this all turned into. I watch the bubbling of the water as it rippled towards me and I put my fingertip down it to make a ripple back. It was like I was trying to stop the water from moving, almost like I was trying to stop my emotions from overtaking me. I heard someone come up behind me and I spun around to see Cole standing with his hands in his pockets looking both disappointed and inquisitive. Like he was lost.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “I came to see you, obviously. What is going on, Addison? You’ve been avoiding me for almost a week. And then you go and have a dance with my uncl
e and suddenly your booking it out of the reception hall like nobody's business. Not really a great way to keep up a lie by the way.”

  I rolled my eyes and stood up facing him. “Do you think that's all I care about?”

  He shrugged looking defiantly back at me. “How the hell am I supposed to know what you care about Addison? You don't even speak to me! I imagine you're in this for the money at this point. You're certainly not in it for me.”

  “That's remarkable coming from you. You're a hypocrite, do you know that?”

  “Why am I the hypocrite?”

  “I saw you at work. The little blond nurse giving a back massage, it was disgusting Cole. I thought at least we were exclusive. I didn't think I would have to go through the next ninety days wondering who else you were sleeping with. Is that so crazy?”

  “Ashley? The nurse from work? When were you at work?”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “You don't even deny it! Jesus Cole!”

  “What is there to deny? She gave me a back rub, she is working on her physical therapy degree and has to do so many hours of massage. She goofed up her schedule and had to miss a massage appointment. I told her she rub my shoulders for thirty seconds and I would sign off saying that she did her whole hour. It was a joke between friends, I was just helping her out. Why didn't you ask me? Are you really that jealous?”

  I took a deep breath and crossed my arms. Was I really that jealous? Had I ever been jealous before? The truth was, probably not. I had never really gotten involved with anyone as seriously as I had been with Cole. There was no one before that I cared about.

  But jealousy be damned, I was still pissed. “I know about your past. I know that you were a player and that there was a good chance she was just a notch on your belt. But maybe I was too.”

  He set his lips into a thin line and didn't speak for a moment. The only thing I could hear was my own heart beating and the fountain bubbling behind me. Finally, he said, “Is that really what you think of me? Is that what you think about us?”

  “I don't know what to think,” I answered honestly.

  He ran his hands through his hair. “I think that I'm scared about tomorrow. But I have this overwhelming excitement too. I can't wait to see where our relationship goes. But I don't want you entering into this if that's what you think about me. Even if it may have been right at one point it hasn't been for the past month. The minute I met you everything changed. And I need you to recognize that. If you can't, then I don't think we should keep going.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You want to cancel the wedding?”

  “If that's what you think we should do.”

  I shook my head. Not only with that ruin his chances of getting his shares within his company but decimate my relationship with my family. We had to see this through. “No, I don't want to cancel. I want to see where this goes. To see what we can be. I think we owe each other that.”

  He moved closer to me so that our bodies were only inches apart. “I'm Cole,” he said as he shoved his hand into mine. “I'm a doctor at the local children's hospital and I like to make pancakes in the morning. I also have several outlets at my apartment and I love watching you wake up in the morning. When your hair is an unruly mess on your head and you throw on one of my shirts to cover up. Though most of the time I wish you wouldn't. Not because I mind sharing but because I don't ever want an obstructed view of those beautiful curves.”

  Blush grew up my cheeks as I began to frame out a response in my head but then I heard the wedding planner come up behind Cole. “We need you to back on the patio for the cocktail hour. You have gifts waiting for you! Let's get a few pictures before the guests want to retire for the evening. Chop chop lovebirds!”

  Cole took my hands and I dutifully followed him back towards the patio. I had been so quick to judge. We could have been enjoying this past week, taking in every moment but instead, I ruined it for us. But for now on anything Cole wanted over the next twenty-four hours would be his. That would be my response to his declaration of what could be love. I would make this wedding perfect for him.

  For us.



  Cameras flashed around us as I held Addison’s waist. The professional photographer got all of his shots, but Addison’s family wanted a couple too, and I wasn’t about to say no.

  “I love that dress by the way,” I whispered in her ear as her parents walked away. Her mom took a couple shots with her phone.

  She smiled at me, and my cock grew a few inches larger. Dammit. I shifted on my feet and brought my attention back to the wedding planner. I just wanted to slide my hands over her gorgeous ass in that satin and make her wet for me.

  “Dr. Brennan?”

  I couldn’t wait for our honeymoon. I would have her all for myself and I could do all those things I... “Dr. Brennan?” I winced and looked at our planner. She was looking at me with her raised eyebrows, wondering why I wasn’t paying any attention to what she’d been saying.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered and forced myself to focus on here and now. I looked at Addison again and winked at her. She giggled.

  “As I said, I think it would be perfect for you two to kiss right now.”

  I raised one eyebrow. Maybe I missed something, but I had no idea why she was asking us to kiss. I was sure that if I kissed Addison now I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off her. “Why?”

  “For the pictures, this is the same light you’ll be in tomorrow evening, so this is an excellent practice opportunity.” The way she said it sounded like we were making a business deal here.

  “Are we practicing kissing too?” I joked and glanced at Addison. She looked like she was about to burst into laughter, but she was restraining herself. I winked at her again.

  “Cole,” my uncle said in a scolding tone. “Get serious.”

  I sighed and nodded at him. “Okay. We’ll kiss.”

  Our planner smiled. “Great. Now stand here.” She pointed her finger at some spot in front of her and I almost snorted. She was seriously planning everything—even these tiny details that were completely insignificant to me, but for some reason, she found them really important. Seriously, did it matter where we kissed? All that mattered was that we were going to get married, and I wanted nothing more but to make Addison the happiest woman alive.

  I came to the spot she’d pointed at and took a hold of Addison’s hand when she approached me.

  “Excellent. Now kiss.” I couldn’t help but grin, amused with her enthusiasm. She was really into her job.

  My eyes were fixed on Addison’s when I leaned in to kiss her, already forgetting about my uncle, her family, and the planner watching us. Initially, I planned to kiss her lightly, only pressing my lips against hers, but the moment we kissed, I’d completely forgotten about everything and deepened our kiss.

  This whole week had been a nightmare. But the way she was kissing me I knew I was forgiven.

  Note to self: fiancées don’t like when you touch other girls, even innocently.

  Our tongues met, and my cock was now in full erection. I had to step closer to Addison to hide it, but now she could feel it pressing against her stomach, and it made her let out a small moan. I moved my hands from her shoulder to her cheeks and angled her head so I could deepen our kiss even further. I wanted her so badly. I couldn’t stop kissing her, only able to focus on how good she made me feel.

  My whole body was hot now, and I knew there was no way I could wait until we got home. I needed to fuck her right now.

  “Khm,” I heard my uncle clear his throat, trying to get our attention, but I didn’t care. I didn’t let Addison step away as I moved my lips hungrily against hers. Her breasts were pressed against my chest and all I wanted was to lower my head and please each nipple with my mouth...

  “Dr. Brennan, that’s good, we can move on now,” the planner said, but I still couldn’t let Addison go. She was trembling, and since she wasn't wearing any bra, I felt her hard nippl
es pressing against me. I groaned, already wanting her badly.

  “Cole! Get a hold of yourself!” my uncle exclaimed, finally bringing me back to reality, and I broke our kiss. We were panting, looking at each other with raw desire, and I couldn’t concentrate on anything but the throbbing in my dick. I needed my release as soon as possible.

  “Sorry,” I said and smirked at him. “We were just practicing our wedding night kiss.” I winked at the planner and watched with amusement her cheeks growing red.

  “I think we need a fifteen-minute break. Okay?” she said, obviously eager to escape our tension, and I finally let myself laugh.

  “Sure. Take your time.” This was perfect. I could use this to be with Addison.

  “Cole, you better clear your head before we continue. You are an adult, so behave like one!” my uncle said and marched off with the planner. Oh, I definitely intended to “clear my head”.

  I laughed again. He’d said that I should behave like an adult. Well, I’d certainly been behaving like one now. Kids didn’t kiss like I’d just kissed Addison.

  Addison giggled. “What was that now?”

  “A prelude into this. Come,” I said and took her by hand, leading her back into the mansion and into the coat closet in the hallway.

  “What are you doing?” Addison asked me in surprise, still giggling.

  “You’re so hot in that dress, and when I kissed you just now I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist you anymore. I need to fuck you.” I opened the door and entered into a small space half-filled with coats and jackets, pulling her inside with me. I pressed the light switch on and closed the door behind her.

  “But our families! And your uncle is up to something. What if he catches us?”


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