The Intruder

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The Intruder Page 14

by Joannie Kay

  "Good. I'll give you a few more with the ruler, just to remind you that this is not to happen again, and you can make your apology."

  "Jake, no!" she protested, but he merely put his hand on the small of her back and held her in place while he peppered her sit spots with the wooden ruler.

  Kari was angry when he finally released her. She quickly pulled up her panties and her jeans and moved away when he tried to take her in his arms. "Just get out of here and leave me alone, Jake. I'm mad at you, and I don't want you to touch me at all right now."

  "Kari, don't make more of this than it is. Come and make your apology to Linc, and it'll be all over."

  "I'm not ready to speak to anyone. Get out and let me calm down."

  Chapter Twelve

  Jake looked at Kari in surprise. She was more than a bit angry, and he could see that she was struggling to control her temper after the spanking he'd given her. Part of him said the answer was another spanking to deal with her sulking and pouting, but the other part of him said it was time to give her some space, as she requested. Perhaps the last part of the spanking had been overkill since she'd already agreed to apologize to Linc Aiken...? It was not the best way to start off their marriage, and Jake was determined to whisk her away for a honeymoon just as soon as he wrapped up this case and arrested Quincy Darles.

  "Very well, Kari. I'll go and have a cup of coffee, but I expect you to come out and make your apology within the next fifteen minutes. Is that understood?" he asked in a firm tone of voice. She nodded, but did not look at him or speak. She was rigid with anger, unlike his sweet Kari. He left the room and went out to talk to his sister and Linc.

  * * *

  "Nevin, what are you doing?" Kelly asked in shock when he startled unbuckling his belt.

  "What do you think I'm doing?" he asked, looking at her. "I told you that you were in big trouble with me, and while you seemed to think it a big joke, I was perfectly serious."

  "But... I'm pregnant!" she insisted, taking a few steps backwards. "You can't strap me now!" her eyes were wide.

  "I most certainly can and most certainly will. Kelly, do you have any idea at all how much risk you placed yourself and Kari in by accepting this assignment, knowing you are pregnant?" His eyes were full of accusation. "What if Darles would have shown up this morning while you were ill? Kari would have been on her own to handle those men, and they would have taken both of you. When Darles learned about our baby, he probably would have destroyed the fetus so he could sell you to the highest bidder!" Her eyes filled with tears at the thought, and her hand moved protectively over her tummy to protect her child. "You should have told me you were pregnant, Kelly; and this punishment is not going to be put off. You are going to lie over the foot of the bed, and give me a nice target to spank, and you are going to stay right in place until we are done. This won't hurt the baby, but it will give you a damned good reminder that you need to think of our child before placing yourself in a situation that could potentially be dangerous."

  "Kari is my friend, Nevin. I want to protect her and keep her safe."

  "I understand that, honey. I honestly do; but our child comes first," he said bluntly. "You need reminding of that. Take down your jeans and panties to your knees, and lie over the bed. This is going to sting, but it won't hurt you nearly as much as what could have happened if Darles came while you were ill!"

  "I didn't know I was going to be ill!" she exclaimed. "Today was the first time, and I did call you as soon as I stopped throwing up... I knew I couldn't protect Kari then... I am a cop, Nevin! I am permitted to work while pregnant!" her chin went up several notches.

  "I'm not spanking you as your Sergeant," he assured her. "This is purely as a husband, wife, and I am through with this discussion. It's time for a good strapping. Down with your jeans and panties, and over the bed, Kelly. Arguing with me isn't going to prevent this spanking," he insisted.

  "But, what about the baby?" she cried out. "I don't want to hurt the baby!"

  "Then lie still," he said firmly. "The baby won't feel a thing."

  "I don't want a strapping! Can't you just use your hand, Nevin, please? I'm scared... Really and truly," she insisted. "I would never forgive you if I lost the baby over this," she said truthfully.

  Nevin looked at her, and could see she was frightened, and that upset him. He never wanted her to be frightened of him. He loved her and wanted to protect her. There was a time for holding firm and not permitting her to call the shots in their marriage, and there was a time to be sensible and listen to her fears, and this was one of those times, he quickly realized. He dropped the belt on the floor and then walked over to where she stood and took her in his arms and held her close. She was trembling, and he hated that. "You don't need to fear me, honey. I'd never harm you or our child," he whispered.

  "I know that intellectually, but emotionally, I can't deal with a belt right now, Nevin," she explained. "I love this baby so much already!"

  He held her a bit tighter. "So do I, Kelly," he assured her. "I won't use the belt, honey, just my hand," he agreed.

  Kelly finally stopped trembling and felt safe once again. She waited another minute or two, looking for her courage, and then said, "I'm ready now, Nevin. Would you hold me, please? I don't want to be allowed to wiggle too much. I know I shouldn't have taken this assignment without telling you the truth first... no matter how much I care about Kari. I am pregnant now, and the baby's safety has to be my priority."

  "Good girl," he whispered. He carefully pulled her over to their bed, took down her jeans and panties himself while she stood there without moving, and then Nevin helped her lie over his left thigh so that her upper body was supported on the bed. "I love you, Kelly, and this is necessary so that you will remember to be careful from now on." His hand landed with a crisp smack on her left cheek, and then he spanked the right side. Nevin heard Kelly gasp at the immediate sting, but she did her best to lie still and accept the spanking. He continued to set her cute little bottom on fire, alternating cheeks as he spanked and scolded. Once her cheeks were reddened, he moved lower and spanked her upper thighs. It didn't take long to make them match her bottom cheeks, and then he concentrated on the tender area in between. Nevin spanked and spanked, concentrating on making those two spots very sore. He wouldn't be able to spank her when the baby was larger and Kelly started showing. It would be too risky... and she needed a spanking to remember; one that would stay with her mentally for the next several months.

  "Please, Nevin! Owwww! I've learned my lesson! Please forgive me now!" Kelly tearfully begged. "It hurts so much!" she started crying in earnest. "I'll be good now, I promise!"

  "I intend to make sure you keep that promise, darling," he said emotionally as he carefully helped her up. "You are my life, and I couldn't bear losing you."

  "You aren't going to lose me, silly man!" she kissed him, realizing how frightened he was. "I'm a damn good cop, and pregnant or not, I can take care of myself," she said proudly. "I love you, this baby, and our other children, too. I'm planning to grow old with you!" she held him tight, and after a couple of minutes, she said, "Hey... I was the one who got a spanking! You are supposed to be comforting me!"

  Nevin chuckled, and did some comforting of his own.

  * * *

  "Kari will be out to apologize shortly," Jake said as he spoke to the young officer.

  "For what, sir?" Linc looked at his Lieutenant, clearly puzzled.

  "I know she took your cell phone and threatened you, Officer. I won't tolerate that."

  "No offense, Lieutenant, but you just messed up real bad... especially if you spanked Mrs. Tobias! She's going to hate me now for sure!" his face turned red, much to Jake's surprise and his sister's amusement.

  "I don't understand?" Jake felt the first pangs of doubt.

  "Mrs. Tobias only took my phone long enough to give Kelly a chance to call the Sergeant with her news. I have a back-up," he admitted, pulling another cell phone from his pocket and holdin
g up the two of them. "I didn't make an effort to take it back, and I was glad I didn't when I learned her reasons. Besides," he admitted sheepishly, "Mrs. Tobias and I got off on the wrong foot this morning, which was entirely my fault, sir. I yelled at her, and she didn't like it. But, we made peace between us, or I thought we had... Now she is going to hate me!" he repeated himself, and the look he leveled on Jake told the older man exactly what he thought of that, and who he blamed!

  "Nevin gave me a different view of the situation," Jake stated bluntly.

  "Pardon me for saying so, sir, but the Sergeant wasn't here."

  Jake felt his face turn red, and Kari came into the kitchen at that precise moment. "Officer Aiken, I apologize for taking your cell phone and for refusing to give it back. I also apologize for threatening you in the heat of the moment. I would never try to influence Jake about one of his officers without a good reason, and clearly, I had no good reason this time."

  "You don't owe me an apology, Mrs. Tobias," Linc said sincerely. "I understood why you took my phone, but I am carrying a back-up, just in case of an emergency." He showed her the other phone, and then continued, "The Lieutenant didn't hear the straight of things. I have no problem with you, and I hope you know that. I was testy with you when Jenna and I first arrived, and I hope we can put all of this behind us and be friends. I'm sorry as can be the Lieutenant didn't speak to me first and get the facts straight before talking to you. You didn't deserve punishment," he added, lest Jake miss his message, and he didn't give a damn what Jake thought right now. He was more concerned with the young woman looking at him with such a wounded expression.

  "You are being nice, Linc. Thank you," she said, and then turned away to go into another room... away from everyone. She didn't feel like facing people at the moment, especially since they all knew her husband had punished her. It was mortifying!

  "Kari, I..."

  "Not now, Jake. I don't want to talk to you right now." She left him standing there and went into the living room to pick up her knitting and sit in the softest chair she could find. Her bottom was still stinging, even though it was far from the worst spanking she'd ever had.

  A few minutes later Kelly and Nevin came downstairs, and went to the kitchen. She heard voices raised, and then Kelly came running into the living room. "Kari, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to tattle on you! I thought it was so amusing that you took Linc's cell from him and I was telling Nevin... with pride... not to tattle. That dratted man takes everything so damned serious, and he ratted you out to Jake without any of the humor or the loyalty...! I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," she was in tears by the end of her speech. "I don't want to lose your friendship!"

  "I'm not upset with you, hon," Kari reassured her. "I'm mad at that stubborn, pigheaded man I'm married to because he wouldn't even listen to my side of things. It's going to take me some time to get over my mad, too!" she insisted when Jake came into the room. "Go away, Jake. I seriously am not ready to talk to you. I'm mad, and I'm plotting your demise right now... so get out before I say something really awful I don't mean!"

  "I came in to tell you good-bye, sweetheart, and I am sorry I didn't listen to you, just like you said I would be," he added with a good bit of shame. He walked closer, leaned down, and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, sweetheart, and I humbly apologize. Please get over your mad, and I promise I'll make it all up to you somehow. I've learned an important lesson today, and I won't forget it, either." He kissed her again, and then left after telling Kelly goodbye, too.

  "Are you still mad at Jake?" Kelly whispered a few seconds later.

  "Yes! When I get this angry it takes me a while to get past it and cool down. I go off real easy at other people, too, Kelly, so I'm going to be quiet for a bit," she said. "I'll take my knitting upstairs and come down when I feel I can be civil." Kari got up and went upstairs to her room; she was going to cry and didn't need witnesses.

  * * *

  "I'm sorry, Jake," Nevin was red-faced. "I sometimes forget that Kelly tells me things as a wife, not as a cop. I should have kept my mouth shut. Hell, I didn't know the kid was rude to Kari; didn't know he was smart enough to have a back-up cell, either. He's a smart one."

  "Kari warned me I would be sorry if I spanked her. I should have listened, and talked to Linc first. I'm going to be lucky if she ever forgives me."

  "She will. She loves you, Jake," Nevin said simply. "We need to catch Darles so we can get our wives home with us and life back to normal." He looked at Jake. "You're going to think me crazy, Jake, but what if he hit last night to be obvious? Most of those men claimed they were just hired for one job. They weren't Darles' regulars. I just feel it in my gut that he's playing with us. What if he knows about the farm? If he knows that Kelly is guarding Kari, it's a matter of public record that she owns that farm. He won't wait until night to hit, either. He'll want to come when they least expect him. I just have a feeling," he said, looking at Jake, who was paying close attention to his words.

  "Do you think we should go back to the farm?" Jake asked seriously. He'd worked with Nevin for several years and knew that his 'feelings' were often accurate. "I don't want to take chances with our wives and my sister," he added.

  Nevin nodded. "I think we need to get back there right now."

  * * *

  Darles waited in the woods, a safe distance from the farm, watching and waiting until Tobias and Wintrow left. Three women would be the prize... after they dealt with that other cop; the one who put three of his best men in the hospital and behind bars. Aiken was as good as dead, but he would suffer a bit first, Darles gleefully decided. The bitch cop wouldn't be a problem, either. She was just a female, and only good for one damn thing. They went in on foot, and threw steaks to the dogs before they could start their barking to warn the ones inside. While the dogs were eating, they hurried up to the house and entered quickly, catching everyone off guard except Aiken. He was armed before the first man came at him.

  "Now, sugar!" he yelled at Jenna as he aimed and fired at the man closest to him. The man screamed and fell to the floor.

  "Hurry, you idiots," Darles yelled, and then realized he'd drawn Jenna's attention! He saw his death in her eyes, and yelled, "Nooooo!" as she fired.

  "You're under arrest!" Kelly yelled loudly. "Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air!" When one of the men turned toward her, gun in hand and prepared to fire, she shot without hesitation.

  Kari came running down the steps, and came up behind another man who was taking aim at Linc while Linc had his back to the man, taking out another of Darles' men. "Drop it or I'll shoot!" she promised. He wisely dropped his gun.

  "Are you ladies all right?" Linc asked after he felled the last man, looking around the room just in case anyone was in trouble and needed his help. There were twelve men, plus Quincy Darles, lying on the floor, and unconscious or moaning in pain. Only one man was still standing, and Kari had a gun trained on him as if she did this sort of thing on a daily basis. Linc quickly cuffed the man and told him to sit on the floor and not move. The man listened because he knew he was lucky to be alive. "Well done, ladies," Linc announced proudly, taking out his cell.

  * * *

  Jake and Nevin reached the end of the long driveway just in time to see the men running from the woods toward the house, and got out of the car in time to hear shots fired. They both ran for the house, drawing their weapons as they ran as fast as they could. By the time they reached the living room, it was all over. Linc was on his cell phone, calling for an ambulance and back-up.

  "Are you all right, sweetheart," Jake took Kari in his arms, permitting himself to be unprofessional for a moment or two.

  "I'm sorry I was so angry earlier, Jake. I love you!" she whispered. "I was so scared, but we all pulled together, and we're fine."

  He gave her a big squeeze. "I love you, too, sweetheart." He kissed her and then said, "Just take a seat and stay calm. This is all going to take a while, but the worst is all over now, Kari... You're
safe," he told her. Then he went to his little sister, who was crying. "Honey, don't cry. It's over now."

  "I shot Darles, Jake," she whispered. "I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't...!"

  "No, you couldn't," he agreed, watching Darles as he cried like a baby. Jenna shot him in the knee. "He'll go to prison for the rest of his life, honey. You did just fine."

  Nevin made sure his wife was all right, and once she assured him she was fine, they both went to work. Jake joined them, and within a short time the house was flooded with officers and medical personnel. Even though both Kari and Jenna were questioned, they didn't have a lot to do but sit and keep each other company. Kari spent a lot of that time comforting her sister-in-law and telling her that Deborah would be pleased that Darles was behind bars. Of course, Darles' cursing and threats on Jenna upset her even more, but Jake leaned down and whispered something to the man, and he wisely decided it was time to shut up. Jake also took the time to praise Linc and and Kelly for their bravery. Two more men were found on the other side of the woods, waiting in vans for the others to return with the women, and they were apprehended, too.

  Once things finally calmed down Linc came over to Kari and said, "Kelly told me that you stopped one of the men from shooting me in the back. Thank you, Mrs. Tobias."

  "It's Kari, and no thanks are necessary, Linc. You fought like crazy to keep us all safe, my thanks go to you and Kelly. You were both so brave," she smiled at him, meaning every word.

  "We have a lot of paperwork to do on this, Kari," Jake said as he approached. "I'm going to have an officer drop you and Jenna off at Ma's. Will you stay there until I come for you, sweetheart?" he asked, and when she nodded in agreement, he leaned down and kissed her. "I'm so proud of you," he admitted. "Of Jenna, too... Please tell her that, okay?" he asked.

  "Yes, I will," she replied, and then stood on tiptoe and kissed him. "I'm never going to let you leave me again without telling you I love you, Jake," she said tearfully. "I learned that lesson today, and I'll never forget it. I love you, Jake."


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