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Billion dollar baby bargain.txt

Page 19

by Неизвестный


  Hanging up the phone, he turned his attention her way. “I take it that you’ve already compiled the list of

  surrogacy agencies?”

  “I didn’t get that far,” she stated, shaking her head. “It appears that your plan has run into a bit of a


  “And that would be?” he prompted.

  “State law allows only married couples to hire surrogates.”

  She could tell when he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand that he wasn’t at all happy with the

  news. “Are there any exceptions?”

  “If there are, I couldn’t find them.” Shrugging, she added, “There are a few states where the law is more

  liberal on surrogacy, but this isn’t one of them. However, it doesn’t appear to be illegal to enter into a

  verbal agreement with a woman as long as there’s no compensation other than medical expenses and she

  willingly signs over her rights to the child.”

  “Did you consult with my attorney?” he asked, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

  She shook her head. “Mr. Clayton is out of town for the next week and I hesitated calling anyone else

  due to the discretion needed for a matter this sensitive. Besides, from everything I could find on the

  issue, the state law is quite consistent—married couples only.”

  Luke nodded slowly but remained silent, mentally reviewing what new course of action to take. “In

  other words, I need to find a woman with the traits I want and one who would also sign over her

  custodial rights immediately after giving birth.” He looked thoughtful for several long moments. “That

  would be taking a huge risk without the protection of a binding contract.”

  Haley should have known he’d immediately start thinking of other options to obtain his goal. That was

  the way Luke worked. When he ran into a roadblock, he found the best way around it.

  But the thought of another woman bearing his child caused a tight knot to form in the pit of her stomach

  and she suddenly felt the need to escape his presence. “I’ve decided to take the rest of the day off,” she

  announced, quickly rising to her feet. “And if I were you, I wouldn’t count on me being here tomorrow.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  She wasn’t surprised by his puzzled expression. In the five years she’d worked for him, she had never

  taken time off other than her annual two-week vacation. But she wasn’t about to explain what she didn’t

  fully understand herself. He wouldn’t want to hear her explanation anyway.

  And really what could she say to him? Oh, by the way, I love you and it breaks my heart to think of you

  having a child with another woman.

  No, she needed space to regain her perspective and come to grips with the fact that no matter what it

  took, Luke would find a way for his outrageous plan to work. She wasn’t part of it.

  Walking to the door, she turned. “To borrow one of your favorite phrases when you don’t wish to share

  details…let’s just say I feel like taking the time off and leave it at that.”

  “All right, that’s it.” As he hung up the phone, Luke sent his desk chair sailing backward and quickly

  rose to his feet. “I’m going to put an end to this ridiculousness once and for all.”

  Grabbing his suit jacket from the coat tree, he stuffed his arms into the sleeves and headed for the door.

  Nothing had gone right since Haley walked out of his office yesterday and she had just called in “sick”

  for tomorrow. Facing another day with Ruth Ann, the temporary secretary, was completely intolerable

  and he wanted to know what the hell was going on. He didn’t for one damned minute buy Haley’s weak

  excuse that she just didn’t feel well.

  “I’ll be out of the office for the rest of the afternoon, Ruth Ann,” Luke growled as he passed the woman

  seated at Haley’s desk. “If you can figure out how, forward all my calls to my cell phone, otherwise just

  take messages.”

  “A-all right, Mr. Garnier,” she answered in a whiny tone that further irritated him. “W-will there be

  anything else?”


  Ruth Ann’s voice not only resembled the sound of fingernails scraping the surface of a blackboard, she

  looked and acted as if she was scared to death of him. And that was only scratching the surface of the

  many problems he had with Haley’s temporary replacement.

  To say the woman was absolutely incompetent would be the understatement of the year. Ruth Ann

  couldn’t make a decent cup of coffee, couldn’t find anything in a simple alphabetic filing system and

  found the phone to be an utter and complete mystery to her. She somehow reached the public relations

  coordinator for the Tennessee Titans football team while attempting a conference call with his satellite

  office in Atlanta.

  He needed Haley back on the job immediately. She kept his office running like a well-oiled machine.

  Not to mention the fact that she made a damned fine cup of coffee.

  As Luke navigated the late-afternoon crosstown traffic, he dismissed his current woes with Ruth Ann.

  He was on his way to find out what the problem was with Haley and believed she would be back on the

  job the first thing tomorrow morning.

  But as he turned the SUV onto the street leading to Haley’s apartment complex, his thoughts strayed to

  his other dilemma. He still needed to find a surrogate. A woman he could trust, as well as have all the

  qualities he wanted for his heir. And that wasn’t going to be easy.

  Oh, he knew several women who would be willing to volunteer for the job, and some of them even

  possessed a few of the traits he wanted for his son. But there wasn’t one he could trust to bear him an

  heir without the benefit of a signed legal agreement. He needed a trustworthy and loyal woman like

  Haley—one with intelligence and business instincts to match his own. A woman as trustworthy and

  loyal as Haley. And one who kept herself in good physical condition, was easy on the eyes and enjoyed

  good health like…Haley.

  Parking the Escalade in front of Haley’s apartment, Luke took a deep breath before he switched off the

  engine, exited the SUV and briskly walked to her door. As he pressed the doorbell, he stepped back and

  waited impatiently for her to answer. When the door swung open, he didn’t bother waiting for her to

  invite him in and brushed right past her into the small living room.

  “Luke, what are you doing here?” she asked, looking as surprised as he’d ever seen her.

  Smiling, he reached around her and closed the still wide-open door. “I wanted to let you know that I’ve

  chosen the perfect surrogate.”

  “No offense, Luke, but I really don’t want to hear anything about this. I don’t care who you choose, I

  just don’t want to hear about it,” she declared, folding her arms beneath her breasts in a defensive


  The action called attention to the size and shape of the pert mounds and the fact that she obviously

  wasn’t wearing a bra. Without a second thought, Luke let his gaze drift lower to her trim waist, shapely

  hips, then down the length of her long, slender legs.

  Damn! If there was ever a woman built for making love, it was Haley Rollins. Odd that he had never

  noticed how enticing her figure was. Of course, he’d never seen her in a pair of Daisy Duke cutoffs and

  a hot pink tank top before, either.

  As he raised his eyes to her face, he marveled at how feminine sh
e looked. At the office, she always

  wore her long blond hair straight and most times tied back at the nape of her neck. But today she wore it

  loose and the soft curls caressed her heart-shaped face and drew attention to her delicate features.


  There was a warning in the tone of her soft voice. A warning that he’d never heard before and found

  completely intriguing. And one that he had every intention of ignoring.

  When she impatiently tapped one bare foot, he grinned. “Who are you and what have you done with my

  business minded executive assistant?”

  She glared at him. “I’m not working today, remember? I can wear whatever I like at home. And besides,

  I wear these when I’m cleaning. Now, would you please tell me why you’re here, Luke?”

  He grinned. “I’ve already told you. I’ve chosen the woman to be my surrogate.”

  “And you felt compelled to share the news with me?”


  “Couldn’t all this have waited until I returned to the office?”

  “I don’t see any reason that it should.” Walking farther into the room, he shook his head. “I only made

  my choice a few minutes ago. On the way over here.”

  “Good for you,” she said, sounding less than enthusiastic.

  He pointed to her couch. “Have a seat and I’ll explain.”

  “Fine.” Clearly running out of patience, she sat and looked up at him expectantly. “Let’s get this over


  “I had several requirements in mind when I made the decision to hire a surrogate. There is only one

  woman I know who meets all my expectations and who I can trust with something this important,” he


  “I know I’m going to be sorry that I asked, but what are you looking for?”

  “I want an intelligent woman with excellent business instincts.” When it looked as if Haley intended to

  speak again, he held up his hand to stop her. “I also want her to be reasonably nice looking and in

  excellent physical condition.”

  “It sounds to me like you want a superhero,” she offered, rolling her eyes.

  “I didn’t think of it quite that way, but in a sense you might be right,” he mused, chuckling at her

  evaluation. She had no idea that as far as he was concerned she was assessing herself.

  He’d always admired Haley’s quick wit and he was more confident now than ever that he’d made the

  right choice. She was definitely the woman he was looking for.

  “And you think you’ve found this paragon?” she prodded.

  “Yes.” Before she could react, he walked over, took her hands in his and asked, “Haley Rollins, will you

  have my baby?”


  T ime stood still and Haley wasn’t entirely certain that her heart hadn’t come to a complete halt as

  well. Luke was asking her to be his surrogate? He actually wanted her to have his child?

  She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again as she desperately tried to find her nonexistent

  voice. The fact that he saw her as the perfect means to produce his heir rendered her utterly speechless.

  “I can tell by your reaction that you weren’t expecting this,” he laughed.

  Never in a million years.

  “And I don’t need your answer right now,” he added.

  Good. Because that would require words and right now I couldn’t put two words together to save my

  own soul.

  He gave her hands a gentle squeeze, then reached for his suit jacket. “I want you to sleep on it tonight

  and, since you’re taking tomorrow off, spend the day thinking about it. I’ll pick you up around seven

  tomorrow evening for dinner. You can give me your answer then.”

  In a total state of shock, all Haley could do was stare at him. When he pulled her to her feet and led her

  to the door, she couldn’t have protested no matter how hard she tried.

  Opening the door, he turned and, reaching out, lightly touched her unruly curls. “By the way, you should

  wear your hair like this more often. It looks very nice.” Then, without another word, he stepped out onto

  the sidewalk and pulled the door shut.

  Haley felt as if she’d fallen down the rabbit hole and landed squarely in the middle of Wonderland.

  When she’d gotten up yesterday morning, she’d had no idea that in a little over twenty-four hours, her

  life would take such an unexpected turn. Nor would she have ever thought the man she’d dreamed about

  for the past five years would get some wild notion that he needed an heir and that she was the only

  woman to make that happen.

  Slowly returning to the couch, she plopped down and let her gaze wander aimlessly around the room.

  How could everything look the same when the whole world had been turned completely upside down?

  As the gravity of Luke’s request began to sink in, she shook her head. There was no way on God’s green

  earth that she could help him with his cockamamy plan. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—do that to a child. To

  her child.

  Her child.

  She was pretty sure that, as her father’s housekeeper used to say whenever someone expressed a desire

  to procreate, she had “baby fever.” Not because she didn’t have plenty of time to have a child. She did.

  At twenty-eight years old, she certainly hadn’t heard the ominous ticking of her biological clock. Nor

  did she anticipate that happening for quite some time.

  She had, however, watched several of her friends find love, get married and have babies. In fact, just last

  week Haley had received an announcement from her college roommate about the birth of her second

  child. And that seemed to intensify the void, her desire that she wanted more than anything else in life—

  a family of her own.

  Just the idea of holding her own baby, of watching him or her take the first steps, of hearing the first

  words and seeing a sweet toothless grin brought tears to her eyes. She wanted a baby to love and be

  loved by in return.

  But that wasn’t what Luke had in mind. He wanted an heir to carry on at Garnier Construction, not a

  close family who loved, laughed and together weathered whatever storms life sent their way. And she

  was old-fashioned enough to believe that the choice to conceive should be based on the desire to love

  and nurture, not a good business decision. If she went along with his ludicrous plan, he’d raise their

  child alone and she’d be completely out of the picture. She’d lived that type of existence and she

  couldn’t do that to a child, couldn’t bring an innocent baby into a childhood like hers. Although the

  circumstances weren’t exactly the same, she knew all too well how it felt to have a workaholic father

  who always put business first, who relied on nannies and his housekeeper to raise his motherless


  Nor could she do that to herself. Unlike her own mother who abandoned her shortly after birth, nothing

  would ever keep Haley from being part of her child’s life. She had every intention of being there each

  day to love and guide him or her as they made the journey to a happy, productive adulthood.

  Unfortunately, Luke Garnier was a formidable negotiator. She knew as sure as she knew her own name

  that he would not stop until she agreed to his crazy scheme.

  Luckily for her, she knew him well enough to know exactly how to deter him from his mission. But in

  doing so, it meant effectively ending any romantic fantasies of being more than his glorified secretary.

  Her c
hest tightened with intense emotion. It saddened her deeply, but she couldn’t see any other option.

  Taking a fortifying breath, she rose to her feet and walked into the spare bedroom she’d turned into her

  home office. As she seated herself at the desk, she took a tablet and pen from the drawer and began

  compiling her list of conditions. Demands that she was certain Luke would find to be deal-breakers and

  send him running away from her as fast and far as he could possibly get.

  The feel of Luke’s hand at the small of her back as the hostess led them to their table sent an interesting

  little shiver straight up Haley’s spine and she focused all her attention on walking it to the table in her

  three-inch high heels without breaking her neck. Instead of dressing for style, she should have worn a

  more sensible—and a lot more comfortable—pair of shoes.

  But her decision to wear the ridiculous shoes had been a psychological crutch of sorts. Luke was well

  over six feet tall and she’d wanted to feel as if she were more on his level. The only problem was, he

  still towered over her by at least eight inches. So much for trying to psych herself up for their dinner

  meeting, she thought as they reached the table. All she’d succeeded in doing was to increase the chance

  of a broken ankle.

  When Luke held her chair for her, she noticed that the table was strategically located in a dimly lit

  corner of the upscale restaurant and gave them a maximum amount of privacy. Knowing Luke, he’d

  specifically requested it when he made the reservation so they could talk freely without anyone


  “Hello, my name is Martin and I’ll be your server for the evening,” a young man said as Luke took his

  seat across from her. “Would you like to see our wine list, Mr. Garnier?”

  “That won’t be necessary, Martin,” Luke answered. He gave her a smile that curled her toes inside her

  ridiculous shoes as he requested an extremely expensive label and vintage of wine, then added, “We’ll

  both be having the house salad with house dressing. And for the main course we’ll have prime rib, baby

  carrots and asparagus.”

  Martin nodded. “Good choice, sir. I’ll be back in a few moments with your wine.”


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