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Lamps and Lies

Page 9

by Laura Greenwood

My heart skips a beat at the sight of him, and because he's doing something as simple as speaking to me. It hasn't even been long since he walked out of my room, and yet it feels like an age. So much has happened, and so much has changed. And yet he is the same as ever. Steadfast and strong. And the person I most want to spend time with in the world.

  "Of course," I respond instantly, shuffling over and trying not to let my new bout of nerves get the better of me.

  Enver doesn't seem to notice. Instead, he takes a seat and holds out a box of honey cakes. "I remembered that you liked them." He rubs his spare hand across the nape of his neck.

  "Thank you." Our fingers brush against one another as I take the box from him, and a tingle shoots up my spine in response. It's so thoughtful of him to bring them for me, especially when I hurt him so badly. Every time I eat one, I'll only be able to think of him.

  "I'm sorry I walked out," he blurts. "I was angry and it got the better of me."

  I bite my lip. "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have lied to you."

  "Perhaps not. But you also told me the truth before you got caught. You told everyone the truth." He's speaking very calmly, as if he really has worked through his feelings about my mistruths.

  "I shouldn't have been living a lie to begin with," I admit. "It was stupid, and I wish I'd never done it." Especially because it turns out I could have gotten a place at the academy without the complicated lie.

  "But you explained why."

  I sigh. "An easy life isn't exactly a noble motivation," I point out. At least he's still the same Enver as before. He isn't making me feel inferior, though if I'm honest, I never thought he would. It isn't his style.

  "Luckily, I see a better one for you." He reaches across and places a hand on mine, taking me a little by surprise with his affection. "You'll make an amazing Queen one day."

  "I'm not even a Princess," I remind him.

  "Not yet, no. But if you'll forgive me..."

  I cut him off with a laugh. "If I forgive you? Shouldn't that be the other way around?"

  He shakes his head. "I've already forgiven you." He lifts my hand to his mouth and kisses it gently.

  Butterflies flutter away within me.

  "What are you saying?" I whisper. I need to hear the words from him, or I'm not going to believe they're true.

  "I'm saying that I'm sorry for not giving you more of a chance to explain..."

  "You don't have to be," I cut in. "I wouldn't have given me a chance either."

  "Maybe I don't have to be sorry, but I am, Aly. You told me because you trusted me not to turn my back on you, and that's what I did. And while you were being manipulated by Fatin."

  A shiver runs down my spine at the memory of a few days ago. I'm still in a little bit of shock about how everything happened.

  "It all worked out all right."

  "No thanks to me."

  "Mostly thanks to the genie," I point out.

  "Can I meet him?" Enver asks.

  "I'm sure he'd like that next time he visits, but he's not here at the moment." I touch my ring, but it still feels just as empty as it did yesterday, and the day before. Deep down, a little part of me still hopes to feel the thrum of magic so I can talk to my friend again.

  "Do I need to ask his permission to court you?" Enver asks.

  I stare at him for a moment, not believing the words I'm hearing. "You still want to?"

  Enver nods. "I've thought about it a lot since you told me the truth, and I realised that there was no reason for you to lie about any of our interactions. And the thought of not spending more time with you hurt more than I want to admit."

  "And yet you are."

  "You taught me that honesty is the best way to go about things," he points out.

  "Then I have no choice to be honest with you, and inform you that I would be honoured to court you." I pause, remembering some of the things he's told me. "What about your Father?"

  He grimaces. "I'll work on him. Or I'll get Mother to. But don't worry about it." He raises my hand to his lips once more and kisses it softly.

  Maybe I can have a chance at a happily ever after of my own after all. No one would have guessed that a girl from the street could become a Princess. I wouldn't have believed it myself. And yet, when I look into Enver's deep brown eyes, I can see how it's possible.

  And I know for certain that I'll spend the rest of my life trying to live up to the second chance he's so graciously given me.


  Several years later...

  * * *

  Everyone around us is eating, chatting, and dancing. It's almost too much to comprehend everything that's going on. I sit on my low stool and watch, with Enver next to me doing the same.

  He reaches out and squeezes my hand.

  "Are you all right?"

  I brush the side of my veil out of the way and smile at him. "Never better."

  "Because now you really are Princess Alyeesah?"

  "Just Princess Aly," I counter. "But no. Never better because today I got to become your wife."

  His smile widens, and I'm glad. He knows I'm telling the truth. I have no reason to lie, even if I wanted to. Which I don't. I promised myself after everyone found out the truth about me that I'd never tell another lie in my life. And I've stuck to that promise. Even when Enver's Father met me for the first time and started questioning me about my background in a way I couldn't avoid.

  I'm not sure why he approved of me in the end, but he did. Perhaps he saw it as a chance to cause good cheer in the kingdom and celebrate the fact his son is marrying a commoner. I haven't dug around for more answers than that, it's better to just accept what the King wants, especially when it lines up with my own desires.

  "Ah, here the two of you are. Squirrelled away from everyone else, I see," the genie says, dropping down between us and helping himself from the dish of honey cakes on the table.

  "It's tradition for the bride and groom to watch," Enver says.

  "It sounds boring to me," the genie counters, popping the cake into his mouth and chewing loudly.

  "Nothing is ever boring when Aly's around," Enver responds.

  A furious blush spreads over my cheeks, but no one is paying enough attention to even notice. With how little attention they're paying to us, a small part of me doubts the court even knows it's our wedding feast. But I don't care. All I want to do is spend time with Enver and eat the delicious cakes he's had brought to our table. Along with my favourite fruit wine from our academy days.

  The genie begins to regale Enver with tales of his adventures, but I zone out. Instead, I lean back on the cushions behind me and look out over the hall. After everything I've been through, the wishes, the blackmail, and the lies, it's hard to believe I'm here.

  Or that I'm a Princess for real.

  But the most wonderful thing about it all, is that I found someone to share my adventures with. And that's what I plan to do for the rest of my days.

  Thank you for reading Lamps and Lies, I hope you enjoyed Aly's story. The sixth (and final) book in the Grimm Academy series follows Gerda, and is a retelling of The Snow Queen. You can find Frosts and Fears here:

  You can also get a bonus scene from the point of view of the genie during the prologue here:

  Author Note

  Thank you for reading Lamps and Lies, I hope you enjoyed this installment in the Grimm Academy series. While this is the fifth book, it's the third one that I ever worked on in the series, with the first chapter of Huntsmen and Hoods, and the entirety of Mirrors and Magic, coming first. Originally, a short version of Lamps and Lies appeared in the Academy of Spells and Wishes anthology and was just over a third of the length of the final book. I had intended it to simply be a short story attached to the series, but as I wrote, it became clear that Aly had more story to tell.

  As such, there are a few changes between the two versions. More time is added between Aly and Enver
meeting, and their first kiss, allowing there to be more of a connection between them. There's also more of the ring genie, and the building of a rapport between him and Aly. Both of those felt like important parts to expand on as I wrote the longer version of Lamps and Lies. Saying that, most of the original words are incorporated into this version, and the overall story hasn't changed at all.

  This is the first time I've written a book set in The Grimm World where the heroine was unaware of her own prophecy, but it fit better with the Aladdin fairy tale to have it that way, and it was a lot of fun working out what Aly should and shouldn't know.

  If you're wondering about Helena, especially as she's been a side character in many of the other Grimm Academy and Once Upon An Academy books, then I can confirm that she has a book of her own coming called Feathers Of Fate, which is a retelling of The Goose Girl. It is the sixth and final book of the Once Upon An Academy series.

  You can keep up to date with new releases in The Grimm World by signing up to my mailing list or joining my Facebook Reader Group.

  Happy reading, and please stay safe!

  - Laura

  Also by Laura Greenwood

  Books in the Obscure World

  Ashryn Barker Trilogy (urban fantasy, completed series)

  Grimalkin Academy: Kittens Series (paranormal academy, completed series)

  Grimalkin Academy: Catacombs Trilogy (paranormal academy, completed series)

  City Of Blood Trilogy (urban fantasy)

  Grimalkin Academy: Stakes Trilogy (paranormal academy)

  The Harpy Bounty Hunter Trilogy (urban fantasy)

  The Black Fan (vampire romance)

  Sabre Woods Academy (paranormal academy)

  Scythe Grove Academy (urban fantasy)

  Carnival Of Knives (urban fantasy)

  * * *

  Books in the Forgotten Gods World

  The Queen of Gods Trilogy (paranormal/mythology romance)

  Forgotten Gods Series (paranormal/mythology romance)

  * * *

  The Grimm World

  Grimm Academy Series (fairy tale academy)

  Fate Of The Crown Duology (Arthurian academy, completed series)

  Once Upon An Academy Series (fairy tale academy)

  * * *

  Books in the Paranormal Council Universe

  The Paranormal Council Series (shifter romance)

  The Fae Queen Of Winter Trilogy (paranormal/fantasy, completed series)

  Thornheart Coven Series (witch romance)

  Return Of The Fae Series (paranormal post-apocalyptic, completed series)

  Paranormal Criminal Investigations Series (urban fantasy mystery)

  MatchMater Paranormal Dating App Series (paranormal romance, completed series)

  The Necromancer Council Trilogy (urban fantasy)

  Standalone Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe

  * * *

  Other Series

  The Apprentice Of Anubis (urban fantasy in an alternate world)

  Untold Tales Series (fantasy fairy tales, completed series)

  The Dragon Duels Trilogy (urban fantasy dystopia)

  ME Contemporary Standalones (contemporary romance)


  Seven Wardens, co-written with Skye MacKinnon (paranormal/fantasy romance, completed series)

  Tales Of Clan Robbins, co-written with L.A. Boruff (urban fantasy Western)

  The Firehouse Feline, co-written with Lacey Carter Andersen & L.A. Boruff (paranormal/urban fantasy romance, completed series)

  Kingdom Of Fairytales Snow White, co-written with J.A. Armitage (fantasy fairy tale, completed series)

  * * *

  Twin Souls Universe

  Twin Souls Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance, completed series)

  Dragon Soul Series, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance, completed series)

  The Renegade Dragons Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance, completed series)

  The Vampire Detective Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape (urban fantasy mystery, completed series)

  Amethyst’s Wand Shop Mysteries Series, co-written with Arizona Tape (urban fantasy)

  * * *

  Mountain Shifters Universe

  Valentine Pride Trilogy, co-written with L.A. Boruff (paranormal shifter romance, completed series)

  Magic and Metaphysics Academy Trilogy, co-written with L.A. Boruff (paranormal academy, completed series)

  Mountain Shifters Standalones, co-written with L.A. Boruff (paranormal romance)

  * * *


  About the Author

  Laura is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal and fantasy romance. When she's not writing, she can be found drinking ridiculous amounts of tea, trying to resist French Macaroons, and watching the Pitch Perfect trilogy for the hundredth time (at least!)

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