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The Dragon and the Vampire

Page 2

by A. K. Michaels

  The seriousness of his tone obviously impressed Sam. He sobered and nodded. “Okay boss, I’ll be careful, so long as you are too...I don’t want that office of yours,”

  “Funny, real funny, Sam,” Ronan tried hard not to smile and was saved by the elevator doors opening in the garage.

  They were both well aware of the kind of damage magic could inflict, Ronan already had a large, ragged, scar on his left thigh. A permanent reminder that powerful magic when used for evil may cause serious harm. A fight with a Witch some forty years ago left Ronan bloodied and scarred...Sam saved his life in that particular encounter. Neither of them took magic for granted after that.

  As expected, Drake was waiting outside the elevator. Kitted out the same as they were, black combats and weapons, the only difference being Drake was a Wolf and they were Vamps. That, plus the Wolf was a good seven or eight inches shorter than Ronan. Not a small man by any means but standing next to Ronan made him seem small.

  Drake, like the other Wolves, went through more of their combat uniforms than any Vamps did. If the situation arose they had to morph quickly, which meant their uniforms got ripped to shreds. They always carried extras in their vehicles to save them walking about naked afterward.

  When he’d first taken the role of Director, Ronan had conscientiously dealt with several complaints of indecency. Now? Well, if he got any complaints, he ignored them. Would the humans rather see a naked man after his Wolf had taken out another Supernatural doing wrong or be the next victim of said Super? The choice was clear in Ronan’s eyes.

  “Hi, boss, you ready?” Drake asked as they stopped in front of them, his use of the nickname grating on Ronan’s nerves.

  Biting his tongue, “Yes, let’s get going,” was Ronan’s only response as they moved to one of the large, jet black SUV’s they used as the norm.

  “I’ll drive, I know where we’re going.” Drake got in the driver’s seat, waiting on them before starting up and driving slowly out of the parking area.

  Once on the main roads he put his foot down and soon the city of Denver fell away behind them. The areas they drove through getting quieter and more deserted as they drove. It was still only early afternoon but Ronan hadn’t wanted to wait any longer before following this lead up.

  “What’s the intel on where we’re going?” Sam asked as he checked and double checked his weapons, squirming around in his seat to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. This was something that Ronan saw him do on each and every mission they had ever gone on...sort of like a ritual.

  “Our Witches have had several visions of these hunters and they seem to be chasing a girl, but then the vision changes and it’s a Dragon. They’ve managed to pinpoint the general area and that’s where my men and I went last night. We caught a glimpse of two males, who definitely looked like hunters, but then we lost them. No idea how, ‘cause my nose shoulda been able to find ‘em, but nothing, nada, zilch. It was as if they completely disappeared.”

  As Drake finished it was obvious he was a little bemused as to not being able to track the men. Ronan wondered if magic were involved...dark magic.

  “Drake, the other information about the Dragon blood and dark magic, I’ve been informed by my Sire that the information is correct. So we all need to be very careful. Dark magic is very dangerous, even to us. So if we even think there’s dark magic around we take things nice ‘n slow and very, very, carefully. Okay?”

  Ronan saw Drake’s jaw tighten as he acknowledged him. “Okay.”

  “I mean it, no heroics, if there’s dark magic involved. We retreat quickly and we’ll have to wait until we can get Esther involved.” Ronan’s tone was a little sharper than he had intended, but he didn’t apologize...if his tone kept them alive then that was all that mattered.

  “I hear ya, don’t go all Alpha on us,” Sam answered cheekily. Ronan turned his head and scowled at him in the rear. Sam just smiled back, raising his left eyebrow.

  “We’ll be careful, don’t worry.” Drake’s tone was far more serious than Sam’s and Ronan hoped that Sam didn’t go in for any of his antics on the mission. Dark magic was far too serious to mess around with.

  “We’re not far now. I’m gonna park a ways back so they don’t have any warning we’re there. We can all go in on foot and hopefully find something.”

  “That’s fine with us, we’ll go slow so you can keep up,” Sam quipped from the rear and got a growl in response from Drake.

  “Enough guys, no messing around on this. Remember...dark magic? We are alert and on point at all times with no wisecracking, no jokes, and no messing...that’s an order.”

  Ronan’s clipped tone making sure the other two knew he meant business. Drake pulled to a stop and Ronan was out of the vehicle before he had switched the engine off. He stretched his long body and sent his senses out, trying to see if he could get a feel of anyone in the immediate area.

  His abilities were more advanced than a Vampire of similar age, which was put down to his Sire. The older and stronger a Vampire was when, or if, they turned someone, then some of that strength seemed to be passed onto the newly made Vamp. As his Sire was indeed very ancient and powerful, Ronan now had some of that power within him.

  Even with those powers he felt nothing. He hoped it was because they were too far away and started jogging in the direction of the deserted and dilapidated warehouses. Sam and Drake following behind and on his flanks.

  They moved on silently, going at a pace that Drake could keep up with. A Wolf is not nearly as fast as a Vampire…something that Sam would normally joke about as they ran. This time he was silent as they moved onwards, and that’s just the way Ronan wanted it.

  If dark magic was involved then they needed to be totally alert for the mission at hand. They could take no chances of being caught unawares or they could be destroyed.

  As the buildings became closer, Drake moved to the point position, taking them to where he had been before. Once more Ronan pushed his senses out, his Vampire abilities trying to grasp even a hint of anyone or anything in the area.

  There! He felt something in a warehouse off to their right but he wasn’t sure who or what was there. He whispered, “Stop,” and Sam and Drake pulled to an immediate halt, turning to him as they did.

  He pointed to the broken down building, then he motioned for Sam to go right and Drake left...he would take middle and point. He motioned for Drake to go on; he and Sam would easily catch up. With only one approaching at first, if someone was keeping watch, they might just miss a solitary figure.

  Ronan and Sam watched as Drake made his way to the side of the building before they set off. Using their supernatural speed, they reached their own entry points in seconds. As Drake and Sam watched, Ronan held his arm out for a split second before lowering it quickly. They moved at the same time, entering from three different positions.

  He was in the building first, and almost recoiled from the stench. He scented urine, vomit, and other bodily fluids that he didn’t want to dwell on. What he did hone in on was a figure at the opposite end of the large space, the outline of a female clearly visible. He saw her jump as she realized she wasn’t alone and felt her panic, so great was it, that he could actually smell it in the air around him.

  “It’s okay, we won’t harm you.” He tried to calm the girl’s fears as he moved slightly forward, getting a clearer view of her.

  She was tall, at least five eight or nine, with long jet black hair with what looked, in the dimming light, to be some purple streaks. What drew his own eyes were hers...the most striking violet color he had ever seen stared back at him.

  “Why would I believe you, you bloodsucking leech!”

  Ronan was taken aback for less than a second by both what she said, and with the speed she moved as she turned and ran, with incredible velocity, out the rear of the building. Ronan and his men were hot on her tail. However, when they got outside they saw hide nor hair of if she had simply disappeared.

nbsp; “You got her?” Sam asked him, knowing he was already sending his powers out again.

  His eyes raked over the area all around them as he tried to get a hint of where she had gone. As his powers came back with nothing, he shook his head, wondering who she was and just how had she moved so quickly?

  All three of them scoured the area and came up with nothing. No sign of the female and no sign of any hunters. They started back to their vehicle and Ronan stopped more than once, looking behind him, unable to shake the feeling that they were being watched.


  Starr kept watch from afar as the three men left, two Vampires and a Wolf. Not the normal hunting party, a Witch was usually with them to incapacitate her. So far she had been lucky, escaping time and again. She was tired of all the running, ten years since the last person she ever loved...her brother...had been captured, while saving her.

  Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered her strong and honorable brother, Talon. Sacrificing his own freedom so she could get away. His screams as the dark magic invaded his body, completely and utterly, immobilizing his large body. His last words to her shouts and screams telling her to get away.

  She hated herself for leaving him, but knew if she had stayed, they would both have been lost.

  She still wasn’t sure just why these people hunted her kind. Hunting them for generations until there had only been her and Talon she was on her own...the last Dragon.

  She stayed perfectly still, high up in the rafters of one of the dilapidated buildings, watching and making sure the three men left. Wondering if she should leave the area now or chance staying for another few days.

  She was so tired, always on alert, never getting enough sleep. Her body ached and her mind raced with thoughts of being alone in this world. Sometimes she thought she should just let them catch her...then it would be over.

  Talon’s words stopped her from doing that, ‘It’s a fate worse than death if they catch you little Starr, always run, always hide, don’t ever fall into their hands, my sister.’ So she kept running, kept hiding and prayed that she could stay out of their clutches.

  Her eyes stayed on the largest of the men, a Vampire, who was tall, strong, capable. Even though he was a Vampire she didn’t get that ‘feeling’ she usually got from those that hunted her. If not for the fact that they were obviously looking for her, she may have spoken to him. It had been days, no weeks, since she had actually had a conversation with anyone and she missed it.

  She missed just chatting to someone, getting to know them...even if she didn’t tell a lot about herself. Sometimes she would make up stories of a life she could only dream of. Family, friends, a lover...but it was all a dream, only a dream.

  She saw him turn back, his eyes searching, as if he knew she watched. His words that he had spoken ringing in her ears––‘It’s okay, we won’t harm you.’ How she wished that were true.


  “So what was that about? A bloodsucking leech? Bit strong, don’t you think?” Sam seemed perplexed by the words as he walked on in front.

  “Oh I don’t know, kinda seems appropriate if you ask me.” Drake chuckled as they neared their SUV.

  “I didn’t!” Sam shot out as he drew Drake a filthy look.

  “Hey, if the shoe fits and all that,” Drake quipped, as he got into the driver’s seat, and started up the engine.

  “Damn Wolves!” Sam returned, though he had a smile on his that Drake couldn’t see, of course.

  Several times Ronan turned his head back the way they had come, still sure that the girl was near...even if they couldn’t find her. Her words rolling around in his head as he tried to decide if he was offended or angry. He wasn’t sure, only that he didn’t like those words she spat out at him in anger.

  His thoughts were on the girl for the entire journey back into the city. He couldn’t shake those eyes from his mind; a shade so unique he was pretty sure he had never seen eyes like those before...and his before was rather a long time. He heard Sam and Drake banter back and forth but he ignored their voices as he thought of the girl.

  She had some balls calling him a bloodsucking leech, with his size and power, there wasn’t an awful lot out there that was a threat to him, and he could dole out a whole lot of hurt...if he wanted to. He realized he had a small smile on his face thinking about her, and her rather cutting words. A bloodsucking leech? That was a new one! He had been called a hell of a lot in his time, but never that.

  “What the heck are you smiling at?” Sam’s question jolted him out of his thoughts, and Ronan turned slightly in his seat. Sam was sitting forward with a frown on his face as he stared at him.

  “Nothing,” he replied and turned away, his eyes on the road ahead.

  “Nothing? You’re smiling at nothing? Well, that makes me think you may be ready for the padded cell. Either that or you’re thinking on that girl back there. Those eyes, jeez, I’ve never seen eyes like those before. They were fucking gorgeous…”

  “Enough!” The word erupted from Ronan’s mouth, and he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. Daydreaming and shouting at his friend? Not his usual modus operandi.

  “Hey! Calm down, big guy. I’m just sayin’ is all, no need for you to freak out on me.” Sam’s voice was a little bewildered and Ronan couldn’t blame him...he was baffled too.

  What was it about the girl that had gotten to him so? They didn’t even know who or what she was. It was obvious she wasn’t human but what was she?

  There was no scent of her being a Wolf, or even a Vamp. So what then? Ronan wracked his brain trying to come up with something...but couldn’t...his mind straying to those eyes almost constantly.

  “Sorry, I’m a little out of sorts today,” he apologized to his friend but didn’t turn to face Sam, and continued staring out the window with violet eyes shining in his mind.

  “Ya don’t say!” Sam quipped back as Drake snickered quietly.

  “We’ll go back later, or tomorrow, yeah, tomorrow, but late, after dark.” Ronan nodded as he spoke, wanting to find the girl again before she came to any harm. After all, there were hunters around and she would be no match for them...she could get hurt or killed.

  “Okay boss. Think we should bring Serge tomorrow? He’s got a real good nose and his magic is getting better all the time. That’s the benefit of being a quarter Witch I guess.” Drake was now keeping a close eye on the traffic all around them, now that they were back in the city.

  “Yes, that’s a good idea, so we’ll set this up for tomorrow night, say ten?” Ronan was already looking forward to going back to try and find the girl. Another smile came to his lips as he thought on her words…‘bloodsucking leech’…he needed to meet the person that felt brave enough to call him that.

  “Ten is fine with me,” Drake said as he was pulling into the underground parking area as Sam piped up.

  “Ten? As in at night? I’ve got a date tomorrow, boss, you know that nice little Wolf in records? Well she’s finally agreed to go out with...”

  “Tough, you’re working, reschedule.” Ronan wasn’t letting Sam out of this that easy.

  “What? No, no, took me ages to get her to say yes! Hell! You are kidding aren’t you? I don’t really need to come tomorrow night, do I?” Sam was almost pleading as they got out of the vehicle and went towards the elevator.

  “No, I’m not kidding, and yes, you are working tomorrow night.” Ronan got in the elevator as soon as the doors opened and waited, expecting Sam to follow and continue to argue.

  Sam stayed outside the elevator, a crestfallen look on his face, “Fuck!” was all he said as he stood and watched the doors close.

  Ronan rode the elevator alone, not bothering to change back into his suit, making his way back to his office in his combat gear. Sam could pout all he wanted, he was working tomorrow night and that was that.

  Ronan didn’t notice any of the wide eyed stares he received on his way...every female that saw him all b
ut drooling at the sight.

  Chapter 3

  As Ronan sat down behind his desk he grabbed his phone, wanting to check when Esther would be available, in case of any trouble. Esther was their oldest and most powerful Witch. So old that Ronan wasn’t even sure what age she was, so powerful that he was pretty sure there wasn’t anything as strong as her out there...apart from his Sire’s mate, Peri...possibly.

  He was aware that Esther could harness dark magic, and he never asked questions on how that was possible. As long as Esther was on their side, he didn’t care...if she got the job done that was all he cared about. Esther had never failed, not once. He dialed her number, hoping she wouldn’t fail this time either.

  Her assistant’s phone rang once, before being picked up. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Celeste, I’m just wondering where Esther is? Is she away on an assignment or is she available for something that’s going on here?” Ronan spoke quietly, in a friendly tone. Celeste always seemed a little fragile and jumpy to him. He pictured her sitting at her desk chewing the tip of a pen. Whenever he visited her office that was how she was when he entered, chewing a pen with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Oh, hi Ronan, hmm, Esther? Oh wait, she’s here you want to speak to her? I could put you through. If that’s what you want that is. Or maybe not? Is that what you want?”

  Celeste’s usual confused manner of talking had various effects on Ronan, from mildly bemused to annoyed...depending on the situation. This time he only said, “Yes please, that would be great if you could put me through to her.”

  “Right, yes, that’s what I’ll do, hold on.”

  Ronan rolled his eyes, wondering how Esther could stand the befuddled way that Celeste worked, it would drive him insane.

  “Hello, Ronan, what can I do for you?” Esther’s cool and calm voice came over the line, and he was glad he didn’t have to maneuver around Celeste’s brain any further.

  “Hi, Esther, I’m glad you’re in, we’ve got a case...kinda weird...some information about hunters that are going after a Dragon...”


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