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The Dragon and the Vampire

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  Moving the sheet he lay down, hoping to rest, after all, he had a mission to carry out the next night and he wanted to be on top of his game.

  After tossing and turning for hours Ronan fell into a fitful sleep, waking after just three hours. It was still early, before dawn, as he gave up trying to sleep and went for a long, hot, shower. Dressing in one of his suits and retrieving a small packet of donor blood from his fridge. He placed the package on the counter-top and left it. He would eat in an hour or so, once the chill had gone from the blood.

  Desperate for coffee, making himself an instant instead of his usual filter and carrying his coffee with him, Ronan sat back down in his chair to watch the sun rise over his city. He realized he was worried about the girl, but he was also worried for the people that lived here, in Denver.

  If those wielding dark magic brought their fight into the city then there were going to be casualties...probably humans. That didn’t sit well with him and he sipped his coffee as he thought on what to do.

  Ronan decided to place more teams on the outskirts of the city as lookouts for possible trouble. The last thing he needed was to have to deal with the mess that dark magic wielding Witches could bring down on the humans, living oblivious of any danger.

  They were fragile, most still unaware of the vast amount of Supers that actually lived in and around them. Humans had ruled for so very long, that they were complacent to the threats that were right there on their doorsteps. Most of them still thought they were at the top of the food chain...stupid, naive, uninformed, primitive.

  It was still his job to ensure they weren’t harmed by any of his own kind. A hard job...but someone had to do it.

  He sighed as he finished his coffee, realizing it was stone cold, and then checking his watch to see that almost an hour had passed while he sat and watched the slow rise of the sun. Standing up and stretching his body he then went to place the cup in the sink, grabbing his small packet of blood as he did so. His fangs descended, as they usually did when he was about to feed, ripping the pack at the top and drinking down his sustenance for the day.

  As he finished, his fangs retracted and he licked along his lips, making sure there were no visible telltale signs of the red liquid. The empty packet he placed in the waste and walked to the bar, retrieving the weapons he had worn yesterday.

  He carried them in his hand as he left his apartment, making his way to his office. Still too early for most of the staff, although he did see a few folks already in and working at their desks. Ronan nodded once or twice to a couple of them as he carried on, thinking he should really take note of who was putting in extra hours.

  The first thing he saw when he entered the office was the paperwork he had left behind. He groaned, knowing he really should get through that today. If not, then the funding would get held up, and folks’ wages wouldn’t get paid on time. Sometimes he actually wished he had passed the promotion up, preferring a much more hands on approach to keeping folks safe, and he knew he wouldn’t have to worry about hiring an assistant.

  Steeling himself, he sat down and started trawling his way through the mounds on his desk. He was almost finished when he smelled coffee– fresh, strong, black, coffee. Raising his head his eyes met Sam’s who stood at the door with two to-go cups of Starbucks in his hands.

  “Thought you might need this. I saw you earlier so went out and got us some decent stuff.” Sam sipped from one as he moved in and held the other out to Ronan.

  “Thank you, I’ve just about finished this and could really do with a break.” Ronan took the offered coffee and swallowed some of the black liquid, almost moaning in appreciation.

  “Yeah, I guessed you’d been in a while––most of the paper is gone from your desk.” Sam sat down, placing his feet on the edge of the desk.

  “I didn’t sleep well last night. So I got in early and got rid of all this shit. I really need to get an assistant to help out. If not, I’m not sure I can carry on...I hate all this paperwork.” Ronan carried on savoring the coffee as he spoke, even the smell of the caffeine perking him up.

  “I know, I’ve got a lot less than you and it bores me shitless. Can I get an assistant too?” Sam cocked his head to the side, waiting on Ronan’s answer.

  “If you do get women...if you’re that desperate for help then help is what you’ll get. That means a male and I’m not kidding around, Sam. I won’t approve anyone else for the job, so don’t try and pull one of your tricks.”

  Ronan had enough to do, without dealing with an office romance just two doors down. Especially as he could imagine how it would go. Yet another heartbroken woman to add to the very long list that was in Sam’s wake.

  “What? That’s, that’s...sexist! You can’t do that, boss.” Sam was staring wide eyed, with a shocked look on his face.

  It was a look Ronan knew well and he ignored it.

  “I can do whatever the hell I want, and I’m telling you, if you want an assistant you are not hiring a female. Wait, yes you can...if she’s old, grey, and definitely not your suck it up.” Ronan was pleased to see Sam’s crestfallen look and almost laughed.

  “Jeez, what the hell, Ronan? You certainly got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Sam complained as he drank some more of his coffee before getting up and leaving.

  Ronan said nothing more, just smiled as his friend frowned at him.

  Opening his laptop, Ronan opened his emails, starting to write one informing folks he was looking for an assistant, and advising what was required. He sent it to all heads of departments, asking them to print it out and place it on the notice boards dotted around the building. He hoped he could find someone who would be good for the job. He really didn’t think he could carry on without some help. If he had to do another month’s expenses and wages on his own again, he would quit and retire some place nice.

  The rest of the day went as normal, phone calls, emails, sorting the extra teams to scour the perimeter of the city near to where the hunters had been seen. Ronan wanted plenty of advance warning if they ventured into the populated areas. He took a break after meeting with Sam, Drake and Serge, going over their mission.

  Feeling a little off kilter, and having no idea why, Ronan went for a long walk, then spent a few hours in the gym on the first floor, next to the locker room. He had a small one set up in his apartment, using one of the spare bedrooms, but he wanted to use just about every piece of equipment the larger gym held. He worked himself hard, dripping in sweat by the time he was finished. He needed a long shower to clean himself from the smell of his workout, before going to get suited up for their mission.

  His workouts weren’t just a vain act to keep him looking good. Ronan needed to be fit and as strong as possible to hold his position. With some of the antiquated laws, both Vampire and Wolf, he sometimes had to ‘intervene’ in a dispute. The intervention usually involved some kind of one on one fight, so he kept himself as fit and strong as he possibly could in order to make sure he would win in any conflict related scraps.

  That was actually part of his job that he enjoyed...far more than the paperwork side.

  Esther was waiting on him as he exited the elevator in the parking area, a serene look on her old face. She may look like someone’s grandmother, but he could feel the power inside the woman as he walked over.

  “Good evening, Ronan. I trust you are well?” Esther smiled up into his face as he came alongside her.

  “Yeah, I’m good. We all set for tonight?” his eyes moved to find the rest of his team and saw them sitting waiting in one of the larger SUV’s.

  “Yes, yes, we shall see what tonight brings, I am hopeful all will go well.”

  With that Esther turned and walked over to the vehicle, got in the back with Serge and Sam, as he followed and got in front. Drake was in the driver’s seat again, and he guessed there had been a tussle or two over that.

  Seeing the frown on Sam’s face confirmed it.

  “Okay, let’s go.” He
motioned with his hand and Drake pulled away, on their way back to where they had seen the girl.

  “Please remember, this girl has probably been hunted for a long time, so she will not trust easily. We have to try and make her understand that we are no threat to her, and are, in fact, trying to help. That may not be easy...but we have to try.”

  Esther’s calm voice settled Ronan slightly, as he hoped they could do exactly what the old woman was saying. He really wanted to find and help that girl...the girl with the violet eyes.

  “I know, so you lot, remember what Esther’s saying. If you spot the girl try talking to her, tell her we’re not hunters and we want to help.” Ronan saw each of the three men nod their heads in agreement before he settled down for the remainder of the journey, wondering if they would even see the girl tonight.

  Ronan’s mind was going over and over their mission and he still had some questions for Esther. Turning his head slightly he caught her eye. “Esther, is it okay if I ask you some questions?” He waited for her nod before going on. “First, I don’t know an awful lot about magic of any kind, far less dark magic, so can you enlighten me on that?”

  Esther frowned as she seemed to take her time to answer, finally she replied. “Ronan, dark magic was borne out of necessity a very, very long time ago, when Dragons roamed the earth freely. As usual, mankind’s fear brought about hordes of people trying to eliminate them. At that time, Dragons had friends within the magical community, who hid their powers for fear of being ostracized, or worse, because of their abilities. Unfortunately, no Witch was strong enough to aid the Dragons. The beasts, however, were well aware that their blood held properties that would enhance magic, so they offered it to a select few to make them stronger, and then able to aid in their protection. Between them, spells were created and cast to hide Dragons from detection and even so much that a hunting party could pass within feet of one and never see it. This relationship carried on for centuries until one Witch started to use the power for his own ends. Soon, far too soon, more and more Witches joined the first one and then the Dragons had to flee from not only humans but Witches also.”

  Esther stopped for a moment, her face pained as she caught her breath. “I am disgusted to say that this has been the case ever since. There is a very small faction of Witches who hunt the Dragons for their own selfish needs. It is only a small number, as far as I’m aware, but the damage that’s been done is beyond words. I’m pretty sure that this Dragon we are trying to find may be the last of her kind.”

  Everyone in the vehicle listened avidly as the old woman spoke, Ronan frowning and scowling. “Esther, what about you? You use dark magic at times, don’t you?”

  Esther’s face lit up in a smile as she locked eyes with Ronan. “Yes, I do. I was friends with a Dragon many many years ago and he gave me a supply, though that is almost gone now. I also have managed to utilize dark magic using several other means; however, I’m not at liberty to give you more information on that. If it fell into the wrong hands then I would never forgive myself. However, it is only with Dragon blood that I’m strongest in dark magic and I use it only in rare situations when I have no other choice. I have my vial with me tonight, if I feel a dark magic-wielding Witch in the area, then I’ll partake of a tiny amount to ensure everyone is safe.”

  Ronan turned back around to stare out the windshield. “That’s fine with me and thanks for the background, Esther. Seems as if Dragons have had a tough ride for a very long time.”

  Sam quipped, “Hell yeah, even more than us Vamps and that’s gotta suck.”

  Esther chuckled as Sam looked at her. “What?” he asked, wondering why she was laughing. Didn’t seem funny to him that the Dragons had been hunted almost to extinction.

  Esther took another moment or two before she managed to reply. “Gotta suck? Vamps? You don’t even know when you say something funny, Sam.”

  Ronan smiled as Sam groaned before the vehicle was once again filled with silence.

  Chapter 5

  The journey seemed to take longer than the previous day, Ronan getting more and more uptight, as they drew nearer to where they had parked previously. Drake turned off the lights and coasted to a stop, in the same spot as the previous day.

  Everyone exited the vehicle and started to walk on, towards where they had seen the girl. Walking only for a few minutes, at a slow pace to accommodate Esther, she stopped her head to the side. Ronan sent his own senses out and felt it too...dark magic and Vampires.

  “There’s two Vampires and a Witch, I’ll deal with the Witch if you strong men will take care of the Vampires.” Esther smiled around at all four of them as she spoke and each one nodded back at her.

  “I think they’re near that same building, Sam, take Serge and go right. Drake, you come with me, we’ll take the left, Esther, you can carry on and take out the Witch.”

  Ronan didn’t wait on any kind of acknowledgment from anyone, taking off at a speed that Drake could keep up with. As they reached the building he could hear the sounds of several pairs of running feet and he burst through the door, catching a glimpse of a Vampire hightailing it out the back...right behind the girl.

  He could feel her fear, her panic, as she moved with incredible speed, trying to escape the Vampire. There was no sign of the Witch as Ronan picked up his pace and left Drake standing as he took off after them.

  As he burst through the door at the back Ronan saw two things, the Vampire still running on but his own feet stilled at the other sight. An enormous, black Dragon stood in front of the Vampire, taking off into the air with a speed that belied it’s size. Its colossal wings beating madly as it gained height, causing a downdraft that knocked the Vampire chasing it completely off his feet, up into the air and then falling to the ground.

  Ronan lifted his head and did the only thing he could think of. “Stop! I want to help! My Sire helped a family of Dragons centuries ago––please––I don’t want to hurt you!”

  He roared at the top of his voice and saw the large, long, scaly, neck whip around...those violet eyes locking with his. “Please,” he murmured as it gained even more height and flew away with such speed he could barely keep his eyes on it.

  Ronan pulled his phone out, hitting speed dial as he tried to see where the Dragon went, it rang for a moment, then he heard his Sire’s voice.

  “Hello Ronan, I hope you are well?”

  “Oh dear fucking God! I just saw it––I just saw it!”

  Ronan was breathing hard down the phone as he spoke, now moving towards the Vampire hunting the Dragon.

  “What? What did you just see?”

  “A Dragon! That’s what! A freaking Dragon! Josef, it was magnificent. I was chasing those hunters I told you about and we’re on the very edge of the city, shit no, we’re quite a ways out at an abandoned warehouse and I saw them chasing it, anyway, I went after them and as I ran through the building and out the other side I saw it! It was huge and the speed it took off was totally unbelievable! I’ve got to find it. I’ve got to help it.”

  Ronan’s voice tapered off so that at the end he was talking to himself.

  “Yes, you do my boy, you need to find it and protect it, that Dragon may very well be the last of its kind, and you need to help it.”

  “What? Oh yeah, that’s what I’m planning on. I’m gonna find matter what. Gotta go, I’ve still got one of those hunters in my sights.”

  Ronan hung up and took off after the Vampire who was now on his feet and moving away fast.


  Starr jerked awake, having fallen asleep after she had eaten the last of her supplies...a measly granola bar and her last bottle of water. She was so tired, having stayed awake since that huge Vampire and his men had found her. She was terrified they would come back, but exhaustion had finally overcome her as she lay on the dirty mattress in the corner.

  Her sensitive ears picked up footfalls, close, as she jumped up, now fully awake. She tried to figure out how many and what direction the
y were coming, but that was a moot point, as a Vampire ran into the building she was hiding in.

  This one, this Vampire...she knew. He was with the Witch that had nearly caught her more than once. She stayed perfectly still, not wanting to give him even a second’s notice of where she was. This one was fast, very fast, and he had nearly caught her before. She knew she had to get out of the building and transform.

  If the Witch was far enough behind she could get away, but only if she turned Dragon.

  She heard other footfalls, coming fast, as she turned and sprinted for the opening in the rear of the broken down building. Using every last bit of speed she had, she tore quickly through the doorway, already harnessing her inner Dragon.

  Her feet flew over the ground as she felt the Vampire at her back. Now! She screamed in her head, visualizing her beast, as her body started to change. It happened so fast that one moment the body of a girl was flying over the hard packed dirt...then the huge, clawed, feet of a dragon took one step, two, then left the ground behind as the huge, black, wings beat furiously.

  Her long, strong tail, swished back and forth behind her, making sure if the Vampire was close enough...she would knock him for six. With the sharp spikes that ran along the middle of her tail from her rump to the could be deadly. Her tail met no resistance, so the Vampire must have dodged out of the way, escaping the violent whipping. Her wings beat again, knowing the downdraft caused by them would propel anything near, up and away with force.

  Her acute hearing heard the sound of a body hitting hard against something, and her scaly lips peeled back in a feral smile. Her razor sharp teeth visible to anyone close enough to see her. She wished she could take the time to end that Vampire, but she had no idea where the Witch was. If he was close he could enspell her and she just couldn’t take the chance. As her Dragon rose higher and higher she reveled in her strength and freedom.


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