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The Dragon and the Vampire

Page 16

by A. K. Michaels

  Ronan honed in on the Vampire he was after, scenting him now that he was in the building. Everyone else split up and started their own little skirmishes, at least one resulting in the death of one of the Vamps. Ronan’s sensitive ears had picked up the moment one of their Wolves ripped a head clean off; that was a sound that just couldn’t be mistaken for anything else.

  He had only one purpose, and that was to take down the one being in this rotting building, that he was certain could give them the information they required. Information that would lead them to the person behind the hunt for Starr. That was the one and only thought rampaging through him. His need to keep his mate safe so strong in him that he could barely breathe.

  Ronan’s fight was just heating up, when he felt that Starr was close, very close. He could even hear her heart, stuttering wildly in her chest as she ran. His concentration lapsed for a nano-second, the three rogues taking advantage as they rained blows down on him. He felt blood seeping from a wound on his head as he struck back, using his greater size and strength to beat them off. Their leader was stalking towards him as the other two tried to outflank him, he moved like lightning, a low sweep of his leg taking down one of the weaker Vamps.

  He straightened up, readying to take on the one in front as a body flew at the other one, the one he’d sensed trying to circle around him. Ronan was so sure that the other being in the room was Starr he would’ve bet his life on it. Her scent strong in his nostrils as he breathed it in. His heart beating frantically, at the thought of her being here, in the same space as three very nasty Vampires.

  What he didn’t expect was her taking one of the two weaker Vampires out almost immediately, using throwing knives, no less. Then engaging the other, he could feel her at his back and as that thought distracted him, the one in front attacked, sending them both flying backwards. He knew he had knocked Starr down, he only hoped she wasn’t injured or she would be easy prey for the other Vampire in the room.

  He fought like a man possessed, desperate to end this, so he could check on his mate. The next sound to assault his sensitive hearing almost stopped his heart. Starr was choking and he was powerless to help. He rained blows down onto the Vamp he was fighting, knowing it was imperative he finish the fight before Starr was dealt a death blow.

  Ronan was almost about to turn from the one he was fighting to help Starr when he heard footsteps approaching, fast. The scent of Creed hitting his senses at the same moment, thank God, he knew the elite guard would take care of Starr. If not, then he would dole out a punishment so severe he doubted Creed would survive.

  He focused solely on the man in front of him now and attacked with a ferocity that gave him the upper hand. Ronan used all of his strength and every dirty trick in the book to best the Vamp, finally landing a punch with every ounce of his massive strength behind it. He watched as the man’s face exploded as he flew up and backwards, landing in an unconscious heap.

  Ronan whirled around, stalking towards his mate and Creed, who was now holding Starr immobile. As he stopped in front of the guard his anger was barely in check, “You had one mission brief. One. Can you tell me why you failed in that?”

  Starr’s stepped forward, her eyes pleading with him. “Ronan, it wasn’t…”

  He cut her off, his eyes locking with hers, “I’m talking to Creed.”

  He saw anger rising in her face, as she moved forward again, this time ignoring his outstretched hand, pushing it roughly aside. Starr’s voice held her own anger as she snapped out at him, “You’ll listen to me! It was my fault! I changed and there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot they could do to stop me! So, Ronan, if you’re going to be angry with anyone, that anger should be directed at me.”

  Creed actually snorted as Ronan turned to face his mate. His eyes held hers as he fought for control. She stared straight back, not backing down from him, which surprised him greatly...most folk would quiver in fright if his anger was directed anywhere near them. He clenched his jaw tighter, attempting to gain control over his emotions as Starr stepped even closer.

  His mate’s arm moved toward his face, her fingertip gently wiping away a trickle of blood from his wounds, before cradling the side of his face. He saw the worry in her eyes as she whispered to him, “You’re hurt, Fang.”

  At the sound of her pet name for him, he pulled her roughly towards him, crushing her against his body. “Don’t ever do that again! Do you hear me? I can’t have you in danger, grá mo chroí, my attention was distracted the moment I knew you were in the building. You have to do as I say on a mission, please Starr, you have to understand that I cannot focus properly if I think you’re in danger.”

  His voice was barely audible, a large lump in his throat, as she slowly nodded. “I’m sorry, I heard you and thought you were in trouble. I couldn’t just stand by and do nothing. It wasn’t Creed’s fault, he was stopping me from getting to you so I changed to Dragon to get away.”

  Ronan looked to Creed who stood impassively, having already instructed his men to take the three Vamps lying on the ground into custody. Ronan nodded once as Creed met his eyes, he didn’t expect the guard to say anything, so he was a little surprised when Creed did.

  Creed looked to Starr and then back to him. “I apologize for failing my mission. I can assure you it will not happen again. Starr, if there’s ever a next time, I’ll tie you up if I need to.”

  Starr’s mouth opened to answer, but Creed had already turned away, following his men out of the building.

  Ronan used his finger under her chin to close her mouth. “I’ll let him too! If that’s what it takes to keep you safe, Puff.”

  With that he took her hand and followed Creed. His ears already telling him that the rest of the fighting had finished, hearing orders being barked out by Sam, they walked to join everyone outside.

  As they finally made it out of the building they saw several Vamps on their knees, silver handcuffs binding their wrists behind them. He felt Starr stiffen next to him, felt her anger at these beings that would hunt her kind down. His own ire rising to the surface as they moved forwards.

  Sam turned, a smile freezing on his face. “Behind you!” he roared as everyone else turned in their direction.

  Ronan whirled around, placing Starr at his back, as a man appeared, as if from nowhere. The magic rolling from him like a fast flowing river, his face a mask of hatred. Ronan’s heart stopped, fear for Starr foremost in his mind, as he heard her gasp at his back.

  Where the hell was Jake and Esther? he thought, as the man’s hands started to move quickly in front of him. Ronan braced for the impact of the magic, knowing he may well not make it out of this alive. If his body took the full force then, hopefully, Starr would survive, that was all he cared about.

  The man’s hands flew outwards as shouts, yells and other noises reverberated in his ears. “I love you, Puff,” he whispered, knowing this would be the last time she would hear those words from him. A Vampire stood no chance against dark magic, his heart aching in that split-second when he realized he would not live a long life with his mate.

  Starr’s scream was so loud it hurt his sensitive ears, as the power from the Witch hit. His senses told him it had made contact, he felt it, but what he didn’t feel was pain, or any other sign that it had hurt him. What the hell?

  As the power washed over him and faded away, he saw the shock on the Witch’s face, at the same time as he heard soft footfalls...Esther. Thank fuck, was all he could think, as his own shock hit. How the hell had he survived? He had no idea, only that he had and his heart swelled as he felt Starr’s hands grab him from behind, her arms circling his waist.

  “What the hell just happened?” he asked, as Esther’s hands flew outwards, knocking the Witch to the ground, but not killing him.

  Esther’s voice carried strongly to everyone present. “Here, use these bindings to tie him up.” as she pulled several lengths of very thin twine from her pocket.

  Ronan’s first thought was that the twine wouldn�
��t hold a child, far less a powerful Witch. Creed and Sam took the twine, looking at it with frowns as Esther urged them on. “It’s spelled, he won’t be able to break free or use his magic. Quickly now boys, hurry, before he wakes up.”

  Sam and Creed used their speed, having the Witch’s hands and feet bound in seconds, as Esther turned with wide eyes to look at Ronan. He could see the question in her eyes as she walked towards them. He shook his head. “I don’t know, I have no idea why his magic didn’t affect me, so don’t bother asking.”

  Esther looked between Starr and Ronan, a look of realization dawning. “I think it’s because of Starr’s blood. I assume you are feeding from your mate?” At his nod she continued, “The kind of dark magic they are wielding originates from Dragon blood, your mate is a Dragon, even though it is not her actual Dragon’s blood that you are feeding on I think that’s the reason the dark magic had no effect on you. This is marvelous! We can use this to our advantage when we go to the Rockies!”

  Starr looked between them, worry on her face. “What if it was a fluke? We can’t risk that again. I won’t allow it! We are not using my mate as some kind of guinea pig to test that theory, so just get that thought right out of your head this minute!”

  Ronan pulled Starr closer. “Hey, don’t get all uptight. This is something to discuss in the future, right now, we need to get these prisoners back to base to start their interrogations.”

  Esther was nodding her agreement. “True, we can revisit a later date. I need to get the Witch back, so I can carry out cleansing spells on him, to rid him of the dark magic before we can question him. I think I should take you back now too, if that’s okay with you?”

  Sam stood to the side, listening in as Creed walked over, the Witch slung over his shoulder. His friend slapped Ronan on the back. “You go, let Esther do what she has to so we can get whatever intel we can. The quicker the better. I’ll deal with clean up here, there are a few dead. I’ll burn them, then take the survivors back to base.”

  Ronan was going to argue when Starr spoke up, “Yes, we’ll go now, I want to get your wounds cleaned and dressed.”

  Her voice was like steel and Sam laughed. “You better do as your told, boss, looks like she’s not gonna take no for an answer.”

  Sam turned and walked away, giving orders as he went. Starr tugged on his arm. “We need to get home.”

  Ronan saw the worry in her face, although he knew that after he fed his wounds would disappear, it was obvious she wanted them to leave. Who was he to argue with such a request? He stroked her face gently. “Okay, Puff, we’ll go home.”

  Creed moved closer as Esther motioned them all to join her, the old woman’s hands moving quickly as she performed her spell. A moment later they were in the entranceway of the bureau’s building. Creed walking to the stairs at the rear to take the rogue Witch down to a holding cell.

  Esther looked up at Ronan, her eyes twinkling. “I’ll go and deal with this Witch. You take care of your mate.”

  He was just about to say that Starr was fine, she didn’t need ‘taking care of’ when Starr tugged on his arm again. As he looked down at her upturned face he could clearly see lust there, her pupils dilated so much that they almost took over the violet of her eyes.

  “Come on!” she squealed as she pulled him towards the elevator, Esther’s laughter ringing in his ears as the old woman followed Creed.

  As soon as the elevator doors closed Starr pulled his head down, her mouth taking his with an abandon that he had not felt from her ‘til now. His arousal hit hard and quick and it pressed into her as he held her close. They continued kissing until the doors opened on their floor, where he leaned down and picked her up, carrying her the rest of the way.

  Her lovemaking was wild, uninhibited, raw, and although he reveled in it, he wondered why. What the heck had gotten her so riled up?

  As they finally lay atop the bed, both panting like racehorses after a marathon gallop, he finally asked her, “I’m not complaining, Puff, but what the hell’s got into you?”

  Starr blushed as she looked up at him. “I’m not sure. I think it was the thought of losing you. When that Witch appeared and you pushed me behind you, I knew you were gonna take his blast. I thought you would die. So, when you didn’t, it kinda affected me...big time!”

  She started to giggle, her relief at his safety obviously having a great impact on her emotions. Ronan knew the feeling. It was how he had felt when he had heard Creed coming to her aid back at the hunters’ lair. He saw her taking in every part of him, looking for his wounds, which were now gone...thanks to his feeding from her, several times!

  Her finger trailed the scar on his thigh, making him shiver at her touch, and she whispered her thoughts aloud. “So, we need to make sure ‘bout the magic thingy before we go anywhere near another dark magic Witch. I need you to know something, Fang, I don’t think I could survive without you. I mean that, literally, I think I would just cease to exist if you were taken from me. So, you need to keep safe, okay?”

  Ronan placed a finger on her lips. “Shush, you’re M’fhíorghrá, go síoraí, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Starr nodded. “What was that?” she asked as he used his native tongue again.

  He placed a soft kiss on her lips before answering, “It means you’re my true love, forever.”

  She smiled. “I like the sound of that, M’fhíorghrá.”

  She stumbled over the Gaelic, only just managing to wrap her tongue around it. Ronan’s heart swelling as he heard it trip from her lips.

  She giggled again. “I think we should stay here for the rest of the day, don’t you?”

  The cheeky smile she gave him had him hard once more. “I agree, wholeheartedly,” he whispered against her lips as his took her again.

  Chapter 17

  Ronan sat at his desk, frustration growing as he read yet another report from Serge. He threw the paperwork onto his desk, a desk that was far less cluttered than it used to be. His new assistant kept everything running like clockwork and his paperwork up to date.

  A smile spread on his face as he thought on his new work mate. Who would’ve thought that Starr would be adept at all the paperwork he had to do? More than that, she was excellent at organizing everything to do with his position as Director of the SEB. The past few months having flown by so quickly and they had already celebrated their six month anniversary. The changes in his life so vast that he could never have even imagined it, not in his wildest dreams.

  The frustration he was feeling was their total lack of success in finding what the Witch had told them about, so many months ago. Esther’s spells had rid the man of dark magic, then her magic got the answers they wanted, everything except the exact location they needed.

  Their leader was a powerful Witch, as they all had suspected; however, the facts that came to light shocked every one of them. This leader was secreted away in a cavern, deep within the Rockies, where he also held a Dragon captive, draining its life blood and slowly killing the beast. Ronan knew the rogue Witch in charge would have to get a replacement in order to keep his supply of Dragon blood stocked up.

  Starr had tears in her eyes as she listened to Esther telling them about the imprisoned Dragon. Ronan held Starr close trying to comfort her. He promised there and then that they would find this Witch, destroy him and release the Dragon. That had been so long ago that even he was beginning to think that they would never find this lair.

  His ears picked up Starr talking on her phone, in the office adjacent to his, sorting out some problem or other to do with weapons stock. Her voice all businesslike as she took care of the issue. He was in the process of standing up, ready to go and take her for lunch, when his mobile rang. He fished it out of his pocket and saw his Sire’s name flashing.

  He answered with a smile, realizing that he still hadn’t told him that he now had a mate of his own. However, Josef’s words turned his blood to ice.

  Josef’s tone was the mo
st deadly he had ever heard, with an undercurrent of fear. “Ronan, I need help!, Now! Every man you have in the area. Donovan and another of my men have been killed, in broad daylight, and Peri has been taken. I need your men here–now.”

  “Done,” was all Ronan said before hanging up, raising his head and shouting, “Sam, Starr, get in here now!”

  He didn’t wait on them, pushing buttons on his phone, as soon as it was answered, he ordered, “Paul, get your ass to my Sire’s now, take as many men as you can spare and then take some more! His mate has been kidnapped and she’s fucking pregnant. I’m going to get Esther to you shortly, as I’m pretty sure you’ll be dealing with dark magic.”

  Ronan didn’t say goodbye, hanging up with the knowledge that his agent in charge in Vegas would get to Josef’s ASAP. Starr’s gasp sounded loud in the room. Ronan lifted his head and was just about to speak, but she beat him to it.

  Her voice was laced with shock as she stepped forward. “Oh my God, that’s awful, but Ronan, you didn’t give him an address. How will he know where to go?”

  Ronan smiled. “My Sire lives in Paul’s jurisdiction. You don’t think he keeps tabs on him? Anyway, Sam, can you get in touch with Paul and see what other assistance he requires? Starr, can you get Esther up here, now, please.”

  Sam turned and left wordlessly, as Starr said “Of course.” Then she went to her office to make the call.

  Sam was back in minutes. “He says he’s got it under control, he’s roused the tactical unit and he’s on his way to Josef’s now. Says to get Esther to meet them there and says she’s to hurry...”

  A voice interrupted them. “Just exactly where am I to hurry to, oh yes, and why? I was in the middle of something, Ronan, why have I been summoned in such a manner?”


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