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Mountain Man's Secret Baby

Page 33

by Lauren Wood

  “Shit.” he cussed.

  In a blink of an eye, his boxers were completely removed and my panties could be seen across the room. We were both finally naked like the day we were born.

  “The things you do to me.” His voice was muffled as his face was buried in my neck. He slightly pulled his head back making our nose touch each other’s. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  I simply gave him a curt nod as he kept his eyes upon me and slowly pushed through my womanhood. It was painful at first that I winced a bit making him come to a complete stop. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.

  “Keep going.” I replied. He slowly started moving and all I could say was that it was painfully delicious. His sweaty body was moving against mine. Our breaths were entwined with one another and we suddenly became one that I didn’t know where he started and where I end.

  Instead I whispered enough for him to hear “Don’t hold back.” he grunted as he heard me and started picking up his pace. “You’re so wet.” he commented.

  I also didn’t hold back my moans. I arched my back to give him a new angle. This only managed to hit a certain spot making me scream his name out loud.

  I muffled my screams as he roughly pounded me. He suddenly stopped and I almost begged him not to but he grabbed my body and made me straddle his hips with him still inside me. “Ride me.” he said breathlessly.

  He held me by my waist as he bounced me up and down. His member digging deeper only making me moan even louder.

  My nails dug into his back. I could swore that my nails caused his back to bleed since I was clawing at it from all the pleasure I’m feeling. I started bouncing on my own faster and faster as Ciel moaned out my name.

  Ciel was trembling, he was standing up still pushing into me but this time it was slow and deep.

  We both screamed each other’s names. With just a few thrusts, I exploded around him. He groaned as my walls contracted around him but he didn’t release. He flipped us around so he was on top, he pulled my legs over his shoulders and thrusted erratically.

  The pleasure was quickly bubbling up again and I unconsciously squeezed him making him gasp. “Do that again.” he breathed out. I squeezed again and he groaned as his thrusts started getting faster, stronger, and deeper.

  “You love it when I fuck you like this huh?” he grunted.

  “C—Cie…” I couldn’t even say his full name.

  Like a volcano, he thrusted a few more times before stilling and released himself into me. After a few seconds to catch our breaths, he pulled out as he gave a warm kiss on my cheek.

  “Amazing.” he commented breathlessly.

  We suddenly collapsed in a messy heat on his couch with me on top of him. My mind was frazzled from all the pleasure. We stayed there panting, just listening to our erratic heartbeats.

  When it finally hit me what I just did I quickly buried my face into his chest.

  I can’t believe I slept with Ciel on the first date.

  Chapter Ten


  I’ve had the most relaxing sleep ever. After having the best sex of my life, Fran fell asleep in my arms and I could say that would be the best part of the night. I carried her towards my bed and made sure she was comfortable. Her friends called her cellphone, and I answered and told them that Fran would be staying the night.

  At first they thought something horrible happened to Fran again, but I just told them that she fell asleep on the couch.

  If I thought Fran looked beautiful the first night she stayed here then she looks even more today. I couldn’t find the strength to get up from bed as a sleeping Fran laid beside me. I could stay in bed all day watching her sleep. She truly looked peaceful. My Habanero was calm.

  I slowly brushed a strand of hair away from her face and admired her just a little more. The more I look at her the more I want to be selfish. What happened last night made me realize that I could no longer stay away from her.

  I want her.

  I need her.

  Call me selfish but I don’t want anyone touching what’s mine. I can no longer tell myself to stay away from someone I hold dear. Yes, I might not deserve her and she may be too good for me but now that I have her, I don’t intend to let her go.

  Fran groaned as she stirred in her sleep. She gave a small yawn as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It was the most adorable but sexy sight I’ve ever seen.

  “Good morning Habanero.” I greeted her as my head was propped up by my arm and I stared at her. I could tell she doesn’t remember falling asleep because when she heard my voice her whole body tensed up. She quickly covered her face with both of her hands and stayed that way for a while.

  She peeked through her hands as she stared at me making me chuckle. She’s the cutest thing ever. I smirked as my gaze never left hers and my fingers started tracing the outline of her arm.

  “Today, I don’t feel like doing anything. Except you, I’d do you.” I teased her. She groaned as she started hitting me with her small fists. I easily blocked all her hits but I couldn’t help but laugh at her. It was adorable to see her get all worked up.

  “I can’t believe you! This was supposed to be a date and nothing more.” she said without stopping her so called violence against me. “Well, it was one hell of a date. Don’t worry my Habanero there will always be another date.” I assured her.

  “What makes you think I want to go on another date with you?” she hissed.

  “From last night’s reaction, I definitely think you want to go on another date with me.” I told her. She stopped hitting me for a few seconds and just stared at me. I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up so she was straddling my hips. Her cheeks turned red as she lifted a fist to hit me again.

  This time I expertly grabbed her fist and softly said “Because I would love to take you out on another date.” I could tell she was taken aback from my words. I entwined our hands together with the hand I used to grab her fist.

  “I might not be Mr. Darcy but maybe you can take a chance on me?” I asked her as I felt my cheeks heat up. My heart was beating like crazy. I’ve never felt this nervous before in front of a girl, it’s usually the other way around. I guess there will always be a woman behind every man who’s their strength and their weakness.

  Mine just so happens to be this incredibly sexy red head in my bed.

  She frowned as she removed her hand from mine and faced the opposite direction. What made me smirk was that she was still straddling my hips, this only made me yearn for her more and more. She folded her arms in front of her chest and said “Give me time to think about it.”

  That’s not what she said last night.

  I could tell she knew what I was thinking just from one glance at my smirk. She grabbed a pillow and started whacking my face with it. She got a laugh out of me as I tried blocking her whacks but I think she forgot where she’s straddling because her hips were moving back and forth making a certain part of me stand in attention.

  My hands were on her waist and I absolutely had no power to protect myself from her attacks, for she was unconsciously attacking me elsewhere. I shut my eyes as my desire started focusing on my groin.

  She immediately stopped her actions as she felt that attention. Her eyes were widened with shock but it soon turned into a sour scorn. “You pervert!” she growled as she stood up from my bed, bringing the blanket with her. As soon as she jumped off the bed along with the blanket I was left in the bed butt-naked. Fran’s eyes gazed at my nakedness and instantly turned red as she saw my desire for her, she dashed towards the bathroom connected to my room.

  I chuckled as I comfortably lounged naked on my bed.

  After a few minutes I’ve decided to cook some breakfast for us. I also wouldn’t mind having Fran for breakfast but I know she’ll attack me if I said it out loud.

  I put on a pair of sweats as I started cooking some pancakes and eggs for us. As I was cooking and thinking of last night’s activities I suddenly heard a door slam open.
I turned around to see Fran already dressed in her clothes as she stood at my bedroom door.

  “I’m sorry about what happened last night… I better take my leave.” As she tried scurrying out of my apartment. I quickly caught up to her and grabbed her wrist before she can open the front door. “Whoa! Whoa! There’s no rush my Habanero. Besides, you need to eat something before you leave.” I told her.

  “It’s okay. I can grab something on my way to my own apartment.” she said but I wasn’t having any of it. Her averting eyes and excuses frustrated me, I did the only thing to grab her full attention. I kissed her.

  It wasn’t a passionate kiss rather it was a tender kiss. I could tell that I caught her off guard because of her wide eyes and the way her lips stood still instead of kissing me back. I pulled away from her face as I smirked and caressed her face. I succeeded in grabbing her attention, her eyes were wide staring at me and there were no excuses leaving her pretty lips.

  I wanted more but it wasn’t healthy to do strenuous activities on an empty stomach. It was not hard to want more when she’s staring at me so innocently with a gaping mouth. I could imagine different scenarios with that mouth of hers.

  “Now that I have your full attention… You should eat breakfast here. It’s not like I’m going to bite.” I said as I grabbed her hand and started dragging her towards the counter to eat.

  “Why did you kiss me?” she asked.

  I sighed to myself. It should be obvious why I would kiss her, if it were up to me I would be kissing those lips of hers all day.

  I kissed her because I’m madly in love with her, but she doesn’t need to know that yet.

  “Because I felt like it.” It was also no lie, I did feel the want to kiss her. I could tell that my answer frustrated her. I’ve noticed that we both frustrate each other but not only in annoyance but sexually as well.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t kiss me so freely as if I’m yours.” she growled as we arrived at the counter where our breakfast awaited us. I find it easy to grin around my Habanero, she amuses me in so many ways.

  I sat her down at the counter as she awaited my reply to her words. Instead I walked over to the refrigerator and told her “No need to be so feisty early in the morning. Here, I have something to cheer you up.” As I pulled out the Habanero hot sauce.

  Once she saw the bottle of sauce in my hands I could tell steam was steaming from her ears as she gritted her teeth.

  She truly was my little Habanero.

  Chapter Eleven


  Yesterday was the first day in a very long time that I took a day-off from work. I was glad to return to my own apartment without a confrontation from either Stephen or Angela. Although it did prove to be difficult since I live with them. I just didn’t want Stephen to say “I told you that you have needs.”

  I also wouldn’t hear the end of it from Angela. But my thoughts were stolen by one man. It irks me now that I’m always thinking of him. There’s no end to his annoyance. My mind was a complete mess and if I didn’t stay on guard then my mind would drift to that night and all I could picture was his abs and grunts as he filled me with—Ugh! No! Annoying thoughts.

  Finally the day to go back to work came and I made sure that Stephen and Angela would be the first to leave for work. But I knew that I had to face them eventually. I just tried to postpone it as much as possible.

  By the time I walked into Fancy Cups I saw both of them standing behind the counter with their arms folded in front of their chests as they gave me ‘I knew it’ smile. All I could do was smile sheepishly as I gave them a pathetic wave.

  “So… How does it feel like to finally be a woman?” Stephen asked as he leaned forward on the counter. I knew that my face was turning red but I brushed it off and said “What on earth do you mean? I’ve always been a woman.”

  This only made Angela burst out laughing. “You hear that Stephen? She said she’s always been a woman.” she said through loud laughs as she wiped her nonexistent tears. Stephen laughed along as I scowled at my two so called best friends.

  “Come on Fran! Spill the beans! Share the sugar! Tell us details!” Stephen started gushing over the fact that I’ve gone on a date with Ciel. Angela added “How big was he?”

  I don’t think I’ve ever been this red before.

  “Angela!” I scolded her.

  She made a disappointed face as she asked “Small?”

  I shook my head as I buried my face into my hands. What am I going to do with these two?

  My gaze returned to my awaiting friends. “We went on a date and it was… enjoyable.” As I said enjoyable I remember moaning Ciel’s name loudly. “I’m not talking about anything that we may have done on the date. But he did ask me to continue dating him.” I quickly finished.

  I could see the disappointment in their faces but they weren’t getting a single detail out of me. Somehow, I liked the idea that Ciel and I had a secret that no one knew. It excited me.

  “And what was your answer?” Angela asked.

  “I told him I’ll think about it.” I replied as I continued to walk to the employee room to get my apron. When I exited the room I was yet again bombarded by questions from my friends.

  They started saying everything at the same time. I held both of my hands up to get them to stop. “Guys! I haven’t started thinking about what I’m going to say to him. I’m still processing what happened that day.” More specifically that night.

  Angela and Stephen both shared a look before looking back at me. They suddenly started squealing as Angela said “Our Fran is in love!” And Stephen added “Our little Fran is all grown up.” Seriously, I can’t take these two anywhere.

  The day started out slow and each chance Angela and Stephen got they would ask me questions about yesterday. It ended with me either dodging the question or completely ignoring them.

  Aside from dodging my friends, there was Ciel who kept running around in my mind. I felt like some love sick teenager who couldn’t stop thinking about the guy who asked her out to prom.

  I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I didn’t know that I was wiping a table too much. I didn’t even notice the bell ringing from the entrance. Still wiping the table, I was pulled back into reality by someone whispering in my ear “Thinking of me?” I knew that voice, the shivers ran down my back and only one man could do that.

  I jerked back as I made sure there was a space between the both of us. There in front of me was the man who consumed my every thought.

  I feel like I’ve betrayed Mr. Darcy.

  “What makes you think I’m thinking about you?” I asked as I averted my eyes from his piercing blue eyes. He smirked as he slowly walked up to me and said “I can’t say that you are. But judging from how clean this table is… I hope you’re thinking of me.”

  My cheeks burned up as I tried my best to avoid eye contact. I failed as soon as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. I think my cheeks were blushing so hard that my ears started turning red as well.

  I’ve read many books to know how a girl could feel in front of someone they feel infatuated with but I was never prepared for how it actually felt. He made me feel all sorts of amazing. Not long ago my thoughts were consumed by this irksome man but now my mind was blank as I stared into his mesmerizing eyes.

  “Do you have an answer yet?” he asked as he casually walked up to the counter. I frowned as Angela grinned behind the counter.

  “What makes you think I have an answer right now?” I asked.

  Before he could make an order he stroked his chin as he said “Oh right, you can’t think because you’re still processing your feelings for me.”

  Damn, he’s good.

  “The usual?” Angela asked but Ciel shook his head and said “I want something new… but I want it to be prepared by my Habanero.” He paid for his drink as he casually walked towards the table where I usually sat when I wanted to read my book, way back in the corner.

may or may not have mixed feeling for Ciel but he sure does know how to make the vein on my forehead throb painfully.

  “No problem.” Angela said as she pointed towards behind the counter to prepare him a drink. As much as I wanted to make some sort of poison for him, just the thought of him ever being away from me sends my heart into a semi-cardiac arrest.

  Not only did I love my coffee shop but I also enjoyed making drinks. I went to wash my hands as I started making him a cup of coffee with a hint of cinnamon and peppermint. He usually ordered a mocha coffee but this time I decided to make something completely different for him.

  My hands moved expertly as I made his drink. Once I was done making his drink all I wanted to do was to vaporize the drink I’ve made for him. I was so caught up in making a drink for him that I didn’t notice that the cup I got for him had hearts all over, and not to mention the drawing in the coffee was a heart as well.

  Kill me now.

  Angela smirked as she saw my creation. She jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow as she said “Don’t keep the customer waiting. He did ask for you to make the drink so it’s only proper for you to serve him as well.”

  I rolled my eyes as I quickly erased the heart drawing on the coffee and basically served it as is. I walked up to his table and saw his awaiting eyes glued on me. I sat the cup on the table as I explained to him the ingredients to the drink.

  He had a frown on his face but I could tell that he was curious about the drink I’ve made for him. For some reason his curiosity made my heart leap. He took a sip from the cup and a few seconds later his eyes widened as he said “I’m not a huge fan of peppermint but this drink is really good.”

  I smiled as soon as I saw that satisfied smile on his face. What made me even happier was that it was because of me that he’s smiling. He took another huge gulp of his coffee as he put down the cup and looked up at me. “Thank you Francesca.” he said.


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