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Mountain Man's Secret Baby

Page 36

by Lauren Wood

  “Maybe we can go see a movie or someplace quiet.” the guy who held my wrist spoke up. I could see that Ciel was pissed off at the guy but no one was more pissed than me. Before I lose my temper or Ciel goes to beat up the guy, I quickly shrugged the man’s hold on me and faced him giving him one of deadliest glares.

  “Kind sir, please keep your hands to yourself. Do not touch me. I kindly told you that I’m currently seeing someone so I would greatly appreciate it if you would respect that. Now again, I hope you enjoy your stay.” I tried my best not to growl. I couldn’t exactly unleash my fire at him since he was a customer of mine.

  Instead of waiting for his answer I stormed over to the employee lounge and slammed the door shut. I went over to the farthest wall and started punching it as if it was a punching bag. I was totally pissed off that I wanted to bite that man’s head off.

  “Stupid man.” I hissed through punches. I was so consumed in my anger that I didn’t notice someone entering the room. Before I could land another punch on the wall somebody caught my fist. My head snapped up only to instantly calm down at the sight of Ciel.

  “Whoa Habanero! Don’t punch the wall too hard or you’ll damage your knuckles.” he softly said as he gave a tender kiss to my fists. I didn’t even notice the throbbing pain in my knuckles until he gave it a kiss. I tried wiggling my fingers but notice they were a bit stiff.

  “See, you should be more careful next time. Maybe you can punch a pillow or a stuffed toy.” he suggested. Did he think I was weak?

  “Next time I’ll punch you.” I snapped and his reaction was only a soft chuckle. “I’m okay with that as long as you don’t get hurt in the process.” he said. I couldn’t help but blush. It’s funny how easy Ciel makes me blush but when it’s another guy I would find it repulsive.

  To change the topic I asked him “Did that man left?”

  “Yes, after he got his order I made sure he left.” he said. I could see Ciel’s fist clenching to the point where his knuckles turned white. I knew he was pissed at that guy, if it was the other way around and a woman started flirting with Ciel I would be pissed as well.

  “Good because I was about to lose my temper with that guy.” I told him as I snatched my hand out of Ciel’s and folded my arms in front of my chest.

  “I’m glad my Habanero is like that or else I would’ve lost my temper as well. I was so close to killing that guy. I don’t like other men touching what’s mine.” he said sternly. Usually I would argue that I wasn’t his but in all honesty I was. I was completely and utterly his.

  “I did tell him I was seeing someone but the guy just couldn’t take no for an answer.” I mumbled. When Ciel didn’t reply I raised my head to look up at him to see him frowning. Did I say something wrong?

  Ciel unexpectedly grabbed my hand as he started dragging me out of the employee room and into the main shop. We had a few customers sitting at the tables, Angela and Stephen stood behind the counter as they were entertaining a few other customers. We awkwardly stood in the middle of the shop as people were minding their own business.

  What happened next wasn’t supposed to be reality. It all seemed like a romantic scene from a movie. Ciel raised his hand that was holding mine up high as he announced “This woman is the love of my life. I completely belong to her as she belongs to me. So if any man comes near her I won’t hesitate to eradicate you. Francesca Blake belongs to Ciel Storm.” Grabbing each and every person’s attention.

  I felt my face burn up badly so I wouldn’t be surprised if my whole face including my ears turned red. I could see Angela and Stephen silently squealing from behind the counter, women around the shop seemed awed at Ciel’s display of affection. I looked up at Ciel to see him staring at me with love and adoration.

  Ciel was no Mr. Darcy… he was so much more.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I spent most of my night researching places you can take a girl to go on a date. I thought I knew everything about women but when it came to one specific woman my mind just goes blank. She’s not like the women I’ve been with before, for one, Fran is the first woman that I’m completely serious about.

  When I hold her hand I want the world to know that she belongs to me and no one else.

  We still argue like we used to but I enjoy our little arguments. I find her more and more sexy every time she scrunches up her face and spits out words of fire. She gets super pissed every time she gives me her deadliest glare and instead of returning one I would simply smash my lips upon hers.

  I asked Fran to go on another date with me today. This time I’ll stick to the well laid out plan that I have for our date. I was thinking we could eat at a nice restaurant and then I would take her to the beach where we’ll watch the sunset. It sounded cheesy but it was one of the best recommendation for dates, and Fran deserved nothing but the best.

  “Hi Ciel.” her voice spoke. I turned around only to freeze right on the spot. Her natural red hair was curled elegantly and pulled to one side. She had light make up on as she wore a white knitted sweater that hugged her curves and emphasized her breasts paired with a purple skirt that stopped mid-thigh with black stockings upon her sexy legs. She also wore cute purple doll shoes as she carried a white bag.

  Who knew that sexy and cute could mix together so well?

  She noticed that my jaw was open for quite some time. She giggled as she said “Ciel, you’re going to catch flies.” I quickly closed my mouth as I mentally prepared myself to go out with this beautiful woman. I gave her my usual smirk as I said “I’m sorry, I was just admiring how beautiful my girl looks tonight.” She instantly blushed and tried to not kiss her.

  I failed. Before I knew it my lips were connected with hers. As I pulled away I expected her to avoid eye contact and blush like she always did but she surprised me by looking directly into my eyes and smiled. The most beautiful thing about my Fran is definitely her smile.

  “So where are we going this time? I hope we’re not going to end up back at your apartment.” she said.

  “We won’t… Even if I really want to.” I said as I gave her a smile showing my teeth as I scratched the back of my neck. “And as for our destination, it’s a surprise.” I added as I gave her a wink. She smiled at me as she grabbed my hand which caught me off guard. I like how slowly Fran was opening up to me. Usually she would fight me off or shyly walk away.

  I walked with Fran to a restaurant nearby. It wasn’t as pricey as the restaurant we went to on our first date but the restaurant was decorated with cute figurines and scented candles, and I knew that Fran enjoyed that sort of thing.

  As soon as we entered the restaurant her eyes sparkled with happiness. A young waitress greeted us, but she greeted me a bit too friendly than she should. Then she leaded us towards a table that was decorated cutely. She waited for us to decide what to order as she stood very closely to me and her eyes were glued on me as well. I could already see the familiar frown on Fran’s face.

  I mentally smirked knowing that Fran was getting pissed. Once we ordered our food the waitress put a hand on my shoulder as she said “If there is anything, anything at all that you need me to do then don’t hesitate to call me.” Before I could politely turn her down Fran was already spitting her infamous words of fire.

  “Yes, I do have something for you to do.” Fran spoke sternly. The waitress looked bored as she stared at Fran awaiting her request. “Is to get your filthy hands off my boyfriend before I break that pretty neck of yours.” she hissed menacingly that even I was shocked at the amount of venom that was laced in her voice. The waitress was shocked at her bold words as she gave a timid nod and walked away.

  I smirked as I glanced at Fran who looked like she was seething smoke from her ears. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.” I commented. Her head snapped towards me as she hissed lowly “I’m not jealous.”

  “So… I’m your boyfriend?” I asked. Her frown quickly faded and was replaced with a shy look. Fran and I were dating b
ut we never talked about putting a label on us. But being called Fran’s boyfriend was absolutely bliss. She stayed quiet as she looked at her silverware.

  “Don’t worry Habanero, I’ve always thought of you as my girlfriend.” I said.

  Our order came and thankfully our waitress was different. Fran did most of the talking but I didn’t mind. I love listening to her stories especially stories back when she was in high school and she talked about her family as well.

  We finished our meals and left the restaurant. It took us a while to commute towards the beach and I was super excited to see her face once we see the beach and the beautiful sunset.

  When we arrived at the beach I wanted nothing more than to scream my head off and punch someone so badly. The beach was deserted, it was terribly cold, and there was no sign of the sun. It was too cloudy almost as if it was going to rain.

  “We’re at the beach… why?” Fran asked as she shivered a bit from the cold. I smiled embarrassingly at her and confessed “I had this romantic plan laid out for us. Where we’ll walk on the beach as we stare at the sunset… I got too excited that I forgot that it’s about to be winter.”

  She gave a full out laugh. I just stood there more embarrassed than I could imagine. I only got two hours of sleep as I planned this. All my effort down the drain. Now Fran would think that I’m a lame boyfriend. “It’s alright Ciel. It’s the thought that counts… we could stay at the beach. It’s just the two of us here, that’s romantic enough. It’s terribly cold so we should stay close to each other.” she said as she pressed her body against mine. Her words caught me off guard that I fell speechless.

  “I’m sorry Fran. It’s just that I’ve never took dating seriously until now. My dates back then were nowhere else but my apartment or a motel.” I wanted to be honest with her. She smiled and said “I’ve never dated anyone before. So that means we’re both new at this. We can figure it out together.”

  We walked along the beach and I got every chance to hold her near me. It was more romantic than I have planned. We never got to see a ray of sunshine that day but I got to spend every second holding Fran near me.

  That was more than enough for me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  My second date with Ciel made me a blushing mess. We didn’t ended up back at his apartment, because we ended back at my apartment. I was lucky that Stephen and Angela were still at Fancy Cups. I quickly brought Ciel to my room and said “Sorry if my apartment is a bit messy.”

  He just chuckled as he stared at a few pictures of Angela, Stephen, and I. He even commented how cute I was back in high school. “Want something warm to drink?” I asked him. “Yes, you can make me anything.” he said as he looked at almost everything in my room. I half expected him to look for my panties. Even if he’s my boyfriend I know he’s still a pervert.

  I hastily made us both hot chocolate as I entered my room. I shut the door just in case Angela and Stephen arrive, Ciel and I would still have our privacy. “I thought you only decorated Fancy Cups just for display but your room looks like an extension to Fancy Cups.” he said as he pointed out to the colorful lanterns in my room and the picture collage on the mirror and not to mention figurines and fancy cups that littered the shelves on my wall.

  “I’ve always liked cute and unique things. It’s another thing I like to do besides reading.” I said as I pointed to one small part of the wall that had shelves filled with books. Not as many as Ciel has but enough for a working person like me can afford.

  “Hey Ciel… thank you for today. I really had fun.” I said as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. He smiled as he already finished half of his cup. “I’m glad you had fun. I hope I can make you smile every day.” he confessed.

  I blushed as I felt my heart beat erratically. I didn’t hesitate as I leaned up and pushed my lips upon Ciel. He was shock at first but he quickly started kissing back as he cupped my face with his large hands. The kiss at first was tender and loving but it instantly grew passionate and rough.

  When he gently bit my lower lip I couldn’t help gasp out a moan, he took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside and explore my mouth. My body started growing extremely hot like it was on fire, and only Ciel could extinguish that fire. I slowly straddled his lap upon my bed. His hands glided over towards my waist as mine roamed on his hard muscled chest. Every bit of Ciel only made me want him more.

  When I tried leaning more into Ciel he ended up falling flat on my bed with me still on top. We both smiled into the kiss as I gave out a small giggle. My hands ached to feel the touch of skin rather than his shirt, I didn’t hesitate as I ran my hands under his shirt. My hands were cold against his warm skin and I couldn’t help myself but touch every bulge of his abs.

  His body jumped a bit from the coldness of my hands but he instantly relaxed. He pulled away from my lips as he started kissing and nipping at my neck and I reacted by moaning his name repeatedly.

  I was lost in his scent, his body, his kisses, and I never wanted any of this to end. His skillful hands ran along my thighs to enter the opening of my skirt. Although I was wearing stockings he brushed his hand against my womanhood making me give out a heavy moan.

  I could feel his excitement as it poked my thighs, he was hard. My need for him was growing intensely as I rubbed my womanhood against his excitement making him shut his eyes and groan in pleasure. I felt erotic and so in control that I pressed my womanhood harder against him making the both of us moan. It didn’t stop there as I kept rubbing myself against him.

  “Ciel… please.” I practically begged. He easily flipped me under him as he kept poking his hard member against my heated clothed core. “More.” I moaned out desperate to have him inside of me.

  “Fran… if we continue I might not be able to stop.” he groaned. I whispered in his ear “Take me.”

  “Fuck, you turn me on so damn much.” he said he unexpectedly ripped my stockings making me squeal in delight. We were able to remove his pants but not completely, only his hardened clothed member was sticking out and because of being impatient he kept rubbing it against my core.

  I then flipped myself so I can be on top of him as I hastily move back and forth on his member. We both were heavily breathing as sweat started rolling down our faces.

  I was lost within Ciel that I didn’t notice the heavy footsteps outside my room that’s until someone barged into my room.

  “Fran! How did the date g…” Angela didn’t finish her sentence as she saw Ciel and I tangled together on top of my bed. I was quick to react as I literally jumped off of Ciel, and fell hard onto the floor. Ciel propped himself up by his elbows as he stared at Angela with annoyance.

  “People seriously have bad timing.” Ciel was the first to speak. Angela on the other hand was frozen at the entrance of my door, staring at us with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. “I’m terribly sorry… please continue—sex! I uh… I mean continue sucking—” I didn’t let her finish as I threw a fluffy slipper at her and shouted “Get out you peeping tom!”

  Angela quickly closed the door without another reaction. Ciel and I were still panting as we both stared at the door. “Sorry about that.” I apologized for my roommate. Now I will never hear the end of it from Angela.

  Ciel smiled as he sat on the floor next to me and kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry my Habanero, we have time to do everything we want to do together.” he cheered me up knowing I would be frustrated for the rest of the day. I nodded happily at him then he added “But I don’t know how long I can keep myself away from you. I might have to abduct you from your shop and lock you in my apartment.”

  “That’s creepy!” I snapped at him.

  “Borderline creepy.” he argued.

  “No, that’s way over the borderline.” I argued back.

  “Then I wouldn’t mind being chained here, so you can do whatever you want with my body.” he said. Lewd images started filling my mind.

  “Now you’re making me sound creepy
.” I said.

  It was a never ending bicker with Ciel but I wouldn’t have it any other way.


  It was a busy Sunday here at Fancy Cups. People were pouring into the warm shop from the bitter cold outside. Angela was busy taking orders from people while Stephen cooked a few things for our customers. I, on the other hand was serving and entertaining the customers.

  I haven’t seen Ciel since our date on Friday. We texted each other but he never said what he’s doing or where he’s at. We’ve only been together for a month so I didn’t really think I had the right to ask him about his business. He could be busy with his family or something.

  I had to make up for the days I’ve been absent from Fancy Cups. I know I own the place but I don’t pay Angela or Stephen enough to run the whole shop by themselves. It was cloudy outside, it looked almost like it was snowing.

  Speaking of my date with Ciel, I was right when I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Angela and that also included Stephen. Angela told Stephen that she caught us in the most passionate clothed sex she’s ever seen. Stephen was thinking something way too erotic than the actual thing. I tried explaining what really happened but Stephen preferred Angela’s story.

  Since I haven’t seen Ciel since Friday, I was at it again with glancing at the entrance every time the bell rung. Yet I was disappointed every time it wasn’t him.

  The bell rung once more but this time I didn’t glance at the entrance, afraid it wouldn’t be Ciel. That’s until Angela spoke up “What are you doing here?” she spoke with venom laced in her voice. Curiously, I glanced over to the entrance to see Ciel’s friend.

  Ciel’s friend wasn’t tall as Ciel himself but he was taller than Angela or I. He had brown hair with green eyes. He wasn’t as built as Ciel but he was lean. He still had the bad boy look and even had the bad boy aura. The customers in the shop eyed him suspiciously like they were waiting for something bad to happen.


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