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Mountain Man's Secret Baby

Page 69

by Lauren Wood

  “I hate to interrupt all of this, but I would really like some of this.” Jessica showed that she was serious by reaching down and grabbing Reina by the hair. She had already lifted her skirt and tucked it into the waistband with her panties on full display. Those white cotton briefs were something of a kinky diversion. She had absconded with several pairs of James underwear and was now using them to stay in close personal contact with him in a different way. The wetness of her excitement was pulled to the side by the eager fingers of Reina. She gave her two of those fingers and twisted both of them in a corkscrew manner to make her almost buckle underneath the strain of her own climax.

  James looked down to see that hot member was out in the open and turned slightly to see that his ex wife was now getting the finger banging of a lifetime. “You have no idea what seeing the both of you touching each other has done for me. I’ve been thinking about this, but I had no idea how I was going to make it happen.” He easily felt himself begin to leak profusely down over the head. Reina’s hand was around him, but she was not concentrating on his pleasure. Her main concern was looking after Jessica.

  “I don’t know what it is that you are doing. I have never done anything like this with a woman before, but I have thought about it. Reina… Reina…you really do know how to do that in just the right way. Go a little quicker and move your thumb along my clit.” Her directions were met with a woman that knew how to take orders. “That’s it… rub in a circle and… AHHH. Never mind….I think you’ve got it… YESSSSS.” Jessica had to hold onto the chair in front of her in order to prevent herself from banging her knees against the floor.

  She was wobbly and then she heard the smacking of lips and opened up her eyes to see that Reina was now sucking James into her hot mouth. Letting go of the chair, Jessica joined her and was now taking her place on one side, while Reina was working on the other.

  “This is better than I could ever imagine. You both are insatiable and I feel lucky that I am the man on the receiving end of something like this. We played before with other women and even a couple of guys, Jessica, but we’ve never done any body like Reina. She is in a league of her own. Adding you to what she is doing has enhanced it to the feeling of it boiling inside my balls.” James was moving his hips back and forth along the lips of both girls. They were leaving behind a wetness from their mouths. His knob was now drooling something fierce with a white hot foam from within.

  “I know that this is not going to be received kindly, but I don’t want to waste it in my mouth. I don’t have time to explain.” Reina did not want this to come to its inevitable end. He was already moving around and trying to get a better angle. It was just a matter of time before he lost it all together. “As a soldier, I’m asking you to follow my orders. Do not cum, unless I tell you that it’s OK.” “I know that I’m asking a lot. They need to keep the faith that I know what I’m doing and that will help us to determine the fate of this world. Like I said, it might be a little unfair, but my grandfather has always been the pulse of my world. He knew everything and if what he said was true, then I can avoid any of the ugliness of choosing sides.”

  “I hate to throw cold water on this parade, but are we sure that we have time to do something like this.” James really didn’t want to say that, but his analytical brain was now talking for him. All that blood that was rushing down below to the lower extremities was making it very difficult to think clearly. He was lucky that he was able to form complete sentences without sounding like a gibbering idiot. “I don’t want anything to ruin our chances to make a concentrated strike where it matters most.” He felt like a prisoner, but this was the kind of prison that he could easily get used to.

  “According to the readings on my computer, we still have about 20 minutes before one of the scout ships makes contact. It’s not a lot of time, but I think that we can use that time wisely.” Jessica inhaled the entire sausage all the way down to the root and then forced it on Reina to do the exact same thing. Each of their throats were rippling around him and there was no telling what kind of adverse affects that was going to have.

  Reina noticed that his balls were rising and instead of taking it all the way, she stopped it with two of her fingers at the base. “I think that it’s time that I take this thing for a ride. Jessica, get on top of the chair over top of his head, so that he and I can both service you at the same time.” Reina was hoping that Jessica wouldn’t see through her intentions and that her pleasure for oral sex would outweigh anything else. “I know that James has risen to the challenge and I have this funny feeling that Jessica is more than ready to have her pussy eaten by two very accomplished lovers.” What Jessica and James didn’t realize was that Reina was half human on her mother’s side.

  “I hope you know that the only reason why I’m fighting alongside you is for the chance to breed you with my heirs.” James had no idea where that thought came from. It came out of the blue, but it felt like that was what he wanted to do. As she slid down over his pole and drove it into the deepest part of her body, he began to realize what her plan might have been. “Fighting with you comes at a price and one that I think that both of us can learn to live with. I do this for my planet, but I also do it for the feeling of pleasure. I know exactly what you have in mind and you have me, as your captive audience.

  “I don’t know what the two of you are talking about, but I think that you can do more with your mouth than just talk.” Jessica was too far gone to understand the reason why they were talking like babies were in their future. Had she had time to fully listen and understand, she would’ve been most likely against them getting together in that way.

  “I think that we both have like minds, James. I realize that your help came at some kind of cost. Fighting these aliens is not exactly one of my proudest moments and these are my people.” She screamed, as he held onto her hips and drove deeply within her over and over again. Her quivering flesh surrounded him in a blazing heat that had him practically on the edge of his seat the entire time that they were going after each other. “I was afraid that my intentions would bleed into his consciousness. Being this close to him, has made me open to his neural advances.

  “I don’t know how it is that you can make me feel this way. You are putty in my hands and that is exactly the way I want it.” He watched as Reina placed her mouth over the sodden lips of Jessica and began to go after her with a ravenous hunger that was easily seen on her face.

  “You’re going to take my seed and you better do it willingly. I think that I deserve a reward for helping you with what you think you have to do. It’s never been my position to give aid and comfort to the enemy, unless of course there’s something in it for me. I will gladly call upon the full resources of my people, but only if we complete this insane idea of mixing both of our species together.” He became possessive, obsessed with the need to fill her with his manly essence. “You’re the only one that is doing this to me I can’t explain it, but I get this feeling that you have a good idea why I’m being, so forceful this time around.” He saw himself as a ruler, while standing over the enemy with an iron fist in the air.

  “I was afraid that…that…I’m fucking cumming.” Her scream was muffled by the two hands of Jessica, as she was pulled into a deep and unyielding kiss of a different nature. Instead of fighting that feeling, Reina was more than happy to apply her unusual talents in the way that they were meant to be experienced. “This isn’t right, but it does help me to convince them to give me what I want. I’m not even sure anymore who wants it the most, but I’m willing to entertain the idea that we are now of like mind. James is a consummate and forceful lover that has no qualms about giving me the kind of pleasure that I can never get anyplace else.”

  “Here I go…ah….this is my first orally induced orgasm by that of a woman.” She screamed, holding Reina’s tongue deep inside her and letting go with a month’s worth of pent up frustration from not having James at her beck and call. Se saw the look on James’s face and she knew
that that moment of climactic victory was upon him.

  “The price for my help is to give you this…this nice hard cock. You’ve been begging for it from the moment that we met… YESSSSS.” His loins were on fire and his balls were full to the capacity with need for something to release that pressure. His knob opened up like a damn about to burst.

  She felt the jettison of hot sweetness filling her to an almost painful level. Reina had always known that she was stranger than the rest of her species, but she had no idea that human blood was running through her veins.

  They came together and her orgasm was more than enough to supply James with the strangling sensation that drained him of every drop.

  “Now that that is over with, we can turn our attention towards making this planet a safer place” He lifted her off and noticed right away that his cream did not escape the tight confines of her sex. There was a small bubble, but then it was sucked back in by something of unseen forces “You gave me what I needed. I’m glad that we were able to complete this form of our transaction. We can’t waste any more time and those 20 minutes have already gone by.”

  Chapter 8

  “I’ve contacted my warriors and they have agreed that they will fight alongside us. They are now forming a plan of attack to get into those negotiations and put a stop to it. They were most eager to get down and dirty. They know that I would never ask anything of them that I wouldn’t ask of myself. They were hesitant to listen for a moment, but I detailed what had happened up to this point and they became eager to comply.” James saw this unusual glow about Reina that reminded him of how his ex wife Jessica looked after she got pregnant.

  “I’ve broken the lock, but I do need to tell you something, Reina. While we were back in the lab, I was not only testing the sample, but I was testing you with several different scans when you came through the door. I have some news for you that will be hard for you to swallow. I don’t know how it’s possible, but the results are beyond reproach.” She wasn’t sure how to say what she had on her mind.

  Reina was struggling with the controls and that first scout ship was right there in her sights. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about, but I really don’t have time to get into it. Just say what is on your mind and let me decide on whether I can handle it or not.” She was worried that she had some sort of human disease and being on the planet had not exactly done her any good.

  “There’s no easy way to tell you, but you have 60% of human DNA. The rest is a soup of a molecular cocktail that I don’t even recognize. It’s the reason why your body makeup is almost exactly like ours. The other part of your DNA comes out during your excitement and when you turned that green color upon your orgasm, I almost lost it.” She had read the evidence for herself and the fact that these aliens had been in touch before was almost unheard of.

  “I can’t believe that, but it does bode the question why my parents didn’t tell me that. I think I understand. They would’ve been known as pariahs and I would never have been given a normal life. It’s a good thing that my mutation was only classified, as something of a birthing anomaly. Things are starting to become clearer. My parents were always talking in hushed tones like they were trying to keep something from me.” As she was talking, Reina was firing on the scout chip and playing a game of cat and mouse. She finally got behind the ship and blew it to smithereens. “It’s no wonder that I had a connection to this world. I came from the loins of one of the women. They should have told someone in confidence. My parents could have avoided all of this. I’m going to have to contact the emissary and send them the evidence. My father and mother will not be chastised, as they’re no longer alive.”

  “I’ve always wanted more children and I think that you’ll find that I have the virility of someone that has very strong swimmers. Jessica and I were tested back in the day and they found that I could easily get somebody pregnant with one shot of the good stuff. You have more than one shot. I can see it on your face that you already know the truth. I hope that I can convince you to stay here and live out your life, as a human. I think that is what your mother would want for you, but it’s not exactly like I am going to let you leave with my kids.” James was laying down the law and was trying to make it reasonably clear that he was not going to be denied.

  “I’m a little busy here, but I will say that the idea of staying here does put a happy little smile on my face. I’ve been fighting my true nature and maybe that’s the reason why I have turned my back on the world that I have known for all of my life. I’ve sent a message to the emissary. It will be up to him to decide on what to do next. I’ve informed him of our own attack and that of the attack on the negotiations. He’ll hopefully see that backing down is a win for everyone. Until that time, I need to make sure that they don’t get closer than what they already have.” Reina felt alive and the new life or lives swimming around inside of her had given her a reason to stand firm with her plan.

  Earth could easily fight the good fight, but against this type of alien force it would’ve been for nothing. James was thankful that he had enforced his own will, although most of it was bled into his conscience by the alien part of Reina. She was unique, but she wasn’t going to be unique for too much longer.

  “I’m watching you in action and I’m really impressed by how easily you move the ship like the grace of a cat.” She fired on two other scout ships and had been given return fire that strafed the hull and left one of her engines incapacitated.

  “I need both of you to hold on to something. I’m going to turn off the gravitational pull, so that I can do a G force twist.” She barely got the words out of her mouth, when she turned to find both Jessica and James in their seat like good little soldiers.

  The force in which James had taken her the last time was something that Reina could feel all the way down to her toes. Her half breed existence was unknown, but it was about to become a fact of life for her people.

  “I’ve gotten word that they have begun their attack on the negotiations. There have been casualties and one marine has died as a result. We need to get to the mother ship.”

  “I’ve been working on a cure for the poison and I think that I found a way. It can be instituted into the water and I’ve sent word to the CDC about what to do. We’ve been talking back and forth on the Internet and they have since started to institute a regimen into the diets of all those that have allergies. There still may be some deaths, but it won’t be anywhere near the millions that were predicted. I think that you might find a couple of dozen or even less than that that will fall victim to the poison in their system. It all depends on how long it has had time to incubate in their bodies.” Jessica felt a sense of relief, but being in danger was also making her blood pump just a little bit quicker.

  “I’ve underestimated you, Jessica and I don’t think that I will make that mistake again. I’m glad that we are on the same side, even though it wasn’t exactly for the same reasons.” Reina could feel the swimming presence of his seed and it had already adhered to the walls of her sexual ovum. She did feel new life and was sure that things were going to progress quickly. Her alien DNA was helping to push things along. She would probably make it about six months by human standards. Her belly had already filled out and she was feeling uncomfortable, but also slightly energetic by the new life that was feeding into her adrenaline. “I’ve never had any need for children before, but this is different. It was my idea, but James was the one that wasn’t about to take no for an answer. I had reservations, but my mind and his were linked and we became a force to be reckoned with.

  “I know that this goes against your better judgment, Reina, but we have no choice. My people have detained the delegation. They are adamant that they are not part of the problem, but the president is taking my advice. She won’t be able to hold them for long, unless of course your government decides to intervene.” James watched, as they approached the mother ship. It was huge and being this close had certainly made him well aware of the fact
that they were fighting a losing battle.

  “The ship is practically impenetrable. The only way that I’m going to make any sort of dent is to fire on anything that is venting. Those vents are still shielded, but not nearly as much as the rest of the hull.” She avoided the shots from their own weapons and was playing some sort of video game with deadly consequences. She fired on the ship, but she needed somebody else to be in the other seat. Reina turned to see that James had been a man of his word and had decided to put his own unique talents to good use. “I don’t want to do this, but without any form of formal surrender, I don’t see that they’re going to leave me any other way to survive. I’m going to have to blow up the mother ship and hope to god that it doesn’t bring about a retaliation of the likes that this planet will never be able to survive.”

  “You look like a woman that has lost her best friend. If you need to take a step back, I’ll be more than happy to take the reins.” James could see that Reina’s alien other half was trying to insert itself. He could understand how hard it was for her to struggle between two worlds. It was already built into her DNA and was probably the reason why she was hell bent on trying to make a difference.

  Reina had never had that compulsion to lift a finger against her own people when it came to other worlds that were in jeopardy. This was the only one that made her go against everything that she believed in. The chance at peace seemed unattainable.

  “I can’t wait forever. We either do this now, or we risk being obliterated.” She started her attack on the right side of the ship and began to fire with the help of James on anything that looked like a vent. The explosions that ensued began to cripple the mother ship and make it practically defenseless against any sort of attack. “It’s not going to take much more and we’ve been lucky that they haven’t found a way to target us more successfully.” I don’t like this, but it’s necessary for the evolution of my people on both fronts. That feeling of being taken by James and being given the prodigy of his genes is something that I will never forget. I know that we will survive, but it comes at a high price. I’m not sure that I can pay that price without feeling like I have done something drastically wrong.”


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