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The Principal of Pleasure: Principal's Pet: The Principal of Pleasure Book One: A Steamy Romantic Novella

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by Aria Blue

  He walked to the library with his friends, trying to remember what was on the meeting’s agenda. He had read it that morning.

  In the library a few teachers milled around talking, but when he approached the front of the meeting area, everyone quieted down with their pens and notepads ready to take notes.

  Presley welcomed everyone and thanked them for how smoothly the school year was running so far, when the large wooden doors of the library burst open.

  A heaving red-faced man with broad shoulders stood in the doorway breathing heavily. Presley recognized the man as David McKenna right away. He zeroed in on Presley looking like a bull getting ready to charge.

  Presley cleared his throat. All eyes were on the man in the doorway. “Mr. McKenna, is there something we can do for you, sir?”

  The man wouldn’t take his eyes off Presley. “We? No. But there is something you can do for me. Stop fucking my wife!”

  Everyone in the room gasped, turning to Presley. A few teachers even pulled out their phones to record. Presley couldn’t believe them.

  Presley’s throat tightened. He had never messed around with a married woman for this precise reason—their husbands could find out. He was no good at lying and sneaking around and it took too much effort to be careful. He also knew that a man would kill the man who slept with his wife.

  “Mr. McKenna, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but you need to leave.”

  The man stumbled toward him and Presley could tell he had been drinking. “I’ll leave after I kick your pretty ass. How dare you even touch my wife. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Harrison stood up, as well as the geography teacher, Mr. Griffith. Presley appreciated their support, but he was sure he could take Mr. McKenna if he needed to.

  Presley took a deep breath, trying to be as patient as possible. After all, this was his fault. He had fucked the man’s wife and there was no excuse for that. Still, McKenna was embarrassing him in front of his staff. “I don’t want to have to call security. Please leave and I’ll come speak to you outside.” Presley gestured around the room. “I’m sure you know that this isn’t the time nor the place.”

  “Oh, I’m done talking to you,” Mr. McKenna replied. The next thing Presley knew, the man was raging toward him at full speed. He’d managed to clock Presley in the eye before Presley tackled him to the ground, pinning his hands behind his back. Teachers screamed, and the room dissolved into complete chaos. Presley didn’t want to hit the man back. He’d done enough to him.

  Harrison and Mr. Griffith came forward to help Presley subdue the man. Presley stood and raised his hands in an attempt to calm the confusion. “Everyone, it’s okay. We have the situation under control. Let’s postpone this meeting until tomorrow. You’re free to go.”

  Many of the teachers looked unsure, but they slowly moved toward the library’s exit, gabbing a mile a minute.

  “And,” Ms. Jones added, “I noticed some of you recording. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I will. I’d better not see what happened today on YouTube or any type of social media. Trust me, if you upload, I will find out who did it and you will be punished accordingly.” Then she gave Presley a satisfied grin.

  His right eye throbbed. He knew he was going to have a shiner. He turned to the two men helping him. “See this man to his car.”

  “What?” Mr. Griffith asked, looking confused. “He just assaulted you. We need to call the police.”

  “Let him go,” Presley repeated. He couldn’t call the police. How could he screw the man’s wife and then have him arrested? He wasn’t a monster.

  Ava forced Presley to go to the nurse’s station. The nurse had already gone, but Ava had him lie on a cot while she held an ice pack to his eye. “God, Pres. What the hell was that about?”

  “You know . . . I guess he found out his wife has a crush on me and got insanely jealous. It happens.” Presley couldn’t bear to tell her the truth. Ava’s respect and approval were important to him.

  She sighed, staring down at him. “It’s terrible that had to happen in front of the staff, huh? They’re never going to stop talking about this.”

  The door to the nurses’ office burst open and the dean stormed in. He threw his hands up after getting a good look at his son. “I should be surprised, but I’m not. What I am surprised about—I’m surprised something like this didn’t happen sooner. Presley, you have managed to turn this school into a real-life soap opera.”

  “Dean McGuire, it wasn’t Presley’s fault,” Ava said. “Mr. McKenna was drunk. He’s having problems with his wife. Everyone knows that and he took it out on Presley.”

  The dean looked at Ava and sighed. He had a soft spot for Ava and thought of her like a daughter. He knew she was good for Presley.

  Ava took the hint. “I should go. Pres, I’ll check on you later. Let me know if you need anything.”

  He continued to hold the ice pack to his eye. “Thanks, A. See ya.”

  Ava left and the dean dropped into the nurse’s chair. “What are we going to do about this, Presley? First, you need to send an email to the staff. Let them know that everything is okay. They need to feel safe in their workplace.”

  “Okay, Dad.”

  “Next,” Dean McGuire continued. “We need to deal with this MILF situation. You have to get these women off your back, Presley.”

  “How am I supposed to do that, Dad?”

  The dean took a deep breath. “Presley, one reason these women are so infatuated with you is because you’re this single, available, swinging bachelor. If you want to get them off your jock, you need to attach yourself to a woman. Let them know that you’re taken and that you’re a one- woman man.”

  “First of all, don’t ever use the term off your jock again.” Presley sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the table. “Second, are you crazy? I told you, I’m done with relationships. I’m just not that type of guy.”

  “Presley,” his father snapped. “I don’t have time for your nonsense. I will find you a woman and even if you have to pretend, you will do as I say. If you have a better solution, I’m open to hearing it.”

  Presley had nothing. He just wanted to get home and pretend the entire day had just been a prolonged nightmare.

  Dean McGuire grabbed the doorknob. “Good. Clear your schedule tomorrow evening and I’ll set something up.”

  Presley wasn’t the only McGuire man who had a way with women. Dean McGuire had a contact list full of hotties ranging in age from thirty to fifty, but he was a lot more discreet than his son. Presley could only hope he was set up with one of the better-looking women.

  As Presley made his way toward his office, Sara came storming toward him. He’d just realized she hadn’t been in the meeting even though she was supposed to be. He was glad she hadn’t seen what had taken place.

  He knew the look on her face immediately. Her perfectly arched eyebrows were furrowed and her pink lips were pursed. She was worried.

  She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close which surprised him. “Pres, she breathed into his neck. I heard what happened. Are you okay?”

  He nodded, willing himself not to shudder from her warmth of her touch and the tickle of her breath. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  Presley chuckled. “I didn’t know you cared so much.”

  Sara pulled away from him because he had totally killed the moment. “No matter what happens between us, I will always care for you, Presley.” She stepped back, looking him up and down. “I should get back to work. Oh, by the way, I was on an important phone call to a parent, that’s why I wasn’t in the meeting.”

  He didn’t answer, but only watched her walk away. Why did she have to hug him like that? Now all the feelings he’d been trying to suppress were flooding back.

  Chapter Nine

  Thursday went by like a blur for Presley. The staff had coddled him all day. The office ladies were the worst—or the best, dependi
ng on how you looked at it. All day they brought him coffee and treats. Presley could get used to it. The sucker punch he had taken had almost been worth it.

  After school was dismissed and most of the staff had gone home, the dean summoned Presley to his office.

  Presley strolled in ready to get reamed for screwing up again, but to his surprise, a beautiful woman with long, golden tresses sat in the chair in front of the dean’s desk.

  The dean rose, smiling. Presley hadn’t seen that look in a while. “Presley McGuire, let me introduce you to Natalie Cunningham.”

  Natalie stood and extended her dainty hand to him. She exuded confidence and Presley loved that. He shook her hand. She had a firm handshake.

  Natalie Cunningham was a near-perfect specimen. She had hair that belonged in a shampoo commercial, two rows of straight, white teeth, full perky breasts, and a teeny tiny waist. She wore a red, body-hugging dress, and Presley loved the color red on a hot woman.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Natalie.”

  “I made reservations for you tonight at The Crest,” the dean said. “My favorite table.”

  Natalie beamed. “Oooh, I love The Crest.” She looked at Presley. “What time?”

  “A car will pick you up at seven,” Dean McGuire replied. Presley wished his father would let him get a word out. Natalie must have thought he was an idiot.

  Presley wasn’t too keen on being set up by his father. Who would be? But he couldn’t argue the fact that Natalie was a bombshell. His father was right, attaching himself to a woman would take away the fantasy of the available bachelor. Maybe in a few months they would be fake-engaged and all the women would be completely turned off.

  “I can’t wait,” Presley said.

  Natalie picked up her leopard-print clutch from the empty seat. “Me either, handsome. Walk me to my car?”

  How could Presley say no to that? How could Presley say no to anything she asked for? They left the dean’s office and headed toward the front entrance of the school. There, talking in front of the main office, were Ava and Sara, just the two people he didn’t want to see at that moment.

  They both gaped at the mysterious blond, and just for a second, a spark of jealousy flashed across Sara’s face. Yes, Presley knew her very well and the fact that she was jealous of seeing him with this gorgeous woman warmed his heart just a bit. He didn’t want Sara to hurt, but if she was jealous, that meant she still cared and deep down inside, he still cared for her.

  He walked Natalie to her red Mustang, which was parked in a handicapped spot for some reason. There was nothing disabled about the woman.

  “So tonight,” she said, standing on her tip toes to give him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Tonight,” he replied.

  Natalie turned slowly, tooching her ass up just slightly so that it rubbed up against his cock.

  Presley backed away. For all he knew, Ava and Sara could be watching the whole exchange from the glass doors of the school. “See you tonight,” he repeated, hurrying toward the building. Natalie Cunningham was the type of woman that could get a man in a lot of trouble. As Presley neared the school building, he wondered what the woman’s connection to his father had been. Had she screwed his dad? If so, that was gross. Presley was so open to most things, but the thought of sharing a woman with his father was where he had to draw the line.

  Inside, Ava leaned against the wall with her arms folded across her chest. She was smirking, and Presley thought it was always adorable when she did that. She reminded him of a Chihuahua trying to be bad. It was cute and unintimidating.

  “Presley McGuire, what the hell?”

  He searched the hallway. Sara was nowhere in sight.

  Presley got close to Ava so that he could whisper. “It was my dad’s idea, okay? So don’t judge me for this, judge him.” Ava had always had a love and respect for Dean McGuire, but Presley wanted her to know that he wasn’t as perfect as she thought. “He thinks that me dating someone, like seriously dating, will make me less attractive to the moms, and maybe less prone to getting beat up by their dumbass husbands.”

  Ava only shook her head. “If you say so. Anyway, that woman is . . . wow.”

  Yeah, she was wow, Presley agreed silently. “Did Sara say anything?”

  Ava burst into giggles. She could read Presley like a book. “We were talking about one of my students. After you two passed by, we kept talking, but she was obviously distracted. She ended the convo and headed to her office. If you’re asking me if she was jealous, yes, she obviously was.”

  Presley shook his head. “Nah, I wasn’t asking that.”

  Ava smirked again. “Sure, you weren’t, liar. Anyway, have fun with your new girlfriend. Be safe.”

  Presley watched her head off in the direction of her classroom, then he moved toward his own office. As he passed Sara’s office, he couldn’t help but steal a peek. She was watching him. They locked eyes for a few seconds and then she looked away. Yes, Presley thought, she was definitely jealous.

  Presley put on one of his finest suits since he was going to The Crest. A gray Armani single breasted with a maroon handkerchief tucked into the front pocket. He’d had a bouquet of red roses delivered that he could hand over to Natalie.

  At seven on the dot there was a knock on the door. Presley opened the door to a man wearing a chauffeur’s hat and an all-black suit. The man bowed his head. “Mr. McGuire, your car is ready.”

  Presley gave the man a nod, grabbed the roses, and locked his front door. The chauffeur opened the back door of the town car for him. Presley ducked inside, surprised to see Natalie already sprawled across the seat looking quite comfortable. He’d thought they would pick her up last.

  The chauffeur closed the door behind him. “Hello,” Presley said, handing her the flowers. “These are for you.”

  She beamed, taking the flowers and holding them under her nose. She inhaled deeply. “Well, how old-fashioned of you, Presley McGuire. Men don’t do things like this anymore. I like.”

  Presley’s face warmed. “My father always taught me to be a gentleman.”

  “I bet he did,” Natalie said, smiling slyly. Presley immediately regretted bringing his father up.

  “Natalie, I have to ask—how do you know my father?”

  She shrugged, running her fingers over the flower petals. “We went on a few dates last year. We weren’t a match for each other, but we decided to stay friends.”

  That was cool, but Presley wanted to know straight-up if she had fucked his father. Maybe it would have been better for him to not know.

  Thoughts of his father were quickly forgotten as his eyes traveled up and down the length of Natalie’s body. She wore a black, strapless bandage dress which had just enough material to cover her naughty bits. Her perky breasts peeked over the top, coming dangerously close to exposing some nipple. She’d better not bend over.

  Her hair had been fluffed and curled even more than it had been earlier that afternoon and her lips were a deep blood red.

  Presley leaned back on the seat next to her. She sat the flowers to the side and shifted her body so that she was facing Presley. She ran her hand over the front of his suit. “So your father tells me you’re looking for a girlfriend.”

  He cleared his throat. He knew he had to be honest with Natalie right then and there. “It’s not what you think. I’m not the relationship kind of guy at all, at least not anymore. So you won’t really be my girlfriend, but we need to keep up the appearance that I have a girlfriend.”

  The smile dropped from her face. “Like, you want me to be your beard or something? Wow, my gaydar has been really off lately.”

  “No, no, not like that,” Presley replied. He explained what happened at the school.

  Natalie laughed and seemed relieved. “Wow, that is quite the predicament. I have to say, I can totally see it and I don’t blame those women at all. The first time I laid eyes on you I wanted to jump your bones.” She gasped. “How long until we get to the resta

  Presley checked his watch. “About twenty-five minutes.”

  Natalie pulled him toward her by the lapels of his suit. “That is plenty of time.”

  Before Presley knew what was happening, Natalie had straddled him and was busy unbuckling his belt. He was amazed at how fast she was at it. Within seconds, his hard cock was exposed.

  She spread his legs apart and dropped to her knees. Natalie wrapped her pouty lips around Presley’s cock and sucked. He laid his head back as she moved up and down, taking his entire cock in without gagging. He thrust his hips back and forth into the warmth of her mouth. After working his cock for a few moments, she took each of his balls into her mouth and sucked. Just as Presley was about to come, she straddled him again.

  He pulled down the top of her dress. Her humongous breasts popped out, almost whacking him in the face. Presley immediately buried his face in them, pinching her nipples gently and then sucking on them hard as she moaned.

  Natalie hoisted her dress up around her tan, firm thighs, settling herself on Presley’s dick. He groaned at the warmth as he slowly slid inside her nice and easy. She grabbed his face, ramming her soft mouth against his. They pressed their tongues against each other as they found their rhythm. Natalie moved up and down, groaning louder and louder.

  She felt so good Presley stopped kissing her, let his head fall back to enjoy the pleasure his cock was receiving. It got better and better. Presley opened his eyes and grabbed her golden hair, pulling it back gently. It reminded him of all the times with him and Sara and that saddened him a bit. He pushed thoughts of Sara away because he was in the midst of one of the best fucks he’d had in a long time.

  Natalie screamed as she bounced harder, riding him like a pro. When Presley was able to open his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the window that separated the front of the car from the back. It was rolled down and the driver watched them from the front seat wide-eyed. Presley didn’t care. He loved being watched. If the man wanted to watch and get his rocks off, let him.


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