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Romancing the Guardians Series: Part One (Romancing the Guardians Box Set Book 1)

Page 13

by Lyn Horner

  Far more terrible to think of, maybe the poor man had been in a wreck and was lying somewhere injured or … dead. Her stomach clenched at the thought and she gave a choked cry. No, he couldn’t be dead, he just couldn’t!

  Another frightening possibility occurred to her. What if the Hounds had somehow traced them here and had waylaid Conn? Were they trying to force him to reveal where she was? She knew he would never tell them willingly, but if they tortured him … . Oh God! It sickened her to think of him suffering dreadfully to protect her, yet, at the same time she prayed he wouldn’t break, not for her sake but for the sake of the precious scroll she guarded.

  It also crossed her mind that he’d had enough of her distrust and holding him at arm’s length, and had simply decided not to return. But she couldn’t believe he would do such a thing; he was too honorable to leave her stranded.

  He was honorable; she’d witnessed proof of that time and again. Knowing this, how could she think he might use her like some depraved monster and then walk away? What was the matter with her? She’d been a fool to suspect him of such evil intentions, so completely out of character for him.

  As day waned, the realization that she’d likely spend the night alone in the lodge chilled Lara’s blood. She thought of calling someone for help, but who to call? Not Dev Medina. He hadn’t said where his fishing shack hideout was located, but it must be several hours from the lodge. Besides, she didn’t want to take him away from the all important job of deciphering her uncle’s code book.

  Should she call 9-1-1? And say what, that she was in a luxurious lodge by herself and was afraid of boogymen? Ha! She’d be laughed at, or they’d send someone with a net to haul her off to the loony bin.

  Although she hadn’t eaten since breakfast, food didn’t interest her now. However, the chili mac casserole was done baking and her stomach had begun to rumble in complaint. To quiet it, she dished up a small portion of the cheesy concoction and forced it down with a cup of stale coffee. Seated at the huge table, feeling desperately alone, she swallowed the last bite and was about to take a final sip of coffee when a wave of fear swept through her.

  Her head snapped up and she set her cup down hard. Knowing her inner alarm was warning of danger, she pushed back from the table, grabbed her cane and stood. Pulse beating double-time, she headed into the hall, pausing to stare at the front door windows. It was almost sunset and the outdoor lights had automatically turned on. Seeing no figure outlined against the frosted glass panes, she continued into the great room. Her gaze went to the oversize picture window and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Illuminated by the porch lights, a giant hairy creature stood looking in at her. Too terrified to move, she returned its stare. The ape-like thing gave a deep rumble and slapped the window with a huge paw.

  Lara jumped and whimpered in terror. Released from her petrified trance, she lurched into the hall, heart hammering and breath rasping in her throat. She hobbled into the kitchen as fast as her weak leg would carry her and glanced around, panic threatening to overcome her. Then her gaze landed on a wooden knife block squatting on the counter near the stove. Limping over there, she fumbled through the collection of knives with trembling fingers, dropping several on the granite countertop.

  She settled on the biggest, heaviest butcher knife, certain nothing else would stop that gigantic creature if it broke in. Could the thing actually be a man dressed in a gorilla suit, trying to frighten her? If so, he’d succeeded.

  Clutching the weapon in her fist, she hobbled toward the hall, gaze glued to the windows behind the dining table, afraid the ape thing might come around back. Seeing no sign of it, she inched her way along the hallway to the great room. She paused just before the entrance, clammy with fear, and darted a look around the corner. The creature had disappeared from the window, although it could be lurking out of sight on the wraparound porch, searching for a way in.

  All the doors and windows on the main floor were locked. She’d made sure of that when the likelihood of spending the night alone struck like a punch to her stomach, but she hadn’t checked the upstairs windows. Danu save her! The ape – or man – might climb to the balcony over the porch. She had to see if those bedroom windows were locked, even though logic told her the thing could easily break one.

  The great room seemed twice as cavernous as before; she dreaded stepping in there, knowing the beast might reappear at any moment, but she had no choice if she wanted to reach the staircase in the far corner. Screwing up her courage, she started across the room, glancing at the window as she wound her way between pieces of furniture. Almost to the stairs, she heard heavy footsteps on the porch and caught movement from the corner of her eye.

  Lara gasped, dropped her cane and dove behind an overstuffed chair. She peeked around the padded armrest and saw the man-ape standing outside with both enormous paws, no, hands pressed flat against the windowpane. It turned its massive head back and forth, obviously looking for her. Could it break through the extra-thick glass? She prayed not.

  Sick with fear, she wrapped her arms around her knees, still clutching the butcher knife, and huddled in her hiding place. She heard the beast growl and make strange, muffled sounds almost like garbled speech. She wondered again if it could be a man, but didn’t think so. Surely no man sounded like that.

  One possibility she’d refused to consider until now forced its way to the surface. Was the thing on the porch a Bigfoot? No! That was absurd. She’d never believed the tales of giant ape-men who inhabited the forests and swamps of North America. Yet, from what little she’d heard or read about the mythical creatures, this one fit the description. Whatever the thing was, it had triggered her sense of approaching danger, implying it meant to do her harm.

  The creature growled loudly, making Lara cringe. She brushed aside her speculations. It didn’t matter what the thing was; she just wished it would go away and leave her alone. Unfortunately, it seemed fascinated by the lodge and her. She listened to it stomp to and fro across the porch, occasionally making those odd muttering noises, as if talking to itself. Expecting to hear glass break at any moment, she stared at the knife in her hand. Could she use it? Could she kill to save her life?

  The scroll! Oh blessed Danu, if the beast killed her, what would happen to the scroll? Conn was bound to find it in her bag eventually — if he returned – but what would he do with it? And what if he never returned?


  The lodge was lit up outside but pitch-dark inside when Conn parked out front. It wasn’t quite eight o’clock, but Lara must have made it upstairs and gone to bed. Feeling guilty for leaving her alone out here for so long, he mounted the porch steps, tried the door and found it locked. “Good girl,” he said, pulling the key from his pocket and quietly letting himself in. If she was sleeping, he didn’t want to wake her.

  Feeling along the wall beside the doors, he found the switch for the entry light and flipped it on. A gasp sounded from the darkened great room and something hard struck the floor.

  “Lara?” he called out, hastily punching the entry code to stop the alarm from going off.

  “Conn!” she cried in a shaky voice.

  He hurried toward the sound, cussing under his breath when he bumped into furniture in his path, wishing he’d hit the switch for the overhead can lights. He found Lara huddled behind a chair near the stairs. She looked up, face ghostly white and glistening with tears in the dim light.

  “Ah, honey.” He dropped to his knees and gathered her trembling body close, filled with remorse for not getting back sooner, even though the reason for his long absence was beyond his control.

  “I-I was afraid I’d never see you again,” she said, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. The pickup broke down. I had to wait for a tow truck to haul it to the nearest town. Then it took all day to get the damned thing fixed.”

  She gave a watery laugh. “That’s what I hoped had happened,
not something worse.”

  “In case you’re wondering, I tried to call you a dozen times,” he said, massaging her tense shoulders, “but I kept getting an out of service message.”

  She nodded against his shirt, now damp with her tears. “I know. I tried the receiver at least that many times.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Now, tell me what you’re doing sitting on the floor in the dark.”

  Sniffling, she lifted her head and gazed at him with wide eyes. “I had a visitor.”

  “A visitor?” He frowned, instantly alert. “Who? Was it one of the Hounds?”

  “No, not Hounds and not a man. At least I don’t think it was. It was a-an animal, and it terrified me.”

  “You mean a bear, a coyote?”

  “No, no, nothing s-so ordinary.” Taking a deep breath, she related an incredible story of seeing an ape-man standing outside on the porch. “I grabbed that from the kitchen.” She pointed to a butcher knife lying on the floor that he hadn’t noticed. “When the thing came back to the window, I hid here where it couldn’t see me. It kept making noises and slapping the glass until a few minutes ago. I think you scared it off.”

  Conn loosened his hold on her and stared out the window, not wanting to believe what he was thinking. “It can’t be.”

  “Can’t be what?”

  “Bigfoot.” Hearing her catch her breath, he met her uneasy gaze. “There’ve been reports of sightings around Caddo Lake and in the East Texas woods for years, in Louisiana, too. You must have heard some of ’em over in Shreveport, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, of course, but I never believed them … until now.”

  “Same here. I’ve always thought they were crazy stories made up by wackos looking for attention.” Still skeptical, he studied her. “You said you don’t think it was a man, but could it have been somebody wearing an ape costume?”

  “I thought of that, but … .” Her eyes widened. “Conn, could it have been that man you mentioned, the groundskeeper?”

  “Milo?” He shook his head. “Naw, no way. He’s big and homely but he doesn’t look like an ape. Besides, he might not be too bright but he’s good-natured. I don’t think it would enter his head to deliberately scare you.”

  She sagged against him. “Then I don’t know who or what it was. I was too frightened to really study it.” Shuddering, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Whatever it was, I was terrified it, or he, would break in and kill me, but I was even more afraid you’d never come back.”

  He tightened his arms around her again. “I’ll always come back, honey, always,” he vowed, kissing her brow, realizing he meant what he said.

  She tilted her face up. Staring at his mouth, she whispered, “Kiss me, Conn.”

  A rush of heat shot straight to his groin. He knew she’d probably freeze up just like the other day in the woods, but he couldn’t resist. Bending his head, he welded his lips to hers and drove his tongue into the inviting sweetness of her mouth. She welcomed him with her own eager explorations, setting him ablaze with need. His hands took on a life of their own, mapping the terrain of her back and shoulders, then opened a path to her breasts. He fondled those enticing mounds, feeling her nipples harden beneath layers of cloth, and longed to touch her tender flesh.

  She moaned and freed her lips from his. “Make love to me. Please!”

  Even though wanting her so much it hurt, he retained enough sanity to grasp her chin, stare into her heavy-lidded eyes and ask hoarsely, “Are you sure, Lara? Maybe you’re just reacting to being so scared. Don’t invite me to make love to you if you’re going to push me away at the last minute.”

  “I’m very sure. I’ve done a lot of thinking about you, about us, while you were gone. I was wrong to doubt you. You’re kind, brave and the most honorable man I’ve ever met.” She stretched up so her warm breath brushed his lips. “Love me,” she whispered and fastened her lips to his.

  He groaned and pushed to his feet, bringing her with him, never breaking the wild mating dance of their tongues. Bending, he lifted her into his arms and carried her upstairs. He hesitated briefly on the balcony then headed for Lara’s bedroom, instinctively knowing that’s what she would prefer. Opening the door without setting her down, he stepped inside and kicked the door shut behind them. Then he was forced to stand her on her feet and unlock their lips.

  “It’s pitch dark in here.” He reached along the wall, found a light switch and flipped it up. Nothing happened. “Damn!”

  “Sorry,” Lara murmured breathlessly. “I turned off the lamp by my bed last night. That’s what the switch controls.”

  “No problem. Give me a minute.” Cautiously making his way to a bedside table, he found the lamp and turned the switch, filling the room with a soft golden glow. He stepped to the side window and closed the blinds then turned to face her.

  She stood near the door where he’d left her. Retracing his steps, he took her in his arms and tasted her sweet lips again for a long moment before spreading wet kisses along her jaw to the tender place below her ear. She shivered and a hum of pleasure emerged from deep in her throat that he took for encouragement. Holding her attention with his mouth, he released her hair from its braid, gave himself a moment to run his finger through the silky waves, then unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped the lacy bra beneath. Sliding both garments down her arms, he drank in the sight of her lush breasts and caught his breath.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he said, voice husky with wonder. He gently caressed the creamy white orbs, pleased to feel the engorged tips harden even more when he circled them with his thumbs. Her moan of delight beckoned him like a siren’s call. Moving his hands to her bottom, he lifted, spread her legs and wrapped them around his hips. Then he took one rosy red nipple into his mouth.

  “Ah!” she cried, clutching his head, trembling in his arms.


  Shockwaves of pleasure broke upon the shore of Lara’s long dormant desire and pooled between her legs. Swamped by fiery sensations, she was vaguely aware of Conn carrying her to the bed. He lowered them both onto the soft surface and leaned over her, still working his magic on her breast. She gasped when he removed his mouth, allowing air to chill the wet, distended nipple. Then he took possession of its twin, treating it to the same inflaming attentions.

  At the same time, his hand moved to the waistband of her cotton chinos and undid the button. She felt him ease the zipper down; then his warm hand slipped beneath the fabric to the flesh beneath, making her belly quiver and jump. He petted and explored, dipping a fingertip into her navel, tracing the narrow elastic top of her thong and sliding under it. He cupped her damp curls and began to gently rub her super sensitive folds. She moaned and lifted her hips, clutching at him, nearly mindless with need. Then he stopped.

  She murmured an incoherent complaint and opened her eyes when he sat up. He yanked his t-shirt off and she caught her breath watching muscles ripple across his back and chest as he kicked out of his boots. He didn’t bother with his jeans. Instead, he twisted around, grasped her legs and shifted her partially sideways, startling a laugh out of her.

  “What are you … ?” She aborted her question when he grinned, winked and set about removing her shoes, brace and socks. No longer embarrassed by his assistance, she propped her head up on folded arms and watched, fascinated by the way his corded muscles bunched and stretched as he moved. Finished, he set aside her cumbersome footwear and made ready to lie down beside her.

  “Wait. We should turn back the quilt,” Lara said, thinking of it at the last moment.

  Not saying a word, Conn grabbed the top of the bed cover and she lifted herself out of the way as he pulled the satiny fabric from under her. Scooting over, she made room for him and reached out to touch him as he stretched out at her side.

  “Come here, darlin’,” he said, slipping an arm under her. He rolled her toward him and lifted her on top of him.

  “Yes, sir!” she said with a teasing smile, rubbing he
r breasts against his broad, nicely furred chest.

  “Minx!” he growled. Then he wove his fingers through her hair and drew her head down, taking command of her mouth. His tongue played chase with hers while his hands roved over her back and bottom until that was no longer enough for either of them.

  “Get up on all fours,” he muttered, and she did as he said, straddling him. He grasped her waist and shifted her upward over him, bringing her breasts to within reach of his mouth. Not hesitating, he latched onto one eager nipple and drew hard, causing a cry of pleasure to burst from her throat.

  His hands got busy tugging her pants and thong downward over her hips, but couldn’t push them all the way off while she straddled him. Wanting to help, she started to move away but he stopped her, slipping a hand between her legs and parting her slick folds. Two fingers slid upward into her, making her catch her breath. He withdrew then entered her again, setting up a rhythm echoed by his greedy, oh so talented mouth.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, Lara threw her head back and panted with the exquisite pleasure. She hadn’t been with a man in years and hadn’t realized how much her body craved sexual fulfillment. It didn’t take long. Conn thumbed her pleasure button, twisted his cleaver fingers in just the right way, and her insides convulsed. She cried out, riding the waves of pleasure. The spasms widened like a second heartbeat and slowly died away, draining her strength, leaving her afloat in sated oblivion.

  Eventually, she opened her eyes and found herself stretched flat on Conn’s torso. She must have collapsed after the unbelievable climax he’d given her. The tiny part of her brain that still functioned told her she’d never experienced such bone-melting completion with Alec.

  A big hand gently stroked her back. Lifting her head, she gazed into Conn’s smiling eyes. She opened her mouth but no words came out.


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