Time Warped
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NB: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to the notes and to the pages in the text where research is mentioned without naming the author.
Abate, Leul ref1
accurate timing ref1
Addis, D.R. ref1n, ref2n, ref3, ref4
adolescents ref1, ref2, ref3
forward telescoping ref1
time speeding up ref1, ref2
air-puff test ref1
Alberta, University of ref1
Alzheimer’s disease ref1
American Time Use Survey ref1
Amin, Mohammed ref1
Amis, Martin ref1
amnesia ref1, ref2, ref3
anterograde ref1
Amondawa tribe ref1, ref2
amount metaphor ref1
anger ref1
animals, future thinking ref1
Annese, J. ref1
anterior insular cortex ref1, ref2
anterograde amnesia ref1
anticipation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
anxiety ref1, ref2, ref3
mental imagery ref1
techniques for reduction ref1
time speeding up ref1, ref2
see also fear
Aristotle ref1
Ashworth, L. ref1n, ref2
Atance, C.M. ref1, ref2
attention (concentration/focus) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
mindfulness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
tests ref1
time deceleration ref1
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ref1
Attention Gate Model ref1
attention residue ref1, ref2
auditory events ref1
autism ref1
autobiographical memory ref1
accuracy, study ref1, ref2
discussion of events ref1
dolphins ref1
hyperthymesia ref1
poor ref1
time speeding up ref1, ref2
verification ref1
see also personal memories
autonoetic consciousness ref1
auto-pilot effect ref1
Azy, S. ref1n, ref2
babies ref1, ref2, ref3
Baddeley, A. ref1, ref2n, ref3
Bar, M. ref1, ref2
Bargh, J.A. ref1, ref2
Bar-Haim, Y. ref1n, ref2
basal forebrain ref1
basal ganglia ref1, ref2, ref3
base-jumping ref1
Baumeister, R. ref1
Baylor College of Medicine (Houston) ref1
Bell, Gordon ref1, ref2, ref3
Benedictine monks ref1
Bergen, University of ref1
Berntsen, D. ref1n, ref2
Berry, Chuck ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
best possible scenarios ref1
Bing Nursery ref1, ref2, ref3
Bingley, Lisa ref1
biological time ref1
birds ref1
bivouac-checking ref1
Block, R.A ref1n, ref2
Bluedorn, A.C. ref1, ref2, ref3
body clock ref1, ref2
body temperature ref1, ref2
Bohn, A. ref1n, ref2
monotony ref1, ref2
time deceleration ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Boring, E.G. ref1
Boring, L.M. ref1
Boroditsky, L. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Bottini, R. ref1, ref2
Boyd, J. ref1n, ref2
Bradburn, N. ref1
clock ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
default mode ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
development ref1, ref2, ref3
oscillations ref1
regions of ref1
breathing ref1
Broome, M. ref1, ref2
Buckner, R. ref1n, ref2
Buddhism ref1
Buehler, R. ref1n, ref2
Bulger, Jamie ref1
Buonomano, D.V. ref1, ref2n, ref3
Busby, J. ref1n, ref2
calendar keeping ref1
California, University of ref1
Cambridge University ref1
Carroll, Lewis ref1
Casasanto, D. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Castorp, Hans ref1
catastrophising ref1
Centre for Suicide Research (Hong Kong) ref1
centuries ref1
cerebellum ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
challenges, time ref1
anxiety ref1
living in present ref1
planning ref1
poor memory ref1
predicting emotions ref1
time deceleration ref1
time speeding up ref1
time-poverty ref1
Cheung Chau (island) ref1
Chevenix, Richard ref1
chief features, event ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ref1
babies ref1, ref2, ref3
future thinking ref1, ref2
growth of ref1, ref2, ref3
marshmallow studies 25408
novelty ref1
size, time and space ref1
time in space ref1
Tourette’s Syndrome ref1
chimpanzees ref1
chronesthesia ref1
chronobiology ref1
chronostasis ref1, ref2
Churchill, Winston ref1, ref2
circadian rhythms ref1
clarity of memory hypothesis ref1, ref2
Clark University (Illinois) ref1
Clayton, N. ref1
Amondawa tribe ref1
bank ref1
body ref1, ref2
brain ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
caesium ref1
changing ref1
chronostasis ref1, ref2
direction of hands ref1
illusion ref1
internal ref1
mind see mind clocks
minimalist model ref1
multiple ref1, ref2, ref3
objective time ref1
cognitive behavioural therapy ref1, ref2, ref3
Coleridge, Herbert ref1
Collard, P. ref1
anxiety and ref1
association ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
in history ref1
computers ref1
games ref
concentration see attention
Conway, M.A. ref1n, ref2, ref3
Cooke, Ed ref1
Cooper, L. ref1
Corballis, M.C. ref1n, ref2
Corkin, S. ref1
Coronet Peak ref1, ref2, ref3
Corsi Span ref1
anterior insular ref1, ref2
frontal ref1
parietal ref1
pre-frontal ref1
Cotard, J. ref1, ref2
Cotard delusion ref1
Cottle, T. ref1, ref2, ref3
Counter-Clock World (Dick) ref1
Craig, A.D. ref1, ref2
Crane, C. ref1n, ref2
Crawford, L.E. ref1n, ref2
Crawley, S. ref1, ref2, ref3
creativity ref1
Csikszentmihalyi, M. ref1, ref2
cultural rules ref1, ref2
Damasio, A. ref1
D’Argembeau, A. ref1n, ref2
Darwin, Charles ref1
daydreaming ref1, ref2
days, visualising ref1
de Botton, Alain ref1
deadlines ref1, ref2, ref3
decades ref1, ref2
decision-making ref1, ref2
tests ref1
deconstructed state ref1
depression ref1, ref2, ref3
future thinking ref1
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) ref1
see also suicide
detail ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
lack of ref1, ref2, ref3
planning ref1, ref2
DeVoe, S. ref1n, ref2
Diana, Princess ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
diathermy ref1
Dick, Philip K. ref1
Digit Span ref1
judging ref1
metaphor ref1
distraction strategies ref1, ref2
dogs ref1
dolphins ref1
dopamine hypothesis ref1
dopamine system ref1, ref2
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor ref1
Dryden, John ref1
Duke University (US) ref1
Dunn, E.W. ref1n, ref2
dyslexia ref1, ref2
Eagleman, D.M. ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5
earthquakes ref1
economic success ref1
Edinburgh University ref1
ego-moving metaphor ref1, ref2, ref3