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Yes, Chef (Sizzle & Burn Book 1)

Page 23

by Linda Verji

  “I agree.” His gaze serious, he nodded. “It won’t be easy but I’ll try to be more open.”

  “Good.” She smiled.

  “Good,” he mimicked before bringing his lips to hers. He brushed his mouth over hers, caressed her lips in a kiss that was so reverent her heart squeezed. She gasped, parting her lips, and he kissed her open-mouthed. Lushly. Sweetly. Thoroughly.

  A woman could drown in a kiss like this. This was the kind of kiss that broke wills, and Snow could feel hers slowly crumbling. Right now she was completely under his thumb, willing to do whatever he wanted, go wherever he led as long as he kept kissing her.

  She wasn’t sure how it happened or who moved – one minute she was seated across his thigh and the next she was straddling him with her breasts pressed fully into him and her arms around his neck. Then she felt him, long hot and waiting for her. It was a kind of triumph that she could make him so hard that she could feel him despite their clothes. Her lips curving in a smile against his, she pressed down on him, wound her hips, urged him to want her even more.

  He tore his lips from hers with a pained groan. “Snow.”

  Their eyes met. In the vivid blue depths of his, she saw pure, unadulterated desire. His jaw ticking with restrained need, he lowered his hands from her waist to her ass. Though she was still wearing his jeans, the feel of those big, strong hands on her was unbearably arousing. When he molded and caressed her flesh, urged her to ride him harder… well, now it was her turn to burn.

  “Mm,” she whimpered as heat stabbed at her core. She was in pain but it was a sweet pain; the kind of pain that made her grind harder on him. Closing her eyes, she leant her forehead against his and clung to him as she kept pushing her pussy into his length.

  “That’s it,” Greyson muttered as his lips touched her nose then her cheeks. His hand rose to her nape and he brought her head down to his for a kiss. There was no finesse to this kiss; nothing soft or coaxing about it. It was all fiery, untamed desire. Her body tightened and tensed as more heat pooled between her thighs.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured between kisses, his voice like a caress teasing her already throbbing senses. His hand eased away from her ass to her torso, up, up, up… until it cupped her breast.

  She jerked at the sudden touch, inhaled sharply at the instant heat that swelled within her. When he flicked his thumb over the nipple, she couldn’t hold back her hiss of pleasure.

  “You like that?” he asked huskily as he flicked again

  “Yesss… oh, yes.” She arched into his touch, wordlessly begged for more. A whimper of protest rose in her throat when his hand moved from her breast and she opened her eyes to give him a frustrated look.

  All he did was give her a wicked grin before lowering both his hands to the hem of her t-shirt. With one smooth move, he sent the fabric flying over her head to the floor, leaving her in her bra.

  “Nice.” His smile turned predatory as he stared at her fabric-encased flesh. His heated stare was enough to make her flesh swell but it only worsened when he placed a tender kiss at the top of each breast. At the urging of his hands, she lifted off his lap and to her knees so that her breasts were at his eye-level. Then his lips were on her nipple. Despite the electric blue fabric between his mouth and her flesh, she felt the heat of his breath, felt the pull of his mouth against that hard tip.

  “Greyson…” Her moan echoed between them and her fingers dug into his shoulders, firm and muscled through his shirt.

  “I want to see them,” he murmured almost to himself. Pressing an open-mouthed kiss to her throat, he reached behind her and unclipped her bra.

  As the fabric fell away from the heavy orbs, Snow instinctively moved to cover them with her hands. Her breasts weren’t exactly the perky type and she was afraid he’d be disappointed.

  Reaching for her wrists, Greyson repeated, “I want to see them.”

  At the pressure of his hands, she revealed herself to him. There was no disappointment in his eyes. Only fresh desire. Releasing a ragged sigh, he reached upwards and covered her breasts with both his hands.

  Now, it was her turn to sigh… and whimper… and moan.

  With sure caresses, he kneaded and molded her flesh until all she could do was whimper his name. His smoky, blue eyes watching her reaction, he flicked her nipples. It was all she could do not to scream at the sensations that coursed sharply through her.

  “Aah… aah… aah.” Her moans increased in volume and frequency when he rolled her tender buds between his fingers. His hand firmed on one breast as he lowered his mouth to her other breast and suckled.

  “Greys- oooh…” This time there was no holding back her little scream. Not when every cell in her body was ablaze. Her fingers cupped the back of his neck, swept into his silky soft hair and dug into his scalp as she rode the waves of the pleasure he wrought with his lips.

  Those expert, errant lips worked the puffy bud of her nipple, sucked it, nipped at it, pulled before moving to the other breast and showering it with the same erotic attention. By the time his mouth came back up to meet hers, she was on the brink of breakdown. She latched onto his mouth desperately, thrust her tongue in to meet his eagerly and drew all the pleasure she could from him.

  Greyson’s arms lowered to her thighs, tightened beneath them. He stood, lifting her as he did so. She instinctively wrapped her thighs around his flanks as he started walking. Snow wasn’t a petite woman but his breath didn’t even hitch as he moved. Each of his steps was punctuated with sweet kisses that steadily broke her down until all she could do was hang onto him and pray it never ended.

  He slowed as they approached a door that was partially opened. Using his shoulder, he pushed the door wide and entered a huge bedroom. Though he had her distracted, she managed to catch a glimpse of the room. The space was decorated in shades of blue and grey with dark furniture to compliment the masculine colors. Apart from the oversized bed, the most outstanding piece of furniture was the light grey chaise next to the floor-to-ceiling window and the shelf filled with action figures next to it.

  She wished she could take a better look, ask why he had so many action figures, but before she could, Greyson set her on the bed then promptly bent to entice her with hot, open-mouthed kisses. Her lips were tender and swollen from so much kissing but she didn’t make a single complaint. He could kiss her as much as he wanted because she was loving every moment of it.

  Bracing his hand on the bed, he half-rose to reach down and flick her the button of her jeans open. The hissing sound of her zipper being eased down filled the room. Moments later, he set his hands at the waistband of her jeans. His eyes never left hers as he rolled the denim along with her bikini panties down her legs. He only looked away to toss her clothes to the floor. When he came back, his eyes zeroed in on her uncovered sex. So intense was his look that she squirmed on the bed and reaching downwards to cover herself.

  “Don’t move.” He stopped her. “Let me look at you.”

  As if controlled by forces beyond her, her hands fell away from her mound and let him look to his fill. But looking wasn’t enough for him. He set his hands on her thighs, dragged her closer to the edge of the bed then spread her legs apart until she was splayed wide open for him and only him.

  “Snow.” His rough groan seemed to come from somewhere deep in his stomach as he stared at her pussy. “You’re so wet.”

  The deep, dark desire in his eyes and the husky voice said that that was a good thing and it made her moisten even more.

  “So beautiful.” He slowly lowered himself to the floor until he was on his knees between her spread thighs. He placed a series of hot kisses along the length of each of her legs, teasing her with his touch yet not quite getting to where she wanted him. Releasing an impatient sound deep in her throat, she lifted onto her elbows to better see what he was doing.

  He was watching her - that’s what he was doing.

  Even as his lips unhurriedly lingered over her heated skin, his eyes remai
ned glued to her pussy. He kissed his way down her inner thigh, almost kissed her right there but then pulled back.

  “Grey-” she started to beg but before she could finish the words, he abruptly hooked her legs over his shoulders. Without pause, he lowered his mouth and set his lips on her.

  “Oooh!” A surprised squeal tore from her lips at that sudden wicked kiss.

  “So sweet…” His tongue swept over her outer fleshy folds. That sweep turned into tender kisses and stabs between her lips that had shuddering and trembling. Gasping, she swept on hand into his hair, dug her fingers into his scalp and wordlessly begged for more of that sweet, sweet pleasure.

  And he gave it to her.

  He tasted her, shifted his tongue around and around, flicked at her, suckled her greedily, drove her straight into madness… and when she thought it couldn’t get better than that, he upped the ante by pushing a finger into her.

  “Oh my… oh.” Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her body jerked off the bed. In helpless desire He was killing her, giving her life. Oh my. He needed to stop. No, he needed to give her more. She writhed desperately on the bed as she braced both her hands on his head.

  His sure finger stroked in and out of her wetness as his hot tongue applied firm pressure on her clit again and again. By the time he pushed a second finger in, she was primed for explosion. The tightness in her belly worsened, her muscles trembled and a scream began to push its way up her throat… Still his wriggling fingers moved firmly in and out of her pussy, stroking and stretching her.

  When her climax came it was painful and sweet. The spasms racked her with the force of having electricity pass through her. The pleasure was endless, like a hot shimmering river of colors that went on and on and on. With a scream, she let it take her, drown her, consume her. When it finally subsided, it left her weak and shivering. Sapped of her energy, she fell back boneless onto the bed.

  Greyson inched his way up her body with little kisses along her skin until he was hovering over her. “You okay?”

  Her lips tilted in a satisfied smile, she opened her eyes. “Better than okay.”

  “Good.” He grinned before lowering his head for a sweet, tender kiss. She tasted herself on his lips along with his own taste but before she could savor it, he pulled back from her and stood.

  With fast flicks, he unbuttoned his green shirt. She watched him quickly strip out of his shirt, both amazed and thankful for his generosity in taking care of her first before he satisfied his own needs.

  When he reached for the button of his pants, she rose to sitting position. “Let me help you with that.”

  He stepped closer and she took charge. With ease, she unbuttoned his pants then pulled the zipper down. When she swept the fabric along with his boxer-briefs downwards, he helpfully kicked it the rest of the way off him and to the side of the bed.

  Greyson was beautiful – too beautiful. His body gleamed, tight and well-toned as if each muscle had been chiseled by a sculptor. His cock stood out from his tanned body – hard and pointing at her as if begging for her touch. So she did. She eased her hand around the thick, long, length of him and stroked him from root to crest.

  “Snow,” he groaned as he closed his eyes and threw his head back. His reaction inspired her, pushed her to drive him as close to madness as he’d done to her. Her grip on him tightened and she stroked him again, and again, and again, slicking the precum that spilled from the head of his heated shaft over the rest of him.

  “Stop.” He surprised her by catching her hand. “I’m not sure I can hold on if you continue.”

  “You don’t have to hold on.” She tried to stroke him.

  His expression pained, he dragged her hand away from his shaft. “No, I want to be inside you when I cum.”

  Now, how could she say no to that? She let him go and scooted further up the bed to lay on her back. Greyson grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer and sheathed himself before joining her on the bed. Her breathing uneven, she watched him move forward until he was kneeling between her legs. With him so close to her, the contrast in their skin-tone was much more vivid, more eye-catching, and it sent fresh desire zipping through her. Blue eyes hazed in lust met hers as he pulled her closer so her thighs were splayed over his and his cock grazed her pussy.

  There was no need for him to arouse her anymore now, she was quite wet and ready for him. But he seemed in no hurry to enter her. Or maybe he was just enjoying having her naked and vulnerable before him. His eyes still locked on hers, he slicked two fingers between the lips of her wet pussy. When her juices dripped and coated his digits, he used them to play with his cock. He kept coming back for more of her honey and playing with her until he was as drenched with desire as she was. Finally, he set his crown at her entrance.

  His cock urgently pressing at the moist, tight ring of her opening, he leaned forward until he was above her and could kiss her. His lips latched onto hers in a deep kiss as his lower body pushed forward into her. The firm pressure of him was enough to make her gasp. Greyson swallowed that gasp as he thrust inexorably forward into her, filling her deeply, inch by inch.

  It felt so good to have him in her, so hard, so deep, so long. If she’d known that this was what he had in store for her, she would’ve tried harder to seduce him. She clung, milked and urged him to thrust more of himself into her.

  “Greyson.” Whimpering, she completely opened her body for him.

  GREYSON HAD HELD himself back for so long that finally being inside Snow was like moving from a freezer and straight into a blazing furnace. Shocking. Exciting. Thrilling. If he wasn’t careful, there was every chance that he’d end up cumming prematurely.

  “Snow.” He groaned as he forced more of his length into her tight, moist pussy. Although nearly frantic with delayed lust, he controlled his thrusts, kept pushing in and stretching her until every single inch of his cock was sheathed deep within her.

  “Aaah!” she moaned in time to his shaky exhalation. Christ, this felt good. When she wrapped her limbs tightly around his body and constricted her walls around his aching shaft, it got even sweeter.

  Groaning her name, he started the pull-back, exiting as slowly as he’d entered her. Her inner muscles pulled at him as if reluctant to let him go. It only made thrusting back in that more delicious.

  “Aaah,” she cried out, her hot breath blowing against his cheek.

  Her cries and the urgency of her hold on him were like pouring gasoline on already raging inferno. Increasingly aroused, he pulled out then shoved himself hard into her. And she was waiting for him. She tightened around him, squeezed so tightly that he had to close his eyes to keep from erupting.

  This was agony. This was insanity. And he wanted it to never stop.

  With a groan, he withdrew and pushed back in. He could feel her body tremble and shake with each of his powerful strokes. Each time he eased out, her tight walls gripped him tightly, and when he stroked back in, she angled more fully to receive him. Her warm, wet lips graced his neck, sending tingles over his sensitive skin. She clung to his shoulders tightly and arched her hips upwards into his deep strokes. Her smooth, sinuous movements pressed him to fuck her harder, deeper. Cupping her ripe buttocks, he tilted her slightly then tucked himself so deep and hard into her that she cried sharply.

  “There.” She tore her lips from his to stare at him. Her eyes were fevered and wild with passion as she whimpered, “Right the… oh, my… Greyson.”

  “Like that?” He shoved himself back in one long, hard stroke, made sure she was getting every single inch of him. Then he did it again, and again, and again until her words turned into passionate screams. She clung to him, took in his length and milked him until he couldn’t breathe.

  His vision blurry with lust, he sped up his strokes. Her passionate moans, his groans and the sound of skin meeting skin echoed in the confines of his bedroom, revving him up further. He was boiling, his body threatening to tip over at any second. It took everything in him to hold on
until she reached the peak first. And when she did, it was magnificent. Her screams rent the air, her muscles contracted tightly around him and her juices coated him. It was too much, and it shoved him speedily into madness.

  With short, quick, sharp strokes, he let the animal inside him loose. There was no grace to his reckless thrusting - his only aim was to get to the beckoning nirvana. His balls drew taut to his groin as the heat built, and built, and built… he exploded with a loud groan. He tucked his head into the crook of Snow’s neck as wave after wave of almost painful pleasure coursed through him. His release took his breath and stiffened every single muscle in his body until all he could was hold on to Snow and hope for it to last forever.

  It took awhile but eventually, he came down from that peak. Exhausted, he flopped onto the bed on his side then drew her into his arms so he could hold her as their breathing returned to normal.

  When he could finally speak without panting, he asked, “You okay, Snow?”

  “Mm.” She nodded against his chest as she cuddled closer to him. “That was fantastic.”

  “Fantastic, huh?” His lips curved into a smile as his ego and other parts of him swelled at the compliment.

  “Yeah.” She rubbed her nose against his chest. “I think you might’ve broken something.”

  He grinned. “I broke something yet it’s still fantastic?”

  “Mm hmm.” He could hear the smile in her voice as she added, “You broke the right thing.”

  “Then I guess that’s good.” Flushed with satisfaction, he wrapped both his arms around her shoulders to hug her tight. He loved having her this close to him. Everything about her pleased him, from the way her dark curves fit so perfectly against him to the way her warm breath whispered against his skin. After being apart for so long, he wasn’t sure that he could let her go. He closed his eyes and let his senses revel in her presence.

  He was starting to drift into sleep when she mumbled, “Greyson.”


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