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The Forever Girl

Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  “Okay you two, you get one each. The first one to whine gets none and will have to wait ‘til tomorrow.” They took their time choosing whose face they were gonna eat first but there was no griping.

  After they’d stuffed their faces while I cleaned up, they got their books out and we got down to business. As if by design Mellie went to Casey while I helped Jr. We had them squared away in no time and then it was bath time. I hadn’t given much thought to how the evening would end and as we got the kids ready for bed I found myself in a bit of a conundrum.

  I don’t like her driving alone at night. Our town isn’t given to streetlights in the more rural areas, which is where we happened to be, and I couldn’t leave the kids to take her myself. Fuck!

  “Uh guys, tomorrow when you wake up, Casey’s gonna be here okay.” Mellie didn’t care, she was too busy hugging the life out of the stuff toy Casey had brought her and Jr. though he stopped for a second, went back to his last game of the night before lights out.

  Chapter 9


  I took her hand and led her down the hall after the last goodnight had been said. I was relieved at how well everything had gone, the way the kids just took to her, they did me proud. I didn’t get the sense that her being here had affected them negatively in anyway which had always been my biggest fear.

  “That went well. Did you think it went well? I think they liked me, but maybe it’s too soon to tell. I…” I pushed her back against the wall outside my bedroom door and kissed her to stem her nervous chatter. I rubbed my hard on into the gap between her thighs and we played tonsil hockey.

  Once she calmed down I took her into the room and pulled the door closed behind me. My kids haven’t woken me up in the night for quite some time now so I wasn’t worried.

  “It went perfectly love, they loved you.” I eased her sweater up and put my hands on her waist holding her in front of me. “You were amazing with them thank you.”

  “Whew I’m glad you think so, I thought maybe I was coming on too strong. So, how did they take the news about their mom moving out?”

  “We’ll talk about that later, right now I need inside you in the worse way.” It was true. Tonight was the first time we’d been in the same room that long without clothes coming off.

  I’d been a little hesitant about taking her to my bed tonight, but if I wanted my kids to get used to the idea of us, then I was gonna have to get my game on. I’ll just have to keep her noisy ass quiet.

  Her hand covered my crotch where my dick was trying its best to bust out of my jeans. “Oh you do need me.” She unzipped me and got to her knees, dragging my jeans down until my boots stopped them.

  She left them there and mouthed my cock. Taking me in deep while looking up into my eyes. I cupped her cheek and started slow stroking into her neck. “Don’t make me cum babe, I got plans for this load.”

  I helped her to her feet and out of her clothes before laying her back on the bed. “Guess what. You’re not going back to your place. I want you to put it on the market and move in here with me, with us.” I slid into her before she could give me an answer, but it didn’t matter. I was keeping her forever.

  She welcomed me into her body and wrapped herself around me as she kissed my face exuberantly. “I love you Jackson.”

  “I know, I love you too baby.”

  We made love for the first time. There was no hurry, no fast moves. I took my time and touched her the way I wanted. I pulled out of her after she came and ate her pussy until she came again then slid my hard cock back into her.

  “Are you ready to settle down Casey?” It was probably not fair to ask her that while I had her pussy stuffed with cock, but her answer wasn’t really necessary. I had no intentions on letting her go, so it was as good as a done deal.

  “Yes Jackson, I’m so ready.” I lifted her legs over my shoulders and with her nipple in my mouth pounded into her until I had to put my hand over her mouth to cover her screams.

  I came long and hard while holding her close to my heart, and everything felt complete. For the first time in way too long everything in my life felt like it was damn near perfect. “Did I tell you how much I like cumming in you when there’s nothing protecting your womb from my seed? Shit makes my dick stay hard.” I showed her well into the morning until I finally rolled away from her in total exhaustion.

  Chapter 10


  The real test was the next morning when the kids woke up. I kept things low key and didn’t make a big deal out of her being here. We made breakfast together and kept up a running conversation with the kids like we’d done this a thousand times already.

  “Are you going to be here when we get home this evening Casey?” Mellie had found a new buddy. Casey looked at me and I nodded. She got down on her knees in front of Mellie and hugged her. “Yes I am Mellie, if it’s okay.” She looked at both kids when she asked.

  Mellie said yes and Jr. just nodded his head. I could tell by the fact that he was wearing the sweater she’d bought him that she was a shoo-in.

  We took the kids out to meet the bus, the girls in front and us guys pulling up the rear. I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked down at my boy. “I like her dad, she’s nice.” Well then there you have it. Life is good.

  I saw it first and put my son of the other side of me and hurried my pace. The only reason the girls hadn’t seen it is because Casey had her head down listening to something Mellie was saying.

  I was pissed but had to hold my peace in front of the kids, but as soon as the coast was clear I was going to war. This was the last fucking straw. And right on the heels of our first night together as a family.

  The bus came and I watched the kids get on, before taking her hand and turning her to face me. “Babe, there’s something wrong with your jeep. Don’t freak out I’ll take care of it…” She was moving back up the driveway before I finished speaking.

  I expected the scream and the look of absolute anger on her face. What I didn’t expect was her next words. “I’ll skin that bitch alive, this is the limit.”

  “Hey come here.” I had to wrestler her into my arms and take her back to the house.

  “Listen to me, this is what she wants. She knew you were meeting the kids last night for the first time and she wants to make trouble. This is what we’re gonna do, we’re not going to play her game. I’m going to call the law and let them handle this.”

  “But we have no proof.”

  “I know a way to get some. I just need you to calm down for me now.” She gave it her best shot but she was still shaking with anger. I held her in my arms until she was no longer breathing like a locomotive then took her face in my hands.

  “You good now?” I kissed her hair and squeezed her shoulders. She nodded her head and I let her go to call the sheriff. I kept my cool but inside I was raging. I didn’t mind my ex coming after me, but no way was she going to get away with hurting Casey or my kids.

  She’d spray painted the word WHORE in capital letters on the side of her car and scratched the shit out of it. I knew the guy across the street at CTV and was sure he’d caught whoever had done it, not that I had any doubts.

  I told the deputies exactly that once they showed up and they walked over there once they’d taken our statement. “Come on baby, I’ll take you to work, we’ll have someone come out to tow the jeep. It’ll be fine.” And Christine’s ass was going to pay for it.

  The cops got what they needed from across the street and took some pictures of the damage. I called a tow company and set up the pick-up before driving her out to the house she was working on. I didn’t like the idea of leaving her there alone so I called Steve to come out and hang with her while I went to take care of this shit.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I gotta make a run. Steve will stay with you ‘til I get back.”

  “Jackson don’t go near that idiot let the cops handle it. You told me to calm down now you stay calm.”

  “It’s cool
babe. I’m not going to do anything stupid.” I left her as soon as Steve showed up and headed for my ex mother in law’s. I was in luck her car was parked in the driveway. I jumped out of the truck with the engine running and walked up on the porch.

  I pounded on the door. “I know you’re in there, get out here.”

  “What did she do now?” Her mother came around the side of the house with her gardening gloves on.

  “Where is she?” Just then Christine came out the side door and made a run for her car. I jumped off the porch and met her at the door, slamming it shut and caging her in.

  “You’ve gone too fucking far. She’s as far removed from what you painted on her car as a person can get, but I can think of someone else who fits the bill.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you do and so do the cops. They have the security tape of you doing the deed and your ass is going to jail.” She swallowed and looked around for an escape.


  “Kill it, I don’t wanna hear. After this, I’m going to the judge and have him rescind your weekends, you’re out of our lives for good.”

  “You can’t do that they’re all I have.”

  “You should’ve thought of that before you fucked with her. I told you. You had your one chance to fuck with me and you already used that. You ever come near her again I’ll fucking bury you without a thought.”

  “Jackson.” What the fuck? I turned to see Casey getting out of Steve’s truck. He shrugged his shoulders but he didn’t need to say anything, I know her hardheaded ass had talked him into it.

  “What’s she doing here?” My dumb ass ex moved around me and charged Casey. I wasn’t in time to get between them but I didn’t need to. Her leg came out and she dropped Christine with one kick to her crotch. “Oh fuck!” Well, since I couldn’t hit her it was good to see someone else drop her on her ass.

  All I needed was the cops to show up just then and they did. Fuckers slammed out of their cruiser guns drawn. “Whoa-whoa.” I put myself between them and Casey and moved her back.

  “What’s going on here?” Surprisingly my ex mother-in- law stepped in. “I saw the whole thing Jasper. My daughter tried to hit this young lady and she dropped her on her ass.”

  Christine didn’t like that too much. She set up a racket loud enough to raise the dead. “You bitch, how could you? Wait what are you doing?” The deputy was putting the cuffs on her.

  “You’re under arrest for vandalizing the jeep belonging to one Casey Bennett.” She gave us both a look hot enough to scorch as they dragged her away.

  “By the way Jackson, we put her name in the system and her old man called us up. He’ll be here in an hour.” Well shit.


  It turns out her dad had some kind of trace on her, if her name and identity showed up anywhere on any database for any reason he was to be called. Like the deputy said he was here in an hour and he was not too pleased that his daughter was caught in the middle of my life’s drama.

  “Is this what’s been going on behind my back? You brought my child to this, this hellhole backwoods town so some degenerate could attack her person? That’s it Casey you’re coming home with me.”

  “Dad, cool it. Jackson’s not responsible for his ass of an ex. Now why don’t you go back home? Everything’s fine here I promise.” He looked at me but I wasn’t saying shit. I was standing in front of the door of my house where I had been since we got here, because if he tried to get her out of here there was going to be trouble.

  “I don’t like this, I don’t like any of it. Your new jeep will be here tomorrow. The deputy told me everything.” She rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. “Thanks daddy, but you didn’t have to, Jackson’s having it fixed.”

  “Well this one is better, it’s a prototype, only been tested in Europe. It was going to be a surprise for your birthday but what the hell.”

  Fucking princess! I didn’t bother telling him that as my future wife I was responsible for that shit. He’d already shut me down once, letting it be known that as long as he was alive he’d spoil his daughter as much as he liked. Since the two of them were so close I decided to leave that shit alone. She knew I would and could take care of her that was enough for me.

  He finally calmed down enough to forget about her leaving but said he might as well hang around long enough to meet his new grandkids since his daughter had got him a ready made family. His words.


  Christine’s mother refused to post bail so she had to stay in jail and I refused to let Casey drop the charges when she softened.

  I knew my ex was banking on me coming to her rescue because of the kids, but that shit she’d done was the last fucking straw. I was pretty sure Casey was pregnant, she might only be a few days, but that was my child and my woman. I’d fuck anyone who fucked with them.

  In the end she got community service and had to pay Casey for the damage. I got the judge to revoke her parental rights for a probationary period until she could prove to the court that she could be trusted. She wasn’t allowed within a hundred feet of me, or anyone in my family. And the best part, my kids didn’t miss what they never had.

  Casey moved in, but the place didn’t feel the same any more so I started looking for something new. A new start for my new family.



  “Is she sleep?” I walked into the nursery where she was sitting in the rocker with the baby in her arms. She nodded yes as she ran her hand over the soft hair. I stood over the two of them with a full heart.

  Mellie and Jr. were with my mother for the weekend. It was the first time we’ve been alone in a long time, not since she came home from the hospital. I set up this weekend away weeks ago, had the date marked on the calendar. I took her for her six-week checkup this morning and my dick was already leaking in my shorts.

  I love my daughter, loved every minute of my wife’s pregnancy, but I can’t wait to get inside my wife again. Fuck but it felt like forever. “Give her here.” She grinned because she well knew my dilemma and passed the baby off.

  I kissed my daughter’s little head, held her against my heart for a minute and then put her in her crib. I couldn’t fuck around and hold her too long because she seems to have a sixth sense where I’m concerned. As soon as she senses her daddy she wakes up and wants all my attention.

  I hurried her mother out of the room and into ours next door. We’d sold the old house and moved closer to town in a nicer area and a much bigger house. This one claimed she wanted four more, which would bring us to seven, so we needed the space.

  “Babe, you know how you’re always calling me a beast? Well I’m about to live up to that name.” I tore the silk gown off her and threw it to the floor before picking her up. She was laughing like a damn loon when I took her down to the mattress.

  “I’m gonna give you my mouth first but be warned, it’s not gonna be an hour long tongue fuck like you’re accustom to.” Had to warn her greedy ass before hand or her crazy ass might scalp my ass for nonperformance.

  “Yeah I remember you.” I pulled back the folds of her pink pussy and reacquainted myself with the scent and feel of her. My mouth actually watered before I stuck my tongue out for a taste. Damn I missed the fuck outta this.

  “I think I’ll give you an extra minute here.” Taking her ass in my hands I brought her to my mouth. I loved the new feel of her, that extra ten pounds she’d gained and had yet to lose. I wouldn’t mention that shit to her though, because what I saw as fuck hot sexy, she thought was fat. Nuts.

  “Jackson stop playing around down there, I’m about to burst.” She grabbed my head and put it where she needed it and I got to work. My tongue found its home in her hot snatch, and her taste, my old familiar friend was there to greet me.

  I kissed her licked her tongued her and then I let my fingers come out to play. Her tightness grabbed my digits as I played my tongue over her clit and back. It makes her crazy when
I finger her and tongue fuck her at the same time, sensory overload. Just for kicks, I slid two fingers into her ass, which I had been widening with my cock for the last couple weeks. She had turned into a real ass freak since her pussy was out of commission.

  “Hurry Jackson you said one minute and you know your daughter doesn’t stay down long.” She had a point, but I wasn’t ready to leave her pussy alone yet. I went after her clit, nibbling on it before sinking my tongue into her and ass fucking her with those two fingers that were as far inside her as they would go. She really lost it then.

  I brought her off in my mouth and while she was in mid orgasm climbed up her body and slid into her with my mouth fused to hers. Her body felt…different, better. It was like she was holding me tighter inside her walls, like I was deeper than I’d ever been. I tested my theory by twisting my hips and fucking into her at an angle. “Fuck me.”

  I looked down between our bodies and didn’t see any cock left. It was all inside her. “Having our daughter seems to have made room in your tight ass pussy. Can you feel that?” I jabbed my cock into her hitting her cervix and pulling back.

  “Umm yes, do that again.” I butted against her cervix over and over until it opened up and let me into her womb. The feeling was indescribable. I had to hold still, not only to let her get used to the feeling of having me that deep inside her, but so my cock could enjoy the absolutely amazing sensation of being squeezed in her cushiony warmth.

  “If I stay in here you’ll be giving me a son next.” She seemed to like the idea because her pussy clenched and her nipples sprayed. I lapped up her milk and pulled out of her womb only to slide back in nice and slow.

  “Damn babe your pussy feels even better than before.” She didn’t say anything, just pushed her nipple back into my mouth and lifted her hips into mine. Telling me without words to shut up and fuck.

  She was wild, her movements uncoordinated, and I was reminded that she too had gone without having my dick inside her since the night she went into labor.


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