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Charleston Past Midnight

Page 10

by Christine Edwards


  “Yeah. I know you hate me working in the mines and all and I don’t wanna end up like Uncle Wally with black lung, so I drove to Parkersburg after my shift today and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Ain’t that exciting?”

  I can only stare at him, my mouth hanging open.

  “Calla, hello? Anyone home?”

  “Brant, but there’s a war going on.”

  “Shit yeah, there is. And the Marines are bad-ass, Calla. I’m gonna go through basic, save up, and by the time you graduate high school next year I’ll have a little place for us. What do you think of that?”

  “Brant, you … you’re going to leave me?” I can’t stop the tears that trickle down my cheeks. I don’t want to be selfish, but the thought of being alone, without the one person on the planet I deeply love tears at my heart.

  “Ah, damn, Calla. C’mere.”

  He hugs me tightly and whispers, “You finish your last year of school and then we’ll have a place, all right? The time’ll fly by. I’ve already cleared it with Aunt Iris. She’s happy for you to move back in with her until you graduate. And also, look at me, Calla ….”

  I swipe the tears away and look into his green eyes.

  “I’ll be stationed less than two hours south of Charleston, where I hear there are a couple of really nice colleges. Your job is to keep those grades of yours way up and to start applying to the colleges you like down there. There are lots of financial aid options. What do you think? Are you on board with me?”

  I’m scared of the unknown, especially of losing him. I stare across at him in silence.

  “What? Aw, come on, Calla. I know that look and I’m not gonna end up on the receiving end of one of your visions any time soon. I’m too mean a damn bastard to let some fuckin’ terrorist take me out. You know that, right?”

  It’s a tremendous amount of information to digest in one sitting, but deep down I know that he’s right. This is our best path toward the future we’ve dreamed of—our fresh start.

  I lean in and hug him tightly, “I do, and I’m on board. You’re right. But I’m really gonna miss you, Brant.”

  “I know, Calla. Me too, little sis, me too.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Present Day

  Moonlit Revelations

  I glance around the sweeping lawn, which appears to be nearly blue-black in the expansive shadows of night. The long, tendril-like branches of several massive live oak trees add an eerie feeling to our surroundings. If I was alone out here, I’d definitely have goose bumps going up my neck, because this place looks untouched by time, as if I’d just stepped into a portal to the days of the Civil War. I look up into his alluring eyes, knowing that he’d never let harm come to me.

  Smiling softly, I say, “It’s so peaceful. You must love living way out here.”

  He raises his arms, and using both hands, he sifts through my hair until he has it captured into an impromptu ponytail at the back of my head. “Yes, we all do. In fact I spend a lot of time out here, just reflecting and thinking—that is, whenever I’m in town.” He binds my hair in one hand and sweeps the long lock together with the other. I hear him sigh as if the act alone is somehow soothing to him. My heart begins to race. I’m eager for him to touch me more.

  In a breathy tone I ask, “You mentioned that you travel. Where do you like to go?”

  “Anywhere, really, but the cities with the finest architecture such as Istanbul, Prague, and Paris always fascinate me.”

  “Do you trace when you go?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “And are there … others like yourself?”

  “There are. Not many, though. I often stay with friends when I travel. About half the time, the four of us will go together. We have a secure Villa in Spain as well as one in France.”

  “It sounds like a dream life in some ways.”

  He releases my hair and clasps my hand, and we begin to walk together as he answers, “In many ways it is, but it’s also one of extremes, Calla. You always have to be ‘on’ to be alert, because the threats that exist are quite dangerous.”

  I have to ask and decide to go for it, “Have you ever killed someone while you fed?”

  He stops and turns to face me and I wonder if I’ve crossed the line.

  “No, I have not. In the early days, I’ll admit I came close a few times, but either Ambrose or Katerina intervened before it happened. For that, I am grateful. Now I am far more disciplined. Killing humans is not something that we in this particular faction ever do. Most factions abide by this code as well, but there are others that do not.”

  “Like Valdon’s?”

  “Exactly. It’s not often, but I have witnessed him murdering humans.”

  “But how can they do it and get away with it?”

  “Calla, have you seen on the news when bloated bodies wash up after days in the harbor or mysterious remains are found scattered in the woods?”


  “Oftentimes that is the work of vampires who have lost control or simply have complete disdain for the fact that they need to rely on weak creatures like humans for their primary food source.”


  “I’m nothing like that and I won’t ever hurt you. Know this, ma belle fleur.”

  “I believe you. It’s just so damn bizarre to think that any of this is reality, that you are actually capable of existing, Severin.”

  “I can see where it would be difficult for you to comprehend this is happening.”



  “You mentioned earlier the possibility of me being turned. Why did you say that?”

  He looks off into the black woods, as if debating whether to tell me the truth. I’m just about to demand an answer when he turns to face me. Those wise eyes meet mine and he says in a dire tone that chills me to the core, “Valdon will stop at nothing to turn you and then use you once you are one of us. Your abilities, like his, make you very valuable, but not as a human, only when you are a vampire. As a human you are too vulnerable and he would have to expend too much effort to protect you—not to mention that you would age and eventually expire.”

  I can’t help it. I start to shake with the thought of my grim future. The memory of Valdon’s terrifying hold on me flicks into my mind. It’s so powerful that I almost drop to my knees from the tidal wave of dread that washes over me. When will it happen—tomorrow, a month from now? My visions have always been consistent precursors of the inevitable. And what’s gunning for me is always bad. Shit ….

  Severin’s large hand gently presses the back of my head into the comfort of his chest. “Shh, Calla. I’ll find a way out of this. You don’t give up on me and I’ll never stop fighting for you.”

  I clench the soft cotton covering his massive shoulders and nod in agreement. Trust in him, the soft inner voice whispers to me.

  “Come, you need a distraction, and there’s something I’ve been meaning to show you.”

  He releases my hand and slings his arm around my shoulder. I sigh, noticing the fluid, natural way we fit together. It’s like someone cast him especially for me. I glance up and admire his features as the streaks of moonlight play off his shadowed jaw line. His hair brushes his cheeks gently with each step.

  “Up for a night swim, my lovely one?”

  I can sense the change in his voice. The cadence is huskier, more sexual as he leads me down a narrow trail carved into the woods.

  I swallow hard and try to cover the lust in my voice as I reply, “Sure. It’s so hot out, the water will feel nice.”

  I hear him laugh softly before he whispers, “As will you.”

  Oh hell, yes! I’m beginning to understand that there is essentially nothing about this complex guy that doesn’t enflame my willing libido.

  “Wait, are you certain there aren’t any alligators in here? They gravitate to fresh water like this.”

  “No need to worry, Calla
. I’ve never seen them here and even if they were I could easily protect you. Now … where were we?”

  I barely get a glimpse of a dark rippling lake when I hear him practically purr against my cheek, “Here, let me help you with this.”

  My white camisole top is slowly slid up my ribs, then higher, to drag through my hair as it’s pulled away. My hands are unsteady as I reach out, unable to wait a second longer, and undo his leather belt before unfastening his sexy jeans. He steps in close, pulling me into him. His hands span my shorts-clad ass cheeks and I groan as he possessively grips and kneads my backside. I go for it and slide my palm down into his boxer briefs. I nearly jerk back as his warm thickness moves against my palm. The size alone is deliciously intimidating. He knows that I’m always drenched, more than ready to receive him.

  “Calla … you drive me mad.” The words are forced out in a rough growl of need.

  His fingers sift greedily through my hair for moment before he grabs a handful and slams his full lips down onto mine. The kiss is so powerful, I’m having trouble holding myself up against him. Mindlessly, I grind my hips against his while palming his pulsing sex. I work his thickness up and down the best I’m able within the confines of his boxers.


  His harsh shout startles me at first before I realize that he is just as wound up as I am, maybe more so. Without warning my bra is shoved up and over my head. I watch the pale lace fly through the air only to land behind him somewhere in the darkness. Next to go are my emerald short shorts.

  “Oh, Jesus … Severin!”

  In a blur of motion, he’s before me on his knees, licking and sucking my pussy through the cutwork lace of the black panties. I shudder as his skilled tongue presses deeply against my core before dragging up to lap at my clit.

  Rich groaning sounds of need are tunneling out of his chest as he devours me with unchecked need. His tongue swirls harder against that perfect spot and I can’t resist spreading my legs wider while attempting to tilt my hips up for more. I steady one hand on his shoulder, the other sifting through his hair.

  I gasp at the tearing sound as his mouth is suddenly gone and my panties are ripped right off of me.

  “You’re ready.”

  The way it is said—so dark and primal—it is clear he doesn’t expect a reply.

  My body feels on fire as I watch him shed first his fitted tee, swiftly followed by his jeans and underwear. Everything but the tee is kicked hastily off his feet into the soft grass.

  “Hold tight, beauty.”

  “Oh!” I squeak as I’m lifted up by the back of my thighs to straddle his bare stomach. His cock is teasing against both my ass and sex, and I cling tightly to his corded neck as we make our way into the tepid water of the mysterious lake.

  He has us out in waist deep water inside of a minute when he stops, stares deeply into my eyes and in a sensual tone says thickly, “Show me your skills, Calla.”

  “M-my skills?” Does he mean what I think he does? Oh shit, yes, I just hit the Vegas jackpot because there is nothing more on earth I want than to ride this beautiful specimen.

  “You heard me. I won’t let you go. Ride me hard, ma belle fleur.” A wicked smile plays across his face.

  Eager to show him what I’ve got, I raise myself up on my forearms, pressing into his muscled shoulders. The movement of the water is making it difficult for me to stay directly on him so I drop a hand down to slip between the closeness of our wet bodies. His breath hitches as I grasp his shaft, clench my ass and move up higher to position him right at the entrance to my core. I’m impatient. His heat and proximity alone are making it impossible to form rational thoughts. I drag in a reassuring breath, lock eyes with his, and slide down his imposing length in one smooth glide.

  Our desperate moans twine together in the humid night air. The feeling of being filled so completely is overwhelming, but in the most deliciously sinful way. After a few seconds I am able to collect myself.

  He wants to see my skills? Well I’d better give him a memorable show ….

  In a seductive voice, I lean in and whisper against his ear, “Brace yourself, big guy.”

  I pull back and smile, firmly planting my hands on his shoulders. I start low and slow, as if on a lazy trot on a horse. I push my hips slightly forward and up, making certain to never lose our connection. I make the same smooth circuit twice more, feeling the pressure building swiftly inside of me. I know that he is enjoying the ride because even in this minimal light his lovely eyes have turned pitch black.

  Damn, I so want him to bite down on me as I come ….

  Wasting no time, I pick up the pace, riding his cock with everything that I have, determined to show him the intensity I have bottled up within me … volcanic intensity that is locked tightly inside me, and he’s the only one with the key.

  His hands are clamped onto my thighs as his powerful arms hold me against him. My movements turn fevered, nearly frantic as over and over again I impale myself on his cock. I’m close. I can feel the first quiver beginning to let go when I slam down hard one final time.

  “Severin!” I cry out, as my pussy convulses relentlessly around his shaft.

  I’m delirious, basking in the unbelievable sensations that are ripping through my body when I hear him shout, “Fuck, can’t hold back!”

  I’m hauled up higher and slammed back down over and over by those sculpted arms, the exquisite friction causing my orgasm to roll on.

  “Ah, yes! So perfect!” My mind is swimming in bliss as he thrusts, slamming me down one last time, forcing me to take him impossibly deep.

  “Calla, fuck … yes!” he cries out in his rich voice, nearly pained in its intensity, as he comes within me. I marvel at the feeling of his sex as it shudders several times inside my channel. I cling tightly to his neck and suddenly, without warning, he makes a low hissing sound while staring intently into my eyes. As I clutch his shoulders, my thoughts swiftly turn shadowy. He strikes fast, piercing my neck with such precision that the act sends me reeling, falling headlong into another orgasm so potent, I can only cry out and cling to him as he simultaneously impales my neck and clenching sex.

  If I die right now, I would be completely satisfied ….

  He swipes his tongue to seal the bite, groans and pulls away—quicker than the other times he’s drunk from me. He’s gasping, and just as I’m about to ask if he’s all right, he grates out, “Holy hell, woman, you completely shatter my control. I feel like a total animal with you. You unleash me, Calla, and the fact that you show no fear sets my blood on fire for you.”

  I lick the seam of his lips, cautiously running my tongue over one of his still distended fangs and whisper in a breathy voice, “Mmm … that’s exactly what I like to hear.”

  Something changes in his now sapphire colored eyes. He has a look of hope, of wonder as he studies my face intently. Slowly he cups the back of my head, and still keeping us joined together, he gently pulls my face down to nuzzle against his shoulder.

  A faint whisper floats down to me, “We’ll find a way, Calla. Trust me, we will.”

  I hold him tightly, breathing in his distinctive scent.

  I want nothing more than to believe him, I really do, but part of me knows that he can’t protect me forever, at least not without dark repercussions.

  Chapter Fifteen

  December 23, 1762, 3:34 a.m.

  Beauvais Plantation

  “Severin, I strongly advise against this. It will not be good for either of you.”

  I try to hold my angst in check. Still staring up at her window, I answer in a quiet, controlled voice, “She’s my sister, Katerina. The fever is too high. We can both hear her heart failing. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t see her one last time.”

  She sighs in reluctant acceptance before releasing her hand from my forearm. “All right, Severin. I’ve come to learn that there is no deterring you from a goal, but be warned, the reaction she might have to seeing you after believing you
dead for the past six years might not be one you are expecting. Use caution. It’s always dangerous to reveal yourself to individuals who once knew you as human.”

  I turn and finally look into her shining eyes. “I’ve considered a multitude of possibilities. I’m prepared.”

  “And Severin, if she screams, wipe her memories immediately and leave before you’re detected. I’m not asking.”


  “Go to her now. She is failing.”

  I trace up to the second story balcony of my former home. The unlocked French door easily swings open as I silently enter, mentally bracing myself to see my beloved Sabine. Can I accept that this will be it, our final goodbye? I’ve already concluded that there is no way I would ever turn her because this life is one where only the strong and determined survive. No, my delicate, passive sister should die a human death. It would send me over the edge to see her possibly annihilated by another vampire. My skills are solid and increasing daily, but still I’m not at the point where I can provide security for both myself and another, especially against violent enemies like Valdon and his band of warriors who seem intent on hunting us to gain access to Katerina. No, my decision is made. As heartbreaking as this may be, it is our last goodbye.

  With one look at her I struggle to suppress a moan. The sheer linen of her walnut canopy bed is swept aside, revealing the destruction the yellow fever had wrought upon her. Her deathly white skin is covered in a slick sheen of perspiration. I inch closer, knowing there is not much time because her devoted husband is just down the hall tending to their nine-month-old baby girl, Cosette. I’ve kept close tabs on my family, treasuring any information I could. I only observed them, though, never wanting to interfere with their lives. My existence now would be inconceivable to them. No good could ever come of it. My once shattered heart has hardened, accepting the fact over time.

  Hovering over her, I reach down and gently clasp her hand, nearly dropping it when I feel the searing heat that is ravaging her slim frame.

  “Sabine,” I whisper to her. No response.


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