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Vault of Silence (The Hidden Wizard Book 2)

Page 3

by Vaughan W. Smith

  "Definitely. But clearly something has happened, it sounds like he has been through demanding times. You said that the monks in your dream were bald? From the way Brett described his hair it could have regrown in a strange way," Vincent said.

  "I agree. If we find this monk we can find out where he is from. This is a huge break," Lara said. Luck was definitely with them. Finding Vincent and now the lead they needed. But things weren't always so smooth in her experience. She was waiting for the catch.

  "Good. I needed one of those. Do you know where that inn is?" Alrion said.

  "I don't know that one in particular, but all the inns are together. Follow me." Vincent took off with a confident stride through the district, leading them back to the area where they had entered the city.

  "Has it changed much? The city?" Alrion asked his father as they walked.

  "Not that much, I am a little surprised. The people are changing, and there are newer areas that are more developed. But the core is the same. I think this is what happens when you build things to last."

  "I can definitely imagine this place never changing. It feels like it has always been this way.” Lara noticed that the pace of the people seemed as slow as she remembered, even though it was now much more crowded. It seemed like the city had its own special pace that everyone could feel and maintain.

  "So, are you a bit of a drinker yourself?" Lara said, looking at Vincent.

  "In my younger days, perhaps. But not now. I think it's the kind of thing most men grow out of."

  "What about him?" Lara said pointing at Alrion.

  "I can't say, I haven't seen him in action. But I've heard a few stories," Vincent said, chuckling to himself.

  "Honestly, I don't really get into it that much. But I've had a few experiences, like everyone has. What about you?" Alrion said.

  "Nope, don't touch the stuff. Hate the taste. I can't understand how you could drink that.” Lara shuddered at the memory.

  "Neither can we," Vincent said, laughing out loud. Alrion kept looking around as they walked, taking in the changes in scenery.

  "He really hasn't been anywhere at all," Lara thought, observing him.

  They had entered what looked like a market district. There were lots of stalls in the street, as well as a huge variety of shops. As expected the wares were mostly things made by blacksmiths.

  "I still don't see any weapons," Alrion said.

  "Yes, there are special outlets that deal in weapons. Either that or you commission them directly from the blacksmith," Vincent said.

  "The swords that you are making, would they sell for a lot?"


  "You can't say that. Give me a number." Lara knew that when it came to priceless artefacts, there was always a number.

  "Let's just say, that people would offer me enough money to buy a house here and never work another day in my life, spending my evenings in the inn and my days doing whatever I pleased," Vincent said.

  Lara whistled with admiration. "That's quite a lot. It may not be enough for my tastes though. A start, perhaps," she said.

  "Don't get any ideas," Vincent said, looking directly at Lara.

  She laughed. "A girl can dream."

  "I think we're in the right area now," Alrion said. They had crossed into another district with a wider street and lots of large inns. Each sign was bigger than the last, trying to grab the attention of passers-by. "What was the name again? The Amber Anvil?" he said.

  "That's right. Haven't heard of it, but we shouldn't have too much trouble," Vincent said.

  They continued at a slow pace examining the signs as they went.

  "The Sloshed Shield, The Hammered Hammer. Wow these aren't very imaginative.” Lara had never really thought about the names before, but now they really stood out.

  "That's a fair call. But they're effective. Blacksmiths are a folk that like things to be straightforward," Vincent said.

  "Surely the owners of these places could try a bit harder though?"

  "Maybe, but I'm sure it works well," Vincent said. Alrion stopped abruptly.

  "Is that it?" Alrion pointed at a smaller building on the corner of a block. It had a vaulted ceiling and a lot more wooden features than the surrounding buildings. It looked a lot more like a traditional inn.

  "That's definitely it," Lara said.

  "I'll be interested to see this monk," Vincent said.

  The three of them headed directly for the inn. Judging from the exterior and the look of Brett, Alrion guessed this place had targeted a higher class of clientele. No wonder the dishevelled monk had seemed so out of place.

  Lara's nose wrinkled at the familiar wave of beer smell as she stepped inside. The decor was well-maintained wood, with attractive lamps used to brighten the otherwise poorly lit interior. Since it was daytime the place was relatively empty.

  "Let's head straight to the bartender," she said. She took the lead and didn't wait for Alrion and Vincent.

  "Excuse me good man, I was hoping you could help me out," Lara said. The portly man with thinning hair looked up at her with a puzzled expression.

  "That's not how people usually order a drink. What can I get you?"

  "Some information. We are looking for a strange man you had in last night. Odd hairstyle, dressed in rags but had a beautifully crafted scarf with him," Lara said.

  "Oh him? He's been around these last few weeks. Does the rounds, going from inn to inn. He bothers the customers, trying to get free drinks. However, he's been getting less and less luck. Last night he had to trade that fancy scarf of his, and you could tell he was upset."

  "If he's such a nuisance why tolerate him?" Alrion said.

  "Oh, one of my friends tried. He runs The Plastered Plate and wanted to teach the stranger a lesson. Had one of his bouncers try and run the stranger out. But this monk, he knew how to fight. Even while drunk he made short work of the bouncer and didn't even spill his drink."

  "Wow, that's not something you see every day," Alrion said.

  "Yeah, he's a nuisance but less trouble than he would be if we interfered with him. So, we just try and let him run free. He will probably get bored of this area and move on, so we're just waiting him out." The bartender shrugged and resumed cleaning a glass. Lara’s stomach churned when he spat on the glass to shift a particularly stubborn speck.

  "Does he come in here at a particular time?" Vincent said.

  "Nah, I don't see him every day. He spreads himself evenly over all the inns here. Since he was here last night, I wouldn't expect to see him back right away. If you're looking for him specifically, it won't be hard but you'll need to do the rounds," the barkeeper said.

  "Thanks so much for your help, much appreciated," Lara said.

  "If you can get him to leave you'll be forever in my debt," the barkeeper said, his frustration quite obvious.

  "We'll see what we can do," Lara said with a wink and turned to leave. All three of them left the inn, and reconvened outside.

  "Looks like we need to make ourselves acquainted with the local night life," Lara said.

  "Not me, I need to get back to the workshop so I can finish off these swords. Let me know how you go," Vincent said.

  "If you insist. Have fun," Lara said.

  "Where should we meet you?" Alrion said.

  "Back at the workshop. I'll work until you come get me, then I'll take you back to where I am staying."

  "Alright, we'll see you there."

  "Good luck," Vincent said, and waved as he left.

  "Now the real fun begins," Lara said.

  "I'm not sure I can handle any more drinking related blacksmith puns," Alrion said.

  "Nonsense, you'll love it. We just need to forge ahead.” Lara saw Alrion's face break out into a smile.

  "Fine, I'll give you that. Let's go," he said. The grin was still firmly planted on him.

  Ten inns later, Alrion eased himself down onto a wooden bench on the street.

  "Is there anywhere we haven't trie
d?" he said, weariness in his voice.

  "You just have no staying power. There's probably a few left. But the good news is that none of them have seen him tonight, so we're almost there." Lara knew this monk would be out there, it was just a matter of elimination.

  "I sure hope so, they are all beginning to be a blur."

  "Just a few more, then we can regroup and figure out what to do next."

  "You're right, I just need a minute," Alrion yawned, stretched out on the seat, and relaxed.

  "Are you ready yet?" Lara said after exactly one minute.

  "Yeah, bring it on," Alrion said. "Let's try this place."

  "The Lucky Lance? Maybe it'll be lucky for us too," Lara said. There was a good chance that this was the place they would find the link to Alrion's dream. The strange, wild, drunken monk.

  Lara stepped into an explosion of light and sound. There were musicians playing a loud catchy tune, on a variety of stringed instruments. People were dancing between tables, and there was double the number of lamps as any other place they had visited.

  "Quite a spirited place," she said, dodging some slightly drunk dancers.

  "Knowing our luck, he will be hidden in the crowd here," Alrion said.

  Lara took the lead and slowly navigated through the packed crowds, avoiding wayward dance moves and swaying drunks. "What do you think about him?" she said, pointing to the corner of the room. There was a man sitting by himself, nursing a glass of beer. His hair looked like it had been roughly cut by a child, and his clothes were so worn and dirty that you could no longer tell what the original colour was.

  "Has to be him, but we would never have known he was a monk without the connection to the scarf," Alrion said.

  "True, it was a lucky break. Maybe our luck will continue, let's see what he has to say for himself."

  "I'm all ears," Alrion said. They changed direction, winding their way through the people and tables until they were standing right in front of the monk. It appeared as if he hadn't seen them, but he spoke up before they could address him. "What do you want? Go away," he said.

  "My name is Lara and this is Alrion. What's your name?"

  "Why should I tell you?"

  "We're looking for a monk, and you fit the description."

  "I used to be a monk, so you're half right."

  "Then we need your help." Lara thought she would appeal to his charitable side first. He was, after all, originally a monk.

  "And I need another drink, something better than this swill," the monk said, swirling around the dark liquid in his glass.

  "We only have a few questions, maybe we can arrange some sort of trade," Lara said. The monk stopped staring into his glass and looked up.

  "A trade? Hmm no, that won't do. A contest. Now's that a better way to do things," he said.

  "A contest?" Alrion said.

  "Yes, bring back a bottle of their best stuff. If you can best me in a drinking contest then I'll spill my life story."

  "I don't..." Alrion said, but Lara put a hand on his arm.

  "You're on," Lara said and immediately walked over towards the bar.


  An Unusual Challenge

  Alrion looked uncomfortable. Lara could understand why. Clearly the monk was a seasoned drinker, and would be hard to match, let alone overcome in a drinking contest. She half ran the final stretch back to make sure she missed nothing.

  "Are you sure that's necessary. I'm sure there are other ways we can figure this out," Alrion said.

  "No, it's all I want right now. You can't convince me any other way," the monk said. He held his glass with both hands, and carefully sipped it, a disgusted look briefly passing over his face.

  "One bottle of their finest liquor," Lara said, placing a brown bottle down on the table, with two short glasses. The third glass she kept hidden in her tunic. The monk reached out for the bottle immediately, and Lara quickly withdrew it.

  "I just want to test it," the monk said. Lara uncapped the bottle, and waved it near his face so he could get a whiff of its contents.

  "Is that acceptable?" she said. Alrion could smell the alcohol quite well from where he was standing.

  "Yes, that is acceptable. You, are my opponent," the monk said, pointing at Alrion.

  "I'll go for it, but he might win you know?" Alrion whispered to Lara.

  "Don't worry, I'll cheat," Lara whispered back. Alrion nodded slowly.

  "What are the rules then?" Alrion said.

  "Very simple. I pour both glasses, we drink at the same time. If I am unable to pour the next round, you win. If you are unable to drink the next round, I win."

  "Is this bottle even enough for you to lose?" Alrion said.

  "Yes, it's strong enough. And we won't waste time. A quick game is a good game." The monk rearranged himself on the seat, and looked like he was ready.

  "You're going to have to do the first few on your own," Lara whispered to Alrion as the monk poured the first round of drinks.

  "I suppose since we are drinking together I should share my name. I'm Certan, nice to meet you both." He did a mini bow then picked up one of the glasses. "Cheers," Certan said, and held out his glass. Alrion raised his, and they clinked. Before Alrion could react Certan had thrown down his drink and placed the empty glass back down on the table. "Quickly lad, we don't have all day," Certan said.

  Alrion raised the glass to his lips and drank it swiftly. Lara watched him choke it down, and struggle to prevent it coming up again. He used his palm to hit his chest a few times. "That's strong stuff," Alrion said, his voice hoarse and croaky.

  "Only the best. That'll put some extra hair on your chest," Certan said.

  "Really? That's horrible."

  "I never really thought about it that way. Good thing it doesn't then eh?" Certan said, pouring another round. "Ready?"

  Alrion looked apprehensive, but he reached for the glass.

  "Just hang in there, we can't afford to lose this. I can assist soon," Lara whispered to Alrion. He nodded.

  "Bottoms up," Certan shouted as he chugged his drink, almost as fast as the first time. Alrion handled the cup more carefully the second time. The reaction on his face was almost as bad as the first time.

  "Trying to minimise the burn? Good idea, but it won't work," Certan said.

  "He's not going to last long at this rate. I have to intervene," Lara thought.

  "Next time, you two should coordinate your drinking. It's fairer," she said.

  "I agree. You have to match me," Certan said to Alrion.

  "Sure." Alrion didn't look sure at all, but Lara had a plan for that.

  Certan raised his glass and Alrion did the same, so they were touching. "Now!" Certan shouted. In unison, they tipped back their glasses.

  Before Alrion could drink his, Lara quickly swapped the glass for her spare so that Alrion drank an empty one. He slammed it back down convincingly at the same time as Certan, while Lara tipped the contents of the full glass onto the sawdust covered floor behind her back ready to switch again on the next round.

  "Now that's a nice burn," Alrion said.

  "That's the spirit.” Certan hadn't seemed to notice any foul play.

  Lara gave Alrion a reassuring look while Certan was busy refilling the glasses.

  "Round four!" he said.

  Alrion readied himself, and as before prepared to actually drink. But as before, Lara swiftly swapped the glass out and Alrion continued his pretence. "Ooh I think it's starting to hit me," Alrion said.

  "You just don't have my stamina. It takes a lot of training," Certan said, laughing.

  "I think I've been training the wrong things then," Alrion said with a chuckle. A few more rounds progressed the same way, each time Certan slowing down just a little bit more.

  "The swap is getting easier and easier. We can win this," Lara thought.

  "I must admit, you are doing better than I expected," Certan said.

  "I am a bit younger, I have that advantage," Alrion said.

  "He's just playing it down because he doesn't want to admit his history of drinking. Shame on you Alrion. You can never tell, can you?" Lara said to Certan.

  "True, the young ones always find their way to the drink. Well nice chat, let's keep going. Round ten!" Certan said.

  Alrion and Lara continued their deception.

  "How long is this going to take?" Lara wondered.

  "Round fourteen!" Certan said, but before he could lift his glass to pour again he slumped over in his seat.

  "I think that makes you the winner Alrion," Lara said.

  "I think it does. What's my prize?"

  "You get to carry this drunk across the entire city," Lara said, pointing at Certan. There was no way he could walk. And the way he was staring into space, it seemed unlikely that he would be able to answer any questions.

  "Come with us, we'll take you somewhere more comfortable to talk," Alrion said. Certan nodded his head and waved, but didn't utter anything other than some vague drool ridden nonsense.

  "I think that's a yes. Let's go," Lara said. Alrion leaned in and dragged Certan to his feet. Alrion put one arm around him, and made some odd movements with Certan's body jerking around.

  "Need a hand there?" Lara said pointing to Certan.

  "No, I'm fine. Just fine tuning some magical assistance," Alrion said.

  "You may want to make some more adjustments," Lara said, pointing.

  The way that Certan was propped up on the other side looked completely unnatural.

  "Oh yes, you're right I'll have some unwanted attention soon," Alrion said.

  Lara rolled her eyes and came around to the other side to help. She assumed the right position as if she were helping. Alrion seemed to understand her plan, and Lara didn't have to hold any of the monk's weight.

  They emerged from the inn into the cool air and Certan cheered.

  "At least he's happy," Alrion said.

  "You two are good folk," Certan said or at least that was what the slurring noise sounded like.

  "Thanks for that. Are you curious where we are headed?" Lara said.

  "Nope, doesn't matter as long as it is warm and I'll have something to drink." Certan threw back an imaginary shot.


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